Read Any Man I Want Online

Authors: Michele Grant

Any Man I Want (9 page)

BOOK: Any Man I Want
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We could use a little boom-chicka right now

Carter—Saturday, May 28—4:03 pm



atrina crossed her leg, curled into the cradle of my arm, and spoke softly in my ear. “My feet are killing me, I want out of this tight skirt and I am so over the reception of it all. How much longer until we can get out of here, you think?”

I smiled at her ruefully. “Let's see... I'm the best man. You're the maid of honor and the bride and the groom are still here. We can't go until they go.”

“We've danced, we've eaten, and we've given speeches and toasts. We've done the cake and photos. You and I have chatted up everybody here. I answered every nosy cousin's questions about why my bare behinds are all over the Internets.”

“Yes, and the questions as to why you tried to dive for the floor when the bouquet came your way?” I teased her. Belle had tossed the bouquet straight to her and there was no gracious way not to catch it. When Beau tossed the garter my way, Percy stepped in front of me and caught it. It was a hilarious moment, made more so when he turned and tucked the garter into my jacket pocket, saying I'd have far better use for it than he would.

Katrina shrugged. “Anyway, Beau and Belle are married up right nice, I say we make a break for it.”

“I can't decide if you are eager to get to bed for me or for sleep.” I looked down into her eyes.

“First one and then the other.” She grinned and shook her head when the waiter tried to top off her champagne.

“You've been nursing that half glass of bubbly for hours,” I noted.

“I want to be clearheaded for tonight and it's important that I hydrate.” She winked and took another sip of water.

I squeezed her shoulder. “Planning on sweating this evening?”

She gazed up at me through her lashes. “I expect you'll put me through my paces.”

“Girl, you keep talking that talk and see what it gets you.”

“Please show me. As soon as possible, please and thank you,” she whispered.

I had really wanted to give us time to get to know each other on a different level before we got into all the sex, because I didn't want it to be all about the sex. I already knew it was going to be a lot of very, very spectacular sex. But I wasn't going to make it one more night without having her. Walking away this morning had nearly crippled me. Watching her go soft and wet while watching me in the shower was the absolute last straw. The chemistry that had always been there between us had been bubbling up all week and it was about to boil over. “You know why I wanted to wait, right?”

She nodded. “Yeah, it's gotta be different.”

“Right.” She got it. We were making progress.

“But it is. I've never felt quite like this before. It's not just physical. I get that. But Carter, I can't wait any more. I want this. With you. And you have to know by now; it's not going to be any other way between us. We lit a match and it's about to burn out of control. I sound like an idiot saying these things, but I have to tell you how it feels. It's hot and urgent.”

It was great to know that she felt the same way. “I know, baby. Believe me. I almost said something about being on fire for you until I realized how
that sounded.”

“Woo . . .” she exhaled slowly, “We could use a little boom-chicka right now.”

“We could use a lot.” I looked around and located Beau and Belle in their own little world. “Let me nudge your brother and his bride on up outta here.”

“Hurry.” She breathed with those flames we discussed flaring up in her eyes. Her skin was flushed and she looked so damned doable in that moment that I had to dig deep for control and force myself to walk away.

“Hey Montgomerys!” I approached the newlyweds and put an arm around each of them. “I think you two have earned an exit. You've got an early flight to Bali in the morning and I don't even want to know what you're trying to get into tonight. Since these folks are going to stay until every last drop of booze and grilled shrimp is devoured, how about you tip on out? Officially.”

Beau nodded. “My man, we were just wondering how much longer we were required to entertain folks.”

I clapped him on the back. “Your credit card will do the rest of the entertaining. Go enjoy being man and wife.”

Belle kissed me on the cheek. “You ain't slick, Parks, but since I'm cheering for you, we'll let it slide.”

I elbowed Beau out of the way and gave her a bug hug. “Thanks, I'm going to do right by her. Listen, this one gives you any trouble, the upgrade is always available.”

“Hey!” Beau snatched her out of my arms.

“Everybody, Mr. and Mrs. Avery Beauregard Montgomery are departing to begin their honeymoon. Let's clap them out the door, shall we?” I announced. I ducked out of the way as the crowd converged on Belle and Beau. With a smile, I turned and met the knowing glint of Pops Montgomery's regard.

“We expect to see you and Katrina over to the house when you get back to Dallas next week,” he called out.

“Yes, sir,” I agreed.

“And I expect your grandfather taught you to treat a lady like a lady.” He stepped closer to me.

“Yes, sir.”

He stood directly in front of me. “All right. Don't make me get the shotgun, boy. I'm too old for jail.”

“Yes, sir.” I squelched a smile.

He opened up his arms and gave me a big hug. “Gotta good feelin' 'bout you two. Just remember, she's a thoroughbred. Beautiful but high-strung, used to getting her own way and quick to run. You need a firm hand, an open heart, and a soft voice, ya hear?”

“Sir, did you just liken your only daughter to a horse?”

“Look here boy, I ain't 'bout all dat political correctness. I know you take my meaning.”

“I do indeed, sir.”

“Go head on then and take care of my girl. Get up outta here. I got this.”

I nodded and backed away before anybody changed their minds. “Thanks, sir. I will, sir. Good night, sir.” I motioned to Katrina, who almost tripped in her haste to meet me by the door. I pushed the door open and shut it behind us quickly. We stepped into the bright Nevada sun and back across the bridge to the private hotel entrance.

“What was that?” she asked as we walked inside, briskly heading toward the elevator bay.

“I think I just got the all-clear from your father.”


I decided to keep the horse analogy to myself. “He told me he had a good feeling about us and told me to take care of you.”

She stopped dead in her tracks. “For the last damned time, I can take care of myself.”

I drew her toward me slowly and leaned down until my lips were a hairsbreadth away from hers. “Yes, but do you really want to . . . take care of yourself? Tonight?”

“Well, when you put it like that. . . .” She licked her lips and I could not pass up the invitation. I meant to drop a light kiss on her lips, but the moment our mouths touched, it was a whole different ball game. Her mouth fell open needily and my tongue plundered inside. We battled to taste each other, nipping and lapping in the rawest, least sophisticated ways possible. We were too hungry for finesse; it was all about feeding the sensations.

“Get a room, Big Sexy!” a voice called out and we broke apart, remembering where we were.

“Woo-hoo, get some, Kit-Kat!” another voice called.

I couldn't believe I'd been so careless. The last thing we needed were any more revealing photos of Katrina out there. “I'm sorry, I forgot. You went straight to my head.”

She looked around. “We're still by the villas. This area of the hotel is by invitation only.” She glanced over my shoulder. “That was Greg and Roni giving us shit, by the way.”

I turned to see the couple grinning at us. I shot them the finger. “We have a room; we're headed to it now, thank you very much.”

“Not a moment too soon!” Roni called out and they waved at us as they disappeared down the opposite hallway.

Thankfully, there was no one on the VIP elevator and we made it to our room without incident. I put out the
do not disturb
sign, closed the door behind us, and slammed the second lock shut. It was finally time and I wanted no interruptions.

Katrina kicked off her shoes, unzipped her dress, and let it fall to the ground. She stood there in a strapless gold bra with the tiniest panties I had ever seen. “For the record, Carter Evan?”

“Yeah?” I tossed my jacket to the side and pulled off my tie and cuff links.

“No, I don't want to take care of myself tonight. I'm all yours for the taking.”

“You ready for me, Kit-Kat? I mean, really ready?” I watched her intently.

She stepped to me and started taking the studs out of my dress shirt. When it was completely unfastened, she pulled it off of me and started working to undo my pants. “Why don't you try me and find out?”

“I'll take that as a
. Let me ask you something,” I muttered as I toed off my shoes.

“Anything,” she responded, kneeling in front of me to pull off my socks.

The sight of her on her knees in front of me derailed my thoughts for a moment.

“Carter?” she breathed, looking up at me as my pants hit the ground.


“You were asking me something?”

“Yeah, I got distracted.” I reached into my pants pocket and pulled out a foil packet.

“You want me to do anything for you while I'm down here?” She reached for my boxers and dragged them down, freeing the foil from my hand, ripping open the package, and sheathing me quickly. I hissed out a breath, grabbed her underneath her arms, and lifted her up. If she kept her hands on me, we'd be done before we got started.

“You're gonna be the death of me. I was going to ask if you're a sweep-you-off-your-feet-and-carry-you-to-bed kinda girl or a drop-down-and-do-me-on-the-floor kinda girl, but shit just got urgent.” I carried her over the sofa and set her down.

She unfastened her bra and I put my hands over hers.

“I wanted to do that.”

“Carter, I promise next time we can do it all romantic on a bed of rose petals and we can take four hours to lick chocolate and strawberries off each other by candlelight if you like, but right now can we just—”

“I got you, babe. Hold on, it's not going to be pretty.”

“But it's going to be good.”

“Damn straight.”

That was definitely worth the wait

Katrina—Saturday, May 28—4:31 p.m.



arter picked me up and set me on my feet, flipping me around so I was bent over the high back of the couch. Something about being placed into the position of his choice flipped all my triggers. It was hot. I both felt and heard him rip the flimsy g-string panties off of me. I found myself breathless with excited anticipation.

“Breathe, baby,” he whispered from behind me and I shuddered. “Brace.” He positioned my arms. “And hold on. Ready?”

“More than.”

He thrust inside of me in one powerful stroke and I shrieked. “You good?” he ground out through gritted teeth.

“So damn good.” Jesus, he was huge. He filled me up and stretched me deliciously as his powerful hips drove against me again and again. I strained back against him, eager for all he had to give. His hands slid up my torso and his fingers plucked at my nipples, rhythmically in sync with his impossibly deep strokes. “Don't stop.”

“Trust me, I won't,” he promised, running his tongue along the back of my neck. “Stay with me.” He wrapped his hands around my waist and pulled me up and back as he sat on the chaise lounge so that I was sitting on his lap with his shaft deep inside of me.

I undulated on top of him and we both groaned. “I like this.”

“I thought you might.” He closed his thighs and opened mine over his and began pumping up into me with short, sharp strokes. His hands gripped my hips and he bounced me against him so I felt truly taken. There was no nerve he didn't rake against, no pulsing folds that escaped the imprint of his hardness. I was helpless to do anything but ride. I flung my head back against his shoulder. I'd never been like this. He'd barely put his hands on me and I was desperate. The feel of him stroking inside had wetness seeping out of me. And it wasn't enough. I made an agitated sound and writhed against him.

“Problem, diva?”

“I need—”

“I know what you need.” He took one of his hands off of my hips and slid it through my seeping wetness. He pulled my left hand off his thigh and guided it between my legs. He stroked, using my own hand with his covering it, directing the pressure and the motion. His thumb flicked my sensitive nub once and then twice before he replaced his hand with mine. “Touch yourself, baby.”

“Oh Christ,” I moaned, doing as he asked. I caressed myself and he grew harder inside of me.

He watched me over my shoulder. “That's so damn hot, Katrina.”

“Uh-huh,” I panted, my hand moving faster between my legs as his strokes sped up. I felt the convulsions starting deep inside of me and I began squirming on top of him. “Oh God, Carter.”

“That's my Kitty, take what you want.”

I squeezed around him and arched violently as I trembled on the edge. His teeth bit lightly into the side of my neck as he bounced me harder along his length and I exploded over the precipice, crying out in pleasure. I twisted my pelvis, grinding against him, drawing out the waves as they continued to singe my nerves and steal my breath. Finally I slumped forward and sighed. That was definitely worth the wait. He ran his hands up and down my arms in slow, languid movements. It took a moment or two before I realized he was still pulsing rock-hard inside of me. I wiggled my rear and looked over my shoulder at him. “Hey you.”

“Hey.” He grinned. “Welcome back.”

“Yeah,” I said, grinning and stretching luxuriously against him. “I was gone there for a second.”

“I'd like to send you there again,” he growled.

I climbed off of him and pushed him onto his back before straddling him once more. “Perhaps you'd like to come with me this time?” I reached between us and guided him back into my core. I closed my eyes as he slid home. I stretched out on top of him so we were plastered against each other. I inched my hips up, down, and around in tiny increments, torturing the both of us.

“Don't mind if I do.” He watched me under lowered lids while I continued my languid rolls against him.

“Can I call you C?” I asked, swirling my hips in a slow figure eight and running my hands along his shoulders. He was a beautiful man. I started to heat up again just looking at him.

“You can call me whatever you want right now.”

“C?” I groaned as he tilted his hips up and to the right, hitting just the right spot deep inside of me.

“K?” he replied in a tight voice.

“You make me really hot,” I purred while he rubbed that spot inside me with the tip of his shaft. It wasn't the deepest thing I'd ever told a man, but it was the unvarnished truth.

“Then we're even.”

I slid my hands behind his neck and lifted his head up to mine. I attacked his lips with a swell of passion. His lips were ridiculously soft and he was an amazing kisser. He sucked lips and skimmed teeth and licked every crevice and allowed me to do the same. It was like he wanted to learn every nook and cranny and then come back around for more. His tongue reached out and we played thrust and parry until I couldn't breathe. “Shift up,” I said and leaned back to watch his abs ripple as he rose to a sitting position. “A man who looks like you should be banned and only brought out on special occasions.”

He barked out a surprised laugh. “Have you looked in the mirror lately?”

“I'm obviously pretty,” I said matter-of-factly, “but you're like a lethal weapon with hidden layers of hotness.”

“If you say so.” He matched my unhurried pace with equally deliberate moves of his own.

“I do say so,” I affirmed and brought my knees up on either side of him. “You have the most amazing stamina. Can you stay like this all day?”

“Much as I'd love to, I doubt it,” he said, smirking.

“I was going to do this whole thing where I crawled on top of you and rode you until you screamed out my name,” I confessed.

His nostrils flared and he flexed inside of me. “Is that so?”

“Um-hmm,” I murmured.

“What's stopping you?”

I paused. We'd been pretty honest and up-front with each other, but I always struggled between what I thought people expected of me and what I really wanted. I wanted to ask for something, but I didn't want to be judged for it. Especially not by him. He was too important. I cared too much what he thought of me.

“Katrina,” he said sternly.

My eyes flew to his and I shook my head. “Never mind.”

He looked at me contemplatively for a moment, as if trying to figure out the answer to a puzzle. After a long gaze, he nodded. “Okay then.”

“Okay then?” I moved to push him backwards again and he resisted, shaking his head slowly.

“Carter—I . . .” Thinking I had ruined the mood, I scrambled around for something to get us back on track.

“Shhhh.” He wrapped an arm around my waist and stood up with me in his arms.

“You're going to have to stop carrying me around like I weigh nothing,” I admonished, though secretly I loved it.

He wrapped my arms and legs around him. “Yeah? Who's going to stop me?”

He had a point. “Where are you taking me?” I asked.

We entered his bedroom and he laid me down on the bed. “Where you want to go,” he answered and climbed on top of me. He spread my legs with his thighs and put my hands over my head. He held each of my wrists in his hands and lowered his hips onto me so I was pinned between him and the mattress. I was completely open to him; completely vulnerable. The feeling should have scared me. Instead, I was thrilled.

My breath hitched in my throat and my eyes fluttered closed when I realized he knew what I wanted without having to be asked.

“K?” he whispered, running his tongue along the pulsing vein in my neck to just under my ear.

“C?” I tried not to whimper.

“Open your eyes and look at me . . . now,” he commanded in a low voice.

I looked up at him helplessly, so enthralled with what he was making me feel.

“I'm going to take you now.” His voice was a vibrating baritone in my ear.

“Please,” I pleaded and canted my hips upward so he could slide back inside of me.

“Oh, God, you're soaking wet,” he grated.

“I know. I can't help it.”

“Good.” He began to ride me in earnest, driving into me with unchecked carnality. He pounded with such power and authority that I began climaxing instantly. My inner folds fluttered around him as we pumped against each other, joining in a cadence as if we'd done this a million times before. He was pressed so tightly against me that each thrust of his body against mine scraped my nipples across his chest.

“Harder,” I rasped out. I wanted more and strained against his hold, loving the fact that he was in charge, but giving me everything. He grunted as my sex clenched harder. He let go of my wrists to grip my hips, tilting them up so he could reach that much deeper. He unlocked something inside that unfurled and broke loose and suddenly I was all sensation.

“C!” I screamed as it became too much. Too much feeling, too much pleasure.

“I got you,” he soothed as his hips twisted, taking me to a whole different level. “I got you. I've always got you.”

Raw screams erupted from me as another orgasm stronger than I'd ever felt ripped through me. I have no idea what I was screaming as I tightened and arched against him over and over again. I wrapped my arms around him to hold onto something solid.

He threw his head back as his release flowed from him in a heated rush. His body pulsed over mine for long moments before he slumped to the side. He unsheathed himself and dropped the condom in the trash can by the bed. He pulled me over to him with a deep sigh of satisfaction.

We lay wrapped in each other for a few quiet moments. I was thoroughly satisfied, slightly stunned, and only a little bit embarrassed.

“How did you know?” I whispered and traced patterns on his chest.

“I guessed. You're a together woman, on your game twenty-four-seven. I wondered if maybe you wanted someone else to take control sometimes.”

“Not someone. I couldn't do that with just anyone.”

“Good.” He kissed my forehead. “I'm glad you trust me enough to be yourself. You don't have to be anyone but who you are, that's who I want. I don't need all sorts of bells and whistles. I just want one hundred percent pure Katrina.”

“That's enough for you? I'm not all stilettos and see-through bikinis and champagne.”

“Girl, I want you in a T-shirt eating buffalo wings and drinking Kool-Aid. You are more than enough for me. You're a gift, Kitty, no matter how you're wrapped.”

My emotions welled up and I blinked back tears. “So you're not expecting a stripper pole in the living room?” I teased.

“You stripped just fine without it last night.” He nuzzled my forehead.

“I have put you through a lot this week,” I admitted.

“You're a little high-maintenance. Lucky for you, you are more than worth it.”

“Kevin didn't get me,” I mused out loud. It occurred to me that none of the men I had ever dated understood me, not the real me. Maybe that's why they could never give me what I needed. In or out of bed.

“He was too self-centered to care. And he's a fool. Can we not talk about him while we're basking in afterglow?”

“Are you an afterglow kind of guy?”

“Hell yeah. Foreplay, multifaceted bed game, afterglow with cuddles? I'm here for all of it.”

“With everybody or just me?”

“After you, there isn't an anyone else.”

“You do say the right things.”

“I speak the truth.”

I sighed and snuggled closer. “I'm just saying. Thanks for knowing what I need.”

“Thanks for letting me give it to you. Feel free to ask for anything you want.”

“Anything?” My eyes lit up as I let my imagination run wild. The freedom to be myself in every area of my life with someone I trusted? That was just as addictive as the sex.

“Within reason.” He smacked my ass and then rubbed away the slight sting.

That was the great thing about Carter in a nutshell. He was willing to let me be myself, but made sure I knew I had boundaries. If you had told me this morning that I wanted a man to place boundaries on me, I would have laughed. Thinking back to this morning gave me an idea. “This morning when you were in the shower with the washcloth?”

His eyes went smoky. “Yeah?”

“Can I watch?”

“You just wanna watch?”

“I might want to assist.” I slid my hand down and wrapped around him. “How in the world are you getting hard again?”

“What can I say? You inspire me. But I'm feeling kinda dirty. Want to help me clean off in the shower?”

I licked my lips. “Oh yeah. If you miss a spot, I might need to lick you clean.”

“Did I mention that you're going to be the death of me?”

“Only every day for the past week.” I grinned as he stood up and pulled me into the bathroom with him.

BOOK: Any Man I Want
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