Ava's Mate (8 page)

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Authors: Hazel Gower

BOOK: Ava's Mate
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Ava yelled his name as he thrust his way back in. Logan closed his eyes as her vagina muscles clenched around him. Crap! He didn’t know how long he could last with her so tight and his head filled with her smell and his mouth still holding the taste of her essences.

Pulling almost all the way out, he pistoned back into her, trying to keep a steady pace as she arched into each pump. Opening his eyes, he kissed his way down her back and back up again, pausing at the place where her shoulder met her neck. His brain screamed at him to bite her hard and break the skin. Leave his mark for all to know she was his.

Moving his hand up, he tweaked her nipples, and when he couldn’t take any more he let himself explode, biting down on her, feeling her blood. Ava screamed and quivered around him, squeezing every last drop of cum from him as her muscles seemed to almost be holding him, locking them together as one. In his blissed out state he didn’t care.

They lay clasped together on the bed and he moved them onto their sides, his dick still held in a vise-like grip like she was trying to milk him of all his cum.

* * * *

Ava lay content and satisfied. A voice in the back of her mind told her she’d just done something major and she knew her body was acting weird. She’d never held any of her partners like her vagina was now. She tried to figure out what was going on, but in her euphoric state, she didn’t care.

Her wolf had settled down some but let her know they weren’t done.
Let him rest for a moment then we will show him again that once you go wolf you never go back.

Logan’s hands slid to her pussy and leisurely stroked her clit while he licked his marks on her shoulder before nibbling on her ear. “Is there something you want to tell me?”

Ava racked her pleasure filled mind and wondered what he meant.

“How about why I feel rock hard again when I just came harder than I have in my whole life and how I feel like I need to stake my claim on you again? Or how about the fact that your pussy hasn’t let me go. It’s like I’m locked inside you.”

At the words ‘locked inside’ she froze and clarity came back to her for a moment. Shit! She was in heat. Her body was locking Logan inside her because he was her mate. If they kept going she would get pregnant. Fucking hell, she could already be pregnant.

Logan noticed her still state, and he mumbled, “Sweetheart, it’s okay. You can tell me.” He kissed his mate mark and ground himself closer to her.

Taking a deep breath, she debated what to tell him. Her wolf snarled that they should talk later, make more love now, but Ava knew with Logan only now just really accepting her, she needed to tell him the truth. “I’m in heat.”

Logan chuckled against her skin. “You’re joking, right?”

She ground her arse against him to help prove her point. He moaned and his head fell back from her shoulder.

“Okay, so what do you mean by in heat? Like an animal?”

She couldn’t help the snarl that escaped. “Yes, like an animal.”

“Does this mean what I think it does?”

“What do you think it means?” she whispered.

“You mean to tell me that your body is trying to get pregnant?”

Ava nodded and waited to hear him say something more. He didn’t, he just lay there, his hand caressing her clit. His cock slowly slipped out of her.

Not knowing what to say as he lay quiet, she babbled out, “Let’s order take-out and have it delivered to the house. We can sit and watch a movie on cable.”

She sighed in relief when Logan shrugged and pulled her tight, turning her to face him. “That’s sounds good, but I have to ring and cancel the reservations I made at the Mexican restaurant.”

Her fingers drew circles on his chest. “I wrecked your clothes. I can’t have you going naked.”

Logan paused and brought her hands to his mouth, kissing her fingers. “I have all my things in the car. I needed a change so I decided to change barracks.”

She snarled and held him closer. “It was your friends from your barracks that did this to you?” Ava gently kissed both his eyes and nose.

* * * *

Logan felt no pain any more. Getting up off the bed, he held Ava to him and noticed she barely weighed anything. He turned to the mirror only to stare shocked at himself. His eyes weren’t swollen anymore, the bruises looked days old. He held Ava to him like she weighed no more than a feather. Falling back on the bed, he looked up at Ava. “What else have you done to me?”

She stared down at him, then sat next to him. “I told you to stay away, to go away. I said I couldn’t hold her off any longer. But you didn’t listen.” She got off the bed and wrapped a robe around herself. “I mated you. Bit you.”

Logan couldn’t help reaching for the bite mark and rubbing it.

“When I bit you and made you my mate I gave you…” Her eyebrows furrowed. “Gifts. I gave you gifts. You will now heal a lot faster, and have a lot more strength. You will be immune to diseases. Oh, and you will live a lot longer.” She bit her bottom lip. “My wolf wanted you safe, she…I didn’t like you with those bruises, being in heat just makes it all worse.”

He stared, trying to comprehend what she’d said, but it was hard to concentrate with her scent filling his head again. If what she’d just told him was true it explained why his brother was stronger than him and had recovered from the big ordeal in the tunnels so quickly. He watched as Ava paced the room. “I’m not a werewolf now, am I?”

Ava laugh like he’d just told the funniest joke. “No. You can only be born a wolf.”

He nodded as his mind swirled with so many questions. “Why don’t you help the humans with this miracle? Does the military know about this? What do I do now?” Logan wanted to ask more, but those were the first ones that popped into his head.

“We can’t help other humans because what I did only works on our mates. The military and human part of the government doesn’t know much about the mating…well, not that I know of. And lastly, what do you want to do? I’m not going to tell you what to do and expect you to follow. It doesn’t work like that. I want you to be happy.”

He didn’t know what to say. He closed his eyes, and his head swam with questions, ideas, and the mango and cinnamon smell that was getting stronger again. Opening his eyes, he muttered, “Can I have a shower? I need a minute to myself.”

She nodded and pointed at a door he hadn’t noticed on the right side wall. He walked to the bathroom, shut the door, turned on the water, and got under the warm spray.

He should be angry. Ava had mated him without permission, given him extra abilities, making him even less human, and gone into heat to get pregnant. He laughed and knew it sounded hollow. Who was he kidding? He was never going to be human again or anything that could be classified as a normal person.

Straightening his shoulders, he turned the taps off, grabbed the towel that hung on the wall, wrapped it around himself, and walked out to see Ava still pacing. He watched as her long, midnight black hair flowed behind her. She looked worried, biting her bottom lip, and her hands clenched and unclenched at her sides. She turned to him as he entered the room.

“I did tell you to leave. I shouldn’t have done it without your permission.”

He felt like a jerk. Ava looked at him like she’d done the worst thing in the world. Logan knew she was worried about his reaction and how he would feel about the new changes to him and the possibility she could be pregnant.

“I’m sorry. I have been holding myself back the whole time I’ve been with you, because I know how you feel about us werewolves.” She sat on the edge of the bed. “Are you going to leave now?”

Shit! He really was an asshole. Walking over to her, he sat next to her. “I’m the one who should apologize. Look, I’m working on not being a dickhead, but these last couple of months, finding out all this crazy supernatural stuff has thrown me for a loop. But I know it was no excuse for my behavior.”

Ava rested her head on his shoulder, and he wrapped his arms around her and held her tight. “What do you want to do?” she whispered.

He wasn’t sure what she was referring to. But he decided to stick to the safest and get out of the house. “Let’s go out. We need to have a night out, just the two of us.”

Ava let out a loud sigh. “I’m going to get a shower myself. You should go get your stuff.” She looked up at him with her big blue eyes. “We’re mated now. So…you don’t have to stay on base. This is your house now too.”

He was going to do this. He felt good around Ava, he got to be himself around her. Standing, he smiled. “Okay, I’ll get my stuff. Let’s see if you can put up with me.”

Ava grinned up at him, got up, and walked to the shower, pausing to wink at him. “Wanna join me?”

Logan moaned as images of Ava’s naked body with water sliding down it filled his mind. His cock became instantly hard, and he followed Ava into the shower.


Chapter 7


Waking up in Logan’s arms the last couple of mornings had been a dream come true. Now that they were mated and he was using his powers he got to go into the barracks a lot later. Logan hadn’t mentioned anything about her going into heat and the possibility that she was pregnant.

He arrived at her office every day around lunch time, and after they ate she wouldn’t see him again until she got home at five. Usually they didn’t have much more than a few hours together before he went out for the night to patrol for demons.

Earlier that afternoon her brothers came to see her to ask her how the extra barracks were coming along. When they said they had even more recruits coming tomorrow, she’d finally blown up at them for not telling her things until the last minute.

On the positive side, she was starting to fall in love with Logan, and after what he’d done today she thought he might be close to loving her too. She thought back to how it had all gone down as she got ready for the romantic dinner she’d prepared.


“Hey, sis, how are the barracks coming along?” Rane asked. “I have the men all squashed into what they have now and complaining, although they don’t to our faces, but…well, more are arriving tomorrow, so we need more barracks.”

Pissed that she’d only just learnt that more men were arriving tomorrow, and that none of her brothers or the men had told her anything about it, Ava growled at her brothers and stomped out of her office. They followed behind as she went straight to the gym, yelling, “Out. I want everyone outside now, waiting for me to talk to you all.”

She left her brothers to organize the solders and went from building to building yelling at everyone to congregate outside the gym.

Finally she came to the training course and saw Sebastian fighting Logan while talking to ten men who watched. “Now I’m going to change and Logan has to get around me and jump on my back. This is important, because in order to cut a demon’s head off, you need to climb up his back. You will all need to practice getting around them.”

She walked slower and watched as Logan ran and slipped around Sebastian then climbed up his back. Some of the men cheered while others glared. Ava took mental note of the ones who glared, and when she walked up to Sebastian instead of telling this group to meet up with everyone else she smiled and patted Sebastian’s back. “How’s it coming along? Do you think they could win a fight against me yet?”

Sebastian’s eyebrows rose and he stared down at her, confused as he knew she wasn’t one to fight and the last couple of days was the first time she’d done training with the women in years. She nodded to him and stared him down until he finally shrugged his shoulders.

“Okay, let’s see what they’ve got.”

She butted in before he could choose an opponent for her. She picked the three men her wolf insisted were the culprits of Logan’s bruises the other day. The three men came forward with nasty grins on their faces.

Sebastian pulled her aside to whisper, “Are you sure you can handle three?”

“Oh, trust me, me and my wolf are pissed with those ones. I’m going to have to hold her in check so she doesn’t kill them.”

She watched as Sebastian’s eyes flicked to Logan. She nodded and he sighed and mumbled, “Fine. Just don’t kill them.”

She smiled at everyone. “Hi. In case you don’t know me, I’m Ava Wolfen.” She shot a glance at Logan who she could see was gritting his teeth and his fists were clenched. “I will show you why you need to be quick. I’m even going to do these guys a favor by not half-changing.”

When she started to take her black work skirt and white top off, Logan took a step toward her. Sebastian grabbed him before he got too far, but not before he punched a guy who said, “Holy shit, I’d fuck a werewolf if she looked like that. Fuck, I’d even marry her so I could go all—”

He didn’t finish as Logan’s fist met his face and he growled to everyone, “Close your fucking eyes, or turn away.” She grinned his way, and her super werewolf hearing caught him muttering, “You’re in trouble, wait until I get home.”

Her heart had soared that he’d called their place “home” and that he cared enough to tell his friends off.

Focusing on the three men whose eyes kept looking her up and down, she continued. “The reason I’m only in my bra and undies is to help my mobility. You can all come at me now.”

The three men did as she thought they would, one came at her front, the other two on either side, leaving her back free. They all came at her at once, which was the stupidest move ever.

Just as they were a hair’s breadth away she stepped back, kicked to the side, punched the man coming at her, and head butted him. Then she pushed him into his friends.

“Sebastian just told you, and Logan just showed you, how important it is to go to your enemies’ backs. Now I want to know why you didn’t.”

The men stood up, and Ava could hear her bothers and the rest of the men walking over.

The man who’d been in the middle stared at her before grunting, “We underestimated you.”

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