Read ATasteofLondon Online

Authors: Lucy Felthouse

ATasteofLondon (3 page)

BOOK: ATasteofLondon
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Just then Hayley turned and looked up. She paused for a
second, presumably trying to spot him. He gave her a wave and she waved back
before blowing him a kiss and disappearing into the station.

Ryan shook his head incredulously. He’d quite like to hop on
the Underground himself rather than walking back to the hostel, but from here
it would probably take just as long to walk through Monument station to Bank,
where he could catch the Northern Line back to London Bridge. Not to mention that
he really didn’t want to end up in a small enclosed carriage with spunk inside
his jeans, especially on such a warm day.
No, he’d just have to
trust that his legs were sufficiently recovered to get him back down to street
level, then back across the river and in the direction of a much-needed shower.

Then it was time for his evening with the terrible Catholic
girl. The thought was cheering enough that Ryan managed a smile despite the
mess inside his underwear.

Chapter Four


Freshly showered—thank God—and dressed in clean clothes,
Ryan was chipper as he headed back out of the hostel onto Borough High Street
and toward the pub Rose had invited him to.

Less than ten minutes later, he pushed open the door and
made his way to the bar. He ordered a drink, then turned to look around the
already crowded room for his date. He hadn’t liked to ask too many questions
and appear strange or needy, so he had no idea who she’d be with. He didn’t
think for a minute that she’d have come alone. And though he didn’t like to
generalize, he doubted that any “good” Catholic girls would be coming to see
the band that was playing tonight. The posters he’d spotted didn’t exactly
paint a picture of a group that were representative of all that was holy and
good. Quite the opposite, in fact. You wouldn’t want to meet any one of them in
a dark alley.

A noise at his back made him turn. He thanked the barman for
the drink he’d just put down and handed over the cash. He took a couple of
swallows of his cider, bringing the level down enough that he wouldn’t spill it
when he moved. The last thing he wanted to do was find Rose and end up covering
her in booze. He might already have impressed her enough to get a blowjob, but
he was hoping for more than that this evening.

Ryan squeezed through the crowd as best he could. Several
utterances of “excuse me, mate” and “could I get past, please?” finally got him
across the pub, close to where the band was setting up. Finally he spotted her.

He didn’t know if it was okay to just go over and talk to
her—any of the people she was sitting with could be the fuddy-duddies she’d
mentioned earlier—so he pulled out his phone and sent her a text.

Look straight ahead.

He watched as Rose pulled her phone out of the pocket of her
jeans and read the message. She smiled, then looked straight at him and waved
him over.

Ryan heaved a sigh of relief. This evening was obviously
going to be a lot more laid-back than he’d imagined. He walked over to the
group of girls seated around a table and as he got there, Rose spoke.

“Everyone, this is Ryan.”

She went on to introduce him to everyone in the group. He
promptly forgot most of their names, but he was sure they’d eventually sink
into his brain as he followed their conversation.

“So,” one of the girls said to him, “how do you know Rose,

Rose interrupted by asking her friends to move around so she
could get out of the booth and sit at the end, with Ryan next to her. By the
time everyone was seated again, Ryan thought he’d probably gotten away with not
answering the question.

No such luck. The girl—Sophie, he thought—posed it again. He
was saved for the second time by Rose jumping in.

“Oh, sorry, girls. I thought I’d told you. Ryan and I met
earlier today, when I went to pray at the cathedral.”

Polite nods around the table. Ryan had to suppress a grin.
He knew what Rose was doing—clever girl. She hadn’t lied, but the way she’d
worded her response meant that the others would probably draw the conclusion
that he’d also been in the chapel, paying his respects to God.

What he couldn’t figure out, though, was why she wanted them
to think that. Surely if she was hanging around with these girls—and they all
seemed friendly with one another—then they were also of the “rubbish Catholic”
persuasion and therefore wouldn’t give a shit if she’d sucked off a relative
stranger in a cathedral? They were all here to watch a band who sang about the
devil, after all.

A little while later and Ryan suspected he had his answer.
He’d kept mostly quiet, watching the interaction between all the members of the
six-strong group, and realized that although they
they weren’t exactly what you’d call close friends. They’d probably been thrown
together because of the group they were a part of and although they were happy
to head out as a crowd, telling their supervisors they were going somewhere
perfectly innocent, they didn’t fully trust one another. Their conversations
were superficial, giving nothing away about themselves, and after a while Ryan
was thoroughly bored and beginning to regret coming out to meet Rose.

He had no one to blame but himself, he realized. That
morning in the cathedral had been seriously hot, but he and Rose hadn’t exactly
had a lengthy conversation. As a result he knew next to nothing about her,
including whether they even had anything in common. He suspected that while
they were both sitting with the other girls, he probably wouldn’t find out,

Ryan began to ponder his options. He could either wait it
out and see if he could get Rose alone or he could cut and run and go and find
something else to do for the evening. If the worst came to the worst, he had a
couple of paperbacks tucked into his bag back at the hostel.

Seconds later, Rose made the decision for him when she
placed her hand on his leg under the table. Ryan tensed as her hand crept
farther up his thigh, eventually resting within a hair’s-breadth of his crotch.
Then she stuck out her pinkie and stroked it across his bulge. Repeatedly.

The polite and interested smile he’d pasted onto his face
for the benefit of the girls became more forced. By the time Rose cupped his
stiffening cock through his jeans, his jaw was hurting from gritting his teeth
so much. What he really wanted to do was grab her hand and drag her away
somewhere quiet so he could fuck her brains out. The way she was behaving, he
suspected that was what she wanted too. But circumstances dictated he’d have to
be a lot more subtle than that.

He finally remembered the cider that was sitting in front of
him and took several gulps, hoping the alcohol would relax him a little and
allow his brain to come up with a feasible plan. Even if it didn’t, it still
gave him the perfect excuse to hide his pained expression behind the pint glass
for a few seconds.

Rose’s hand still worked away and as a result his cock was
now fully hard and straining at the material of his underwear. He had a
flashback to earlier that day and desperately hoped that she wasn’t planning to
make him come in his boxers. Rose might be hot, but there was no way Ryan wanted
to relive the incredibly unpleasant experience of having sticky underwear. The
only place he wanted to come that evening was inside her.

Before his mind had the chance to dwell on that particular
line of thought, the band did a quick intro and started playing. Although he’d
never heard of them, they were obviously popular in that particular pub as
people were already getting up out of their seats and crowding up toward the
makeshift stage. Ryan shifted slightly in his seat, moving out of reach of Rose’s
wandering hand, and willed his erection to go down. Otherwise, if he was
expected to get up to let some of the girls go and dance, he was screwed. He’d
never pull off the innocent look with a stiffy tenting his jeans.

He needn’t have worried, though. The other girls did want to
dance, but Rose declined, so they all shuffled the opposite way along the seat,
got up and disappeared into the crowd. Watching them depart, Rose waited a few
seconds to make sure no one was coming back, then turned to Ryan.

“Thank fuck for that, I thought I’d never get you to myself.

She leaned in and planted a kiss on Ryan’s lips and his
waning erection started to grow again.

“Hello yourself,” he said with a grin as she pulled away.
“So, um, what’s the plan? Are we hanging around with your buddies all evening?”

“Fuck no.” She shook her head vehemently. “Unless you want
to stay with the dullards?”

He laughed and grabbed her hand, replacing it on his cock.
“What do you think? We can’t exactly do something about
here, can

“Not without getting done for indecent exposure, no.” She
paused. “Okay. I have a plan.”

“I’m all ears.”

“There’s a room downstairs that looks unused. I ended up in
there earlier when I was trying to find the toilets. They’re next door. So if I
go down there and you follow after me a minute or so later…”

Ryan needed no further explanation. He nodded and stood to
let her out, then sat down again as she walked away. Grabbing his pint, he took
a few more swallows before setting it down. It wasn’t empty but he didn’t mind
leaving some. He had much more exciting things to be getting on with.

Waiting for another full minute, Ryan took the time to look
around and make sure that none of Rose’s friends were close by. He thought he
caught a glimpse of one of them in the crowd, but she wasn’t looking in the
direction of their table anyway, so it didn’t matter. Satisfied it was safe to
follow Rose, Ryan slipped out of the seat and toward a doorway with a
downward-pointing arrow and the word “Toilets” painted over it.

He stood aside politely as a couple of people came up the
stairs, then went down them himself. When he got to the bottom, he was
surprised to notice another flight of stairs leading down. A second painted
sign indicated that this was the way he needed to go. At this rate he’d be able
to feel the vibrations the Tube trains made as they whizzed through the
adjacent tunnels.

A minute or so later, Ryan thought he’d located the door to
the room that Rose had mentioned. It was ajar and he pushed it open cautiously
just in case he’d got it wrong.

He hadn’t. Rose was sitting on a rickety-looking table
waiting for him. He smiled and pushed the door closed, his grin widening as he
spotted the bolt. He shot it home, then walked over to Rose.

“Glad you could make it,” she said, slipping her arms around
his waist and looking up at him. “I was beginning to think you’d done a

“Don’t be ridiculous. Why would I want to do that? I mean,
have you
you? I was just making sure that no one saw what we were
up to, that’s all. Doing as the lady asked.”

Rose raised an eyebrow. “And what lady would that be? I
don’t see any

“Well, that may be true, but I’m here anyway. Now stop

He gave her no choice but to shut up as he leaned down and
kissed her. He cupped her delicious arse cheeks in his hands and pulled her
tightly to him, making damn sure she could feel his hard-on pressing against

Rose moaned and Ryan took advantage of her open mouth to
slip his tongue inside and seek hers out. She responded immediately, deepening
their kiss until it became so frantic and hungry that they pulled away after a
few minutes, gasping. Ryan grinned as he looked down at Rose. Her hair was
mussed, her eyes sparkled and she had vivid splashes of color that were definitely
not makeup across her dimpled cheeks. He was pleased to know that he was having
an effect on her, as she was on him.

“Fuck,” Rose said, running her fingers through her hair.
“That was…” She paused, seemingly groping for the right word. “Fucking incredible.”

“I second that motion,” Ryan replied. “So how would you like
to do it again?”

“Oh, I’d like to all right. But first let’s get naked.”

“You don’t need to tell me twice.”

Their laughter echoed around the room as they began
stripping. Ryan pulled off his shoes and socks, then yanked off his clothes
until everything but his boxers lay in an untidy pile on the floor. Looking
over at Rose, he saw she was in a similar state of undress.

“So…” she said, with a cheeky smile that made Ryan’s cock
twitch. “How do you want me?”

“Totally naked,” he replied instantly, “and on that table.”

He bent to retrieve a condom from his jeans pocket before
shucking his boxers onto the pile of clothes and walking over to the now-naked
Rose who lay on her side on the table, watching him.

“Well hello there,” Rose said, reaching for Ryan’s cock and
stroking it. “Long time no see.”

Ryan arched an eyebrow. “Really? And here’s me thinking it
was just a few hours.”

Rose tightened her grip on his shaft. “Now, now, don’t be
sarcastic or I might make you put it away again.”

“Yes ma’am,” Ryan replied, instantly on his best behavior.
He might have already had his fair share of action that day, but he certainly
wasn’t going to scupper his chances of getting some more. He wiggled the condom
wrapper, drawing Rose’s attention to it.

“Shall I?” he asked hopefully.

She grinned, showing off her wicked dimples, and said,
“Please do.”

Ryan tore open the packaging and gently nudged Rose’s hand
off his cock so he could roll the condom on. Once he was satisfied it was in
place, he reached for Rose’s ankles.

“Come here,” he said, pulling her across the table so she
sat facing him. Releasing her, he leaned down to kiss her again. Slipping one
hand behind her neck, he moved the other down between her legs. He quickly
found what he sought and dipped his fingers between her pussy lips and into her
wetness. And she was

Gathering some of her juices on his fingertips, Ryan stroked
Rose’s rapidly swelling clit, drawing a prolonged moan from her lips, which
ramped his already desperately horny state up a few notches. He wanted nothing
more than to sink his cock into her hot cunt and fuck her until she screamed.
He would do just that, but he’d have to be patient.

As he continued his ministrations to her slippery bud, Rose
grabbed the back of Ryan’s neck and pulled him even more tightly to her. Their
kissing became frenzied, lips pressing hard and tongues clashing. Ryan’s cock
was so stiff it was almost painful. He suspected it wouldn’t take too much for
him to come, so he planned to make her climax at least once before he fucked
her. Granted, he’d probably never see her again after tonight, but it didn’t
matter. He still wanted to give the hot Catholic girl a good time.

Suddenly she pulled away. “Ryan, please. I can’t wait any
more. Just fuck me.”

BOOK: ATasteofLondon
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