Anything but Vanilla (30 page)

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Authors: Madelynne Ellis

BOOK: Anything but Vanilla
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He wrenched Ric’s jeans down to his ankles, and then set to work lavishing attention on the jutting spire that was Ric’s cock. His lover’s taste flooded his tongue and infused his senses with greater need.

Hungry …

Yes, he was hungry for this. Images of what he would do and how he would do it already flicked through his brain like snapshots. He imagined pushing Ric face first against the wall and fucking him hard in the arse. Zach saw them sprawled over the kitchen counter too, and then up in the studio, entwined with exposed 35mm film, him holding the camera and calling the shots, while Ric was forced to pose.

Predominantly, as he sucked on Ric’s cock, a sense of relief and power surged through Zach. He knew the taste of Ric’s body, and kept on sucking him, dragging him closer and closer to release, though he stopped short of actually making Ric come. Instead, he fell back on his haunches, a smug smile plastered across his face.

‘Now?’ he asked.

Ric didn’t answer, he just stared.

‘Answer me. I want to hear you say it.’ Zach stroked a finger along the length of Ric’s erection from base to tip. He finished with a swirl around the top. ‘OK, if you’re not talking, let’s see how you respond to a bit of incentive.’ Zach rose, reached out with his free hand and fished a plastic spatula off a hook above Ric’s head. He tried a test strike against his thigh. The implement made a nice whippy sound through the air and a thwack on impact. The burn was nice too, and no worse than being hit with an open palm. ‘Game?’

‘What if I like the prospect of punishment more than pleasure?’

Zach shrugged. ‘Then you’ll end up with a very red backside and I’ll wear my hard-on out on Kara when she gets here.’

Ric twitched beneath his touch.

‘Ah, you don’t like that idea, do you? The thought of me fucking Kara irks you something chronic, doesn’t it? Why is that, Ric?’

‘If you’re fucking her, then you’re not available for me.’

Zach slapped him across his bare thigh with the spatula. ‘Nnnn. Incorrect. We both know that’s not true. It worked out pretty OK this morning. The truth now, and be specific?’

‘Because I want you to put your cock in me,’ Ric hissed, though his voice bore a hint of uncertainty.

‘Do you? Do you really?’ This time Zach aimed for the chest. The impact left a pink, forked impression on Ric’s skin, which faded even as he watched. Ric didn’t seem remotely impressed. Then again it was hard to tell considering the show of petulance he was putting on. Not that it stopped him shuffling away from the wall, turning slightly so as to make his arse a target and raising a brow in a provocative fashion.

Zach cracked the spatula across both cheeks.

‘Fuck!’ Ric cursed. He braced his hands against the wall, assuming a position that just invited another smack, and then two more. That apparently was the limit of it though, for Ric turned around and wrestled the spatula from Zach’s hand. He chucked it to the far side of the kitchen. ‘Enough. Let’s do this.’ He cupped the bulge of Zach’s cock through his fly. ‘Let’s take this upstairs, and I don’t want you to go easy on me.’


Zach stood at the foot of Ric’s sleigh-shaped bed as his lover climbed on to its surface, wondering if he could maintain the belief that this was real. It had been mere fantasy for far too long.

Naked, Ric stared back at him archly. He knelt in the centre of the bed, with his thighs spread apart, a pose that gave his erection plenty of room to jut out hard from his body. It wasn’t a submissive pose. Rather it seemed a position from which one might suddenly spring into action. ‘I’m all yours. Come and claim me. That won’t be too hard for you, will it?’ he teased.

Zach edged along the side of the bed, aware that Ric’s gaze followed his every step. This wasn’t how things were between them. There was always tension in their relationship, but not like this. Not this unsettling wariness that came from venturing into new pastures. Zach kicked off his shoes. Then he tugged his borrowed jumper over his head. His flat nipples were so tight they stood proud. Ric shuffled over to him. He grabbed hold of Zach’s belt and loosened the buckle.

‘What would you like me to do, O master?’

‘Be yourself. Be straight with me over what you want.’

Ric responded with a dry chuckle. ‘You want me to play at being straight? That might be difficult.’ He knelt up, grinning, His torso pressed tight to Zach’s as they shared a kiss. Then Ric threw himself backwards as if scalded. He scampered up towards the headboard and cowered in a protective huddle. ‘I don’t know if I can do this. I’m not like this. I don’t have sex with other men.’

He couldn’t. He couldn’t keep this pretence up. Zach dissolved into laughter. He put a knee on the mattress and then stalked up the bed towards Ric on his hands and knees, until he crouched over the lower part of Ric’s body. ‘That’s right,’ he agreed, capturing one of Ric’s wrists and lifting it to that he could fasten it in position with one of the silk cords knotted around the bedposts. ‘You only have sex with me.’

A few loops, a few quick knots and Ric lay wantonly spread out for him. Excitement drove Zach. He wasn’t a natural dominant. He knew he wasn’t. In truth he’d have been much happier strapped to the bed alongside Ric, both of them blindfolded and waiting to see what delights Kara had in store for them. He suddenly longed for her presence in a way he hadn’t before. Kara’s desires overlapped theirs and complemented them. Kara wanted to share Ric with him. Which meant ensuring his man could take the pace.

‘We’re going to do this facing,’ Zach told Ric, looking him straight in the eye, before stealing a few slow kisses. ‘Not that you’re going to be able to see any better than if I were behind you, because I want you to concentrate on the feel of this. When I push into you, I want you to experience the full, undiluted sensation of my cock filling you. I don’t want your attention wandering off to the corner of the room. I don’t want you thinking about angles and lenses or how good a shot something would make, and I don’t want you ogling Kara when she turns up. You have to focus on me, and just me.’

‘Yeah – then hurry up and give me something to focus on.’

Zach closed his fist around Ric’s erection. He took his time exploring his lover’s length, making sure he knew every contour – the thickness at the base, the flare of his glans and the collar of his foreskin. The tiny slitted eye seeped tears as he tickled it with his tongue. Ric remained stoically poised at first. Not for long. Slowly his breathing deepened. Then the odd whimper or groan escaped his lips.

‘You’re going to stay hard for me, aren’t you?’ Zach asked, as he coaxed Ric on to his back and came to kneel between his parted thighs. ‘I don’t want you going all floppy on me while I’m in you.’ It happened. It had happened to him once or twice, particularly in the early days of their relationship. Ric seemed startled by the idea, as if the eventuality had entirely passed him by until that point. ‘You can’t fuck us both together if you can’t keep it up,’ Zach teased. ‘It’s a good job we’re having this practice.’

He knew where Ric kept his toys. Hell, he’d been on the receiving end of most of the items in that drawer. Revenge was going to be sweet. A long black silk scarf he used on Ric as blindfold came out first, followed by a bottle of lube, a pair of nipple clamps and a handily hinged cock ring. ‘That should help keep you frisky.’ He gave Ric a pat of encouragement having fastened the metal ring in place around the base of his lover’s cock. ‘I think we’re all set now.’ He pushed his trousers down to his knees, then squeezed out a healthy dollop of lube and worked it over his own erection, before going on to explore Ric’s hole with his fingertips.

‘Man, you’re tight.’ Ric bucked at the first hint of intrusion. ‘And a bit jumpy. Calm it down there.’ Zach stroked his finger in and out of the grasping little hole, loving the way Ric’s muscles tried to hold on to him and draw him in. He loved anal sex, adored everything about being taken like that; Ric holding him down, the feel of his lover’s cock sliding between his cheeks and pushing right inside his body. The way the world stopped for a moment each time something nudged his prostate.

He liked fucking too, and prior to meeting Kara he hadn’t got to do nearly enough of that. He could count on one hand how many times he’d had Ric in this way.

Zach withdrew his fingers from Ric’s arse. He squirted another blob of lube, and then lifted Ric’s legs so that his feet rested against Zach’s shoulders. He knew exactly what he’d be feeling. Indeed the flutter of nerves in his stomach even showed in the way Ric’s abdominal muscles pulled tight. ‘Relax,’ Zach reassured him. ‘Open up for me.’ Zach thrust forward, felt Ric push back against him, and then his muscles relaxed, granting him admittance. He sank deep into his lover’s embrace, groaning as he did.

Perilous heat surrounded Zach’s cock, which sent wild fire racing through his body to the top of his scalp. He’d anticipated heat, but not such an inferno coupled with a squeezing grip. It felt … it felt incredible, and he was only inside Ric an inch. Zach wasted no time in sinking deeper, so that his balls nestled against Ric’s body and he lay above his lover’s supine form.

He might not be a dominant, but he was loving this. He ought to have insisted that they switched things up more often.

Ric’s fists clasped tight the silken cord that bound his wrists to the bedposts. A red blush swept across his cheekbones, and then down across his neck and upper torso. His head thrashed from side to side but the blindfold remained in place.

‘How does it feel, Ric?’ Zach couldn’t help teasing a little, especially as Ric kept his lips pressed tightly together. The blindfold half hid his face but didn’t entirely mask his expression. Ric was caught on the edge of rapture, powerless to stop what was happening, his body hungry for more and desperate to escape the intrusion and shame of it. ‘I never knew you blushed so prettily.’ He wrapped his hand around Ric’s erection and gave him some extra help. Soon their rhythm became a smooth rolling motion. Zach lost himself in the moment. He hadn’t realised how much he’d longed for this, or how lopsided their relationship had been.

Nor was he done yet. The crescendo was still building, no more than a tingling ache at the moment, slowing, building in intensity. He’d do this again tonight, once Kara was here with them. This was only the practice run.

When his phone began to bleat, Zach hardly noticed it at first. He stayed inside Ric as he answered and read the text message. ‘Kara’s here. She’s downstairs.’ He didn’t want t to keep her waiting, even though he didn’t want to part from Ric’s body.

Ric made his first really expressive groan as Zach pulled out of his body. ‘No,’ he pleaded.

‘I’ll only be a tick. You can hold on that long to finish this off, can’t you?’ Ric’s cock remained rock hard, and probably would have even without its silver adornment.

‘Finish it now,’ Ric growled.

‘Think of this as an exercise in stamina.’ He bent and gave Ric’s cock a quick kiss. ‘I’ll be right back.’

Zach hitched his trousers in order to jog down the stairs. He fastened the zip but left the waist button undone. Ric’s two Dalmatians were barking in the hallway. ‘Hey, quieten down, will you? It’s only Kara.’ He grabbed them both by the collars and dragged them into the study before answering the door.

The doorstep was empty. ‘Kara?’ A woman’s shadow clung to the stone at the far end of the tunnel. ‘Hey, are you coming in? I’ve got Ric waiting.’

He frowned when he received no reply, and glanced down at the text message on his phone again. It definitely said she was at the door.

Zach pattered forward, the stone icy against his bare feet, wondering what it was that had captured her interest. He turned the corner only for something to hit him hard across his midriff. Pain exploded in his stomach and ricocheted along his nerves to pulse in his ears and drive bile up his throat. Bent double on his knees, he coughed up the phlegm, aware only of a pair of black stiletto-heeled shoes positioned before him.

‘So kind of you to let me in.’ Robin chuckled as she swept past him into the fort. Zach snatched at the back of her sou’wester but failed to grab the fabric. He crawled after her, finally gaining his feet inside the entrance tunnel. The fort door slammed in his face, and seconds later the portcullis smashed down, trapping him beneath the archway. ‘Fuck. Fuck. Fuck!’ he yelled. He had his phone and nothing more, and it didn’t matter how many times he tried to call Ric, there was no way he’d be able to answer it. ‘Kara?’ That text had definitely come from her phone, so where the hell was she now? What had Robin done to her?


* * *


Ric lay against the sheets panting, his nerves frayed beyond reason and his body desperate for more of Zach’s savagery. Not that his lover had been rough. In truth he’d been quite gentle. It was simply that Ric hadn’t anticipated how intense the sensations involved would be. He knew the thrill of a dildo in his arse, though he considered that a solitary pleasure, and had even had genuine anal sex a time or two. He knew also the thrill of denial, both from the restraints and from building scenarios in his head, but he had not planned for the deprivation of his eyesight too. Taking away his vision had caused his other senses to work overtime. A simple stirring of air in the room felt like a caress against his skin, and actual touch made his pulse race.

The bang of the front door below echoed through the building.

‘Zach, is that you?’ he asked a moment later, his need bordering on desperate.

Ric waited, his muscles tensed, as footsteps echoed along the corridor. Hell knows what response this was going to get from Kara.

A pair of high heels marched towards him. Zach was hanging back, sending Kara in first. God, he’d probably done it intentionally so as to have Kara see him this exposed.

Well, he could still handle her, even from this position.

His cock gave a little welcoming jerk as the bedroom door swished open. He expected some sort of chuckle or remark at his expense from Kara and frowned beneath the blindfold when it didn’t come. ‘Who is that?’ He struggled into a more upright position, sensing something was wrong. The scent that whispered towards his nostrils was neither Zach’s nor Kara’s, though it was familiar. It caused the hairs on the back of his neck to stand. Some things time erased, like the exact composition of a person’s face or the sound of their voice. Others remained embedded in the brain like a primitive warning system.

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