Read Around the World in 80 Men Series: Books 11-20 Online

Authors: Brandi Ratliff,Rebecca Ratliff

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Erotica, #Humorous, #Romantic Erotica

Around the World in 80 Men Series: Books 11-20 (4 page)

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called another taxi and for the third time, they were on their way to
pick out a charm. There was no way she could drink nor eat anything
else and her options were limited as to what else she could distract
him with. They passed a pet store, but Morgan knew that wouldn't work
and neither would the numerous furniture stores. When the taxi driver
told them they were almost there, Morgan got her next idea.

she leaned in close to Finlay and whispered in his ear, “I have
to pee.”

can use the loo at the the jewelry shoap.” His voice was much
louder than her subtle approach toward the topic and Morgan blushed
when the cab driver looked at her in the mirror.

can't and I won't pee in a fine jewelry store! I have to go now!”
Morgan continued and played it off as if it were all of the coffee
she had drank.

almost here! Ye can wait!” Finlay smiled at her, on to her

Campbell, I have to use the bathroom and you will have this nice
gentleman stop the vehicle so I may pee!” She used her best
authoritative voice and with a deep groan from Finlay, they pulled
into a fast food joint for the girl.

was finally out of excuses after her
was taken care
of, and Morgan walked out of the restaurant with her head hung low.
Why? Why won't he listen to me?!
Her slow death march back to
his side made Finlay smile and take her hand.

it all that bad? Me wanting to buy ye somethin' nice?” He
stopped walking and put his hands on her hips, holding her still
while he got his answer. Morgan looked to her right, knowing that
their final destination was only a few blocks in that direction.

let out a long sigh, then shook her head. “No, it's not that
bad.” She was defeated, and the little charm that Finlay would
pick out-or force her to pick-would be a constant reminder that he
only cared to do it when he saw that other men had taken the time to
buy them. Finlay watched her emotions play across her face as she
started to turn toward their taxi. A single tear fell down her pink
cheek before she reached the door.

look at me.” His large hand turned her face around gently, and
the sadness he saw there had changed everything. “Aw, come
here.” Finlay brought her against his body, and held her
tightly on the busy sidewalk in front of Lou's Burger House. “Let's
go to the beach, would ye like that?” He felt her nod into his
chest before turning her around, and getting back into the car.

tone was less than cheerful when he told the driver about their
change of plans. Morgan didn't speak as she wiped her cheek and
leaned against his thick arm. He finally understood her reluctance,
and his guilt for not listening to her made for a silent,
uncomfortable ride back to the hotel.

was when they were back in their room, getting ready to change for
the beach, that Morgan finally broke her silence. “Fin, I'm
sorry. I'm making a big deal about these charms, and it was nice of
you to offer to get me one.” Her guilt had also taken its
toll, and both of them finally just smiled and agreed that any future
conversations about the bracelet were off limits, at least until they
were able to stop arguing about it.

their way by the lounge, Fin asked if Morgan was hungry. “I
could get ye a burger, or how about a steak?” Morgan was
faces the entire time, and dramatically drug the
man past the entrance of the restaurant. “Fries? Milkshake?
Another coffee then?” He was still naming off food when she
managed to get him back outside.

won't eat for a week!” They laughed about the fact that she
promised to hold him responsible if she gained even one pound over
the weekend. “Then again, I would hold you responsible for
helping me work it off.” She put her arm around his waist as
their feet hit the warm sand. He looked down at her, and he actually
thought that he could literally feel his heart growing more fond of
her by the second. He just smiled at her as they finished their walk
to the surf, then helped her with their beach towels.

beach was relatively quiet, with the exception of the seagulls
grabbing their tiny prizes in the wet sand and bellowing to their
friends as they ran from the returning tide. Tourists were spending
their time walking the beach instead of enjoying the water, not
willing to brave the cool winter ocean. The only distraction to the
beautiful day was the fact that Finlay had something to tell Morgan,
something that he wasn't sure she would understand.

watched her lean back on her elbows, and his eyes drank in her
exposed bikini body as he mentally worked on the right words to use.
When he cleared his throat, Morgan looked up at him, and smiled at
the man that had the ability to take her breath away with just a
look. “Like what ya see?” She giggled as he quickly
brought his eyes back to hers.

verra much so.” Finlay stretched his long body beside hers.
“That's what makes this so hard to say.” His eyes
narrowed as she turned to face him, her questioning look making his
heart race. “Ye said earlier that I could help ye
work off
the food that ye ate.” When she nodded, still looking
confused, he continued. “Love, we won't be havin' sex this

look of shock actually made Finlay laugh out loud. She looked as if
someone had just canceled Christmas and he were the Grinch. “You're
funny, Fin.” The girl brushed off his words and laid back down
on her towel, taking in the warm rays of the sun.

think I'm playing?”

know you won't be able to keep your word on it.” Morgan
shielded her eyes with her arm and peeked at Finlay. Truth was, he
was going to hold firmly to his word. After everything they had been
through, one thing he knew for sure was that he cared deeply for her
and if he couldn't show her by buying her nice things, he was going
to show her in other ways. Showing her that he really just wanted her
company, sex or no sex, was going to be hard, but he had to prove it.

Finlay didn't answer her, Morgan slowly ran her hands from her hips,
up her sides, finally landing on her large breasts. “You mean
you don't want this?” Her fingertips traced slowly over the
thin bikini top and around her hardened buds. Finlay could see her
desire right through the material and the low moan that escaped his
lips was that of frustration and regret for telling her his plan.

that he was watching her gave her enough fuel to keep going. She
tilted her head back on the towel and continued rubbing her chest,
then when one hand slowly began making its way back down her narrow
waist, Finlay had to stop her. She hadn't really planned on
pleasuring herself in broad daylight on the beach, but her teasing
left enough for the imagination. Finlay grew hard underneath his swim
trunks and he brought his knees toward his chest to hide the

not going to win this,” Finlay told her when she sat up on her
elbows again with sly grin across her lips.



hungry.” Morgan pulled on Finlay's arm to get his attention.
They had spent the whole afternoon playfully arguing, flirting and
walking up and down the boardwalk. The sun was beginning to disappear
behind the horizon which told them they had been outside for nearly
four hours...which was perfect timing for Morgan's stomach to yell
out for attention.

laughed at her statement. He couldn't be completely surprised. It
seemed as if the girl was always hungry, but it was humorous
considering that morning's antics. “Aye, as am I.” Morgan
realized the man hadn't eaten all day. She had stuffed her face with
a muffin, then force fed herself a burger she hadn't needed, but Fin
hadn't had a bite of food all day.

me buy you dinner!” Morgan jumped in front of him and clasped
her hands together in a begging fashion.

going to happen.” Finlay shook his head and headed back toward
the hotel.

come on. It's the least I can do since you won't let me fuck you.”
She didn't feel as if she owed him anything, but it had been a good
opportunity to catch him off guard and chisel away at his anti-sex
wall. The way his eyes grew wide and his mouth gaped open told her
that her statement had indeed caught his attention.

bent down to her level and spoke with a low voice. “Morgan,
stop it. You're making this harder than it needs to be.” He
smiled at her and stood back upright, then walked through the wide
double doors into the cool hotel lobby. He regretted speaking those
words soon enough. When they were in the elevator, Morgan's hand
found the area below his drawstring and with a serious expression,
she asked, “how hard
it need to be?” Finlay
brought out a side of her that she wasn't used to, but she had to
admit, she was enjoying the sexual tension that she was building
between them.

a moment's hesitation, Finlay grabbed her by her arms and pushed her
against the wall of the elevator. His erection pressed up against her
and he held her captive with his legs pressed against the outside of
her thighs. He lowered his face to hers and Morgan prepared herself
to kiss the man, but Finlay didn't give her what she wanted. Instead,
he pressed his cock against her harder and met her chest with his
own. Morgan moaned quietly at the feel of his manhood against her,
but he was only going to give her the same treatment she gave to him
on the beach. The elevator door opened just as he threatened with
another kiss and he only offered a smile with his lips rather than
meeting hers.

how it's going to be?” Morgan followed behind him down the
hallway toward their room.

doll. That's how it's going to be.” Finlay opened the door and
gestured for Morgan to go in. “How's pizza sound?”

smiled and nodded. “Pizza sounds perfect!” Finlay went
over to the fridge and pulled out the boxes, then turned on the
little oven to warm it up.

oot of beer though,” Finlay told her, then said he'd go out to
get some more.

we need to talk...” Morgan braced herself. It was as good as a
time as any to tell him. The man's eyebrows came closer together and
he took a step forward, waiting for the news. 'We need to talk' was
never a good thing. Morgan walked over to the bed, then patted the
empty spot next to her, inviting the man to sit down. “It's
nothing bad, don't worry.”


So here goes. Fin, you know I'm crazy about you?” Morgan
watched him sit down and he nodded. “You know why I'm crazy
about you?” He shook his head back and forth slowly. “I
like you for who you are. Do I love pizza and beer? Of course. But
you know what else I love? I love your suits. I love your smile. I
love the little growth you get on your face when we sleep,” she
reached up and ran her finger along his five o'clock shadow. “I
love your sense of humor, and I love that you can take things
seriously. I love your fancy home and your fancy car. I love going
out to dinner with you. And I'll admit here and now, I'm madly in
love with...William and Wallace.” She smiled and waited for
him to return the gesture.

looked down at his hands, then back up to the girl. “But I
thought you liked the things that Tann...”

There are reasons I like him, Fin. But he's not you. I just want you
to be yourself. What you have done is so very sweet, and you've shown
me how much you care by trying to make me happy, but you should know
that you already make me happy.” She looked over to the man and
she was glad to see he the hint of a smile threatening across his
lips. “Three years ago, Fin, you were making multi-million
dollar deals. Three years ago for me, I was worrying about my bangs
and graduating high school.” Finlay laughed, but wondered where
she was going with her point.

young and I have a lot to learn, but what I do know is that I...”
she almost dropped the L-word, but stopped herself in time. “Am
so incredibly crazy about you. I don't need any more convincing.
Maybe one day, I will enjoy the fancy lifestyle, but for now, I just
want to enjoy you. So how about we skip the beer, you go get me a
bottle of Moscato, get yourself something red and we'll eat our
pizza. We might as well not let the movies go to waste either,”
she finished.

BOOK: Around the World in 80 Men Series: Books 11-20
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