Read Anything but Vanilla Online

Authors: Madelynne Ellis

Anything but Vanilla (9 page)

BOOK: Anything but Vanilla
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His suck was surprisingly gentle, given how shaky he seemed to be, but he’d been like that the last time too. A perfect gentleman, waiting on her, not demanding attention or that they hurry things along just because he was aching with need. Zach – yeah, she liked Zach, because he was prepared to wait for his pleasures. He understood that drawing things out led to greater rewards.

The chocolate was both sweet and bitter on her tongue as she kissed her way down his abs to where his cock pointed skywards. Zach crooned the whole time. She cleaned him with slow loving licks, starting with the underside at the base and then working up and round, finishing with the tip, which she popped into her mouth whole.

The muscles in his thighs jumped in response. ‘Kara,’ he gasped, and jerked himself so hard against the rock she swore he hoped it would eat him.

Well, the cliff wasn’t going to eat him, but she definitely was. ‘Easy now. Just remember to breathe.’ He seemed to be having a little trouble with that part.

Zach caught his lower lip between his teeth. ‘I’m fine.’

‘Sure you are.’ Absolutely, he was fine. More than fine, in fact. He was quite awesomely delicious. She opened her mouth and relaxed her throat, so that she took almost all his length. Zach, though not enormous, was a big enough boy, especially when he was this turned on. She could feel the pulse of his blood pumping just below the skin upon her tongue and the way in which he relaxed just a fraction as she pulled back. He stiffened up again the moment her head dipped, then relaxed again, until it became part of the rhythm of suck and withdraw.

‘Now, remember,’ she warned, when his hips started pumping a little too eagerly. ‘You won’t get your reward if you come too quickly.’

‘You said until the chocolate was gone.’

True enough she had, and there wasn’t so much as a smear left on him, a matter she rectified at once. The second coating was far less artfully applied. The chocolate had warmed up and become runnier, so that when she squeezed it out, it ran down the length of his shaft in sticky rivulets, which she caught on her tongue.

It brought him a little welcome relief from the assault on his glans, but Zach had gone past the point where he could tolerate being teased, and his body was begging her for proper action with the jerky thrust of his hips. Kara pressed one chocolate-covered hand against his stomach, intending to win even if it did involve a little bit of cheating, and then took his cock into her mouth again. She alternated long pulls with lavishing attention on the cluster of nerves around the tiny eye-slit.

‘Frig yourself,’ he managed to gasp. It seemed Zach wasn’t planning on admitting defeat quite so easily. ‘Stick your hand up your skirt and pull aside your knickers.’

‘Can’t.’ She pushed her tongue into her cheek. ‘Not wearing any.’ She’d mislaid the pair Ric had taken off her, and hadn’t yet had the opportunity to pull on any others.

‘You’re commando in that skirt!’ He gaped. ‘Show me. Prove it.’

To do that properly, she’d have to stop sucking him, but she didn’t think that had been a factor in prompting the demand. Rather, he was genuinely shocked.

Kara rolled backwards off her knees until she landed on her bum amidst the ferns. Then she spread her legs wide before her and rucked up her skirt to her waist.

Zach stared at her pussy like a man starved. Admittedly, she was pink and plumped, glistening in readiness. She hadn’t realised her own need was so great until she saw her clit peeping out from inside its hood. Then she had to resist taking a hand off the ground and stroking herself.

Oh, what the hell! She wet her middle finger and ran it right along her slit. Her flesh was still tender from the night before, but that seemed only to prompt her to repeat the process rather than call a halt to things. Inside, the muscles of her cunt clenched tight, at the memory of cock filling her. She hadn’t really meant to give it up to Zach, but she really wanted him now.

‘You are one beautiful, sexy, dirty, woman.’ Zach slowly began to peel himself off the rock face, fingers stretching first, soon followed by his shoulders and then the rest of him. He staggered forward towards her, doing a bad impersonation of Frankenstein’s monster as he worked the stiffness out of his joints.

Laughing, Kara shuffled backwards further into the basin of ferns.

The moment he caught her, he pushed her on to her back and planted a lascivious kiss across her mouth. Not stopping there, he followed up by pushing his tongue inside her and making her groan. Zach settled comfortably between her thighs. He bent his head and gave her pussy a very wet lick before testing her willingness with two fingers. Having apparently decided she was still a little tight, he rubbed his thumb up and down over her clit.

With one move he’d managed to turn the tables. Now she was the needy one, writhing so that her hips bobbed up off the ground seeking further stimulus. Zach gave a chuckle. He sucked his fingers clean, and then moved so that he was balanced right over her, with his erection pointed to where she needed to feel it.

‘Wait up.’ She planted a hand against his chest. ‘Unless you’ve a wrapper, you ain’t coming in.’

He cursed briefly. ‘You know where I keep them.’

She did – his back pocket. It took a bit of stretching, but she found the foil and had him dressed in record time. Then it took only a teeny bit of wriggling to get them all lined up.

His cock bumped against her pussy lips a few times, before he finally pressed home.

‘Yes,’ she gasped in welcome as he stretched her. The tenderness she’d felt in her lips didn’t extend inside, making the penetration wholly bliss. He slid smoothly, going in deep. ‘Hard,’ she insisted.

Zach puffed a breath upwards to blow aside the hair that had fallen over his brow. ‘Is there any other way?’

Considering what a tight leash he liked to keep himself on during the preliminaries, she guessed in his case probably not. He was like a coiled spring that had been allowed to unwind, and in doing so was gaining momentum. The thing was, the deeper he thrust, and the more he grabbed her bottom and lifted her on to him, the more infectious his excitement became, until her need matched his in strength and they were clawing one another trying to get that fraction closer as they raced towards the end.

Kara both wanted to get there and didn’t want it to end. Sex seemed to have become a whole lot more exciting since she’d given the notion of matrimony the hoof. She was shimmying so hard against him by the time her orgasm began to well up that it was beyond her power to even alert him to the fact that she was coming. Maybe he sensed it from the way her pussy began to tighten around his cock.

‘Almost there.’ Zach’s words rasped against her cheek. He kept on thrusting, maintaining the punishing pace even as her climax simmered up and began to overflow. ‘Fuck, you’re so wet, so silky smooth. I could do you for ever, Kara North.’

It felt exactly as if he were doing that right now. Her orgasm rode her hard and wrung out every bit of pleasure she was capable of feeling. Her muscles continued to twitch around him as Zach also lost himself to the moment. He grunted, trying to keep up some sort of rhythm with his thrusts, but really they were both done for, dripping with sweat and buzzing with shared energy.

He rolled over on to the ferns once they’d finished with a big ol’ smile upon his face. ‘That was … Yeah …’ He lapsed into another grin while he recovered his breath.

Kara cuddled up to his side, appreciating the fact that, unlike Ric, he hadn’t immediately leapt to his feet and moved on to other business.

‘I think we need to make a date for a repeat.’

‘My place?’ she suggested. The heat of her blush prickled her cheeks and nose. Crazy that they could have wild sex together but she felt nervous about inviting him to her home. If she wasn’t careful, he really would get the wrong impression.

‘Tonight,’ he agreed, looking at her with a smile in his eyes. ‘I’ll come over after work.’

‘Don’t expect much,’ Kara insisted, suddenly reminded that she had no supplies and no power. ‘I don’t suppose you know a plumber and an electrician, by any chance?’

Zach helped her stand. ‘I won’t expect anything. It’s just a visit.’ He started working her skirt back into place, but paused before accomplishing the task to give her pussy a farewell stroke. ‘And I think I might have an idea who to contact over your water and electricity problems.’


* * *


Monday. Mid-morning.

Text message from Zach Blackwater to Ric Liddell:

I met your date. Cute. She’d like some power in her house. Are you going to fix it?


Text message from Ric Liddell to Zach Blackwater:

Already did. Come over tonight and I’ll fix you up too.


Text message from Zach Blackwater to Ric Liddell:

F off. Xxx


Since Zach had promised to make the appropriate phone calls to sort out her utilities, Kara took the opportunity to drive to the mainland in search of supplies. The nearest town was only a few miles along the coast and, as the tide was out, it wasn’t long before she pulled back into the parking space she’d left, her boot loaded with shopping. Alas, Zach wasn’t on hand to help carry it back to the barn. He was taking a stint inside the ice-cream van, and his queue wound around the edge of the parking lot. She’d have to shoulder as much shopping as she could and then come back for the rest.

‘Are you the new Beachcomber resident?’

Kara raised her head to find a plump young woman standing a yard away. Her mass of wildly curly red hair whipped around her heart-shaped face, which was make-up free except for a thick coat of scarlet lipstick that served to emphasise her smiling mouth.

Despite that smile, Kara steeled herself, wondering if this was one of Ric’s former conquests come to start a fight. ‘I am.’

‘Did you know that your skirt is rucked up and that you don’t appear to have put any knickers on?’

‘Oh God!’ Kara immediately dropped the shopping in order to tidy up her appearance. Her skirt had ridden up her thighs in the car and hadn’t fallen back into place when she’d stood up. ‘Thanks for telling me.’ Her apprehensions melted away, replaced by a sense of gratitude. Really, she ought to have picked up some new panties along with the food, but she rather liked how wicked it made her feel not to wear any. Gavin would have died at the notion of her going commando. He’d have considered it far too whorish. Well, she liked the freedom. What’s more she was big enough and bold enough to make that choice for herself. Hell knows why she’d ever let Gavin sap her of her independence. Evidently, love really was blind – during the first bloom at any rate.

The woman was still smiling at her. Kara got her skirt straightened out. ‘I’m so sorry. I’m Kara, by the way.’

‘Robin. I’m kind of Alaric’s go-to girl. And don’t be. I often skip wearing them myself. You know how it is. Sometimes you don’t do the laundry and run out, and sometimes they get mislaid.’ The woman gestured wildly as she spoke and her smile became complicit, so that Kara suspected rumours of her night with Ric were already running rife. ‘But don’t worry. I won’t enquire which of those applies in this instance.’

‘Thanks,’ Kara mumbled, thinking Robin may as well have said, ‘I know where your knickers are, you rampant slut, and I bet I know what he did to you.’

‘Is my power sorted out now?’ she asked instead.

A tight knot of wrinkles briefly creased the space between Robin’s eyebrows. ‘Should be. Maybe you oughtn’t to have run off so fast after he’d welcomed you.’

Kara blushed furiously. ‘I’m not one to impose.’

‘Aren’t you? Well, more fool you. If he’d just given me the traditional welcome, I’m damn sure I’d have lapped up as much of it as I could get.’ Her smile wavered a little. ‘I don’t live on the island, in case you haven’t guessed. I did think about buying your place, but it didn’t make financial sense, and it seemed a bit far-fetched to halve my income just to ensure I got Alaric’s attention for a night.’

‘You … you considered buying the barn so that Ric would shag you?’ Kara stared at her incredulously. That was just crazy. Sure, Ric was striking and charming and a damn fine lay, but in many ways he was also scum. He certainly wasn’t the sort of guy you wanted to go losing your heart to.

Robin gave a rather girly shrug.

‘Well, thanks for letting me know,’ Kara said. She lifted a hand to close the car boot, only for Robin to dart beneath her arm.

‘Here, let me help you with those.’ She grabbed the remaining shopping bags and took a couple off Kara. ‘I can show you a better route to the barn too, one that bypasses that god-awful chasm. You don’t like the rope bridge, do you? I wish he’d put a solid one in.’

‘Not especially,’ Kara agreed. She particularly didn’t fancy it while burdened with shopping. And while she wasn’t precisely sure she wanted Robin’s company, it beat having to traipse back here later in order to schlep more stuff.

‘You know, I once saw him chase his naked wife across there,’ Robin mused, her mind apparently focused on the bridge, though her feet had started moving in the opposite direction.

Kara stumbled with the shopping. Her heart leapt up her throat. She hadn’t made herself many rules post-Gavin, but no married men had definitely been one of them. ‘Shit!’ she hissed through her teeth, as her fists clenched tight around the carrier bags. Of course, her personal dismay was nothing compared to her re-evaluated opinion of Ric. He performed all that feudal shenanigans stuff despite being married. Surely to God the woman didn’t approve of his exploits. If Robin mentioned that he had a child, she was going to be sick.

‘Hey, are you all right?’ Robin paused to allow her to catch up. ‘I suppose you know all about his wife. Everyone does.’

‘Yeah – no, actually.’

‘Gaw, you can tell you’re new around here. She died about five –’ Robin screwed up her face as she performed the mental arithmetic ‘– seven years ago. It was all very
-esque. Boating accident. Very traumatic. Very hush-hush. Shame, she was a lovely lady, a model. Not that they spent much time here. Alaric only became a permanent resident after her death.’

BOOK: Anything but Vanilla
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