Ask For It (7 page)

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Authors: Selena Blake

Tags: #Amazon, #contemporary romance novel

BOOK: Ask For It
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“Tell me both.”

She smiled and reached for her water glass. “I flip houses with my brother Greg. That keeps me pretty busy outside of work. But when I'm not painting or picking out cabinets and counter tops I like reading, hanging out with friends and family. Boring, normal stuff.”

She flipped houses? He got a quick mental picture of her in a tool belt and nothing else. Damn, that was hot.

“There's nothing normal or boring about flipping houses. That's really impressive. How many have you flipped?”

“Four. I bought my first condo because it was really cheap. But it needed a lot of TLC. Greg promised that he could help with it. It took us about nine months to finish and by then, the neighborhood had picked up. Greg found another property close by. We were able to sell the first place pretty quickly.”

“All condos?”

“So far.”

He stretched his arm across the back of the booth again, trying to keep his urges in check. It was hard when her silky blouse gaped open and gave him a glimpse of what lay underneath. He’d had his hands and mouth— Nope.
Not going there, Wyatt.

“What's your biggest horror story?”

She thought for several seconds.

“I found a rat in the duct work once.”

“That's it? I had visions of Hoarders or rotting floor boards or something.”

“It was dead.”


“Yeah. And Greg wasn't around to get rid of it, so double eww. It’s not like you can flush a rat down the toilet.” She made a cute scrunched-up face that had him laughing so hard his sides hurt.

Another plus five for the fearless woman.

“Are you working on one right now? A new condo?”

She nodded and held up a finger while she finished off another meatball. He was glad that she enjoyed them as much as he did. Somehow he’d known she would.

“Yeah. It’s almost done. Greg just texted me that he’s got the paint for the deck. I ordered the knobs for the new kitchen cabinets. We’re just about ready to put it on the market.”


“I can’t do it until October though.” She made the cute scrunched-up face again.

“Do what?”

“List it. For taxes reasons I live in the apartment for a year so it’s technically my house and I’m not taxed like a business. It usually only takes about six months of work because we don’t do hard reno. Mostly cosmetic stuff. Updating to a more modern style. Greg buys another condo and lives in it. So we fix and sell one every six months.”

He pushed his empty plate away and propped an elbow on the table so he could watch her. “That’s really smart. Again, I’m impressed.”

He hadn’t always had the business sense he did these days. It would have been so easy to blow his money if his momma hadn’t sat him down when he’d first signed with the pros.

“Tell me about your family. Is Greg your only sibling?”

“No. I have two older brothers.”

She ate in silence for a few minutes. He could tell she wanted to ask him a question but was holding back. But hell, his life had been open book up until a year ago. What could she possibly want to know about him that she hadn’t read in a newspaper? Or written about herself.


“My mom died four years ago. But my dad still lives in Atlanta. Technically, he’s my step dad and they’re my step brothers, but he’s my real dad, you know?”

“Yeah.” He definitely understood that. He’d been born in Baltimore and dropped on the doorstep of the local fire department. Two months later his parents had adopted him and moved him to New York City. It didn’t matter that they weren’t his birth parents or that they didn’t even have the same skin color as he did. They were his parents. His real parents.

For several long moments she fiddled with the pasta, silent and pensive. Then, as if making up her mind about something, she perked up. “Enough about me. I want you to scoot over there and start talking.”


“I want to finish my meatballs and I can’t do that if I have to keep answering your questions.” She softened the request with a kiss to his cheek.

Chuckling, he pushed to his feet and switched sides. “This isn’t so bad. Now I can look at you easier.”

She finished off another meatball, wiped her mouth and then smiled across the table at him. “I don’t suppose you could get Antonio to give up his secret recipe?” The sexy little eyebrow wiggle almost did him in.

“Not on your life sweetheart.”

“Dangit. I’m gonna have to start using my credit card so I can rack up frequent flier miles then. These are worth braving Newark for.”


JJ’s entire body hummed with anticipation, making her aware of each breath, every step. On her way to the interview she’d stopped by her hotel to drop off her new shoes and slip on the high-heels that made her feel powerful and confident. She’d figured she’d need the boost if she was going to be interviewing one of America’s wealthiest bachelors.

Right now she was glad she’d made the switch from boring flats to sex-kitten stilettos. She could almost feel Trevor’s gaze on her legs as they strode through the lobby of her hotel and stopped in front of the bank of elevators. Trevor left her side just long enough to press the

“Second thoughts?” he asked.

Not when he looked at her like she was something special. Held her like a princess. And talked dirty just enough to set her on fire.

The elevator doors opened and a man got off, leaving the car empty.

She shook her head. “Nope.”


Hand at her back, Trevor ushered her inside.

“What floor?” he asked.

She heard the barely controlled desperation in his voice.


With the button pressed, he turned to her and slid his hands around her waist. She’d had plenty of time to talk herself off the ledge of lust. To think about everything that could go wrong after a night of bliss. She fully expected to hear her mother’s voice in the back of her mind, warning her against a one night stand.

But this was Trevor Wyatt, a man she’d lusted after for years. Who she still fantasized about. Heck, if she had a battery operated boyfriend, she’d probably name it Wyatt.

And after that fabulous dinner, followed by a carriage ride around Central Park, she felt a connection with him that kept the doubt monster away. That and an orgasm was all she could ask for tonight.

Smiling up at him, she smoothed her hand up his chest. The only way off this ledge was to jump straight into Trevor’s arms…and those incredible blue eyes.

He pulled her flush against him. He was already hard and she couldn’t resist rotating her hips against that magnificent erection. All of that was for…
…of her.

“I was right about you,” he said. It sounded like he was clenching his teeth. She couldn’t be sure because she was staring at the buttons of the dress shirt he’d changed into , wondering just how fast she could undo them.


“You’re a cock tease… even when you don’t mean to be.”

The retort that popped into the mind made her cheeks heat.

“You can say it, princess. Whatever it is that’s making you blush so beautifully.”

Before she could respond, the elevator pulled level with her floor and the doors opened. Trevor stepped back and reached for her hand. Feeling more than a little hot-and-bothered, she made a beeline for her room. When she whipped out her keycard and attacked the lock, she heard Trevor’s soft laughter.

“Someone’s in a hurry.”

Freezing, she blushed all over again. He was right of course, but he didn’t need to know exactly how anxious she was to finish what they’d started. No need to give the man a bigger ego.

He put his hand over hers. Warm and sure, he helped guide the card into the slot. Why did that seem so naughty? After smoothly and quickly retrieving the card she heard the tell-tale click of the door unlocking.

“Green light,” he whispered in a voice so deep and sexy she thought she might come then and there.

The next minute was an absolute blur of kisses, caresses and ripping each other’s’ clothes off. She wasn’t entirely sure how she ended up naked on the dresser, her legs spread; high-heels dangling. But she was sure of the look in his eyes. Trevor Wyatt meant to have her.

Her. The southern sports journalist with a little too much padding to be in fashion. All those teasing looks over the years. The occasional touches. The innuendo and dinner invitations. The wait was about to be over.

“Let’s pick up where we left off, shall we?” he whispered against her throat.

A delicious shiver shook her body and all she could do was nod.

This time around, however, he plucked a condom from his wallet. Thank heavens he’d remembered.


As soon as he’d sheathed himself, Trevor braced his arms on either side of her hips. She reached for his cock, guiding him inside. Their eyes met as he pushed forward, surrounding himself in her wet heat. Her lips formed an O and he locked his jaw, barely hanging onto his control. She was impossibly tight, hugging him like a satin glove.

“You can move, you know. I won’t break, Your Highness.” There was laughter in her voice and light in her eyes. She slid one hand down his back and curled the other around his neck, holding him close.

Until she’d spoken he hadn’t realize he was holding back, holding steady, almost afraid to move lest he lose that last bit of restraint. Or wake up from this incredible dream.

Delicious dinner with Julia smiling across the table at him, followed by an evening of amazing sex. Yeah, that was a dream come true. He only had to be cock deep to know they were going to set each other on fire. He could already feel the tendrils of flame licking up his spine.

“Wanna make it last, sweetheart. You feel too good.”

“That’s always nice to hear.” She lazily raked her fingers over his back.

“It’s true.” He pulled out slowly and gave a quick thrust. Such a sweet glide. Such an incredible sensation.

Her thighs gripped his hips and she locked her feet behind his back. If she kept that up this would be over in record time. He’d always prided himself on being able to hold on. But then he’d never waited years to be with a woman.

She nibbled her bottom lip. What was she thinking about? Could he get her to say the words out loud?

Her muscles rippled around his cock, another sign that she wanted him to pick up the pace. But he wanted to make her ask for it.

“Ask me.”

Had she lost her shyness enough to ask for what she really wanted? Could she loosen her tongue?

She frowned; then pursed her lips and her eyes locked with his, hard with determination. “Make me come.”

Damn she was adorable. Especially when her bottom lip wobbled the tiniest bit. And that southern drawl… He tipped his head back and looked up at the ceiling to steady himself. “Now that’s what I call an order. But it’ll work.” He pulled his hips back again, and then thrust forward until they were pelvis against pelvis.


Trevor’s cock was huge. JJ shouldn’t have been surprised; he was big all over. She felt him, every inch length wise and in girth, in ways she’d never experienced with her previous partners.

As he finally picked up the pace she couldn’t stop the moan that seemed to come from her soul. She’d never felt so aligned, so connected with another human being.

The feeling scared her a little so she pushed it away and concentrated on the unruly lock of hair that tumbled over his forehead as he stared down at their joined bodies. Damn that was sexy. And somehow he managed to hold her shyness at bay. It was in the way he enjoyed her, pushed her to enjoy herself…and him.

From her position she couldn’t do more than cradle his body and urge him on with her legs, but he stayed wrapped around her, supporting her back as he pumped against her. The look of barely contained self-control on his face was so sexy. So…thoughtful.

Each thrust pushed her closer to the peak of bliss. Then he bent his legs, angling his cock higher so he brushed her g-spot.

That little trick earned him a gasp. “Oh!”

“You ready, sweetheart?”

She was now.

She should have known he would be courteous. He loosened his grip on her back to reach around and stroke her clit with his thumb, igniting a wild heat that started at her core and spread outward like a brushfire.

Slow. Hot. Delicious.

Her orgasm swamped her and she lost all thought as she cried out. His voice joined hers and his body tightened around her like a python as his cock swelled inside her. Throaty groans rumbled from him as his hips made tiny jerking motions.

“Mmm.” His big body trembled around her. “God, Julia.” He kissed her neck.

JJ closed her eyes, relishing the moment. Memorizing the feel of him, the way he stayed exactly where he was, as if he didn’t want to pull out just yet.

“That was amazing,” he said, pulling back enough to stare down at her. Her heart stumbled a little at the tenderness on his face.

She nodded, trying to get her lips and brain to sync up.

“I guess I should get off you.” The corner of his mouth tugged up in a way that sent her pulse racing all over again. Damn that dimple. It made her want to kiss it and beg him to take her all over again.

She shrugged, bliss heavy inside her. “I don’t mind.”

He chuckled and pulled out anyway. She got a good look at his cock then. Long, thick, and magnificent. Even after he’d come. It was still wet with her juices. For some reason that made her horny. That and the fact that he’d been so overcome with lust he hadn’t even kicked off his jeans.

She let her feet drop and gave him a long sweeping glance that made her insides clinch.

“Don’t look at me like that, woman. I’ll be hard all over again and then how will I get my jeans zipped?”

JJ laughed and hopped off the dresser.

“You could always forget getting dressed.” She glanced behind him at the big bed covered with crisp white linens and pretty plum colored pillows. Would he stay the night if she asked him to? Because she definitely wanted a repeat performance.



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