Bad Boy Valentine: The Hard and Dirty Holidays (2 page)

BOOK: Bad Boy Valentine: The Hard and Dirty Holidays
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Chapter Three






I shouldn’t have. I knew it, but when I’d felt her eyes on me that afternoon, I couldn’t take anymore. I’d approached her. Finally. I asked her name. I already knew it – Jess Shakoor. I asked her about her classes. I already knew about those, too. There was very little I hadn’t been able to learn about my shy neighbor. She was my obsession. I’d taken more photos of her in the past months than I had of actual models at my shoots.

I ran a hand over my face as I sat in the chair near my door and waited for her to return that night. It was late for her, though not for me, when near-silent footsteps sounded in the hallway. She was being quiet, but I heard her key in the lock.

I rose quietly and watched her ease inside her apartment. She dressed demurely in baggy t-shirts and ill-fitting jeans. But I knew what was underneath. Her plump ass haunted my fantasies and her large, round tits were made for my palms.

I couldn’t help the smirk that turned the corner of my mouth. She thought she was slick, thought I didn’t see her watching me for the past few months. Of course I knew. What she didn’t know was that I was watching her, too. I knew where she was from, who her parents were, what she was studying, and that she’d been accepted to law school. I knew everything, except the one thing that I wanted most.

I wanted to know what she tasted like.

My cock hardened at the thought of finally getting a little bite of Jess. I opened my door and went to hers. There was no plan. I was going to knock, introduce myself a bit more cordially and then …
What? What would I do?
I wanted to barge in, throw her on the bed, and fuck her. But that was frowned upon, generally speaking.

I looked down and realized I wasn’t wearing a shirt, just some gym shorts. I couldn’t knock on her door like this. I was about to take a step back when I heard her voice. Or rather, heard her exhales and a low keening sound. I moved closer, putting my eye to her peephole. There was nothing except some dark strands of hair. She must have been leaning against the door.

The sound came again. This time it was definitely a throaty moan. My cocked kicked to attention as I pressed my ear to the door. It was as if I could feel her heartbeat vibrating through the wood.

“Yes, please.” The lightest whisper from her side.

My palms were hot against her door, and I eyed the handle. Had she locked it?

“But I want him so fucking bad.” Her voice was desperate. And then there was a knocking sound, as if she were hitting the back of her head against the door. “Why are you so hot, Michael? Why?”

That was it. The end for me. I had to have her. There was no turning back.

“Jess?” I asked.

A sharp intake of breath and then silence.

“Jess, let me in.” I was going crazy just imagining her on the other side of the door, her eyes wide, her fear something I could taste.

The lock clicked over.

I leaned in closer, so I was looking right at her through the peephole. “Jess, I know what you were doing in there. I know you were thinking about me.”

I was so hot and my cock so hard that it was already leaking precum at the thought of getting inside her.

“I was just . . .” Her voice was shaky.

“Were you touching yourself?”

“I . . .”

“Don’t lie, Jess. I’ll know if you do.” I ran my hands up the cool wood, tension in every one of my muscles that demanded I break down the door and take what I wanted.

“Yes.” So soft I almost missed it.

“Then open the door for me. I can make you feel good, Jess. My tongue, my hands, my dick. I’ll make you come as many times as you’ll let me.”

A moan and the same knocking sound came through the wood.

“Just open the door, Jess. I’ll show you.”

“I can’t.” She sounded tormented, as if she’d cry on the last syllable.

“Why not?”

“Because I’ve never. I, um, I’ve never done anything like what you just said.”

Holy shit.
I focused my eyes on the peephole, knowing her light blue eyes were looking back at me. “You’re a virgin?”

I was twenty-seven and bedded more than my fair share, but I’d never in my life had sex with a virgin. Jess was twenty-three, so she’d been waiting a long time. I couldn’t stop the smile that took over my lips. I would be her first time, gladly.

“Let me in.” I stared harder at the peephole.

“I can’t.”

“You can.” I tried my best to school my features, but I was hungry for her. “Just open the door. I’ll handle the rest.”

“I’m scared.” Her voice softened even more.

I snapped out of it the slightest bit. She was afraid. Of course she was afraid. I leaned back, though it took every bit of strength I had. I was going to get through her fucking door tonight or die trying.

“I’m sorry. Look.” I held my hands up, palms facing her, and hoped she didn’t notice my raging erection. “I don’t want to hurt you. I’m sorry I’m coming on strong.”

“No, I like it.” Her voice was still muffled, but stronger.

That sent my head spinning.
Then why won’t you open the door?

“What can I do, Jess? What can I do to convince you to let me in?”



Chapter Four







He stared at me pensively. My eye was strained from looking through the peephole at him so hard. He wasn’t wearing a shirt and an intricate burst of black roses clung to his ribs and disappeared around to his back. He had plenty of other ink, but the roses were my favorite so far.

“Anything. Just tell me. I’ll do it.” He put his hands behind his head and laced his fingers together like he was about to be arrested. It wouldn’t have been his first time. He’d been to prison for a few months when he was younger for stealing photography equipment. It cemented his bad boy reputation and, along with his good looks and smarts, catapulted him to the top of the photography world.

I tapped my fingernails on the door as I considered him. I wanted to open the door, to let him in, to finally give up the piece of me that I’d been saving. My pussy was already wet, my panties sticking to me. I’d been breathing hard from the moment I’d seen him standing outside. Even so, I was afraid.

“Have you ever been naked with a man, Jess?” He dropped his hands to his hips and hooked his thumbs into his shorts.

Oh, god.

He smiled, his even white teeth perfect despite the low light of the hallway. “Have you ever seen a dick that was hard because you made it that way? A dick that was ready just for you?”

I scissored my thighs against each other, trying to stem the buzz in my clit. It only made it worse, the sensation heightening each time I moved.


“Would you like to?”

I examined his broad chest, down the rippling expanse of his abs, and to the long, hard length in his black gym shorts. I’d fantasized about it for so long that seeing it might make me go up in flames. But I wanted it all the same. “You’d do that? Right now? Right there in th-the hall?”

His smile widened. “I’d rather do it on the other side of the door with you there, your eyes watching me, your hands itching to touch me. But as it is, I’ll take what I can get. Do you want to see what you do to me?”

Fuck yes.
I leaned back and took a breath, my lungs filling but still burning with the need for him.

“Yes.” I kept my voice as even as I could, but it still wavered. I was safe here, a door and a deadbolt between him and me. But my voice wasn’t trembling from the fear, it was from the excitement.

“I was hoping you’d say that.” He eased his shorts down.

I moved up onto my tiptoes and stared hard at each centimeter of his skin that came into view. The fabric caught on the head of his cock. He paused, his deep green eyes still on mine though he couldn’t see me.


Was he teasing me? I put a hand in my hair and pulled, just to feel something other than the out of control lust that was flooding my system. It only made it worse because in my mind it was
hand in my hair,
inked fingers twisting and pulling the strands until I said his name.

“Michael, yes.”

He pushed the waistband out and down. I held my breath as his taut flesh appeared. His head was glistening. I swallowed hard. He kept going until the entire smooth shaft was revealed. It was thick, thicker at the base than the tip, and long. I had never seen a more beautiful cock. I ran my nails down the door.

“You like?” He moved a hand to it and fisted himself.

I moaned and bit my lip to stifle the sound. I didn’t like. I

I put one hand back into my panties and eased my fingers between my slick folds to my clit. He stroked himself, one slow pump, and I pressed into my nub, sending pleasure flittering across my skin. A high, breathy sound escaped me as I did it.

“Jess?” He stepped closer and I had to get up higher on my toes to see his gorgeous cock. “Are you touching yourself?”

“No.” I lied and flicked my fingers over my sweet spot.

“I know you are.”

“Mm.” I put my hot forehead on the cool door as he came closer, so close I couldn’t see his hand anymore. Would I open the door if he asked again? “Maybe.”

“Quick question, Jess. Have you seen my piercings?”

“Yes.” I delved my fingers lower and brought my wetness out.

“Have you seen my tongue piercing?”

“What?” My breath hitched.

“My tongue is pierced. Any idea how pleasurable that is on your pussy, Jess? How nice it feels on your clit?”

He was so close, like the big bad wolf at my door, demanding I let him in.

I put my free hand on the deadbolt. I put the slightest bit of pressure on it. All I had to do was turn it, and he’d be inside.

“Let me in, Jess.” His words were smooth, his voice like slippery silk.

“But I don’t even know you.” I was surprised at the little piece of logic that escaped my mouth.

“You don’t? You haven’t been watching me for months right through here?” He tapped at the peephole. “You haven’t been to the gallery two blocks over that exhibits my work at least twice a week? You haven’t been following my Twitter or Instagram, LegalJ87?”

I was so busted. He knew about all of it.

“I also follow the tabloids. I saw you with a model on each arm just last month at a New Year’s thing.” I slapped my hand over my mouth.
Stalker, much?

“Yeah.” He shrugged. “I didn’t fuck them, if that’s what you’re implying. I haven’t touched a woman since I moved in here and saw you. You would know. Have you ever seen me bring a woman home?”

I hadn’t. I’d often wondered about why he never had company. Then again, he was out all night most of the time. “When you’re out at night, you don’t . . .”

“Sleep around?” He ran a hand through his hair, mussing his dark fauxhawk. “I have. I did. A lot. I don’t make any bones about my past. I’ve made plenty of mistakes. I’ve been with women, a lot of them. But I haven’t since you, Jess. I swear. Not since I first saw you.”

“Why?” My chest was warm, as if filled with steam after each of his revelations.

“You.” He shrugged as if that was all he needed to say.

I moved my hand back to the deadbolt.

“Me? Me what?”

“The second I saw you, even though you were too shy to look at me, much less speak to me, I wanted you. I had to have you. I’ve given you space, Jess. But today, I just couldn’t bear it. I need you.” He put both hands on my door, the passion in his eyes boring into me. “Now let me in.”

I started to flip the bolt.

“But there’s one thing you should know, Jess.”

My fingers hesitated. “What?”

“Once you let me in there, I’m going to take everything you have, every way that I want. You’re mine. I need you to know that.”

My heart stuttered and kicked into an even faster beat. Was I ready for this? Could I handle the bad boy from across the hall?

He stared me down with his green gaze flecked with hazel. Did it matter anymore whether I
do it? No, it didn’t. What I wanted was right in front of me. I realized I was going to do it no matter what.

I took a deep breath and unlocked the door.




Chapter Five







I turned the handle and pushed the door open. She’d backed away, her eyes wide as I walked into her home and closed the door behind me with finality.

I stilled for a moment and just looked at her, drinking in her pale smooth skin, heart-shaped face, dangerous curves, and pink lips. My cock roared back to life, and I was no longer content just to look. Rushing to her, I kissed her hard.

She may have had boyfriends in the past, dickless wonders who weren’t good enough for her, who would never be the man she needed. But I knew they never kissed her like this, like they couldn’t live without her. I teased my tongue along her lips, but she didn’t open. She was still shy, even now.

I put a hand in her hair and finally felt the dark strands between my fingers. I gripped close to her scalp and pulled enough for her to know I meant it. She gasped and it was just the opening I needed. I darted my tongue inside and finally got a full taste of what was mine.

She was a good six inches shorter than me, so it wasn’t difficult to pull her head back at an angle and slant my mouth over hers. She opened all the way, giving herself over to me. I growled my satisfaction into her mouth as she started to move her tongue against mine in tentative strokes.

Her nipples were hard beneath her t-shirt and her large tits were pressed against my chest. I was in heaven as I licked her tongue. She moaned and gripped at the bare skin of my back, her nails digging in just enough to scratch the surface.

She was soft and warm, and I needed her naked. I reached down to her ass and lifted her so she straddled me. Her apartment was a mirror image of mine, so I turned to the right and took her to the bedroom. I didn’t break our kiss, needing her mouth, her breath like I need air in my lungs.

I didn’t look, just kept walking until my knees bumped into something that must have been her bed. I got on my knees and fell on top of her, her soft body molding to my hard one. My cock was against the heat of her cunt, the juncture of her thighs like the surface of the sun. I needed all of it, no barriers.

Pushing up from her, I grabbed a fistful of her shirt and pulled her to a sitting position.

“Hey!” Her lips were bruised, her eyes dazed. So fucking sexy.

I gripped the hem and yanked the fabric up, forcing her to raise her arms as I pulled the shirt away. She wore a simple white bra, the cups some sort of molded material that I didn’t give two shits for.

“Bra off now.”

“I don’t know if we should—”

“Take it off or I’m ripping it off. Choice is yours.”

Fear sparked in her eyes and then a heat that I’d hoped existed under her demure façade. She kicked her chin up a notch in challenge. I smiled. She was a wildcat. She just didn’t know it until that moment.

She didn’t move, so I gripped the fabric between her breasts and ripped it away. The bra was a ruin as I pulled it from her and tossed it to the floor. Her breasts were free, and the momentum I had to completely strip her ceased. All I could see were the two tear drop mounds with erect nipples pointing right at me, begging to be in my mouth.

I pushed her back roughly and palmed one while I tongued the other. I groaned against her, the taste of her skin smooth and sweet. Opening my mouth wide, I took as much of her in as I could. Her nipple teased against my tongue, and I slid it out and snared it between my teeth.

She moaned and arched into me as I bit down on her, my hand kneading her other breast. Her hands were in my hair, her nails digging into my scalp as I sampled her. I switched, getting a taste of both before kissing down her stomach. Her skin trembled beneath me, soft and taut at the same time.

I grazed my teeth around her belly button and down to the waist of her jeans. They were half zipped from what she’d been doing earlier behind the door. The memory of her soft sighs had me ravenous. I gripped the jeans at her hips and yanked, pulling them and her panties down in a smooth jerk. She yelped.

“Fuck, Jess.” It was all I could say once I saw her glistening slit. It was perfect with a light covering of damp curls.

With her knees still together, I dug the tip of my tongue into the top of her cleft. She bucked, but I gripped her hips hard so she couldn’t escape me. I would never let her go, not now that I finally had a taste.

“No one’s ever done this to you before?” I asked and ran my tongue even deeper, grazing her clit.

She squealed. “No, never!”

Pride swelled inside me that she’d given
this gift. And no one else would ever taste the sweetness I just found. Every last bit of it was mine.

I ripped her jeans and panties the rest of the way down and kissed her ankle, up her calf, her knee, and finally up the creamy expanse of her thigh. When I got close to her wet pussy, I forced myself to work up her other leg first. She deserved the full treatment, and I wanted to sample every last bit of her skin. When I was done, there wouldn’t be a place on her body that didn’t bear the brand of my mouth.

As I slowly kissed back up her other leg, she let out a series of high moans with each breath. I loved her sounds. I was going crazy to bury my face in her, but I slowed down and pushed her thighs apart.

When met with faint resistance, I growled, “Spread your legs.”

She relaxed and gave herself up to me. My big hands looked hot as fuck against her smooth, perfect thighs. She whimpered as I spread her further and breathed on her pussy. Her pink folds were understated and covered in her honey. I was starving for it.

“You afraid, Jess?” I played my tongue over her, barely touching her plump flesh.

She squirmed and dug her hands into my scalp. “No.”

“Do you want this?” I ghosted my tongue along her again. Her hips lifted to me but I backed away. I wanted her to tell me, though denying myself was making my cock painfully hard.

“Yes.” Barely a whisper.

“Tell me, Jess. Use the words. Tell me exactly what you want.” I darted my tongue against her clit, and it took everything I had to stop myself from fastening my mouth to her.

“I want you t-to—”

I moved my palms closer to her pussy and massaged the sensitive skin in the hollow of her thigh. “What, baby? Tell me what.”

I wanted her wild. I wanted the shy girl who wouldn’t meet my eyes gone. I wanted this wildcat in her place. I licked with just a bit more pressure, teasing against her clit.

She moaned. “I want you to eat my pussy and make me come.”

Her words were like a shot of pure adrenaline, and I couldn’t hold back anymore.


BOOK: Bad Boy Valentine: The Hard and Dirty Holidays
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