Read As the Dawn Breaks Online

Authors: Erin Noelle

As the Dawn Breaks (8 page)

BOOK: As the Dawn Breaks
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“Fuck, Leo, I’m gonna…I can’t…mmmm!” Trystan’s moans and mewls of ecstasy only drive me further, making me want more and more. Her legs swap back and forth between opening wide and granting me full access, to locking tightly like a vise around my head, all the while, her hips grind and gyrate against my face, into my mouth, feeding me what I crave. Every so often, I withdraw both my mouth and my hand just to hear her wanton pleas for more. Hearing that sweet voice call out my name is the sexiest fucking thing ever.

Sweat beads up on my forehead, which only tells me I’m finally working hard enough, hard enough to deserve that sweet cum she’s going to deliver soon. No longer able to take it, her hands leave the pillow and fly to the back of my head, grabbing ahold of any hair she can. Chuckling, I know she’s close, and not wanting to torment her any longer, I thrust my tongue inside her hotbox and curl it upwards to rub against the silken front wall just as I slap her clit hard with my hand and rub it out with figure-eights.

Sweaty thighs squeeze the sides of my head as she locks her ankles behind my neck and bucks her hips into my face. “Leo, ohmygawd, ohmygawd, oh Leooooo…” Her pussy grips my tongue as she comes hard; her juicy nectar flows into my mouth, tasting better than anything I’ve ever experienced.

I keep my mouth on her, not wanting to break contact, until her body stops trembling completely and I feel her melt into the sheets. Begrudgingly, I tear my face from her pussy and lift up to lock eyes with her. Her wild, blonde hair is splayed across the pillows, her eyes are still heavy-lidded from the orgasm, but best of all, she’s wearing a sated smile, telling me everything I need to know.

“You feel beautiful now, Trys?” I ask hoarsely.

She opens her lids a bit more and crooks her finger, beckoning me to her. “Come here,” she mumbles. My dick is still fully erect as I slide up next to her on the bed, but all I care about is her happiness in this moment.

As my head hits the pillow next to hers, she rolls on her side to face me. “That is an amazing talent you have, especially for an old man,” she teases. Her tongue darts out of her mouth to lick the stickiness from my lips before I can reply, and I groan as my cock jerks hard against her leg. “My turn to show you my talents.”

I throw my head back and close my eyes as she gradually makes her way down my body. The moment her petite hand wraps around my balls and I feel the wet tip of her warm tongue swirl around my head, I’m done for. She is a very,
talented young woman indeed.

Some loud dipshit running through the hallway of the hotel wakes me up in the dead of night. It’s pitch black in the room and I can barely make anything out, but there’s no denying the warm, soft body snuggled up next to me. Trystan’s even, controlled breaths tells me she’s still asleep, and it’s a good thing, ‘cause I would’ve had to tear that fucker a new one if he’d woken her up. Wrapping my arms around her, I pull her tiny, naked frame even closer to me than it already was. The clock reads 3:45, and I know my hours with her are limited; I want to relish every moment I have left. I won’t be going back to sleep.

Nearly three hours later, I begin to doze off, when my calf develops an insane cramp in it. It takes everything in me not to cry out and alarm her, and I somehow manage to slither out from under her arms and legs that have been tangled with mine for some time now. Sitting on the edge of the mattress, I massage the tense muscle thoroughly, but to no avail. I stand up, careful not to fall down or make a lot of noise, throw my shorts on from the floor, and hobble over to the patio.

Once outside, I’m finally able to release the Charlie horse after kneading and pounding on my leg for several minutes until the pain thankfully subsides. Standing up, I move to the railing and become completely absorbed in my thoughts as I stare out over the tranquil water, revisiting how exactly I’ve gotten to this point in my life and wondering where in the fuck I go from here. I don’t hear the door opening behind me or Trystan approaching until her small hands snake around my waist. Softly kissing my bare back, she mumbles against my skin, “Why are you up so early?”

“It’s afternoon in Croatia; my internal clock is all messed up.” Removing one hand from the rail, I cover her two delicate ones latched in front of me, squeezing lightly. “Question is, why are
awake, beautiful?”

“That was actually a good stretch for me. I usually get up at least two or three times a night, either to pee or with a leg cramp.”

With a gentle tug on her arm, I move her around my body so she’s standing in front of me, reversing our positions. I tenderly kiss the top of her head as I rub her biceps, warming her from the lingering nighttime chill. “That’s funny, because I woke up with a cramp in my calf earlier, and I haven’t had one of those in forever,” I remark with a chuckle.

“Sympathy pains.” She leans her head back onto my chest, craning her neck up to flash me a playful grin.

“Sympathy what?” I question, obviously confused.

Trystan giggles as she lifts up to kiss under my jaw. “Sympathy pains. Sometimes, dads-to-be experience similar symptoms as their pregnant partner.” The instant she realizes what she’s said, I see the cringe of embarrassment on her face, then she snaps her eyes away from mine, back out to the vista. “I was only kidding, though,” she adds with a hushed whisper.

I’m struck speechless, not wanting to say anything to hurt her feelings. Truth is, being around her has had me thinking more than once about being a dad someday. The thought scares the living shit out of me still; I never want to be the absent father I had, or worse, one like Robert Green was, but I could definitely see myself enjoying having a hot, little knocked up wife, and then a little Leo running around, a family…especially if the wife looked anything like Trystan does.

“Look, the sun is coming up,” she announces, tearing me from my daddy dreams, obviously trying to change the subject. “The colors are breathtaking.”

My eyes flit upward, drinking in the vivid oranges, pinks, and yellows bleeding into the periwinkle sky as the very top of the sun starts to peek out over the horizon. “It’s a new dawn. It’s a new day,” I murmur into her wind-blown hair.

“It’s a new life, for me, and I’m feeling good,” she softly croons out the rest of the chorus to the famous
Feeling Good

I beam at the sound of her sweet voice singing one of my favorite songs. Twirling her around to face me, I smirk. “Feeling real good, beautiful.” I waste no time lowering my mouth to meet hers, suddenly desperate for her taste. Her tongue meets mine with equal urgency, our bodies molding together. Her hands fly to the back of my hair, mine move to grab her ass, and that’s when I realize she’s wearing one of my t-shirts with no panties. “Fuuuck, Trys,” I hiss, my dick immediately hard as steel. “Gonna kill me.”

“I want you, Leo,” she pants into my neck. Her petite fingers make quick work of the button on my shorts, then she glides her hand down to stroke my very aroused cock. “Please.” She draws my left nipple into her mouth, tongue swirling, teeth grazing. God, I want her so badly, but I’m scared, scared to take it all the way. I’m leaving in less than twelve hours. “Inside of me.” Fuck, I’m in trouble. I’m gonna blow my load right in her hand if she doesn’t shut that little mouth. “Fuck. Me. Now.” She bites down hard, and the decision is made for me. I’ve lost all semblance of self-control.

I spin her back around to face outward, placing both of her hands on the rail and hastily reaching into my back pocket to retrieve the lone condom from my wallet. I always wondered why I carried this damn thing around, never thinking I’d actually use it. My shorts fall the rest of the way down my legs, pooling at my ankles as I rip the foil packet open with my teeth and use one hand to roll it onto my hard shaft. The other hand doesn’t leave the small of her back, not wanting to lose the physical contact.

Once it’s on, I reach out, lift
t-shirt up to expose her splendid ass, and cup her already-soaked sex. “You sure you want this?” I grumble as I pat her folds with my hand.

“Not want...need,” she moans, arching her back into my touch.

Lining the tip of my cock up perfectly with her slippery opening, I grasp a hip in each hand and slowly slide inside of her tight pussy, reveling in the ecstasy of every fucking inch until I’m completely buried inside her.

“Oh my...fuck, Leo,” she purrs, wiggling her ass against me. “Don’t hold back.”

So I don’t.

After more than ten minutes of hard thrusting, hair pulling, neck kissing, and boob groping, she cries out she’s going to come. And come she does. Her already snug walls clamp down on me like a vise as she explodes, bringing me to join her with my own orgasm. I thought her mouth felt good, but this…this is fucking heaven. My balls tighten, I dig my fingers into her flawless skin, and I come harder and longer than I ever have in my life.

My chest flattens flush against her back, both of us a sweaty mess as we float down from our euphoric high, struggling to catch our breath. That was nothing short of amazing...incredible...actually, there isn’t a word I can think of to do it justice.

“You’re right,” she says breathlessly. “Sunrises are much better.”

I lift my stare slightly to see the sun’s now fully visible out over the horizon. Smiling, still cozily inside her, I tilt her head back so I can see the satisfaction shimmering in those beautiful green eyes, green eyes that are now permanently etched into my memory.

“I’ll never see another sunrise again without thinking about this moment,” I admit truthfully. “Now let’s get you inside. I’m not giving the neighbors another show during round two.”

Or three…

Or four...

I’m lying in bed staring at the ceiling, wondering what in the hell just happened. Trystan is curled up next to me like a tiny kitten sound asleep, passed out from sheer exhaustion, and making the most adorable snoring sound each time she inhales. I never in my life thought snoring and adorable could be used in the same sentence, but
makes it work.

Somehow we went from the wedding, to the beach, to marathon sex—the last of which I really had no intentions of—in the blink of an eye. After I took her on the patio, we christened every piece of furniture in the suite, and then wrapped up the epic morning with a tryst in the shower. No doubt, my dick is going to be sore tomorrow; that’s more of a workout than he’s had…well, in forever.

I know there’s a reason I need to get up; I’ve got to do something, but for the life of me, I can’t think of what it is right now. The little minx next to me has turned my brain into a scrambled mess, and the only thing I want is to stay in this bed with her all day.

On cue, my cell phone vibrates, alerting me of a text message.

11:08 AM: Where are you? I’m downstairs in the restaurant. -K

“Oh shit!” I exclaim as I jolt out of bed, waking Trystan up in the process.

She sits up groggily and rubs her sleepy eyes as the sheet falls down to her waist, exposing her full, round, creamy breasts. God, she’s fucking gorgeous. I could wake up to that sight every morning.

“What’s going on?” she asks, still confused on why I leapt from the bed.

Realizing I’m standing there like an idiot just gawking at her, I shake my head to clear my thoughts and refocus on what I need to be doing. I crawl up onto the bed next to her and tenderly kiss her lips. “Good morning, beautiful. Sorry I startled you like that, but I lost track of time. I was supposed to meet Katrina downstairs for lunch ten minutes ago; not to mention, I have to check out of the room in less than an hour.”

BOOK: As the Dawn Breaks
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