Read Angie Arms - Flames series 04 Online

Authors: The Strongest Flames

Angie Arms - Flames series 04 (13 page)

BOOK: Angie Arms - Flames series 04
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Was Roland the kind of man he was turning into?  He knew Roland during the Crusade
, and after he became the Roland he was now.  Was this bleak feeling only the beginning of what he had to face?  Roland did not have a choice, he did not walk away from his wife, but Alena might as well be dead as far as his heart was concerned.  She was not a part of his life, nor would she ever be, if he continued on this journey.

Angrily he slammed his palm down on the table and standing
, quickly kicked his chair backward, halfway across the room. 
How stupid can one person be
, he asked himself. 
To hell with the King and Garrick too
.  He hurried across the floor of the hall and to his room.  He didn’t have much to pack, but he did need a good night’s rest before he left. 

Chapter 7

Hawknest Keep


“Sir Halvor wishes to see you,” Tate said
, intercepting Jillian as she entered the hall.

Fear raced up Jillian’s spine as
she nodded absently. She redirected her steps toward the small office both her husbands used. It sat to the side of the hall, next to the hearth.  She entered quietly through the door.  She could not stop her legs from shaking, or the fear that seized her breath within her chest, and made it ache.  The only time she ever stepped foot into the room, was when her husband found displeasure with her.  She knew each time she walked through the door, she would receive a beating.  She ran once, to avoid Bruce, but of course she had to return some time.  It was a badly thought out plan, and only gained her one of the worst beatings of her life.  She wondered how she could possibly gage such a thing. 

“I understand you walk alone in the forest
, between the keep and the village,” Halvor’s deep voice said, from behind his desk.  He did not look up at her, as he continued to study the ledger before him.

“It is but a short stand of trees,” she replied.  Dear
God it was something Bruce beat her over, after saying much the same thing, his enquiry in the very same room.

“Come here.”  Bruce’s voice had been deceptively calm
, but by then she knew better.  He always made her come to him when he was going to beat her, and she saw it in his eyes that day.  But if she made him come to her, it was guaranteed to be as humiliating and violent as he could make it on her.  Slowly her hesitant steps carried her close to him.  He slowly stood and turned to her, looking down on her, before his hand came up and slapped her across the cheek.

“Never leave these walls without my permission.”  He emphasized his words with another smack to her face.  “Do you understand me?” he emphasized his words with a punch to her stomach.

“Yes,” she stammered, as she tried to catch her breath.

“I don’t think y
ou do,” he said, and his fist landed on her again.

“I do, I swear it.”

Blow after blow landed on her, long after she fell into the floor.  Only when he kicked her twice did she know the beating was over.  He always ended his beatings with at least two hard kicks.  “See that you don’t forget it.”

She grew
up exploring the small strip of forest, and the brook that ran through the middle of it.  Never did she imagine Bruce would object.  No one ever objected.  But it was something she found enjoyment in, so of course Bruce would object.  It also took her away from the walls, and away from him, should his desire rise while she was away, he would have to wait.  Bruce was not a man who liked to wait. 

“Do you feel well?”  The question snapped her back to the present
, and she immediately shrank back against the door, finding the big man standing over her. 

Jillian nodded her head
, but she felt far from well.  The memory was so vivid her body ached, and she felt close to tears. 

“Sit down.”  His voice was that of a man who was used to giving orders
, and having them obeyed.  The big hand he placed on the small of her back, pushing her away from the door and toward his chair, helped in her obedience. 

She took the seat, taking a moment to get herself settled into its comforting folds.  It was heavenly, the cushioning enveloped her
, and she let out a sigh before she could restrain it.  The desk groaned beneath Halvor, as he perched himself on the edge.  “I fear for your safety.  If you would allow a couple of my men to go with you, it would alleviate my fears.”

Jillian’s mouth fell open as she stared at Halvor.  It sounded more like a request than a demand.

“Not only are there dangerous people who could be lurking about among the trees, waiting for the right person to happen along, but you are in a delicate condition.  I cannot imagine the babe wanting to come when you are out alone.”

Jillian could not help but stare at him.  Bruce never explained anything to her.  She was to obey without question.  That Halvor would make a request
, then go through the trouble of explaining why he was making that request, surprised and excited her.  She began to nod but stopped herself.  If Halvor could explain why he wanted his men to accompany her, she could explain why she did not.

“I often
visit the village, but there are times I seek the solitude the forest offers.”  Her words ended in a near whisper, as she nervously looked to the floor.  If her explanation angered him, she did not want to see it on his face.  It was better to take the fist, than to expect it, and see it coming. 

“I see your reluctance,” Halvor said gently. 

Jillian raised her head to stare at him. 

“What if my men accompany you to the village but
, when you seek solitude, they will go, but remain a distance away, so they can at least hear your calls?”

Numbly Jillian nodded her head.  “Very good,” Halvor replied
, obviously content with the outcome of the request.  He slipped from the top of the desk and stood beside her.  “I am going to the village now.  Would you like to accompany me?” 

“No thank you.  I have just come from there and have a matter to resolve in the kitchen.”

“Very well.  I will see you at the evening meal.”


~   ~   ~


Halvor did not expect to see two of his men, his best archers, standing in the middle of the path when he rounded the corner of underbrush.  He pulled his horse to a stop.  The stallion pranced.  Halvor wondered how the horse would take to the more sedate life he would have with his owner caring for his own property, instead of fighting, or practicing to fight.  The sorrel, with his reddish brown coat and golden main and tail, was a superb horse.  Gifted to him from Garrick, he was a prize among Arabs, and all heart.  There was never a time the horse faltered beneath him, even with his size and extra weight wearing his armor, the horse was always ready to go.  Garrick purchased several of the magnificent animals before returning from the last Crusade.  The largest he gave to Halvor, although the horse was still smaller than the destriers he was used to, the agility of the animal was superior to all others.

“Sir Halvor,” one of the archers greeted him quickly.

“Do you not have duties this time of day?” Halvor asked, looking down at them.

“We were on the practice field when Lady Jillian asked us to come here with her.  She said you approved of the change in duties.” 

“That is okay,” Halvor said, swinging from the saddle.  “Return to your day now, but take Monster by the stable on your way,” Halvor told the two, holding his reins out to them.  “Which way did my wife go?” he asked, looking about himself.

One of the men pointed up the stream
and Halvor nodded his thanks, striking off in that direction, following the stream.  He understood why his wife liked the forest.  The stream was small in places, babbling, while it seemed to widen considerably in others.  It was at one of these wider pools he found Jillian.  She sat on the edge of the bank.  A small waterfall at the head of the pool, it created a mesmerizing sound as it cascaded over the rocks.

He startl
ed her.  “I have just come to see where I might be able to find you.  If the need arises,” he quickly added.  “I will assign men to you.  I should have already seen to that.  The men you chose are archers.  It is very important they do not miss time at their practice.”

She settled back down
, but he noticed the stack of little rocks she quickly covered with her hand.  “I will not regularly intrude on your solitude,” he assured her, feeling her nervousness.  “But just this time I wonder if I might join you?  I have already sent the men away.”

When he saw Jillian nod w
arily, he quickly took a seat beside her, sitting cross legged to keep his boots out of the water, while her feet dangled in the coolness of it.  He sat silently, waiting for her to speak, reluctant to ruin her solitude more than he already had.

an overly long, awkward silence, he reached beside him and began picking through the rocks.  Finding the one he was looking for, he balanced it in his hand, held it out, and with the flick of his wrist, sent it sailing out across the water.  It skipped once, then plopped down into the water.  He searched again, and did the same with the next one he found, with no more success. 

“I never was very good at this, but my sister Ella can make them skate across the top.  Do you know how to skip a rock?”

Jillian did not look at him, but he saw the mischievous smile light up her face.  She moved her hand from over top the little pile of rocks.  Picking one from the top, she took it in her hand, and with a practiced motion, sent it skidding across the top of the water, all the way to the other side.

“Wow, I don’t know who is better at it,” Halvor said
, attempting to skip another.  He got better results this time, skipping it three times, before it sunk down into the pool of water. 

Again Jillian let loose of her rock
, and it skated all the way to the other side.

“You’re hording all the good rocks,” Halvor accused.

Jillian turned to him, with her mischievous smile lighting up her brown eyes, making them glow like warm sherry.  Without a word, she searched through her pile, and finding the best rock, held it out to him.

“I knew it,” he said with a laugh
, as he took the rock.  He let it fly, but his confidence was not enough to make it skip all the way across, sinking on its third strike.

He looked at her.  She refused to look at him
, but the wide grin on her face showed him she was enjoying the game she was superior at.  She skipped another, all the way to the other side.

“Let me have another.  I can get it there.”

She picked one up and handed it to him, avoiding his gaze.  Perhaps in fear he would be angry because she was superior at the child’s game.  He felt the need to remind her of his seven sisters.  If they couldn’t be superior at something, they became a squad against him, so he was used to relinquishing the win to the fairer sex.  This time his rock skipped all the way to the other side prettily, though, still lacking the artistry of Jillian’s.  Halvor whooped and grabbed for another rock.

His wife’s grin slipped a little
, as she hurriedly picked up another to cast across.  To his surprise, and hers, it only got two skips before sinking.  He watched her frown as she eagerly grabbed for another.  This time Halvor’s failed, but still getting three.

“That’s three to two.  I’m winning,” he declared.

“You are not,” she replied indignantly, turning her scowl on him.  “I have made it across every time.”

“But I did not know we were playing then.”

Jillian frowned, but shrugged.  “Very well.”  She cast her stone across and it skipped to the other side again.  She turned her triumphant grin on him, as he aimed his rock.

To his surprise
, it skipped all the way across, and he let out another whoop.  Jillian straightened, and took a moment to select the right rock.  Halvor could not help his smile.  His wife had a competitive nature.  How did it ever survive a man like Bruce?

Halvor lost track of time as he sat on the bank
, playing the child’s game with Jillian.  In the end she was victorious.  So victorious Halvor lost count, but Jillian was able to declare the final score.  Her eyes were bright, as Halvor stood and reached down for her.  She hesitated a long time before nervously extending her arms, so he could take her hands and slowly help her to her feet.  What he saw in her eyes when she stood beside him, looking up at him was hope, and he offered her a smile.  Knowing the difficulty she would have bending down to put her shoes on, he stooped before her, and picked up one of her delicate slippers. 

“You can put your hand on my shoulder to balance,” he sai
d.  He watched her study him, then she lifted a hand, and lightly touched her fingers to his shoulder.  As she lifted her foot, her weight shifted and then she was touching him, her palm pressing down on his shoulder as he supported her.

“How deep is that pool?” Halvor asked
, after Jillian’s shoes were on and they started walking home.  It was quite a content feeling, as he leisurely strolled with his wife.

“It’s over my head,” she replied.  “My great grandfather and uncles dug it to swim in.”  She fell silent for a moment before adding, “It would be up to your ankles.”

“Oooh!” Halvor exclaimed, at her teasing.

They walked in silence for a few minutes before Jillian spoke hesitantly, “Halvor.”

“Yes?” he asked, continuing to walk.  He feared whatever she was going to say to him, she would lose the nerve if he looked at her.

“Thank you.”

“For what?” he asked.

“Trying to protect me that night.” 

Her voice was so quiet he had to strain to hear, and that was the only way he heard her next comment, “And for not being Bruce.”

“I am glad indeed not to be Bruce
, myself,” he said with a chuckle, making light of the compliment, and to enforce his desire that she not be nervous around him. 

BOOK: Angie Arms - Flames series 04
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