Read Astrid Cielo Online

Authors: Begging for Forgiveness (Pinewood Creek Shifters)

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Fantasy & Futuristic, #Paranormal

Astrid Cielo (7 page)

BOOK: Astrid Cielo
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"Thank you."

placed Aspen in the middle of the bed, crawled in beside her and gathered her
in his arms.
Her head lay over his
heart, a part of him she already owned though she didn't know it.
Skylar stood rooted at the foot of the bed
staring at them.

in the bed, Sky."

I shouldn't.
She wasn't exactly happy
with me."

be ridiculous.
How she supposed to trust
that you won't leave her again if she wakes up and you're not there?"


don't go," Aspen said.

voice startled them both, but Skylar nodded and climbed in on her other
He didn't hesitate to spoon her
from behind and to rest his hand on her stomach.

never leave you, sweetheart," Sky whispered into Aspen's ear.

kissed the top of Aspen's head.

to sleep, Aspen. We'll be here when you wake up."

breathing soon evened out and Skylar settled down beside her, his eyes still
glowing mutedly.
His dream had affected
him more than he'd admitted.

You going
to tell me more about that dream?"

could feel the shudder that went through Sky.
The silence stretched between them, so long that Xavier thought Skylar
wouldn't answer the question.

always worked for the Council.
Even as a
kid I spent lots of time within my adoptive father's department and time at
home was spent training.
I thought that
I'd never find a case that affected me...I mean I always did the jobs expected
of me.
I hated having to mete out
justice in the form of death, but I'd been trained since birth..."

clasped his hand with Skylar's over Aspen's abdomen.
Aspen nuzzled Xavier's chest in her sleep, a
purr breaking forth.
Skylar sighed and
kissed Aspen's shoulder.

met her in a restaurant.
She came to the
table and asked how my meal was and it was instant.
She didn't hesitate at all--not like
Her smile erased everything from my
mind and my wolf howled inside of me and I just wanted her.
I never meant to betray you...but this last
case...I've never seen anything like it."

didn't say anything, waited for Skylar to finish.
He held his breath hoping that for once,
Skylar would share more than just the barest of details with him about his
Xavier knew that Skylar didn't keep
him in the dark on purpose, but it hurt all the same.
He saw what each case slowly did to his
Skylar would never admit it, but
Xavier knew the truth.
Each case
affected him more than Skylar felt it should.
Xavier knew that Skylar stayed away for a week or so after each case
just to collect himself.
He didn’t know
whether to rail on Skylar or kiss him for saving him the darker aspects of his

of the time I see the aftermath and I can handle it.
I see all sorts of things that shifters do to
humans and vice versa.
This time though,
I made it in time to see a victim that wasn't least she wasn't.
He cut them and I know he loved to hear them
The smell of her blood was
Then he would shift and I
know the smell of her fear got him off.
He then tortured her even more, biting her and growling at her.
All of it just torture.
Then he'd clamp his teeth around her
I tried but I couldn't save

if it's one thing I know for sure, it's that if you could've saved her then you
would have.
Have you talked to you
father about this?"

jerked his hand from Xavier's and Xavier sighed.
He'd done it this time.

not my father.
because he took in the kid no one wanted doesn't make him my father."

sorry, but he obviously cares for you."

don't want to talk about this anymore."

wound himself around Aspen and sighed.
Xavier watched the worry that creased his face drained away as Skylar
drifted to sleep.
They'd been together
for three years, yet it'd always felt as if something were missing.

was less than forthcoming about his job and his past.
Xavier never said it, but he hated that Sky
didn't feel as though he could confide in him.
He would always be thankful for Skylar saving him.
He still shuddered when he thought of that
Xavier grabbed onto Skylar's hand
and let himself drift off to sleep.

Chapter 7

sighed and snuggled closer to the warmth radiating at her side.
Smooth hot skin met her finger tips and a
purr broke free.
the flesh under her fingers careful to keep her claws sheathed.
Another arm snaked around her waist and a
hard body pressed from behind.
into the body rubbing her buttocks over the erection
pressed there.
It'd been so long since
she'd been held.
It felt as though fire
were tickling her flesh and her nipples pebbled waiting for hot mouths.


seemed weird that she felt so comfortable sandwiched between the two, and still
felt so distant.
Her cougar, however,
didn't care what qualms she held about losing herself in the two it deemed her

groan cut through the otherwise silent bedroom and she smiled.
Aspen slowly opened her eyes to a still dark
room, but it didn't matter.
She could
see perfectly in the dark.
She could see
how Skylar's muscles bunched each time she
with her fingers, the restrained power behind the hand that held her so gently,
yet firmly.

if you keep doing that with your ass then I'm going to fuck you."

smiled at Xavier's growled warning and arched one more time.
Her squeal was cut off with a moan when
Xavier pulled her leg over his and slid his erection through her dripping wet
folds bumping her clit.
She felt Skylar
jerk and opened her eyes to see her nails digging into his chest.


words were cut off by Skylar's lips his tongue plundering her with an intensity
she remembered from their first night.
His taste and touch were amplified by the hard body moving behind her.
Xavier's erection rubbed enticingly over her
clit and already she could feel the stirrings of an orgasm beginning.

knock on the door pulled her from the moment, but Skylar's incessant forays
into her mouth soon let her forget the knock.
But none of them could ignore the pounding.

I'm sorry, but you're the only one left."

pulled away from Skylar and sighed.
probably wasn't a good idea anyways.

sorry, but that's Essence.
I've got to
get the door."

dodged their hands and ignored their pleas to scramble off the end of the
She pulled on her sleep shirt and
left the room and two horny wolves.

shook her head.
What had she been
She stopped in her room and
put on a pair of shorts before going to the door.
Essence sighed when she opened the door and
Gunner yawned before leaning against Essence's legs.

so sorry, Aspen, but Mrs. Dawson is sick and no one else is available to keep
I've got clinical today and
Zackary has class.
Could you keep
It'll only be until after lunch
and Zackary can make it home."

"Sure, Essence."

frowned when Essence backed up and pulled Gunner behind her.
A low feline growl erupted from the
strawberry blonde female and her hazel eyes glowed in the still darkened light.

turned and found Skylar and Xavier standing behind her.
She turned back to Essence.

okay, Essence.
This is Skylar and Xavier.
They're my..."

her mates," Skylar said and placed his hand on her shoulder.

took a deep breath and exhaled.

don't know..."

take good care of your son, ma'am.
won't come to any harm."

joined Skylar in placing a hand on her opposite shoulder.
Essence stared for what seemed forever before
She knelt and turned Gunner to
face her.

want you to be good for Aspen, okay."

nodded and yawned.

led him into the house and laid him on the couch.
He was sleeping before she turned to
She hesitated at the door and
Aspen patted her on the shoulder.

promise he'll be safe, Essence."

sighed and smiled though it didn't reach her eyes.


left and Aspen turned to find Xavier covering a sleeping Gunner with a
She placed a hand over her
abdomen and could see Xavier doing the same to her own son.
Skylar hugged her from behind and she

sorry, Aspen.
I can't say it

nodded and looked at the clock on the wall.
4:30 am.
She frowned.
Nursing school was brutal.
Thank goodness she'd gone to culinary

me get to cooking.
If I know children,
he'll be up in an hour or so ready to eat and play."

turned her in his arms and kissed her gently on the lips.

you hear me?"

heard you, Skylar.
Loud and clear, but it
doesn't change the fact that I'm confused."

know, baby.
Do you need any help in the

you kidding?
I'm a chef."

kissed her again, this time with more heat.

could I forget the first time we met?"

smiled and pulled from him leaving her two...mates to guard a sleeping toddler.

found solace in the practiced movements of cooking.
Cracking half a dozen eggs she added milk and
whisked the ingredients.
She chopped the
ham and cheese and placed them to the side while she heated up the
She'd always enjoyed watching
the way the butter sizzled and then melted in the pan.
She could use oil, but the flavor from the
butter just made the omelets so much tastier.

egg mixture sizzled as it hit the pan and the aromas of the kitchen made her
Aspen loved an omelet.

you sure you don't need help?"

turned to find Xavier leaning shirtless against the counter.
Something about this male made her want him, not
just the pheromones she knew dictated their mating.
She could see herself liking him despite the
mating bond that would eventually overtake them all.

She could remember the
arguments her mother and father always had.
They'd never cheated on one another, but then again, Aspen didn't think
it was physically possible to cheat on a mate.
It was till death do you part, quite literally.
But no matter the sacred bond her mother and
father shared she could feel even as a child the dislike they shared for one
The loathing they felt when
their baser needs overcame their hatred and they mated, often in an explosive
Those were times she was
grateful to have Caleb and his parents.
They were her safe haven of sorts.

bit her lip when Xavier lifted her chin with his fingers to stare into his
brown eyes.

made you so sad, Aspen?"

turned and flipped the eggs before adding the ham and cheese to the skillet.

says I'm sad?"

one, you just seem sad.
By the way, I'm
not an expert with kids, but I'm pretty sure omelets are not their chosen

"But they're ham and

smiled and tapped her on the nose gently with a finger.

that as it may, my younger brother and sister wouldn't eat that type of stuff
for breakfast.
pancakes and bacon or sausage though."

"Did you take care of

"You could say that.
As the oldest, it fell on me when my parents
went to work.
It was quite a learning

She transferred the finished
omelets to a plate and pulled out the ingredients for pancakes.
"I always wanted brothers and

"Only child, huh?"

"I had the kids in the
pride to play with, but it wasn't the same.
Caleb and I became best friends and I consider him my brother, but I
had any."

didn't you beg your parents for a baby brother or sister?"

took the spatula from her and mixed the ingredients together, his muscles
bunching with each stir.
Aspen squeezed
her legs together and barely controlled the moan that threatened to spill from
her lips.
Xavier winked and gave her a
knowing smile.

just say that my parents aren't exactly each other’s favorite people."

true mates?"

laughed though even she knew it held no joy.
Laughter like that had always sounded wrong to her, like it shouldn't

are true mates, but lucky me, I got the two that hated each other despite the
true mating pull."

nodded and was silent as he poured the pancake batter into small half-dollar
sized circles into the already heated skillet.

so tiny," Aspen said watching Xavier work.

loved '

Not exactly silence.
The sizzling of the pan filled the kitchen,
but Xavier didn't speak.
He just worked
When he finally did speak,
Aspen jumped.

the fact that
and Skylar have already mated going
to be a problem for you?"

be honest, Aspen hadn't given it much thought and under the circumstances she'd
not had a chance.
They'd only showed up
in her life for about twenty-four hours now.
How was she supposed to know how their mating made her feel?
She thought back to the night before when
Xavier had stroked Skylar's cock.
she been repulsed?
What if she were to
watch while Skylar fucked Xavier or vice versa?
Would that make her uncomfortable?

how turned on she was last night was any indicator, their mating only enticed
And what woman hadn't thought of
two males showering her with attention?
Or maybe she was just weird.


looked into Xavier's brown eyes and smiled.
She couldn't see herself mating him, at least not without Skylar.
And she wanted to see them in the throes of
It would be...interesting.
She hated that her pondering of his question
caused such hurt to enter his beautiful brown eyes.

sorry, Xavier, it's just that I've never actually thought about it, but did it
seem to bother me last night when you touched Skylar?"

shook his head.

I don't think that's going to be the problem."

sighed and placed his tiny pancakes on a plate.

what is the problem?"

turned to find Skylar watching them.
What was the problem?
Was she
scared they were going to leave?
Was she
scared that her mating would be as horrible as her mother and father's?
In all honesty, she wasn't sure, but she knew
she wasn't ready to let herself fall for the two wolves standing with her now.

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