Aramus (12 page)

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Authors: Eve Langlais

BOOK: Aramus
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“We’ve got the information we need. The humans serve no purpose and have no value. Not to mention they pose a security risk. There’s a way station for fueling in the Milky
Way. I’ll deposit them there.”

“To do what?”

“Be with their kind.”

What if the company finds them? They won’t want them talking about their experience.”

“Not my fucking problem.”
He’d warn them to keep their mouths shut. It would be up to them if they listened or not.

In the meantime, until he got them to the space station, he’d just have to stay away from Riley, and the temptation she posed.

Chapter Seventeen

After Aramus’s callous dismissal, Riley felt more alone than ever. Even the other humans on board seemed to keep to themselves
, with Percy barely saying two words when she ran into him, Carmen always running off doing who knew what—although Riley could imagine given the amount of cleavage showing and the smirk on her lips. Of the others, she didn’t see a hair.

Given Aramus’s views on humans, and
those of Deidre’s, she didn’t bother engaging the other cyborgs in conversation. Why bother? She didn’t need to hear how they hated her because of her human heritage too. A girl could only take so much. Yet, despite that, she craved companionship, which was why she ended up in the medical bay to visit the still comatose David.

“At least you can’t ignore me,” she said aloud as she sat at his bedside.

“But he also can’t answer,” quipped Avion from his corner.

“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to disturb you. I’ll leave.” She rose and headed to the door.

“Please don’t. It’s boring as hell here. I wouldn’t mind some company.”

“Really? You do know I’m
?” She stressed it, and he laughed.

“Oh I know. Trust me. I’ve heard all about it. You got under Aramus’s skin in a bad way.”

“Well, eeeeexcuuuse me. If I’d have known what a jerk he would turn out to be, I would have stayed far away.” Aramus seemed to have no problem keeping his distance. How was she supposed to change his mind and get him to trust her if she couldn’t even see him?

“Yeah, his actions are pretty hard to defend
, but I can understand.”

“Really? Because I don’t. I mean I get how cyborgs must be angry. You were dealt a crappy hand. You especially
, from the looks of it. Yet, he has to know not all humans are like that. I’m not.”

“I think deep down he knows this
, but he’s lived with his anger for years now. It was the only thing he had once he was liberated. Unlike some of us, he’s got no memories of his past or family. No recollection of what it’s like to care. He probably wouldn’t recognize it if it slapped him upside the head.”

Or slept with him. “So he’s going to live his whole life hating an entire race for the actions of a few?”

“That’s one possibility.”

“What’s the other?”

“Maybe he just needs the right incentive, or person, to show him the error in his thinking.”

“Not me.”

“Why not? From what I hear, you both shared an, um, how to say this delicately, intimate moment.”

She snickered. “You can say it. We had sex
, and it meant nothing to him. He was just taking care of a need.” Aramus’s callous dismissal of the night they’d spent together rankled still, even days later.

, it was more than that. Trust me. I know him. There is no way he would have slept with you otherwise. Aramus is a very controlled being. He never lets his emotions, or even his bodily needs, sway him from being the perfect cyborg soldier. Until he met you.”

“Ha. I find that hard to believe.” Every encounter with him, except for their very first, ended in either a kiss or more.

“Believe it. The fact he has so little control around you has him scared. He fears you.”

She couldn’t control her laughter. “That big tough guy fears me? That’s priceless.”

“He fears losing hold of his hatred and allowing himself to care. To maybe acknowledge that not all humans need culling and that there is more humanity in him than he wants to admit. He sees emotions as a weakness.”

“Why are you telling me all this? I can’t help but think Aramus would be pissed if he heard you talking to me like this.”

“Oh, I’m sure he is.”

“Is? You mean he’s here?” She peered around. “I don’t see him.”

“He’s not here physically, but I’ll wager he’s listening. I’ll bet he’s always watching where you’re concerned.”

He was? Maybe not all hope was lost.
“You’re going to get yourself in trouble.”

“Aramus won’t hurt me. Yell
loudly, maybe, but he won’t damage me.”

Okay, since you say you know him so well, what do you suggest I do?”

“Force him to care.”

She snorted. “How? It’s not like I can get him in a head lock and noogie him until he cries uncle.”

“Damn. I’d love to see that. Heck, I’ll even hold him down while you do it. Just do me a favor and wait until Einstein fits me with some new eyes before you do.”

“Deal. But you still haven’t said how I can get him to care when I haven’t even seen him. He’s kept himself hidden in the forbidden parts of the ship.”

Avion shrugged
, and his lips tilted into a mischievous grin. “So make him come to you.”


“You need to do something that will evoke a strong enough emotional response that he won’t be able to help himself. Like making him jealous.”

Pretend to like another cyborg? She vetoed that. Not only did it seem too calculating,
but, if Avion was right, Aramus could severely damage one of his friends. “That seems too underhanded.”

What if he thinks you’re in danger?”

Put herself in harm’s way? And what if Avion was wrong? She could get hurt. Nope. She wasn’t that desperate.
She shook her head before she realized he couldn’t see her reply. “Not happening either.”

Since he can’t seem to resist you, make him horny.”

How could she make him lust after her if he
wasn’t around? Or did he constantly watch her as Avion suggested? Only one way to find out.

“You’ve given me a lot to think about.”

“Don’t think too long. I’d hate for you both to miss out.”

“What are you implying?”

“Nothing. Just think about what I said.”

She would. She did. And then she acted. If her life as a prisoner
had taught her anything, it was that life was too short to sit waiting for someone else to act. She’d gotten a second chance. It was up to her not to waste it.

Chapter Eighteen

What is she up to now?
Aramus wondered as Riley entered her quarters and paced. She seemed to be having a discussion with herself, a silent one that had her alternately frowning and biting her lip, as if she tried to come to a decision. He wondered what had perturbed her.

Despite recognizing the weakness of his actions, Aramus couldn’t help but keep tabs on Riley.
As usual, as soon as he hit his quarters, his camera feeds were tuned in to her. He’d observed her moroseness, seen the hope in her eyes when she heard a heavy footstep in the hall, only to lose it when she saw who approached.

She misses me.
A theory confirmed after her talk with Avion. Damn the cyborg for telling her Aramus spied on her. It was humiliating in the extreme that he couldn’t help himself, but even more so to know Avion had guessed his weakness. He almost marched down to the sick bay to give the injured unit a good yelling at, maybe a shake and rattle of his obviously loose bolts, but to act in any way meant he’d have to admit he spied, which created a conundrum. He played it cool—which didn’t sit well. He really preferred to hit and kill things when perturbed.

Thankfully the torture would end soon.
They’d reach the way station he aimed for in the next few days. He could hold out that long. He could resist the temptation. He could—

What the fuck is
Riley doing?
It started with her unzipping her jumpsuit, which in and of itself wasn’t unusual, but the slowness she did it with, the sensual shrug of a shoulder to send the fabric sliding down one arm then the other, that was unusual.

The garment fell to her waist
, baring her tank top-clad torso. Gripping the jumpsuit, she wiggled it over her hips, those perfect, voluptuous hips, and down creamy thighs before letting it go to pool at her feet. Dressed only in the white shirt and underpants, she stepped out of it, and he switched cameras, expecting to see her enter the washroom for a shower, the only reason she usually undressed in the daytime. And, yes, he fully admitted he was a defective bot for spying on her. He knew that and knew there was a name for his actions, voyeur. It didn’t stop him from watching…and enjoying.

His cock g
rew fat with anticipation. It did so enjoy the sensual visual of her when she bathed, but on this occasion, she never entered the small washroom. Odd. Aramus flipped the view back to her room to find Riley nude and stretched out on her bed, legs splayed, exposing her pink sex. By all the nanos in his system, she presented a visually stimulating sight. He memorized and saved it to his memory banks.

But hold on a moment.
Why was she gripping her breasts and squeezing them? To what purpose did she roll her nipples between her fingers until they stood erect and begging for a mouth—
my mouth—
to suck them?

The answer stunned him.
She’s masturbating.

More than ever, voyeuristic tendency or not, he knew he should turn the camera feed off. This was wrong. So wrong. So fucking tempting…

He forced himself to stay seated, even as he remained riveted by the unfolding scene. Frozen, as if stunned by a Taser, he watched as Riley caressed a body he couldn’t forget. A body he wanted to touch again.

He could have fought through the allure she presented
and jerked off as she touched herself if she’d not crooked her finger and looked right at the camera. Right at him. Then she mouthed his name.

Aramus didn’t recall
rising from his seat, leaving his room, or how he ended up outside her door. As if on autopilot, he went to her, her unspoken command obeyed by the soldier in his pants. Oh, who was he trying to fool? He went to her because he wanted her and missed her. He went to her because she made him feel, even if he didn’t always like what those feelings meant.
I’m here because this is where I want to be. Where I belong.

The door made only the slightest of sounds as it slid open, allowing him entrance. He stepped in
, and it closed behind him, giving them privacy. His gaze immediately flicked to the bed, where he expected at least a token of surprise. But he’d not misread her invitation on the camera. Far from startled, Riley greeted him with a sensual smile.

“About time,” she murmured, her voice husky.
“I thought I was going to have to finish by myself.”

“What are you doing?” His question came out harsher than he meant, raw
with the hunger he’d suppressed.

“Trying to get your attention.”


She licked her lips, a pink flick of her tongue that did nothing to help his pulsing erection. “You’ve been avoiding me.”

“I was doing my job.”

“Ah yes, taking care of your ship and crew.” She let out a low laugh. “Such a good cyborg. But you forgot one thing

“No I haven’t.”

“Yes you have. As part of this ship and one of your passengers, you’ve neglected something I need.”

“According to records, you’ve been cared for. Food. Accommodations. Clothing.
What else do you require?” A part of him knew her answer, expected it, but a selfish part of him wanted her to say it.

I need you.”

His eyes closed as her words washed over him, warming him not physically but mentally.
“You don’t know what you’re asking.”

“Don’t I?”

“I’m cyborg.”


“I can’t give you anything more than my body.”

“I wasn’t asking for anything else.”

Even he could hear the unspoken “for now”. “Why me?” Why not one of the others? Why did she want him? Why would she choose him knowing his ornery nature? Knowing his opinion on her kind?

“Because I can’t help myself. I want you, Aramus. You and only you. You desire me too. Don’t deny it. If you didn’t
, you wouldn’t be here right now.”

“I hate this weakness.”

“It’s not weakness to want to feel.”

With his eyes still closed, he didn’t see her rise from the bed
, but he heard it then felt it as she looped her arms around his body and leaned up to nibble the edge of his chin.

“I am defective,” he whispered.

“No, you’re mine.”

And with that possessive claim, he could hold back no longer.
Groaning in surrender, his arms came around her, crushing her to him as he lifted her to mash his mouth against hers in a fiery kiss.

She clung to him, meeting his fierce embrace and adding to it with her lithe tongue.
How could he have thought he could resist her? She was his weakness. The one human who could bring him to his knees. And to his knees he dropped, dragging her with him, peppering her with kisses, trying to reach all her sensitive spots, behind the lobe of her ears, the pulse in her neck.

Arching, she threw her head back, giving him access, making herself vulnerable before him.
Forget the fact a bed was readily accessible only a few feet away. He couldn’t stop his sensual exploration of her body, especially when her hands tugged at his clothing. He aided her in shedding his shirt and unbuttoning his pants. He cursed when he had to let go of her to remove his boots and bottoms, a temporary reprieve she used to crawl up onto the bed, splayed out across the cover, an erotic invitation he could not resist, no matter how much his computer programming screamed danger.

He’d always liked to live on the edge.

Between his legs, his erection pulsed, and his balls hung heavy. The sweetness of her arousal perfumed the air, a decadent scent more deadly than any military gas. With her legs spread, he could clearly see her glistening sex. He couldn’t help but touch her there, feel her desire on his fingers. She was so ready for him, and they’d barely just begun.

He dropped to his knees on
ce more, a supplicant before her fleshly altar. Gripping her thighs, he tugged her until her ass rested on the edge of the bed, her legs draped over his shoulders, putting her in a perfect position for his mouth.

Since his rebirth, Aramus had partaken of many foods, some considered delicacies, some sweet, some tart, but none, nothing he recalled
, tasted as good as her pussy when he licked it. Her honey coated his tongue, her arousal an ambrosia made for him. He ate like a man starving, nibbling and sucking, tongue penetrating and exploring. He heard her crying out his name, begging for more, her breathing irregular, all audible signs that she enjoyed his decadent meal of her flesh. When she came, he almost came with her, so awed was he at the way her body bucked with the strength of her orgasm, how her sex convulsed at the peak of her climax.

It was fucking beautiful.
And still she begged him for more.

“Take me, Aramus,” she pleaded. “I need you. God, how I need you.”

And I need her.

He tugged her back onto the bed, keeping her legs spread so he could settle himself between them.
The tip of his cock rubbed against her swollen clit. Riley made an inarticulate sound as she arched, trying to draw him into her body. But she’d just come, and while still aroused, he retained enough wits to know she needed more if he wanted her to come again. Which suited him fine because her arching drew attention to her luscious breasts.

raced on his forearms, he continued to rub his swollen head against her clit while he leaned down and captured a swollen tip in his mouth. He sucked, and she grabbed his head, not at all put off by his metal plate, and pushed her breast farther into his mouth. As if he’d let her dictate his actions in bed. He pulled back so he could graze his teeth over her erect nipple. Riley panted and thrashed. She definitely liked that. Aramus swirled his tongue around her taut nub before applying suction to her breast.

Moisture gushed from her sex, soaking his already lubed head. Close. She was so close to being ready for him again.
He switched his attention to her other breast and gave it the same attention, to her moaning delight.

Forget sliding his cock against her clit
. He pushed the fat head of his cock into the entrance of her sex. Tight, so wickedly, fucking tight. Perfect.

With that possessive thought running in a loop, he thrust, sinking deep into her velvety channel and couldn’t help but moan
at the exquisite feeling. Her slick muscles tightened like a vise around his dick, squeezing him tight, not wanting to let him go. Aramus almost lost it then and there. But he was a cyborg. He had more control. Barely.

ack he pulled, the suction of her sex reluctant to set his free. When only the head of his cock remained buried, he pushed himself as deep as he could, sheathing himself until his balls slapped up against her. Riley let out a high keening sound and clawed at his back. Aramus retreated and slammed back in, hard and deep. This time Riley let out a short scream. It seemed he’d found her sweet spot, and he took full advantage. With long, measured strokes, Aramus pushed in and then pulled out. Each jab struck her G-spot, her muscles flexing each time he hit. Tighter and tighter her channel squeezed until, with a loud scream, she exploded, her orgasm a wild, intense joining of their flesh that milked him. More than milked him, it stole all his control, and Aramus joined her in coming, so connected to her in that moment that he couldn’t help himself from thinking,
I can never let her go.

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