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Authors: L M Preston

Bandits (33 page)

BOOK: Bandits
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I stumbled, and tears rolled down my cheeks as I choked back vomit. “Tony!” I called
. For some reason, my eyes couldn’t adjust to the light. The colors had changed
. W
hat used to be bright, wonderful colors were now dark, vicious flashes. When I stumbled to the nurse’s office, hoping to find my brot
er, I got the sense something was off, like someone was follo
ing me
, hunting

At this point, I was sure I must’ve been going crazy or in s
rious danger, so I started to run. Before I could get a single stride in, I was attacked by someone – or more like something. The breathing, the harsh sound of something hungry and crazed burned in my mind. He looked human, sort of, but didn’t act or even have the slight sense of being human. This thing jumped on top of me, and drool dripped on my cheek as it snarled. He looked at me like I was his morning snack.
A we
pon! Where the heck is a weapon when you need one?
I looked around frant
cally while I pushed the creature back by the neck. There was nothing, not a
thing in sight that I could use to get him off of me.

The dead bodies all over the
floor didn’t help much either. I struggled to get him off me, but the thing took a huge chunk out of my arm. “
!” I screamed.

It hurt, but I got a surge of strength to kick the creature off of me and ran for my life. How the heck it ran so fast, I don’t know. From nowhere, it jumped back on top of me from behind and knocked me forward onto the floor so hard that I literally bounced. This time, I got angry. Something happened then – something I can’t explain. A fiery anger exploded from me, and I used all my strength to throw him off of me. And trust me, I had a lot. My body was on fire, or at least it felt like it.

Finally, I was able to get back up. At the time, I didn’t r
alize I hadn’t just pushed him off of me, but I had completely torched the thing. His body was on fire as he sat there rolling and screaming.

“Uhhhh, oooh, grrrr!” it wailed as it tried to crawl t
ward me on the floor. What was left of my clothing was burnt as well.
What the he
just happened?
Then the realization of what I was hit me, and a slight grin ran across my face.
I’ve always wanted supe
powers, and now I have them!

The feeling of euphoria ended, and my slight enjoyment went away as the fear that my brother and family may still be dead. I began to pick up speed and ran to the nurse’s office, pra
ing my brother was like me, praying he had somehow survived.

This time, more open to my surroundings, I was relieved I made it there without running into trouble. When I finally got there, I could already see the door was locked. I hoped that meant nobody had attacked him and he’d gotten away. Slowly, I made my way to the door. As soon as I got my hand on the door,
I saw light between my eyes and shook my head to recover as I fell back on the floor.

Tony had hit me straight in the face with the door. “D
mon? Where you been? I’m so glad it’s you!”

I recovered and stood up. “It’s me. You okay, lil’ bro?” If it were any other day, I probably would’ve punched him in the arm, but right then, I was just happy to see him alive and well.

“Hurry! Get in here. It’s safe.” Tony pulled me by the arm.

“I don’t know what happened, but—”

“I do. The news said they were videotaping the sun and some weird rays were flickering off and on it. They said the sun was poisoned by a meteor that hit it. After that, everything went bright.”

“How did we… why did we survive?” I mumbled to m

“I don’t know.” He slumped down against the door.

I locked it and then took a chair to brace against it. Things were starting to make a little more sense, but I still wondered why the rays didn’t kill everyone, why they left us alive
I guess I will never know. It was still unclear how my brother and I had su
vived the deadly attack, and why there were things – or people – trying to eat us.

“We gotta jack a car and check on Mom and Dad.”

Tony looked up at me. “You think they’re still alive?”

“If we are, there’s a good chance they are too,” I assured him.

“Um, you got blood on your arm.”

I looked down and realized the bite mark had completely closed over, but dried blood remained. “Something bit me.”

Tony looked at me, concern and fear on his face. I felt the same way his face looked. I didn’t know what to do.


One year later…..

“All humans ever do is eat, sleep, and die. That’s their role in life, but it is finally clear to me that my role is different
I have a true purpose – to extinguish the world of scum and bring the balance back,” Tony said with conviction.

“Really? You don’t look much like an angel to me, at least not while we were running those things down to get home.”  I turned away from him, lost in my thoughts. Of course it didn’t really make much sense at the time, but now, I truly saw what he was rambling about.

It’s been a whole year since the incident, and I’ve found out a lot about what happened that day, as well the extent of my powers. My brother’s powers complement mine, but there are those out here there that can outsmart us if we’re not on top of our game. Yes, there are others like us too – a whole group of spe
trums just like us, only with different powers, are roaming around, looking for others to join forces with them.

Tony, for instance, can slow down time, making all of his movements crisp and precise. I, on the other hand, have a diverse power from anybody in my group. I can change powers based on the colors I see. Red is fire, blue is ice, yellow is super speed, green is super strength, and my last power is silver. I’m not quite sure what that one does yet, but I hope to use it eve

“Hey, you wanna get some feeders
onight?” Tony asked.

I smiled at the thought. Feeders are the ones who like to eat off living flesh. The flash caused them to go insane, som
how twisting their brains.

“Cool. I’ll call the others. You sure you ready for this? I could go in your place.”

“No way. I’ve done this before. Besides, you are good backup. Just drop me off up ahead, and I’ll get us some su
plies. The gang will be here soon to back us up.”

“I don’t know. I got a bad feeling about this, bro, but I’ve got your back.”

I watched him sneak into the abandoned train station, d
aled backup, and sat. Too much time had passed since the others called me back, but finally a call came through from my best friend Enox.

“Damon, there was an ambush. We couldn’t save them all. Only two of us can make it to you. The others are going to save Mike and Stacey.”

A few minutes later, Enox and Leann pulled up next to me. “What’s up?”

“He’s been in there too long. His telecom is off. He texted me about ten minutes ago and said he hit a hive but was dealing with it.” Although this was a dangerous mission, I was pretty sure Enox, Leann, and I can handle it
Enox is made of pure energy and is as big as a truck. Leann shoots deadly crystals from her hands and can make some massive force fields.

“Let’s go.” I grabbed a mini- bomb from the back seat of my car and led the others down into the deserted subway station.

We made it in without a hitch, and the moment we hit darkness, the bastards came at us. They’d grown huge over the several months, and the more they ate, the bigger they’d b
come. There were hundreds of them.
Where the heck are you, Tony?

“Kill them all!” I yelled.

“Ain’t nothin

but a word!” Enox called out and started blowing the crazed feeders up like popcorn.

Yellow light formed in front of me as I headed down the path of dead feeders Enox made for me. When I saw yellow, my super speed kicked in, and I whizzed through the salivating drones to search out my brother. “Tony? Tony!”

He was trapped, surrounded by over fifty of them. He was fighting, but there were just too many of them for him to kill.

Enox came out behind me, while Leann cleaned up the remaining feeders that blocked our exit.

“Enox, make a hole through them, and when you do, be prepared that all hell is going to break loose.”

“Got it! Just say when,” he said.

“Leann, I need you to make a barrier around me so I can get to Tony.”

“On it, but they’re coming fast – from everywhere.”

!” I called out.

Enox started firing them down, the smell of burning ro
ten flesh filling the room.

Tony yelled out, “
Get off me

He’d been bitten. I grabbed the neck of the feeder that took the chunk out of Tony’s arm and saw red. Fire came out of me and burned the feeder to ashes.

“Crap! Where the hell are they coming from?” I yelled as more seemed to come at us. Leann’s force field was weakened.

“The hive
… too big,” Tony forced out, weakened from the loss of blood.

“Full power, everyone! Get to the sun and don’t look back!”

Leann made her way to us. “I’m giving it all I got!” She put her force field around us.

“Enox, blow the joint! We’re safe!” I called out to him.

Enox smiled. “Da
, I love my job! Brace yourselves! Here I go!”

I grabbed Leann’s arm and threw Tony over my shoulder and willed yellow to show.
Super speed was on, and I ran us out of there just as Enox incinerated the place.

We cleared the hive and made it to the car. I kept ru
ning as I watched for Enox to come out, and then the entire place collapsed.

“Oh God! He’s not gonna make it!” Leann cried.

Tony rested his head on the window, and I held back a sob… and we waited.

Hours passed as we sat there and waited for him. Grud
ingly, I pulled off.

In the end, Tony, Leann, and I made it out safe
though Enox didn’t make it, we knew we had made our first step to turning the world back to its normal state. Enox didn’t die for nothing, and as spectrums, it is our job to clean up the mess the world had become.


Lm Preston

She often walked this way home, listening for all the f
miliar sounds
It was night out, but it made no difference to Shamira, for she lived in the night for most her life
She heard the quietness of the evening as she walked at a comfortable pace on her journey homeward
There were no birds, no rustling trees, and no one walking the street
Only the slight hum of the generators could be heard in the quiet of the late evening as it pumped fresh oxygen into the air.

Suddenly out of the stillness, she heard someone a
proach, and she turned slightly to see who it was. Shamira could tell the footsteps weren’t friendly, but then again, neither was Shamira
A mischievous smile crossed her face that some would mistake for innocence, the furthest thing from her mind
The footsteps co
tinued to fall quickly toward her, and Shamira slowed down to lure them closer
She knew that
Only one scum for my trap today
She had dealt with more before, but tonight, she only had time for one.

He grabbed her by the neck
, she thought.
Why do they always go for my neck?  This is too easy.
She smiled to herself again, and figuring she wouldn’t work too hard to bring him down, she swallowed in preparation for the attack
Her res
lessness rose in her anticipation of the fight
Time was sli
ping, and she had to get home before her mother did
This has to go quickly,
she thought regrettably, she hated to rush things
She waited to see what her captor had planned for her, as she stood seemingly docile with his thick arm that was circled around her neck.

BOOK: Bandits
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