Baby V (Chianti Kisses #1) (10 page)

BOOK: Baby V (Chianti Kisses #1)
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He went to speak with my husband

She is fighting to stay alert, so I think it best not to pressure her to talk any further.

Tricia... come help me show mommy what w
ve got for our picnic

I start to open up containers and hand out napkins. W
ve just begun to eat as Dom walks back into the room, joining us.

Hey... better late than never. Grab a sandwich and join the picnic
” I hand Dom a chicken salad wrap and a diet coke.

We sit and eat our dinner together, trying to keep light conversation. When w
re finished with our meal. Tricia gladly accepts her ice cream and briefly looks like your typical seven year old, eating a sundae without a care in the world. Tha
s how it should be. She should be eating ice cream and playing with her friends and doing her homework. Not sitting in a hospital waiting to find out if her father is going to live. Dom walks away to take a call while I clean up the mess from our meal. When he returns, he speaks to Mrs. Stanson.

Your sister has just landed. I have a car bringing her here. Please let me know if there is anything else I can do for you

Mrs. Stanson, who
m sure has aged these last few days, sitting in this waiting room fearing the worst, shakes Do
s hand once more.

ve done so much already. I do
t know what I woul
ve done..

She shakes my hand next. Tricia sees us getting ready to leave, and comes running up to give me a hug.

Bye, V! Thanks for the Ice cream!

she then returns to her dolls.

We leave the Stanson family as we found them, huddled in their corner of the lounge, waiting. Tha
s the only thing to do at a time like this... wait for something. Anything. While somewhere deep in your subconscious, you try to prepare yourself for the worst, without actually acknowledging that unlike what everyone is telling you, it might
be alright in the end. Tricia is far too young and delicate to have to endure that wait. Seven years old is just too young, I should know.

Dom keeps pace with me, two steps behind as I mindlessly exit the hospital entrance and enter the car. I can feel his eyes on me, but am too exhausted to mind. My attention is aimed in a blank stare out the car window as we head home. I do
t even think
ve blinked, just drifted off into the depths of myself. I must be making him feel uncomfortable.

V. You OK? You have
t said a word, and that was pretty intense
” I hear his words echoing slightly, bringing me back from the void
m longing for.

Hospitals still smell the same. That cold, sterile, alcohol stench

His eyes widen as I speak my words.

ll never forget that smell. I wonder if sh
ll remember it...?
” my eyelids finally begin to function again, providing relief to my hypnotic state,

Dom breathes so deeply then, that I instinctively turn to watch him speak.

Jesus! I did
t think. V...
m so sorry.
m an idiot

he pulls me in close, holding my shoulders against his chest, my head resting in the hollow of his neck, and places his chin protectively over me.

I take in his scent as I breathe him in deeply. That familiar musky earthiness soothes me.

s alright, Dom. How would you have known? I mean, I ca
t believe
m actually jealous of a little girl. At least
father will live

He does
t admonish me for my crazy thoughts, or try to cure my sudden case of mourning. He simply begins to rock back and forth slowly, listening... i
s clear
ve shared all I will about that time long ago when
was the one waiting in that room.

I know, V. I miss him, too
” he whispers as much to himself as to me.

s not even eight
clock when we head up the tree lined dri
toward my Tara, where the porch lights are on, waiting for us. This is the breaking point for me, and I begin to cry. Dom gently soothes my hair, allowing me to cry into his shirt for what seems like forever. He does
t speak. He does
t move. He just lets me finish exorcizing the dark shadows that have been silently building for the past week.

When I am empty of tears, and my breathing has calmed, Dom eases me from the car and through the porch into the house. He keeps his support around my shoulders as we climb the stairs, entering my bedroom. Finally letting me go, I falter on my own as he peels back my bed covers. He lets me lean on him again as I take my shoes off, one at a time and then creep myself onto the mattress, pulling the blankets up over me. I ca
t tell exactly when he leaves, but he does it quietly.

I feel purged, emptied, yet somehow anew as I start to piece myself back together. My bedroom door opens slowly and I watch Momma register my condition. She approaches my bed, lays next to me and holds me until sleep comes.



I wake to the dark emptiness and struggle to find my sight, making out the shapes around me.
m in my new bed, alone, still in my green dress. The clock on my nightstand reads eleven-thirty. I turn over to the space my mom had been just a few hours ago. She must have left after
d fallen asleep.

I stretch my arms and sit up on my back elbows. I
s only eleven-thirty? I feel like
ve slept for days. I could lie down again and try to drift off, but I know i
s useless.
m wide awake and need to get up... do something other than just mope.

I swiftly change out of my outfit into a pair of flannel drawstring pajama pants and a tank top. After removing my makeup and placing my hair in a high ponytail, I grab a pillow and head downstairs.

s office is at the bottom of the stairs to my left. Against the pitch black around the closed door, the light from inside forms an outline running along the floor. There are no other lights on beside his and the muted table lamp set on the round table in the middle of the foyer. I walk past, light on my feet, careful not to disturb anything that will alert him to my presence. When I feel like
m in the clear, I relax my stride and glide softly down the foyer past the dining room and into the large family room at the other end of the house. I reach for the light switch and dim the lights low. It is almost midnight after all, and I do
t need to wake the whole house.

I fumble in a large leather tray for the remote control, using it to turn on the gigantic screen hanging on the wall. With the volume low, I channel surf until I settle on
The Notebook
playing on some sappy romantic movie channel. The movie is only twenty minutes or so in, and it will definitely do the trick right now.

Cuddled up on one of the large sofas facing the television, I relax while watching the film for what must be the fifth time. Theresa and I had gone together to see it in the theater on opening night. The next three months were known as the
Ryan Goslin
” period. I was in love, infatuated, and obsessed with him. How could any girl not be? The movie had sung to my soul, and set the bar so high for any future boyfriend that no boy other than Ryan would do. He was partly to blame, I think, for my er... lack of

The movie plays on through all of the familiar scenes. When Noah drives to All
s empty house only to find the love of his life gone, my eyes water.

Hey, I thought I heard something in here

I swirl around with my bloodshot eyes to see Dom striding in. He sees me crying and looks worried.

Oh, V. Are you still upset

My attention is torn between Dom and Noah. I shake my head.

No... i
s just- The Notebook
” I point to the giant screen, proving my point.

Dom laughs, relieved.

Oh no, not this damned movie! Theresa wore her copy out and I had to buy her another one. What is it with chicks and this movie?
” he makes his way around the sofa and takes a seat next to mine. I sniffle my drying tears and prepare to defend my Ryan.

First of all... we are
  chicks. Second, you should watch and learn a thing or two about how to treat a lady. That...
” I point to the close up of my teenaged obsession,
 “ a

Content that I have salvaged my imaginary boyfrien
s honor, I sit back next to Dom and watch the movie star loose his best friend in combat. Dom puts his feet up on an ottoman and wraps his arm around the back of my place on the sofa.

Leaning in, he whispers.
m glad yo
re feeling better

Getting even closer, as if to tell me a secret, he adds

and just for the record... I
  how to treat a lady

Whoa! I sit pin still, pretending to concentrate hard on the movie. My mouth runs dry and
m sure my veins are pulsing visibly from my quickening pulse. I strain to keep my haggard breathing steady and clam, not wanting Dom to see the loss of control h
s caused.

What do I do now?
My lord... I ca
t move. If I get up, h
ll know i
s because of him. I ca
t give him the satisfaction of knowing he can make me squirm. If I keep still, h
ll think
m some mother-Mary goody-two-shoes unable to hold her own when a guy says something lascivious to her.

Who am I fooling? I
  know how to hold my own. Too much time is going to pass and
ll look like a moron getting the punch line of a joke too late, if I do
t act now. My mind reaches for something clever, something sexy, even, to say.
Oh come on! Mind do
t fail me now.

I swallow to quench my dry voice before shifting only my eyes to Dom.

Oh, really?
ll believe it when I see it

There. Done. I can feel every inch of his body making contact with mine stiffen immediately from my counter remark. Without much hesitation he reaches his arm from the back of the sofa cushions and up the back of my neck, tilting it toward him and keeping it still. I start to shiver. He lowers his head so his lips are just above mine, and his eyes pool deep. What have I done?...

He places his other hand under my chin, lifting it infinitesimally higher and lowers his lips, licking them until he is mere millimeters from mine. I close my eyes bracing for impact. His sweet lips will finally be on mine, I know it. To hell with controlling my breathing, I now concentrate solely on not fainting.

The kiss I long for does
t arrive so I open my eyes to inquire why. Do
s eyes are waiting, looking deep into mine while he smirks with a visible sense of satisfaction.

Well then... I guess
m just going to have to prove it to you
” his lips barely touch mine before my quivering grows.

They are even softer than I imagined them to be, but so strong against my own. I follow his lead, applying pressure to the same places as they mold to each other. The kiss is so much shorter than I need it to be, and I hunger for more as he lifts his lips leaving a soft covering of his moisture behind.

m sure I whimpered but the ringing in my ears is too intense to tell for sure. My eyes are practically sealed shut as I wait... for what,
m not sure. I feel pressure on my lips again and am eternally grateful that it was
t in fact over. I
s not the border of his mouth I feel, but the pad of his thumb caressing my lower lip, slowly spreading the last of the drying wetness as it trails along.

My eyes fling open to lock with his. There is a fire to his gaze. He presses his finger subtly, causing my lips to part ever-so-slightly before he flashes a tiny version of his drop dead gorgeous grin. Before I can react, his lips crash against mine with more force than before.
m thankful the
ve returned and I welcome them. The pressure behind my neck intensifies, deepening the kiss as the muscles of his lips masterfully move mine open and his tongue begins its exploration.

I sink into him and meet his expertise with every ounce of energy I can find. His hands are moving now, slowly, fingers teasing my heightened sense of touch as he settles one around my waist and the other caressing my cheek. Now easing his pressure, his kisses become tender and deep with each one longer than the last.

He makes my body sing as my back stretches and my neck elongates on impulse. His kiss moves down my jawline and onto my neck, sending electrical currents down my spine before settling deep. My breaths become loud as I loose control of myself. This only seems to feed Doms passion as his fingers graze the hem of my tank top before covering the flesh of my stomach, his thumb kneading my skin as his palm inches upward.

His hands feel exquisite, causing little explosions wherever they touch. Every inch of my neck has been thoroughly sought out before he returns his kisses to my waiting lips. The pressure of his hand is growing deeper as he moves competently over my rib. My breathing shallows, my body tenses and stiffens.

s hands escape back from under my top and lands back where they started... supporting my head as his lips slow dramatically and his tongue releases its hold on mine. We both hold still, frozen almost, breathing in unison while I descend from the high Dom has given me.

m sorry... I did
t mean to tense up. I just
” I search Dom for any trace of disappointment.

I do
t find any. His eyes are still deep in mine.

Shhh. Do
t apologize. That was building up in me for a long time, V. I
s better we stop before things get really heavy

If that was
really heavy
, what is? I want to find out. I start to lean back into him to ask him with my lips. He moves his mouth out of dodge and kisses my forehead instead.

Not so fast, V
” My body spills out with disappointment over his chest. He laughs under his breath.

No more tonight, V. Yo
re trying to corrupt me

I roll my eyes at his sarcastic innocent act. Dom is in absolutely no danger of being corrupted by
. He knows it. We lie still, our fingers playfully exploring each other as we contemplate wha
s just happened. Mine on his chest and his on my back, swirling mindlessly and tapping softly. Dom bursts the cocoon of silence that w
d created.

You missed your movie

I pinch him lightly with my fingers for reminding me,
s OK. I have it on blu-ray

He grabs my guilty fingers and holds them to his mouth while looking down toward his chest.

Play nice
” he jokes, playfully admonishing my behavior.

This man is hot as hell. I now see what brought all the girls around. He kisses my fingers softly and them kisses them again a little harder, suckling just the smallest bit. My eyes roll back at the sensation. He sets them free, and helps me to my feet.

All right. I
s time to go to bed
” He sees the horror flash across my face, and then corrects himself.

Separately. And soon, before I change my mind on that.
ve got an afternoon flight,V.
m not gonna sleep much after... that.... but I need to try. We need to slow down... go at your pace

he leads me to the stairs.

Ugh. Do you have to go to Miami?

I ask, realizing after, that I must sound like a petulant child.
I mean, ca
t someone else handle it

Dom smiles at my interest.

No... not this time. I
s all arranged.
ll be gone less than a week. Besides, if absence makes the heart grow fonder, imagine what i
s gonna do for those sexy lips
” H
s playing now.
You go to bed. I
s late.
ve got some last minute things to get ready before tomorrow

BOOK: Baby V (Chianti Kisses #1)
13.88Mb size Format: txt, pdf, ePub

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