Bad Girls Book 1: The Temptress (4 page)

BOOK: Bad Girls Book 1: The Temptress
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Chapter 8




I don’t see what he’s so upset about, it’s not like he didn’t know this was gonna happen eventually. And so what if I wanted it sooner than he planned? Who says I have to wait on him, it’s my body after all. I know my thinking needed a little work, but I’m not stupid. I’ve lost everything I’ve ever loved I’m not about to lose him too.

What’s the big deal about a baby anyway? Women were having babies and finishing school these days no problem. Jaxx just likes to make things difficult, but I know what I want. I’m only sorry that he thinks I’m trying to manipulate him; the thought never crossed my mind.

I just figured a baby would make it hard for our parents or anyone else to tear us apart once they found out about us, which I was sure would be any day now, because I could no longer bear to go to sleep in my cold lonely bed while he was here in his place alone. I was already making plans to out us; a baby will just speed things along.

I never counted on his anger though, but I’ve always been able to get around that, why should this time be any different? I knew just how to get my way with Mr. Slade.




She hadn’t moved a lick once I came back from getting dressed. I knew her game. She wanted me to spank her, which would end with me fucking the shit out of her again and we’d be back to square one with her still thinking she can run me.

“I see you’ve decided to go with door number two, fine let’s go.” I grabbed her arm and headed for the door. “Are you insane? I can’t go home looking like this.” Now she was in a panic.

“Oh you don’t want them to know we’re fucking? I wonder what the fuck you think would happen if you came up pregnant? Use your fucking head Brianna. This was a bad move. I told you leave shit up to me, but no, you had to go and force the issue, and fuck me don’t start that crying shit.”

Why do I let this girl tie me in knots? She’s eighteen fucking years old and she runs circles around me. If I didn’t love her ass so much it wouldn’t be that easy for her, but from the first I knew she owned my heart. I don’t know what it was, a combination of her vulnerability, the hidden beauty that only I had uncovered, or the way she lit up in my arms. I don’t know how she’d drawn me in so easily so fast, but I know she owned my ass.

“Don’t be mad at me Jaxx, it’s going to be okay I promise, I know what I’m doing.” She looked up at me with her big wide eyes and I almost melted. “There’s still the issue of you using me, I don’t like that shit. I understand you have issues with the shit that has been going on in your life, but that’s not how we deal with each other. Now get dressed, I’ll think about forgiving your ass tomorrow.”

She finally went and found her clothes and I had a moment to think about my next move. The best thing to do was to get in front of this thing, and how was I gonna do that? First I had to find one of those early pregnancy test things, which was still going to be a week of waiting, fuck.

I took her home in silence, wondering just what the fuck was going on in her head now. Sometimes she surprises me and I have to reassess my opinion of the innocent little darling I’d fucked for the first time on that mat in my dad’s private gym. There’s no doubt she was a virgin, but sometimes, like now, I think she isn’t as innocent in other areas as I’d first thought.

“Don’t do anything until I’ve had time to plan this shit out. If you get scared which I’m sure you will because you always do after one of your fuck ups, call me and I’ll come to you.” We were really starting to push this shit. I wanted to take her into my arms and hold her, reassure her that everything was going to be okay, because as usual, now that she was here, she wasn’t feeling so brave anymore.

Her little eyes looked scared and she was biting her lip for a whole other reason than to get a rise out of me. I hate seeing any kind of doubt or fear in her, that’s why I’d wanted to handle things a whole lot differently. It’s your fault too Jaxx, you knew the risk when you fucked her today and just now. Yeah I did, I have a calendar with the only thing on it is her cycle; but the lore of that gash between her thighs sometimes trumps my fucking common sense.

“I love you you pain in the ass, now stop looking like that, you’re going to be okay.” She gave me the same bullshit sisterly kiss she always did when I dropped her off just in case anyone was watching, before getting out of the car and heading to the door.

I almost said fuck it and just call her back. I hated leaving things like this, but she’d forced my hand. She had to learn that there were consequences for her actions, and though I was partly to blame, I’d had all intentions on pulling out. It’s hard enough doing that shit since her pussy is so fucking good to begin with, without her added shit.




I missed him as soon as the door closed behind me. I barely said hi to my mom and stepdad as I made my way to my room. Now that he wasn’t here I wasn’t too sure about my decision. It’s weird, but whenever I’m with him I feel almost invincible, like nothing is beyond reach. But when he’s not with me that all changes.

I filched out the home pregnancy kit I’d hidden in the bottom of my dresser and read the instructions for the one-hundredth time. There was a mixture of excitement and dread in my chest as the reality of what I’d done set in. What if I’d made a mistake?

No, I wouldn’t let myself think that way, this is what I wanted, and I know he wanted it too, only not just yet. Whatever, if it was there it was a done deal. I didn’t feel as good as I thought I would though, as I replaced the test and crawled onto my bed.

I got my phone out and called his number. “What is it baby you scared?” The anger was gone from his voice, but I didn’t trust that it was all gone. He’d told me once that just as people shouldn’t go to bed angry, that we should never stay angry with each other when we were apart.

“A little. I’m sorry.” I started to cry because it was suddenly dawning on me just how stupid I’d been. “Don’t cry baby, it’s gonna be okay. There’s nothing we can’t handle remember, just don’t try to pull the wool over my eyes like that again, I don’t like it.”

“I promise, you still mad?”


“You wanna fuck?” He laughed on the other line and my chest wasn’t so tight anymore. “Always baby. I’ll come get you when the others go to sleep, pack your clothes for tomorrow.” I was up and off the bed like a shot.

Chapter 9




Well, I was in for it now, in for a penny in for a pound. If she was already carrying my child, my care of both of them started now. I don’t know why she’d chosen to do things this way, but what’s done can’t be undone.

I think I always knew it was going to come to this, that one of us was going to push the envelope. And like I keep telling her, my problem isn’t with her becoming pregnant, it’s all about the timing.

Since she’d taken the decision out of my hands, there was no use crying over spilt milk. I bided my time until it was time to go get her. Tomorrow was a school day and I pretty much knew the routine of the house. Both parents were up and out before she was, and neither of them were in the habit of checking up on her before they left, as long as she was in bed before they turned in.

I gave it some time and then headed out after her, for the first time not liking the fact that I was sneaking around like a teen, which ironically I didn’t do when I was a teen. She was already waiting at the end of the driveway for me with her little overnight bag.

“Get in.” She climbed in suddenly not looking so sure of herself. We’d never spent the night with each other before, as much as we fuck, and she was seemingly suddenly insecure. I reached over and took her hand in mine.

“I don’t want you to worry about anything, leave everything up to me okay?” she nodded her head but I knew that shit was easier said than done. Maybe I had been going at this thing all wrong. I had been holding off because of her, but she obviously didn’t want to wait, so what was my argument now?

I’d thought she wasn’t ready to confront our parents with our relationship, but if she was plotting to get me to breed her, then she must not be as afraid as I’d thought. So why the fuck was I sneaking around like an asshole? She was old enough. Our parents will either agree or not, it’s our lives, and like she’s said more than once, women go to school after having babies all the time.


That night I made love to her like she was my heart. Instead of the hard pounding I usually subject her to because her pussy is just too good, I gave her soft strokes as I nibbled on her tits that my son or daughter would soon be feeding at.

“You’re going to breast feed my kids, all six of them.” Her pussy tightened around my cock and she moaned. “Yes Jaxxon.” My lips went back to feeding as her hands came up to hold my head in place.

“I’m going to drink the milk from your tits when our boys are asleep and you hurt because they didn’t take enough.” She screamed and came as her body shook beneath mine.

“I’m going to keep you well bred and fucked.” I think the whole baby thing was growing on me because this shit was making me hot as fuck. Suddenly the sight of her round with my child was all that I could think of as I plowed my dick in and out of her. “I think I bred you earlier, but just in case.” I offloaded inside her like my life depended on it.


The next week was the longest of my fucking existence, waiting for her to take the test. It seemed that after I’d come to terms with the fact that she might be pregnant, all my old arguments went out the window. We were just waiting for the results to make our move, though I was beginning to think more and more that they weren’t needed.

For some reason, thinking that the deed was already done seemed to make it next to impossible to keep our hands from off each other. I’d just finished my last before break when I caught her going into one of the old abandoned music rooms.

At first I was about to lose my shit wondering who the fuck she was sneaking off to meet, but then I realized she must’ve seen me coming. I walked to the door and slipped in before locking it behind me. She was already down to her panties and bra, no fear of being caught. What had I unleashed?

“Bring my pussy over here.” She sashayed over to me and I lifted her against the door. Just a little added danger in case anyone was walking by, though they should all be heading to the cafeteria by now.

I had her wrap her legs around my head so I could suck on her pussy through the silk of her panties. Panties I’d bought for her because they were the sort I liked. I slid the crotch to the side and let my tongue tease her entrance while she pulled on my hair.

“Put those hands to good use, play with your tits.” She pulled down the cups to the matching bra and pulled on her nipples as I tongue fucked her. “Quiet.” She was getting loud with her moans as the pleasure overtook her. After I’d made her cum un my mouth once, because we were on a tight fucking schedule, I let her legs down.

“Brace.” She turned around and spread her legs with her arms stretched out on the door and her ass pushed back waiting to be fucked. I fingered her puckers asshole just for fun before sliding my dick home inside her cunt. She hissed and got up on her toes.

“I hope you brought your brush.” I grabbed a fistful of her hair and started to fuck. It was a game trying to keep her from crying out and the door from shaking. My thrusts were almost brutal as I plowed into her belly from behind. I could hear kids going by in the hallways outside, but I didn’t care.

I fucked her even harder as she fought to keep her wails inside. “I like that you’d let me take you down anywhere, any time. I like that you’re so hot for my cock that you couldn’t even wait ‘til we got home.” I bit her ear and covered her scream with my hand.

“Whose pussy is this? Tell me.” I’m pretty sure she hadn’t been expecting to be fucked this hard on school grounds, she was probably looking forward to a nice sloe fuck on one of the old dusty desks. But since I’d had the vision of her fat with my child in my head twenty-four seven, all I wanna do is fuck the pink off her little pussy.

I offloaded in her pussy while she shook on my cock. When she was calm again I pulled out and let her down off my dick. “That should keep your little ass quiet for the next little while, now let’s go feed my kid.” She lights the fuck up anytime I mention the baby, which is often.


We’d gotten into the habit of her sneaking out to spend the night, but for the last two I’d called a halt. I didn’t want there to be any more of an issue when the truth came to light than there already was, not to mention the fact that I hated sneaking around.

I called her as usual to put her to sleep. It was day six and we planned to take the test tomorrow. I’d already made up my mind to talk to my dad no matter what, and since she was certain that this was what she wanted, baby or not, I was gonna go for it.

“What are you doing baby, reading?” Her voice sounded a little sad when she answered, which I hated. As the time was drawing close she’s been getting more and more withdrawn. That too was fucking with my head, as a man, as her man, I should be the one carrying the burden not her. I hated the position we were in, wish that I had done things a whole lot differently.

“I miss you, why can’t we be together all the time?” I held my silence for a long time after that as I thought. Fuck it. “Is that what you want?” The soft ‘yes’ she gave me was all that was heard. “I’m on my way.”

I hung up and called my dad first, letting him know that I needed to see him urgently. I sped over there trying to get to her as quickly as possible. I didn’t like the sound of her voice. I think she was more scared than she was letting on, and I was an asshole for letting this shit go on this long.

Imagine my surprise when I pulled up to their house to hear commotion from the driveway. I was running before the engine died, that was her voice. I rushed through the door into the kitchen to see her mom about to strike her. I was across the room and standing between them with her raised hand held tightly in mine.

“Don’t do that.” My voice was deathly calm as I looked down at her. How did I know it would come to this? Jaxx you fuck. “You, this is all your fault…”

“No it’s not it’s what I wanted…”

“Baby, I’m gonna need you to be quiet now let me handle this.” There was no point in asking how the cat was let out of the bag, because that shit didn’t really matter.

“You’re not handling anything, that’s my daughter, my underage daughter.”

“Son what have you done?” dad was finally heard from as he stood off in a corner looking poleaxed. At least he wasn’t sounding too accusatory.

“Correction, she’s of age, which means you don’t get to fucking hit her for the decisions she’s made. Now you wanna calm down and discuss this like adults or you want me to take her outta here and you never see her again?” I expected and accepted her anger, but I won’t accept her striking my woman in front of me. I wasn’t that much of a screw up.

“You’re not taking her anywhere. I heard her on the phone just now, knew it had to be you-you… how could you?”

“Easy, where the fuck were you when she was hurting and alone, huh? You and her dad were too busy trying to put your own lives together to notice her suffering. Be grateful it was me and not someone else. At least I’m in love with her.”

“Love what do you know about love? you took advantage of an innocent teenage girl. Tomorrow I’m going down to that school and have you fired.” She looked so smug, too bad for her I didn’t give a fuck about that.

“No you won’t mom or I’ll never speak to you again, I promise you on my life. Jaxx and I are in love, the only reason he didn’t tell you is because of me. He wanted to but I was afraid, afraid of just this happening.”

“Well you should be because there’s no way I’m gonna let this happen.”

“You’re too late Marjorie, she’s pregnant.” You could hear a pin drop in the silence that followed. Then all the recriminations started. I didn’t want her anywhere near that shit so I whispered for her to go get her shit together while I deal with the parents.

There was a lot of back and forth which I listened to because I was wrong for handling things this shabbily, but there was one point, which I had no give on. Bree was leaving there with me tonight no matter what. my woman and my child were gonna stay in my home under my care from now on.

BOOK: Bad Girls Book 1: The Temptress
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