Awake My Heart (The Bentini Brothers Book 3) (4 page)

BOOK: Awake My Heart (The Bentini Brothers Book 3)
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     “Tony’s right.  Mom’s got to realize that her way isn’t what
the family wants.”  Then looking at each brother, Will says, “Not that it
really matters, but how do you feel about my being with Kathy?  Can we count on
your support or will you shun her?”

     Before any answer is given, Antonio addresses the group, “Since
Will asked, I’m going to ask as well.  Will you ostracize Tiressa or will you
welcome her to the family; because make no mistake about it, she will be a part
of this family!  I don’t want her hurt by your callous rejection.  We face
enough of that bullshit as an interracial couple.  We don’t need it from people
who are supposed to love us.”

     Looking from Will to Antonio, Jason doesn’t hesitate to give
his support, “I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, we are family.  I love
you both and I willingly accept the women you have chosen to love.  You have my
support, you always have and you always will.”

     “Well, I can’t top that little speech of brotherly love, but I
definitely give you my full support as well,” Adam pledges, with a toothy grin.

     “Me too,” Nick chimes in.  “As a happily married man, I want
to see everyone as delirious as I am.”  They all laugh, and then look to the
last holdout.

     “Well, Robert?”  Antonio and Will wear matching tense
expressions.  Robert is the oldest sibling.  His decision can go a long way in
their favor or a long way against them, making things more difficult.

     Meeting their challenging gazes head on, Robert responds, “In
all honesty, I understand and sympathize with mom.  We have a certain standing
in the community and have worked hard to achieve a high level of success.  That
success brings with it, not only a great deal of responsibility, but also a
certain expectations from many of the people we associate with.”

     “Then maybe
are associating with the wrong kind of
people.  Maybe
need to stop being so narrow-minded and look beyond
our own noses to see that there are other people in the world.  People who may
be of different backgrounds and cultures and skin colors, but are just as
important as
obviously think
are.”  Antonio doesn’t
disguise his contempt for this brother who values his and the family’s position
in elite society.

     William springs to his feet, “Status be damned!  And to hell
with you Robert if you think—”

     Robert surges to his feet as well, “I’m not saying anything
derogatory about Kathy or Tiressa.  I’m not against you or Tony!  I’m merely
stating that I understand where mom is coming from.  Looking at it from a
business and social point of view—”

     Now Antonio is out of his seat again, “This isn’t about a gawddamn
business deal, and fuck so-called high society!  Do you have any idea what kind
of shit goes on in some of the best homes in this city?  Well, I sure as hell
do and I can tell you things that will set you back on your pompous ass!  Money
and status does not make them better people Robert!”

     Now all the men are standing, glaring at the eldest brother.  “Look,
I’m not saying it does!”

     “Answer the damn question Robert.  Tell us straight, are you
with us or are you against us!”

     Hesitating, Robert finally answers, “You are my brothers. 
Although I do not agree with either of your decisions, you have my support.”

     “And will you welcome Tiressa—”

     “And Kathy,” Will adds heatedly.

     “...and Kathy, into this family.  Will you let go of your own
bias and make them feel truly welcomed into this family?” 

     “Yes, as much as I can.”

     “That will have to do for now,” Nick rushes to say, cautious
of Will and Tony’s thunderous expressions; it’s obvious they are ready to go at
Robert again.

     “This calls for a little celebration,” Jason shouts in an
attempt to break the tension.  He and Adam go over to the liquor cabinet and
prepare drinks.  When each man holds a glass of the amber-colored liquor, Nick raises
his glass in a toast.  “Here’s to cupid.  His aim was sure and true, causing
love’s arrow to penetrate the asses of two of the toughest asses in
Christendom.”  A loud chorus of here-here rings out as they all click their
glasses and share a relieved, yet strained, heart-felt laugh.  Once the noise
quiets, William reminds them, “Not that I haven’t enjoyed this bonding session,
but it’s getting late and I need to get back to the hospital.”

     “Are her parents here yet?” Antonio inquires.

     “Yes, they arrived late this morning.”

     “How are they holding up?”
     “As any parent would, they’re devastated.”

     “Do you want me to come with you?” Antonio offers.

     “No, you go see to Ti, I know how upset she is and that can’t
be good in her condition.”

     “What condition are you talking about?  I thought the doctor
gave her a clean bill of health when she was released from the hospital.” 
Jason’s frown of concern is genuine.

     “He did and she’s fine.  Will misspoke,” Antonio attempts to
evade, but it doesn’t work.

     “Is that right Will?”  Adam scrutinizes Will suspiciously.

     “Yeah, you heard the man, I misspoke.  Drop it.”

     Like a dog with a bone, the twins persist. “What’s wrong with her,
Antonio, tell us.  She may be your girl, but we knew her first and we’re her

     “Now, I see how mom must have felt,” Tony murmurs.  “There is
nothing wrong with Ti.  But seeing as you two aren’t willing to accept that, what
I’m about to tell you doesn’t go beyond these walls.  Aside from Will, no one
has been told yet…  Ti’s pregnant, we’re going to have a baby!”  Tony proudly
announces, eyes bright, smile wide as a rainbow as his brothers congratulate
him.  It’s easy to see that he’s thrilled and they are happy for him. 
except one.

     “Well damn!  That explains why you’re rushing to marry her,” Robert
derisively surmises.

     Offended, Tony sets him straight.  “Hey asshole, I’m marrying
Tiressa because I love her!  Step out of your cave every once in a while and
you’ll see that plenty of people—rich people included—are starting families
without benefit of marriage.”  Frustrated with his brother’s narrow-minded
supercilious company, Antonio walks toward the door. “I’m out of here, I can’t
keep beating my head against
!”  Robert bristles at the
childhood nickname he was given by his younger brothers because he was and is
considered extremely stubborn.

     Nick echo’s Antonio’s sentiments.  “I don’t have enough
stamina for another argument.  I’ll walk out with you and Will,” Nick says
shaking his head at Robert.

     “Hey man, I’m sorry Antonio and Will were so hard on you.  But
you have to know that they really do love their ladies and are very protective
of them.  And I can’t blame them; what would you do if the family felt that way
about Angela?”

     Robert thinks about his lovely wife, the mother of his
precious children.  “Yeah, I guess I’m beginning to realize so many things,” he
admits getting up and walking out the door.

     “So, what do you want to do, bro?” Jason asks his twin.

     “Hell, it’s almost five, let’s knock off for the day.  Do you
have anything planned for tonight?  I mean aside from climbing between Carmen’s
hot tight thighs.”

     “Hey, watch your fucking mouth!  That’s my girl you’re talking

     “Oh shit, sorry bro.  I didn’t know you two were getting
serious like that.  I thought you were
her for kicks,” Adam
teases, moving like lightning when Jason comes after him, fists raised.

     Finally catching on that his twin is baiting him, Jason turns
and starts walking towards the door.  Before he leaves, he tosses back a parting
shot, “Fuck you Adam, and the broke down nag you rode in on.”  Seeing Adam’s surprised
comical expression, he laughs raucously as he exits, feeling well-vindicated.

     “I guess some people don’t know how to take a joke,” Adam
mumbles to himself, opening the bathroom door. 

     Totally caught off guard by the sudden appearance of Adam, Alison
tries to dash to the dressing room.  He is after her in a flash, grabbing her
by the arm and swinging her back to face him.

     “Well, well, well, what do we have here; a gift for me
perhaps?” he drawls, astonished and very pleased at finding his brother’s
beautiful fiancée with all her ample charms on full display.

     “Let go of me Adam!”

     “I think not.  It’s not every day that a man beholds such a
glorious sight –an eavesdropper hiding in a bathroom, au naturel.”

     “That’s right, it’s William that I’m naked for, not you, so,
let go of me.  I mean it Adam!  I’ll tell William about this!”

     “You do and I’ll do some telling of my own.  We’ll see who
comes out on top.  Me, his brother or you, the girl he just dumped,” Adam sneers
maliciously, reaching out to tweak one of her pretty pink nipples.

     Slapping his hand away, she hisses, “I told you, that was a
mistake!  It never should have happened!”

     “But it did and this is a prime opportunity for it to happen
again,” Adam boldly declares, pushing her roughly against the wall.

     Seeing the wicked determination gleaming in his beautiful blue
eyes, Alison pushes past him and runs into the dressing room.  Before she can
bolt the door, it crashes inward, knocking her to the floor.  Adam smiles
appreciatively at the arousing sight of her long beautiful legs spread open.  “My
brother isn’t going to like you shaving yourself completely bald,” he taunts
nonchalantly, strutting into the dressing room and locking the door behind
him.  “While I, on the other hand, enjoy the landscape.”

     “You arrogant little bastard!”  Alison spits, pushing up from
the floor.  “I’ll scream!  I’ll scream the whole damn building down!”

     “You do and I’ll make sure William and my entire family know
what a duplicitous whore you really are!” he threatens without a second’s
hesitation or an ounce of shame.

     “How can you be so cruel?  You know how much I love your
brother!” she cries, putting her face in her hands, shoulders shaking. 

     “Nice performance Alli, but everyone knows that what you
really love is his money—well, everyone except Will of course.  Now stop
teasing me and get up on that couch…unless you want me to take you on the
floor.” Unbuckling his belt, he steps out of his pants.  “Besides, you heard Will,
he’s done with you.  He wants Kathy now,” Adam mocks callously.

     Standing in front of the sofa, to angry to even put on the
pretense of being modest, Alison jeers, “You Bentini men are all alike.  You
think you can have anything you want!”

     “Get off your high-horse princess.”  He disregards her bogus outrage,
taking a condom out of his pants pocket, tearing open the foil and slowly rolling
it down his randy manhood.  “You started this.  Maybe next time you’ll think
twice before sleeping with one man while being engaged to another… especially,
when the men involved are brothers!”

     She attempts to deliver a deserving slap across his smug, handsome
face.  “You swine!  You arrogant—!”

     “Yeah, yeah, I know…I’m an arrogant bastard.  And you’re a
haughty bitch,” he says, slowly stroking his lengthy hard on.  “Lucky for you, I
love screwing haughty bitches.”  Without warning, he shoves Alison down onto
the sofa, spread her legs wide and shoves into her without benefit of
foreplay.  She lets out a little scream at the rough invasion, “You pig!  You
could have prepared me first!” she gasp, trying to relax her inner muscles so
that she can take him more pleasurably.

     “Shut up.  We both know you like it rough,” he growls unable
to suppress an intense shudder from the strength of his ardent lust.  Grabbing
a fist full of luxurious blond hair, he yanks her head back, becoming even more
excited by the sound of her breathless moans.  “Do you want me?” he chuckles,
relishing her desperate passion.

     “No.  You son of a bitch!” she lies, furious with his game.

     “Oh sweetheart, you have just made a big mistake.  No one
loves his mama as much as I do.  Now, I’m going to make you beg for it!” he
swears between gritted teeth.  Her gyrating hips pump empty air as her grasping
little hands attempt to grab his hips and force him to give her what her body
so desperately craves.  “I want only to please you Alison.  But you know what
you must do,” he mocks. 

     “You bastard!” she pants furiously, “Take me!”

     “That’s close, but not it,” Adam grunts, not sure how much
longer he can take his own torture.

     “Take me, please take me!” she begs, tears springing to her
eyes.  “Please Adam—”

     “Good enough!” he declares, bearing down on her.  “Yes, Adam,
yes… give it to me!” she keens low, urging him on.  Her inner muscles contract
around his long, thick shaft as she lifts her hips to meet each powerful, hard
thrust.  He grits his teeth, his pulse racing as he erupts gloriously.  Breathing
hard, Adam slides off Alison’s damp body and onto the floor, lying on his back
looking up at the flush face turned towards him.  He thinks to himself,
is absolutely stunning.  It’s a pity she’s also spoiled, devious, and
faithless.  Hell, I’m doing Will a favor!”

BOOK: Awake My Heart (The Bentini Brothers Book 3)
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