Bad Girls (31 page)

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Authors: Rebecca Chance

Tags: #Fiction, #General

BOOK: Bad Girls
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And suddenly, she paused, getting cold feet.

I’m not sure if I want to do this after all.

She looked at Joe.

He hasn’t looked down on me or treated me like trash, like he can buy me, even though I’ve said a lot in group about taking money from guys at the Lounge. He acts like him and me are the same, even though he’s a movie star and I’m a stripper. Like we’re just two people having fun, getting it on, doing what comes naturally.

He’s been nothing but a good guy to everyone here. Look how sweet he is to that poor sap Brian. He doesn’t deserve to be set up like this.

‘Skye?’ he said, seeing her hesitation. ‘Anything wrong?’

But then again, isn’t Joe just using me? Getting a quick fuck in here and then bye-bye, back to his five-star life? Probably boasting to his famous friends about how he got laid in rehab? He’ll forget my name the moment he gets in his limo and goes back to Malibu.

And how can I stop now? There’s no way I can turn off the camera without giving myself away.

Plus, wouldn’t I be kicking myself for the rest of my life if I had the chance to record me and Joe Jeffreys having sex and I didn’t do it? I don’t have to pass on the camera to the
if I decide not to
. . .

Before she knew it, she was walking up to Joe. He reached out for her eagerly, pulling her down on his lap.

‘So here’s the thing,’ he said, kissing her neck and making her moan. ‘You ran things last time, OK? And it blew my fucking mind.’

‘We aim to please,’ she managed to get out, though Joe was now nibbling at her earlobe in a way that was turning her brain to mush.

‘And believe me,’ he continued, running his tongue slowly round her ear, ‘I’ve been thinking about nothing else ever since. You can feel it, yeah? You can feel what you do to me, can’t you?’ He shifted her on his lap so his cock, poking up through his jeans, rubbed between her legs just where she wanted it.

‘Yeah . . .’ she moaned, just about remembering to keep her voice down, wet already with anticipation.

time,’ he said, biting down on the soft skin of her ear, ‘I’m the one with a plan. What do you say, honey? You OK with going along with what I have in mind?’

‘Oh God,’ she said, as his hands closed over her breasts and started squeezing them, his thumbs running over her hardening nipples. ‘Whatever you want, baby—’

And then she bit her lip hard in a huge effort not to squeal out loud as his hands slid down to her waist, closed around it and he lifted her into the air, standing her up in front of him. Taking hold of the hem of her skirt, he pulled it up to her waist, bunching it there, staring in open appreciation at the sight of her in her little lace thong.

‘You’re the girl of my dreams, you know that?’ he said.

Coquettishly, Skye hooked her thumbs in the lace band of the thong. ‘Does your plan involve me taking this off?’ she asked.

‘I don’t mean to rush you,’ Joe said, unzipping his jeans and pulling them down to his ankles, revealing his lack of any underwear, ‘but I went commando specially . . .’

Skye eased the band past the curve of her hips, and with one smooth wriggle, sent it falling, light as a feather, to her feet; by the time the soft white scrap of lace had reached them, she had kicked off her kitten-heel flip-flops, and was standing there, bare from the waist down, watching Joe settle back in the chair, his jeans round his ankles and his cock standing up like a flagpole, rosy, swollen, full and ready for her.

‘So what—’ she started.

But then she really did squeal. She couldn’t help it. Because, as easily as if she were a rag doll, he picked her up by the waist again and whirled her through the air. Joe spun her round as if she were on a wheel, rotating a hundred and eighty degrees, so that her feet were up in the air and her head hanging down, her hair briefly brushing the ground. Before she had a chance to catch her breath, she was being pulled towards him, his arms wrapping round her waist, her legs falling open to either side of his neck, one draped over each shoulder, and Joe was adjusting her with a couple of quick shifts, settling her exactly where he wanted her.

‘Wow,’ she managed from her upside-down position, ‘you
have a plan . . .’

And then she couldn’t say another word, because Joe’s lips were diving onto her pussy with such gusto that the last part of her sentence dissolved into one long moan of pleasure.

He lifted her just a fraction more, so it felt like his mouth was completely covering her pussy, his tongue flicking around it in wide generous circles, tracing the entire area, with her spread out directly below him like a feast. Six feet two, an ex-quarterback, an action hero who did his own stunts and pumped iron like a demon to stay in perfect shape, he was strong enough to support Skye’s entire weight so easily that his hands weren’t even digging into her.

She felt ridiculously comfortable, considering the position. Her thighs rested on his wide shoulders, her forearms on his knees. And as the circles that Joe was tracing became smaller and more concentrated, she wriggled with excitement, her breasts pressing against his lower groin, writhing and undulating, immediately aware that Joe knew exactly what he was doing. He must love to eat pussy. She was in the hands of an expert. He was going to make her come, and all she had to do was hang here like an upside-down doll and let his wet, lithe tongue lick her till she exploded.

Skye was almost there: she could feel it building in her abdomen, that heat and tension in the very pit of her womb that stoked itself up to furnace heat before a burst of fire and then a blissful meltdown. Her thighs clamped around Joe’s neck, her strong dancer’s muscles pulling her up, up, even further into his mouth, greedily pumping herself against his tongue, and he groaned with appreciation as he sank his tongue deep inside her, making her scream with delight.

She was dripping wet already, she could feel it. Joe’s hot mouth was licking up her moisture eagerly, but she was melting for him already, liquefying . . .

He shifted, wrapping one arm round her waist as his other hand came free, leaning down and grabbing something from the floor, thumbing it open with a pop.

That can’t be what it sounds like, Skye thought, dazed, a split second before something trickled down her smooth, shaved mound, and she felt the cold rounded edge of a bottle against her pussy.

‘You like champagne, baby?’ Joe said thickly.‘I got Dave to bring us in a little treat . . .’

He lowered his mouth to her again, pouring the bubbles into her, lapping them up, making a special cocktail of Skye and champagne.

Skye started to laugh with sheer happiness, her body bucking in Joe’s arms. And as the laughter took hold of her, so did the orgasms, one after another, a stream of coming and coming, her thighs bouncing on Joe’s shoulders, his tongue licking deep inside her, flicking on her clitoris at the end of every stroke, lightly enough just to tip her over the edge and keep her spasming there, not too much, not so much that she overloaded with sensation and couldn’t come any more. Once he’d found the rhythm, he kept at it, tipping the bottle to send a steady stream of champagne between her open lips, sucking and licking it up as fast as it poured out. She could feel the cooler liquid trickling into her, mixing with her juices, feel the bubbles popping on Joe’s tongue.

The sensation was exquisite, unbelievable. She was moaning constantly, the sound reverberating around her skull, a steady hum magnified hugely by the fact that she was upside down; her eyes were closed, she was in her own world of surging orgasms, one stacked on top of the next, waves and waves of them. She had no idea how long it lasted. But Joe really was an expert, because not only did he know how to bring her and keep on bringing her, but he could sense when she was getting to that point when her nerve endings would be so sensitive that any more stimulation would be more pain than pleasure.

Skye didn’t even realize that Joe had stopped working on her. She hung there, her body twitching with the aftermath of her orgasms, slowly coming down, her pussy throbbing, feeling a cooler air on it as Joe lifted his mouth and turned his head to wipe it on her thigh.

‘Wow,’ she said eventually, her eyes fluttering open.

She shook her head, coming back to full consciousness, and realized that she was directly above Joe’s crotch. Nor did he show any signs of being in a hurry to let her go. She reached for his cock, engorged and full, standing up straight against the long muscles of his stomach; it had been bobbing against her the whole time she was coming, and now it was his turn. Skye ducked her head round so she could reach it. And then she gasped as Joe hauled her up further, swinging one of her legs to meet the other, so that her whole body was lying over his right shoulder, higher up, now at the perfect angle to lower her head, open her mouth, and take his cock inside.

His head tilted to the side, resting against her bare buttocks, moaning into them as she took almost all of his penis into her mouth. Skye had never sucked a man off upside down before, but it was an amazing way to deep throat. Joe’s cock slid deep inside, its tip butting against the back of her throat, and his hips started to jerk gently upwards, finding his rhythm, groaning against her smooth upper thighs.

Skye’s mouth was impossibly stretched, accommodating itself to Joe’s swollen, hard cock. She managed to stretch her lips over her teeth, rounding out the surface, closing them over the velvety-soft skin of his moving penis, giving him extra sensation, extra friction as he pumped himself evenly, steadily, up inside her hot wet mouth. His groans grew louder, his hands on her waist dug in tighter, but his pace stayed even and steady. Joe was as careful with his own climax as he had been with Skye’s: nice and easy does it every time. No frenzied jerks, no desperation. He knew he was going to come, and he wanted to build up to it, take his time, savour every last stroke of his cock in her eager warm mouth as he raised and lowered his hips with total control.

Skye only knew Joe was seconds away from his orgasm because, just as his head began to swell even further, butting even harder against the roof of her mouth, his hands tightened even more on her waist and he hauled her up. She hung in the air, suspended, Joe holding her above his cock as it burst out of her mouth and pumped out a stream of white come, which poured, hot and wet, onto the small peaks of her breasts. She reached her hands down and grasped his thighs, helping to support herself as his head lolled against her buttocks and he moaned: ‘Yeah,
. . . Oh God, there it is, there it is,’ giving himself over completely to his orgasm.

Skye watched his cock throb and pulse until, finally, it had shot all of its load. Joe’s hold on her had slackened; she slithered down him, grateful for her experience pole dancing, which meant at least that she didn’t look ridiculously clumsy making her descent. She managed to land in a curled-up ball in his lap, and stretched her legs out across him, leaning over to drop a quick kiss on the top of his detumescing cock. Joe was breathing as if he’d run a marathon, his chest thudding against her in a steady, throbbing rhythm.

Years of experience had taught Skye never to be the first to talk in this kind of situation.
You let the guy come back from wherever he’s been, and you see what kind of mood he’s in when he does

But what Joe did next wasn’t anything she’d been expecting.

‘Here,’ he said eventually, his hands reaching up to pull up her T-shirt and unclip her bra, exposing her breasts. He started to rub them in long slow strokes, and, feeling how warm and moist his hands were, she realized what he was doing: he was scooping up his semen from his stomach and rubbing it into her breasts.

‘It’s the best thing for your skin,’ he said lazily against the top of her head. ‘Full of proteins. Keeps you soft and supple.’

‘That right?’ Skye said, glad he couldn’t see her smile.

Men. They’re all the same. How they love to talk about their come. Like it was holy water or something

‘This facialist told me that once,’ Joe said, ‘believe it or not. You want to hear what she told me to do? Knock one off, rub it on my face and leave it for half an hour.’

. You’re
.’ Skye tilted her head back to check out his expression. ‘Some woman told you to . . .’

‘Uh-huh!’ He was grinning now. ‘I couldn’t make that shit up. I’m an actor, baby, not a writer.’

‘Did you ever—’

‘No way!’ He was grinning ever wider. ‘Can you see me doing that?’

‘You know, I can’t,’ Skye admitted, tucking her head back under his chin.

‘You want some?’ He ran his finger over his abs, finding a drop left, and brought it close to her cheek. ‘Hey, look at that,’ he said smugly. ‘I’ve got tons to spare today. Want a Joe Jeffreys facial?’

‘Maybe another time,’ Skye said demurely, pushing his finger back to her breast. ‘But thanks for the offer.’

‘Definitely another time.’ He sounded very happy. ‘You bring it out of me, baby, you really do. You make me come so hard.’

‘Aww,’ Skye purred equally smugly. ‘You say the most romantic things. And –’ she reached down for the bottle of champagne – ‘you even buy me drinks!’

‘I saw that in a movie,’ Joe said into her hair. ‘Always wanted to try it out.’ He snuggled her closer in his lap. ‘Guess I was just waiting for the right girl.’

‘You’re breaking my heart,’ Skye said lightly.

Oh God, she thought, looking guiltily over at the tote bag wedged unobtrusively between two boxes of office supplies, the camera inside it doubtless whirring happily away. Maybe, just maybe, I’m going to end up breaking my own damn heart . . .

As soon as Joe had put his hands on her, as soon as he had started kissing her, Skye had completely forgotten about the camera. Not that we didn’t put on a damn good show, she thought, dying to play it back. But he really does something to me. There’s some chemistry between us that makes us just go crazy for each other as soon as we touch.

But then, both Skye and Joe had been so caught up in the phenomenal sex they’d been having that neither of them had been remotely conscious enough of their surroundings to notice something that might have even more serious consequences. Petal had followed Skye as she sneaked off to the storage room, hidden round the corridor as Skye slipped inside, and then, prising the door open just enough to spy inside, had stuck her phone to the crack and taken a video of Joe and Skye.

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