BAD BOY ROMANCE: A Wifey for the Bad Boy (Contemporary Alpha Male Romance Book) (New Adult Alpha Male Romance Short Stories) (13 page)

BOOK: BAD BOY ROMANCE: A Wifey for the Bad Boy (Contemporary Alpha Male Romance Book) (New Adult Alpha Male Romance Short Stories)
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Melissa had spent all day, all her one free Saturday month, trying to figure out what to wear. What was BDSM club chic? Should she go with a costume of some kind? Should she go with something that looked absolutely normal, and figure she might be out of place. She dithered about it all day, it wasn’t as if she could ask her friends none of her friends would’ve understood this, she tried to broach the subject with them before. None of them seemed interested in the lifestyle, none of them seemed at all interested in what Melissa might be attracted to and the power exchange. It wasn’t that they were bad friends, they just didn’t understand.

She finally decided to wear a pair of black jeans that hugged her long legs and a tunic top, cut really low in front, to expose her generous cleavage. Black seem like a safe choice for the pants, and the red of the shirt, would complement her dark complexion.

The Post was a place she’d only vaguely heard of, in whispered conversations at clubs her friends liked to attend; the places where Melissa didn’t fit in, the places that catered to cute girls. They’d driven past it, a warehouse on the water with a thick velvet rope, and they’d tried for months to figure out what was behind the doors. Google searches and even a scan of the county records hadn’t given them any insight, but slowly, gradually they’d figured it out, though they weren’t exactly interested in checking it out. They called it the freak market.

Glenn picked her up promptly, and she didn’t let him come to her door, though she knew he probably would have liked to. He was sort of courtly that way. But her place was a mess, Mom was sleeping off her latest bender, and Melissa hated anyone knowing this part of her life.

“Hi,” she said breathlessly, transitioning from nurse to…what? Was she part of a dating couple or were they just two people doing...what? Did she want something to happen tonight? Did she not? She had been clear she was only going as an observer rather than an actual participant, and he’d been clear that he would respect that.

“Good evening, Melissa,” he said, his voice rich and deep and sexy. She risked a glance over and saw he was wearing a black shirt, open at the throat, and black dress pants. With his thick, dark hair and his deep brown eyes, he looked unapproachable, miles away from the mild mannered doctor she knew.

Not to say his overall look wasn’t completely sexy, because it was.

Melissa loved seeing the side of him. It was a foregone conclusion that he was a dominant, it was steeped in his bones. It was also in his manner, though he only brought that out subtly at work. There had been something that had attracted her to him from the first day, even if she’d couched it in friends or doctor to nurse. Melissa was drawn to the energy that he had, the easy dominance with which he ran the office, the way he handed over power incrementally, as if the other had to be trusted for him to give over complete full rein. Their relationship had gone very smoothly, he’d given and she’d taken, she’d proven herself again and again, and he rewarded her with more responsibility and very regular and generous raises. He suggested that she might want to go to med school, but that wasn’t in the cards for her. Anyway, she liked being his nurse.

“Hi,” she said again giving him a smile.

“You look lovely, he told her his voice though rich and gravelly. It wasn’t quite an octave deeper from his working voice, but there was something incredibly sexy about it.

“You’re my guest tonight,” he said, “and I need you to stay by my side, whatever happens. You be observing some scenes, things you might never have been exposed to before, not even in books. I know that you’re virgin to the sort of life, so please try to be casual and not shocked by whatever you see. Our club runs by safe, sane, consensual, sober. This means, that a submissive who doesn’t like what’s going on in the scene, can use their safe word to get out of it. Everything here is consensual, and done with everybody having all their faculties to them. There is no alcohol. There is a very light food.”

Melissa turned in her seat, regarding him. “Yes, I understand. I don’t think I would like it if this was a club where people didn’t get… If they didn’t have full control of everything that they were deciding to do.”

“Melissa, if you decide you want to explore any of this, we can do it on our own turf. Or, we can come back to the club. But for tonight you’re just an observer. As in my...”

Melissa rolled it over in her head and nodded. “Yes, I understand. I wouldn’t be comfortable doing anything without really understanding what the lifestyle is. Yes, I read about in books, but that’s a bit different than being in reality and the real life, isn’t it?”

He chuckled, another rich sound that went right into her settling somewhere by her pussy, arousing her. Oh, this was not good.

“That’s a very wise thing,” he told her. “I can assuage any curiosity that you have, and I can suggest some books in the romance realm, that will give you a better idea of what goes on in my life.”

Something niggled at Melissa; he said that before his life, his club. What did it mean? “You seem to be taking a lot of ownership of certain things. Is it just a part of who you are, or is there more significance.” She said the last is a statement, she already knew. It was just a matter of letting him know that she knew.

“Melissa, I’m a part owner in the club. I own about a quarter. Several of my friends and I decided to get involved in this venture many years ago, when I was a medical school and several of them were in law school. We wanted a safe place to explore the lifestyle. And this, from the warehouse, to setting up the infrastructure, to getting people in the lifestyle rather that those who wanted to gawk here. We’re now one of the most popular clubs on the coast.”

She blinked a few times, absorbing his words. “How do you keep your life and your lifestyle apart?” Certainly if someone came in to the office, who had seen Glenn whipping or binding someone, there would have been a reaction.

“Melissa, the club runs under very strict rules of anonymity. It costs a great deal to join the club, and even more to stay an active member. We know everything about our members, and they know well enough to keep quiet about who they see behind our doors. In our twelve years in business, we’ve never had a situation where anonymity was compromised. Not ever. That says something about our clientele.”

“And your lawyers,” she pointed out.

“Yes, indeed.”

He drove them to the warehouse district and they bypassed the ropes at the front of the club. “Ownership has its privileges,” he pointed out, pulling into a small private keyed entry parking lot behind the club. His BMW slid in between a couple of Mercedes; these people were not exactly struggling, were they?

“Come on in. as my guest you’ll get the full tour, starting at the offices.” He got out of the car and came around to take her hand. “And for tonight, you’re my lady.”

That made her heart race, and moisture collected between her legs. She pressed them together, trying not to whimper.

“Come. Inside.” She had a feeling she could come anywhere and any time, as long as he was offering.

Melissa followed Glenn into a door, a burly security guard handed her a bright pink wristband.

“Wear that. Everyone will know you’re a VIP guest,” he told her, and she slipped it on.

He took her first to his office, a small alcove adorned with beautiful BDSM portraits. He unlocked a drawer in his desk and motioned her to put her purse there.

“Tell me if any of this gets to be too intense for you.”

“I will.”

He guided her out of his office and into the main space of the club. A dance floor stood in the middle of the room, a stage at the far end. All around the sides were alcoves where people were...getting busy.

“This is our main floor,” he told her. “We have private rooms above, and a separate VIP area two floors up where the membership caps at fifty. Those are the coveted memberships, twelve thousand a month. We have memberships as low as three hundred a month, so a wider span of people can get in here, as long as they pass all background checks.”

She couldn’t even imagine that much cash. “Must be exclusive.”

“It is.”

Glenn allowed Melissa to drift toward one of the alcoves, where a woman was being petted by her Dominant. She arched up when he stroked down her back, practically rising off all fours.

“That’s a sensory exercise,” he told her. “If you look carefully, Gina has a dildo in each hole—anus and vagina. As she rises and falls, they stimulate her, keeping her on edge.”

Melissa made a vague sound, she’d been transported to a new place, a realm where everything was too bright, too stark, too...beautiful.

“I’ve read about these sorts of places in books, but I never quite thought I’d see one.”

“They’re based in reality,” he pointed out and she giggled, feeling a little embarrassed. She was such a newbie to all of this.

They drifted from area to area, and she watched a muscle-bound man getting flogged by a tiny woman, two women whipping a man, a woman completely covered in latex with a straw in her mouth. Everywhere she turned there was another scene, another sensory delight, another over the top display of power and the give and take between humans. The patrons crossed all lines, young and old, costumes to casual clothing. All races were represented here. It was a true BDSM-centric melting pot.

Melissa stood quietly at Glenn’s side as he took her through the club, her body and soul reacting to not only his magnetism, but the obvious strength in the Dominants and the care they gave to their submissives. It was a different world here and one she desperately wanted to become a part of.

“Are you done?” he asked her after an hour or so.

“Done?” she asked, turning to look at him.

“With observing.” There was some weight to those words, and she watched him, uncertain how to respond.


“Come with me. Private room. Upstairs.”

“I…” Her mind was whirling.

“Melissa, you want this. Don’t pretend you don’t. I’m willing to give this to you here, on neutral territory. You have only to say yes.”

“Yes,” she whispered, surprising herself. And her body too, apparently, as the thought of him dominating her caused her panties to soak right through with her juices.

Glenn brought her to a room with a keypad entry and entered a code. He let her go in first, shutting the door firmly behind her, and she had the sense that it was symbolic of closing one aspect of her life and starting a new one.

She was ready.


Glenn watched her responses and reactions as she took in the variety of scenes. A mid-month Friday wasn’t the most exciting time at the club, but there had been a variety of scenes, from breathplay to sensory stimulation, and she’d seemed to get some benefit from each situation. Now, he’d have her in his lair, and see what she responded to.

He thought he had her figured out. Maybe he did.

“Melissa, get on your knees. Your safe word will be mustard. Do you understand me?”

“Yes.” Her voice was breathy now, giving her a vulnerability that he couldn’t wait to explore.

“You’ll do everything I say, unless you cannot. In that case, use your safe word and the scene will end.”

“For good?”

“For tonight.”

She nodded, dropping to her knees. Her hands clasped together at the small of her back, and she stared at the ground, her back erect. She made a beautiful picture, her long, black hair spilling over her shoulders.

He tucked that hair behind one ear, stroking up the column of her throat. She swallowed hard.

“Melissa, this is new to you, so I’m going to give you some autonomy here. Tell me what you want.”


In the ambient light of the room, he could see the color flaring on her cheeks.

“Do you want me to dominate you?” he asked, pressing her.

“I...maybe?” She clearly didn’t know how to answer it and he nodded, his mind made up.

“How do you want me, Melissa?”

“Fucking me.” She seemed surprised that she’d said the words, but once they were out, she couldn’t bring them back. Instead, she swallowed hard, working against what must be her nerves.

“More than me dominating you right now?”

“I...yes?” She seemed uncertain, but then she stilled, and he sensed her going deep into thought. “Yes,” she said, more firmly. “I want…”

He could finish that thought. “You want a Dominant who you care about, someone who has an investment in you. Is that right?”


He’d suspected that, and it wasn’t at all hard to lead her to the realization. Glenn reached for her hands, tugging her to her feet, and kissed her deeply. It was a possession, no doubt about it. He commanded her mouth to open for him, and plunged his tongue deep inside, moaning against the pliancy of her lips. Melissa sagged, and he brought her to the bed, stretching her out, never once breaking the kiss.

Her legs were splayed open and Glenn could feel the wet heat of her permeating the fabric. He leaned in, breathing her scent deeply, taking it well into his soul.

He unzipped her jeans, wanting to smell her more richly, wanting to have her juices all over him. Melissa’s head fell back on the bed, and Glenn groaned at the sight of her. The tunic hung slightly off her shoulders, exposing the beautiful swells of her breasts and skimming the tops of her thighs. As he yanked the jeans down, peeling them and her heels off, the scent of her rose, and he rested his head on her soft stomach, tasting her on the air.

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