Baby in Her Arms (10 page)

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Authors: Judy Christenberry

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Historical, #Nonfiction, #Series

BOOK: Baby in Her Arms
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And it wasn’t the master bedroom.
She left that room to Josh, choosing instead the one beside Ginny’s. Then she asked for the small library off the living room for her office.
A hand came down on his shoulder. “Don’t give up,” Will whispered. “Kate planned to avoid me when we got married.”
Josh frowned at his soon-to-be brother-in-law. “Why would she do that?”
“She was making a marriage of convenience, too. Just like Maggie.”
Josh wanted more details, but there was no time to ask for them now. At least Will’s words gave him hope. Because he intended to have Maggie in his bed—and sooner rather than later.
Unfortunately, staying at her sister’s house, Maggie had managed to avoid any time alone with him, so there’d been no time to talk about ground rules in their coming marriage.
And tonight she’d made it clear what she wanted.
His gaze trailed her lithe form. Since she’d quit her job at the accounting firm, it seemed to Josh that Maggie was more relaxed. She dressed casually, in jeans that showed off her curves, rather than in outfits like that boxy suit she’d been wearing that first night.
He remembered his first impression of her—that she wasn’t terribly attractive. Though he also remembered eyeing her tush as she stomped out of the kitchen. But now, he couldn’t imagine any of the women he’d ever dated comparing to Maggie.
She was filled with an incandescent light that radiated from her, and she exuded a caring warmth. Especially when she held Ginny. He wanted her to look at him the same way. How sad to be jealous of his own baby....
Three days later Josh stood in Kate and Will’s backyard, under the roof of a rented gazebo, waiting for his bride. He’d been introduced to Susan, the third sister, and her half siblings, and also met several old family friends of the O’Connors.
Will’s mother, a somewhat pretentious matron, had made a lot of the arrangements, though she was constantly muttering under her breath about rushed weddings.
The three-piece ensemble began playing the wedding march as the back door of the house opened. Josh caught his breath as Maggie stepped outside.
She was wearing a cream suit, as she’d said she would.
she was carrying Ginny, dressed in cream also, along with a bouquet of cream roses. Covering Maggie’s hair was a small hat with a chin-length veil. A matching bow sat atop Ginny’s dark curls.
His two beautiful ladies.
Josh’s heart swelled with pride as they stepped to his side. He reached for Maggie’s hand, noticing how adept she’d become at handling Ginny in the past two weeks.
The judge Will had invited to perform the ceremony cleared his throat and began those momentous words Josh had never thought to hear again. But there was no panic in his heart, as he’d expected.
He could trust Maggie. He knew that And besides, he wasn’t going to love her. He fully intended to
make love
to her, but he wasn’t going to love her.
And then the judge asked him to do just that.
Maggie stared at the beautiful diamond band Josh had surprised her with only four hours ago. She was Mrs. Joshua McKinley.
She sighed.
It hadn’t been as wonderful as she’d expected. It wasn’t the wedding ceremony that had disappointed her. Kate’s mother-in-law, with Kate’s assistance, had done a great job. And the food, from the Lucky Charm Diner, of course, had been delicious.
It was the emotions that filled her, the ones she read on Josh’s face that disturbed her. He’d given her exactly what he’d offered. A marriage of convenience.
“Foolish girl. What did you expect?” she asked herself as she tucked Ginny into bed upstairs at Kate and Will’s.
Silly question. She knew what she’d hoped for. But the closer they came to the wedding, the more distant Josh had grown. She’d discovered he’d been married before, but it clearly had been an unhappy union.
It doesn’t matter, she assured herself. After all, they had a business arrangement, so no one was expecting happily ever after. They’d be just fine.
As long as she could forget the longings that filled her. And she’d have to, because Josh hadn’t shown any interest in loving her.
She returned downstairs and discovered Kate and Will standing by the front door with a suitcase.
“What’s going on?” she asked, puzzled.
“We decided to have Angie stay overnight to take care of the babies. And Will and I are going to the Plaza Hotel for the night.” Kate didn’t look terribly happy about their decision.
“You don’t seem pleased about going, Kate,” Maggie noted slowly, trying to figure out what was going on.
“It was Will’s idea,” Kate muttered.
“I’m a romantic fool,” Will murmured, a grin on his face. “Since Nate was born, we haven’t had a single uninterrupted night.”
“That’s not true!” Kate protested. “Remember—”
Will stopped her by covering her lips with his and pulling her into a passionate embrace.
Maggie’s heart ached with jealousy. She wanted her husband to treat her in the same manner.
“Maggie?” Josh called from the hallway behind her. “Did Ginny go to sleep okay?”
“Yes,” she assured him, somewhat breathless. “She’s already asleep.”
Will stopped kissing his wife and said goodbye, sweeping her out the door before the other two could respond.
“They ... they’re going to a hotel.”
“Yeah, Will told me.”
Maggie stood across from him, unable to think of a thing to say.
“Come on. There’s a good movie on television.” He turned and walked into the den without waiting for her.
Not knowing what else to do, she followed him.
Two hours later the movie ended. And the couple who’d entered the room still remained separated by about three feet of sofa cushions.
Several times Josh had initiated a conversation, but it always fizzled out. Maggie didn’t know what he was trying to say, but whatever it was never got said.
Finally, they walked up the stairs together, but, like every other night since they’d moved into Kate and Will’s house, Maggie entered the small bedroom next to the nursery.
“Good night, Josh,” she said hurriedly, afraid if she didn’t separate from him quickly, she’d throw herself in his arms and beg him to make love to her.
Closing the door when he didn’t respond, she leaned against it, thinking that at least Kate and Will would have a romantic night
Because the bride and groom sure weren’t going to.
Chapter Ten
he next week was hectic.
Not only did Maggie’s belongings have to be packed and moved, but the shambles of Josh’s condo had to be sorted out, as well. Then they had to shop to replace items that had been destroyed. Like a television set, dishes, a breakfast table.
The goons who’d broken in had taken out their frustration on most of Josh’s possessions.
Maggie and Josh didn’t actually move into the house until Tuesday. The day when Maggie’s bedroom furniture was moved in, along with Josh’s king-size bed.
Into separate rooms, of course.
Josh considered speaking to Maggie before the beds arrived. It was ridiculous to think they could live in the same house, married to each other, and sleep in separate rooms.
But Maggie had given him no indication that separate beds bothered her.
“Josh?” she called from her room, shaking him from his depressing thoughts.
“Yeah?” he answered as he left the master bedroom and walked down the hall to her room.
“I’ve got some extra pillows. Do you need any of them?” She was bent over her bed, smoothing the coverlet.
“No, thank you. I have plenty of pillows.”
“Even after they slashed several?”
“Yeah.” Pillows weren’t what he needed in his bedroom.
Her back was turned to him and his gaze lovingly outlined her hips as he wished his hands could do. When she turned, his face was burning. He felt as if he’d been caught reading a racy magazine, something he hadn’t done since puberty.
“I really appreciate your working half days this week, so we can get settled in. It’s a beautiful house.”
“I’m glad you like it. Mrs. Lassiter, my cleaning lady, has agreed to come a couple of days a week to help out. She’ll be here tomorrow.”
“Two days a week? Can you afford that?” She looked anxious. Before Josh could reassure her, she said, “I can pay half. I think my business is going to be quite prosperous.”
He felt as if she’d insulted him. “I can pay my own way, Maggie.”
Her eyebrows rose, drawing his attention to her hazel eyes. “You shouldn’t have to pay my way, too, Josh. Not completely.”
“That was our agreement. You’re going to be taking care of Ginny
working. I don’t want you to feel like a servant.” He wanted her to feel like a wife. A wife who slept in her husband’s bed.
She seemed taken aback by his harsh tone. “You’re taking care of Ginny, too. You’re the one who put her down for her afternoon nap.”
“I was here. After this week, I’ll need to put in more hours. I have a business to run.”
He hadn’t meant to sound so gruff, but she had to understand. The warmth in her gaze disappeared, and he felt sure she was disappointed by his response. She probably wanted him to change jobs. Like his mother. Like his first wife.
He turned and stalked out of her bedroom. He couldn’t stay there without wanting to take her to bed. Maybe separate bedrooms was a good idea, because he couldn’t seem to control himself around her.
She hadn’t touched him since he’d offered marriage.
Their marriage was a disaster.
Maggie watched Josh leave her bedroom, a frown on his face. Nothing she did or said seemed to make him happy. Only Ginny brought out his smiles.
With a sigh, she went back downstairs to the kitchen. The house was beautiful. She couldn’t have chosen better, but it didn’t matter. It wasn’t going to become a home unless things changed.
. It was hard to appear natural around Josh, when desire surged through her veins every time she got within sight of him. A rather new experience for her, the almost overpowering need that filled her.
Other than her raging hormones, everything was working well. She tended to her business in the afternoon while Josh was home, and sometimes in the mornings when Ginny played in her playpen. With Mrs. Lassiter coming two days a week, the housework would be manageable.
All she had to worry about was feeding her little family.
Gathering the ingredients for the chicken casserole she intended to make for dinner, Maggie was concentrating on the recipe until Josh entered the kitchen.
“I have to go out. Pete called and there’s a problem.”
“All right. Will you be back for dinner?”
Her question appeared to irritate him.
“I don’t know, Maggie. I’ll have to play it by ear.”
“If I’m asleep, I’ll leave dinner in the refrigerator,” she said, hiding her emotions. It wasn’t that she minded eating dinner alone. She was used to that. But she worried that Josh might get hurt.
“Thanks.” He turned and headed for the garage.
Though she warned herself she should say nothing else, she couldn’t remain quiet. “Josh?”
“Yeah?” He sounded wary.
“Be careful.”
He turned and frowned at her. “Maggie, I told you my work isn’t that dangerous. Last week was the first time—”
“I know,” she said hurriedly, her smile wobbly, trying to assure him she wasn’t a weak, demanding woman. “ careful.”
Something in his expression changed, and he walked back to her. Much to her surprise, considering the past week, he took hold of her upper arms and tugged her toward him. “You be careful, too. Lots of accidents happen in the home.”
His reversal of concern tickled her, and she relaxed for the first time in days. “Oh, yes, those dreadful pots and pans can attack when you’re least expecting them,” she teased with a chuckle.
He grinned. Then he pulled her closer and kissed her.
Before Maggie could think, her arms circled his neck and she leaned into his hard body, opening her mouth to him. He took full advantage, taking her breath away. When he lifted his head, she could barely stand.
“I’ll hurry back,” he promised huskily, before he stepped back and hurried out the door.
“Oh, my,” Maggie muttered to herself.
She’d decided she could live with Josh and not expect anything more than friendship. But that kiss had just shot her theory to bits.
He was such a wonderful man. He could have any woman he wanted, she knew. After all, he was handsome, intelligent, caring and financially solvent. And she wanted all of him for herself.
But that hadn’t been his plan. All he’d offered was friendship. So what was she going to do now?
“You’ll forget,” she ordered herself. “He thought you wanted him to kiss you. He probably thought you were begging. Really, Maggie, you must control yourself.”
Her self-lecture didn’t dismiss the hunger she felt for Josh McKinley. Maybe the chicken casserole would do the job. But she sure didn’t think so.
He’d been an idiot!
Josh berated himself all the way home.
First of all he shouldn’t have kissed her. Because it only made him want to kiss her again. Real bad.
And then, he’d tricked her. He could’ve told her Pete’s problem was with the computer. Instead, he’d let her think he was taking on the entire criminal world.
But the concern in her gaze had been so sweet.
Almost as sweet as the taste of her lips.
Man, if he could get so worked up kissing her, what control would he have if he took her to bed? Just imagining her naked, her smooth skin inviting his touch, her arms held out in encouragement, her luscious lips smiling, caused a definite reaction.
He shifted in the car seat. His jeans were too tight. That bulge had better disappear before he entered the house. Maggie would notice at once and be disgusted with him.
After all, if she’d wanted him, she would’ve let him know by now. It wouldn’t take a rocket scientist to know that he would accept any kind of invitation without any hesitation.
He pushed the garage door opener and eased the Jeep in the garage. At least he wouldn’t have to worry about facing her tonight. It was after one o’clock. She’d be asleep.
He unlocked the back door and crept across the tile to the kitchen. She’d left the light on for him. He pushed the swinging door open, then came to an abrupt halt.
“Maggie! What are you doing up? Is Ginny sick?”
She’d been reading a book, which she now shut. “No. I wasn’t sleepy and thought I’d wait for you. Actually, I hadn’t realized it was so late. I was just going to go upstairs.”
Her sleepy smile made him think of beds, sheets, slick bodies, sex. He turned away and opened the refrigerator. He needed something cold. In a hurry.
“Well, don’t let me keep you.”
“It’s okay. I’ll heat some of the casserole for you.”
Damn, if she didn’t get out of the kitchen, she’d see his arousal. “No, thanks, I’m not hungry.”
“But, Josh, you have to eat something. Skipping meals isn’t good for you.”
“Pete and I ordered a pizza. I’m not hungry.” He knew his tone was harsh, but he was desperate. He couldn’t even turn around until she cleared out. Her voice alone, sexy velvet, husky honey, sent shivers all over him.
Just one soft sound. Filled with disappointment.
Without thinking, he whirled around. “Maggie, I didn’t mean—You shouldn’t have—”
“It’s okay. I didn’t realize you’d get a chance to eat.” She’d gotten up and turned toward the door, her shoulders slumped.
“Sweetheart, wait,” he called and hurried after her. He couldn’t let her think he didn’t appreciate her efforts. “I should’ve called to tell you, but we didn’t order the pizza until almost midnight, and I thought you’d be asleep.”
She turned just as he reached her, and she was practically in his embrace without his intending to touch her. The smile, that warm, butter-melting smile she had lately reserved just for Ginny, lit her face.
His hands gathered her to him. Reflex action, that was all. He wasn’t going to take advantage of her. Of course he wasn’t.
But she leaned into him, as she had earlier when he’d kissed her. Damn, didn’t she have any selfpreservation instincts? He wasn’t going to be able to resist her much longer. In fact, she’d have to be a child not to recognize his arousal when they were touching from shoulder to knee.
“Maggie, you’d better go to bed.”
The light went out of her smile. “Yes, of course. Good night.”
She shoved against his chest, but he didn’t release her. He told his hands to pull back. They did, but they pulled Maggie with them. Tricky hands.
Her gaze returned to his face, a question in it.
The only answer he had for her brought on more questions. But he couldn’t have resisted her lips at that moment even if she were cursing him.
She didn’t resist him, either.
His heart thudded as her soft lips molded to his, opened to him, inviting him to come even closer to her sweetness. “Oh, Maggie,” he muttered as his lips left hers to trace a path down her delicate neck. He breathed in the soft scent of her hair, and his hands roamed her back, stroking and caressing every inch of her.
Somewhere in that embrace, he realized she wasn’t wearing a bra. He jerked back, frowning.
“Is something wrong?” she whispered, scanning his face anxiously.
“You’re not wearing a bra!” he exclaimed, regretting that he sounded so accusatory.
She seemed surprised by his words. “I’m wearing my pajamas. I don’t wear a bra to bed.”
He gulped and took several steps back, afraid if he didn’t send her away at once, he’d take her on the kitchen floor. “Go to bed, Maggie.”
“I have to go to bed because I’m not wearing a bra?” She sounded confused.
“Damn it, yes! I can’t control myself much longer. Unless you want to continue this...this—” he couldn’t think of what to call their kissing “—you’d better go to your room and lock your door.”
“There’s no lock on my door.”
He stared at her, unable to believe she’d said those words so calmly, with no fear, no alarm. What was wrong with her?
“Maggie, I can’t be responsible—”
“I don’t think I want you to be.”
It took a moment for her whispered words to sink in. When they did, he closed the distance between them so quickly she didn’t have a chance to get away.
Touching her again, he ground his teeth, then muttered, “When will you be sure?”
Just as he’d imagined, her lips spread in a soft, welcoming smile.
“Maggie?” he whispered, at the end of his restraint.
“Let’s go upstairs,” she suggested, and held out a hand.
As he’d dreamed.
He took her hand and raced up the stairs. Heading down the hall to the master bedroom, he came to an abrupt halt when Maggie stopped. Had she changed her mind?

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