Artful Attractions (21 page)

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Authors: S.K. Logsdon

BOOK: Artful Attractions
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“Oh, baby. Don’t look at me like that. I just love to take care of my lover. The more I give the more you have and that’s all I want.”

I tug off my black heels, sitting them gently onto the floor and I curl up beside him so he can spoon me. His hand reaches over my stomach and his big cock is pushed against my plump ass. A feral noise erupts out of his throat. I love how sexy he sounds when he’s turned on. It makes my panties even wetter.

I pull his hand up to my mouth and suck in two of his fingers.

“Fuck,” he moans nibbling on my shoulder.

I suck on them hard and soft then I swirl my tongue just like I would do if it was his cock. My warm slick mouth nips the tips and he growls. Sucking them back into my mouth all the way into my throat, I let go of his wrist and extend my hand around the back of me, cupping his balls. He jumps at the forward contact and quickly settles back into my smooth palm.

I groan in my throat loud and suck onto him as I massage his balls nicely. I want to warm him up and my dress, I’m sure, is already soaked with his pre-come. My panties if they had a crotch would be drenched as well. But my slit is dripping instead.

“Oh yes,” he groans, humping into my hand, his cock sliding along the back side of my red dress.

I pull my head back far enough and let his fingers fall from my mouth. He finds my breast and fondles it over my corset.

“I’m missed your cock so much, Joseph,” I murmur seductively. All for show and grasp his balls a little harder in my hand. His body shudders and a whimpering moan passes between his beautiful lips.

I release him just long enough that I can flip over and have my way with him. I’m turned on but not as much as I usually am when I see him. I blame it on Brad. Even when I’m busy and stuffed into doing something else. I can’t get him out of my head. He’s with me everywhere I go and everything I do. It sucks. When J Geils Band sang Love Stinks I thought they were stupid and just writing a rather catchy song. But it turns out it does stink in more ways than one. Fuck love!

“Are you okay?” he asks.

I blink a few times to tear out of my all-encompassing thoughts. He’s even interrupting my work time as well as my free time. I wish there was a cure for this. I’m sick with love.

“Oh, yes baby. Sorry I’ve been busy today. Trying to refocus on you, that’s all,” I apologize sweetly and grab his nuts hard. He squeals in delight and I know I’ve reeled him back into my world of fucking and sucking.

“What do you want sweetie?” I lick my lips.

“Do it all,” he huffs between ragged breaths.

I sit up and maneuver myself so I am kneeling between his legs perfectly. I lean forward just right so my breasts are exposed out of the top of my corset and he can see my cleavage. With both hands I seize his balls and twist. He screams and comes off the bed.

“Are you okay?” I ask him, worried; that scream was questionable between true pain or the sexually arousing kind. Shit, I hope I didn’t push it too far.

“Oh fuck yes. More,” he begs, breathing heavily.

I take them and twist with a quick jerk again, squeezing them at the same time.  He cries out flopping on the bed, his hands gripping the white covers until his knuckles match the linens.

“If you keep that up baby, I’m going to come.”

Ok, well if that isn’t an invitation I don’t know what is. I haven’t even touched his cock but it’s so hard, thick and veiny with a swollen purple head. So beautiful and yummy to look at. His pre-come is oozing down the long thick shaft. I want to suck on it. But I can’t. I need to refrain, leaving that for later.

“I want you to come for me,” I purr, yanking hard on his sack.

“Oh fuck!” he chokes out trying to catch his breath.

“That’s right baby,” I coax licking my lips and with my thumb and forefinger I squish one of his balls with so much force I actually feel sorry for the man.

His body bows off the bed as he screams in ecstasy as hot jets of white come spurt high into the air landing on his stomach. I hold onto the pressure until the last drop slowly erupts out of the top cascading down the length of his shaft pooling at the base.

“That was amazing,” he pants, peering down at me with glassy sated eyes.

I smile. “I’m glad.”

Patting the bed beside him and turning over the come on his stomach runs onto the linens. “Lay beside me, sweetie.”

I listen and a vision of Brad and I, from this morning’s dream pops into my head. Brad laid next to me like Joseph is doing right now, his body was thick and beautiful. Joseph is thin and athletic with just the right of muscle definition. Completely different in the looks department but both hot as hell.

“Are you sure you’re okay, lover?”

I nod and shooting him a reassuring smile. “Of course baby. Why?” I lean over, kissing his cheek.

“You just seem out of it today. Staring off to space like you’re somewhere else.”

I am somewhere else. I’m thinking of Brad and what he does to me. Staying with him at Lolita’s was the most amazing vacation I’ve ever had. Even though nothing happened, it made me feel like a real person in a normal life. Not one where I spend my evenings fucking men for thousands of dollars.

“No, I’m fine. Just preoccupied with helping a friend decorate their apartment.”

“Anything I can do to help?”

Awe, Joseph is the sweetest man. And he’s fantastic in bed but I don’t want to have sex with him tonight. I just want to cuddle and enjoy him and his musky cologne that I love so much.

“Can we just be together tonight? No sex? I can have Brian send the money back over. I just feel like I need to cuddle. And I want to do it with you.”

I know this is the wrong question to ask and the wrong person to do it with. But I need the comfort. My heart is aching so bad thanks to those dreams last night that I feel out of the loop.

His eyes light up twinkling. “Oh god, yes baby. I’d love nothing more.” His lips curl up into the sweetest smile imaginable.

“Thank you Joseph. You’re wonderful.”

I curl up next to him and he strokes my hair gently, planting perfect little kisses along my hairline. We say nothing and all I can hear is his breathing and mine. It’s relaxing and just what I needed after a day like today.


Chapter Twenty One


It’s Saturday and I’m just hopping off the subway, ready to meet the Macy’s furniture truck at Brad’s apartment. It’s two in the afternoon so bobbing and weaving through the crowds here in the station is ridiculous. After Joseph on Thursday we cuddled all night and in the morning we fucked like rabbits twice before he left me to go to work. He gave me another tip of a thousand dollars. He’s truly an amazing client. I couldn’t ask for a better man to sleep with every week. John was last night and we did the same play-by-play as last week. I spanked him until he blew his load five times. I’ve yet to fuck him again. He definitely craves the beatings more than penetration. Which I am completely okay with. Especially now that I’ve woken up every morning since Wednesday with Brad dreams and they keep getting worse. Yesterday I had to masturbate for the first time in what seems like forever just so I could get on with my day. These dreams are like glue they are stuck to my minds forefront throughout the day. Plus, Becka’s been busy almost every night and slept most of the day away. So I haven’t had much time with her thanks to Andrew booking her three times this week. I have a feeling it has something to do with Brad leaving him and he wants to blow off some steam. Which is good for both of them. Becka needs to climax daily. Whatever floats their boat as far as I’m concerned. I just miss my bestie because I’m feeling a little overwhelmed in the emotions department. I need an emotional cleanse like people use to colon cleanse. Too bad it’s not available. I’d pay good money for that right about now. 

I turn the corner in front of Brad’s high raise building on the upper east side of Manhattan. This neighbor is beautiful and it’s like a shiny new penny compared to Queens.

“Good afternoon, Madam,” the doorman greets, pulling the glass front door open for me.

I nod politely. Even the doorman wears Armani.

The security guard stands with a smile. “Well hello again, Ms. Monroe. The furniture delivery men have just arrived and are taking the goods up the service elevator. They will meet you upstairs. I’ve also gotten a cart of other packages for the apartment that I will send up as soon as they finish.”

“Well thank you very much,” I smile sweetly.

“Oh, and here.” He holds out a golden key. “It’s to the apartment.”

I accept it, tucking it into my jeans pocket. “Thanks.”

Taking the elevator up to Brad’s apartment is nerve wracking. The last time I was in the place he was here and it was a blank canvas and after today it’s going to be beautiful and decorated. This morning before I left I called a painter to come in on Monday to go over paint samples with me and map out the spaces. I could paint the rooms myself but with the high ceilings and the look we are going for. I think it’s smarter to have a professional do it. Plus it’s a more efficient use of my time. 

Turning the corner into the hall from the elevator there are three men in blue jump suits standing by a bunch of furniture lining the hallway. I’m sure the neighbors dread move in days. It’s loud and crowded. But at least he’s starting fresh and I have nothing to bring in myself.

“Sorry gentleman,” I apologize, opening the door to the apartment.

“It’s okay madam. We arrived early,” a taller man with gray hair says.

“Well come on inside and I’ll tell you where everything needs to be set up.” I push open the door.

In they come one man after the other carrying in piece after piece of furniture to be assembled or placed. I delegate the rooms and placement for each piece. They listen competently. Two hours and tons of work later the men are finished and the place is already taking shape. Boxes of unopened kitchen products are sitting on the floor lining the dining room right off of the kitchen. The wooden stools have taken spots where they belong under the lip of the island. They match perfectly. I’m proud of myself. One bonus point for Alexis! Yah!

Rounding the island a pop of blue stands out and I look down to find a glass front wine chiller storing the ice wine I purchased for Brad laying all on its lonesome. Note to self: stock wine fridge before Brad returns. Extra Note to self: only ice wines, so research is to be made.

I open the double door stainless state of the art fridge. Inside are three plastic containers of food with labels on them and a big note hanging from the top one.


I hope you found these by now. I wanted it to be a surprise that’s why I didn’t tell you. But here are 3 meals I’ve prepared for you. This way when you’re here working you don’t get hungry. I cooked them at the new restaurant location Wednesday night after we talked. They are fresh, should be good until Monday or Tuesday. Heating instructions are included. If you need anything at all, please text or call.

Your friend; Brad

P.S; There is another surprise in the master bath under the sink.


Awe how adorable is he? I was just hoping to find beer and here I’m staring at three perfect meals and a six pack of Corona, next to it sitting a plastic bag with lemon wedges. Be still my heart. I think this just bumped my love level another notch if that was possible. Damn this heart of mine. If only I could punch her a few times to make the swelling subside.

I shut the door and skip childishly in my bare feet into the master bath which is amazing like the rest of the apartment. I love the giant tub. I pull open the doors under the vanity.

Oh shit! I can’t believe him. My heart leaps into my throat. Why, oh why, does he do this?

I’m staring at a hot pink caddy filled with female provisions. I take it out and lay it on top of the counter. Bed head shampoo and conditioner, hairspray, mouth wash, Olay luscious embrace body wash, a pink electric toothbrush, travel size toothpaste, floss; the mint kind, deodorant, a Venus razor,  an entire Clinique skin care set and my Chanel perfume. He has everything I use at home in this damn caddy and there’s another note tucked inside.


I thought since you will be working here a lot might as well have some of home surrounding you. This way you can stay over if it gets too late and not have to worry about needing anything to shower or be fresh for the day. There are two pairs of yoga pants in the closet in your size and just grab one of my t-shirts if you need.


P.S; There is one final surprise in the smallest bedrooms closet. Don’t read into it. It’s just a gift.


He has to stop this sweetness. I think I’m going to explode. But this scavenger hunt thing is exciting. I’ve never done anything like it before.

I place the caddy back under the sink, drop into Brad’s closet and it’s full of his clothes but I don’t see yoga pants anywhere. I open up each dresser drawer and nothing. Plus the boxers I purchased for him are nowhere to be found. Maybe he threw them away.

My heart sinks. Oh, well what was I to expect. He’s a boxer briefs guy.

These damn pants aren’t in here. Guess it’s time to check out the other closet. I exit Brad’s and open the other. Inside are my two yoga pants folded on top of the eight drawer dresser that fits perfectly against the wall. These closets are large enough to fit a kid’s bedroom with a twin bed, nightstand and plenty of room left to play. I’m jealous. I wish my closet was this nice. Mine’s long and has a portion that is deeper but it’s not a full on walk in room like this one.

I leave the bedroom and find the one bedroom in the place without windows. The other two are facing the city so they have big windows just like the living room. But the last one is tucked onto an inside wall leaving it windowless. I go inside and open the closet.

Holy cow! He did not!

There’s an entire art set up resting against the wall with fifteen or so canvases all different sizes and shapes and an easel. I kneel down and open a cardboard box. Damn! There’s an entire box full of black charcoal sticks. Next to it sits two large pencil sets and an apron. Wow. This is too much. On the top of the pencils is a white envelope. I open it slowly. Whenever I get these there’s money inside and it falls out in big bills.

But thankfully there’s only a note.




Last gift, I promise. Since I’ve already purchased the space for the new restaurant I need art. So here is an entire set up of everything the man at the art store said you’d need. I hope it’s enough, if not let me know and I’ll order more. This room is my office and either free room is your studio. You pick. And if you get the time I’d love another drawing like we talked about for the master. I know I’m putting a lot on you but I promise it will be worth it in the end. I appreciate all your help.

Love; Brad

I shut the door leaving my art supplies resting in closet. I can’t believe he did all this. I realize it’s to benefit him so I can keep busy longer, by fixing the meals and the bath supplies. But damn, it’s still really sweet go to all the trouble. When he bought it all of this is beside me. He was with me all weekend and didn’t say a thing about going down to Florida until Wednesday. When did he have the time? Maybe he has a personal assistant? Naw, I don’t think so. This is strange. Timing doesn’t seem to add up unless he was running around like a chicken with his head cut off Wednesday night. Guess I’ll never know. Oh well, it’s still sweet.

I track back into the kitchen unloading boxes after boxes of kitchen items.

A knock at the door. Padding my feet across the floor I open the door.

“Hello madam, I have the packages,” a building employee says. A man I’ve never met before. He’s got a giant flatbed cart towing behind him and I guess I didn’t realize that much stuff was going to be delivered because there’s minimally twenty five boxes here.

“Please roll that in.” I back away to allow him to enter.

“Yes, Ma’am.” He pulls it through the doorway and it just fits by an inch at most.

“Can we keep it in here and I’ll drop it back in the hall afterward? I don’t want to unload all of it right now.” I gesture to the overly packed cart. I’ve already started unloading the other boxes the Macy’s delivery boys dropped by. I’ve got hours upon hours of work here. What have I gotten myself into?

“Madam you’re welcome to leave the empty containers or trash on the cart as well and I will discard it. Just contact the front desk when you’ve completed and we will be glad to get it out of your way. Oh, and sir Bradly asked me to make sure you got this.” He hands me pink gift bag with yellow tissue paper spraying out of the top. I take it from him and lay it on the couch.

“That would be very nice. I appreciate it. It probably won’t be until tomorrow,” I state walking the courteous gentleman to the door, biding him adieu. 

Standing back and admiring the space we are off to a good start. The TV has arrived its sitting on the cart. The white fireplace is sitting perfectly against the white wall. The sectional and ottoman coffee table is nestled in just how I pictured them. The red pillows came with the delivery men, so they are splayed at even intervals along the couch. There’s six of them total and they add just the right amount of pop to the space. The wall of windows overlooking the city opens this space up making it appear twice its normal size and the couch counter balances it giving it a homey feeling of warmth and comfort.

I drop onto the couch and pluck the tissue from the small gift bag, crumpling it between my fingers and tossing it onto the couch beside me. Tipping the bag upside down, a pink iPod with matching ear buds lands in my lap along with another note. So much for the easel art supplies being the last presents. Brad’s a sneaky bastard.


I know you’re probably already tuckering out with furniture day and I thought I’d get your body pumping with some music. This is yours to keep. That’s why it’s pink. You can’t give me back a pink iPod; it’s unethical. Consider it a token of my appreciation for all your hard work. I hope you’ve dipped into your food, don’t forget to eat. I know it’s yummy. All sorts of my favorite music is downloaded on the iPod and I hope you enjoy. In my closet is a dock with speakers so you can jam without the provided ear buds. The choice is yours. Give me a call after you’ve calmed down. I know you’re going to be objecting to the gifts.

Yours truly, Brad


Does the man ever select a regular send off? I write love on all my cards. But his are so random it’s confusing. One minute I get butterflies dancing when he writes love and now I get yours truly. What’s that supposed to mean?

I turn on my new slim gadget and fish through the music. It’s every kind of music I would put on here myself and maybe a few I wouldn’t. But overall he’s spot on. If he only knew I loved the same tunes. That’s never been a topic of our conversations.

I get up and grab my phone out of the kitchen. I need to call Brian. Looking around this place tells me I have to cut off my client list for a few days, possibly a week with as much work that needs to be completed. I don’t mind. Maybe that’ll give me enough time to get my head on straight. That’s what I’m praying for.

I click Brian’s number.

“Hello beautiful,” he greets with an obvious smile in his voice.

“Hi, Brian. I’ve called because I need you to slow down my clients for the next week maybe two.” I tread lightly. I’ve never asked for a favor like this. Being a pimp, they want money and even though Brian is nice, I never know when he might snap.

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