And Then There Was You (7 page)

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Authors: Suzy Turner

BOOK: And Then There Was You
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'Oh Adam,' I sighed. As he eventually put me down, his arms must have ached, for sure.

'Whose place is this?'

Adam swam towards the edge of the pool and leaned backwards before answering me. 'It's mine, Eve.'

'What? What do you mean, it's yours?'

'I inherited it from my grandmother, about two months ago.'

'Oh Adam, I'm so sorry,' I said, swimming towards him.

He shook his head and smiled at me.

'What?' I asked.

'Most people would be so awed by the house and the garden that they wouldn't even think about my loss. That actually means a lot. Thank you.'

I smiled. 'Tell me about your grandmother?' I asked.

He grinned and began to tell me all about the woman he'd adored. His parents had died within a year of each other when he was just seven, and old Nana Grove had taken over the parental duties. She'd found it difficult at first, but soon they'd become close.

'Don't you have any brothers or sisters?'

'I had an older brother, but he died with my dad in the car accident.'

'Oh, I had no idea. That's horrendous.'

'My mum couldn't cope, and she took her own life less than a year later.'

'Shit, Adam.' I said pulling him towards me. 'Nobody should have to go through such tragedy.'

'You did. With your grandparents.'

'You remembered?'

'I remembered everything you told me then, Eve. They died in a plane crash when you were a teenager.'

I nodded. It wasn't something I liked talking about, but I think Adam had gone through something far worse. I felt closer to him for feeling like he could talk to me about it.

'We've both seen tragedy,' he said sadly. 'Which is why we should be happy.' He pulled me towards him, and I let him.

His kiss was deep and full of longing. I returned it with equal desperation before pulling back with a grin and pushing myself off the side of the pool with both my legs.

I saw his grin and he followed me until we were in the centre, treading water and holding on to each other as if our lives depended on it.

We moved along until our feet touched the tiles beneath us and then further until I was leaning back on the steps and he was lying over me. He stared down into my eyes and kissed me again and again, until I flipped him over and straddled him, pulling his chest towards me, rubbing my nipples against him. I could feel his hardness sitting between us both, and God did I want him. I moved my hand down and stroked him, gently at first, slowly increasing the intensity until he became breathless. Then I pulled away from him and swam back to the side of the pool, pulling myself out, perching on the side with a grin. His gaze followed me and then he slowly followed until he stood in front of me. His face level with the part of me that throbbed the most. He moved his head forward and licked the inside of my thigh. Leaning back, I smiled and placed my hands on the back of his head as he slowly moved it towards where I needed him.

Suddenly a light came on and broke the moment.

'Dad!' yelled a voice I was unfamiliar with.

Shock hit me and I dropped immediately into the warm water, looking around to see where the voice had come from.

Adam froze, pushing me behind him.

'Jack? What the hell?' Adam said, unable to utter anything else.

'Dad, what are you doing here? And erm... Charlie? That wasn't Charlie, was it?'

Adam slowly shook his head. 'Jack, please would you go back inside and get yourself a drink. We'll be right in,' he said, shame written all over his face.

Mortified, I waited for his son to close the door behind him and pulled myself out of the pool.

'Oh God, I knew this was a bad idea,' I muttered. 'Are there towels anywhere?'

'Yes, just over there,' Adam pointed. He was clearly in more shock than I was, if that were at all possible.

I grabbed them both, wrapping one around myself and handing the other to Adam.

Quickly drying ourselves, we put Adam's clothes back on without saying a word.

Just as I was about to push open the door, Adam grabbed my hand and pulled me towards him and hugged me.

'I'm so sorry about this. I'd forgotten that the kids had keys. I never expected this to happen. Please forgive me.'

I looked up and slowly extricated myself from his grip. 'Adam, it's as much my fault as it is yours. This should never have happened. It won't happen again,' I said, as I stepped backwards and went to open the door.

'Eve,' he cried, stepping forward. 'Please just kiss me. If this is our last, I want... please. Kiss me.'

His request brought tears to my eyes, and I pressed my lips against his, our tongues intertwining with lust and more. But I slowly broke away and stepped backwards.

'I'll wait in the car. And then I'd like you to take me home, please.'

Adam nodded. I knew he was watching me walk away.






The night of our Christmas party was finally upon us, and as much as I'd tried to put it off, Matt had continued to push me to keep it on. I'd relented. How could I explain the reasoning behind wanting to cancel it?

Thankfully Adam's son had kept quiet, but he was a boy of strong morals and he had insisted his father remain faithful to his wife. Needless to say, Jack was more important to him than anybody, so he'd agreed. We'd spoken, albeit briefly. Meals out with Charlie and Matt had been a little strained, although we'd managed to avoid becoming the centre of attention. Me feigning migraines and Adam excusing himself early with work issues. It had worked well until then.

Hopefully it would be easy enough to avoid each other for one more night of partying. Matt had invited as many of his friends as possible. I, on the other hand, didn't want to involve anyone so had left the invites to my husband.

I was to play the dutiful wife, so I did my hair exactly how Matt liked it – up in a loose pony tail with a few soft ringlets dropping to each side of my face. I also let him choose my outfit, so I was standing in front of the mirror wearing a short black dress and pink high heels. It was a little over the top for me, but it was what Matt liked, so I went along with it.

'You look beautiful,' he said, standing in the bedroom doorway, looking at me.

'You think?' I asked uncertainly.

'I don't think. I know. You ready? Guests should be arriving any minute.'

I nodded and took his arm.

'Right this way Mrs. Brooke.'

I smiled as we walked down the stairs and into the kitchen together, where he let me go and started double checking that all the food and drinks were where they should be.

'I'm sure everything's fine,' I said as the doorbell rang. 'Go and greet your guests.'

'Don't you mea
guests?' he asked before walking out of the room.

I turned the oven off and pulled out the last of the nibbles as I listened to the laughter in the hallway. Forcing a smile, I turned to find Charlie walking towards me carrying a bottle of wine.

'You look amazing, Charlie,' I said, kissing her on both cheeks.

Her dress was different to the style she usually wore, very floaty, with tonnes of fabric. She looked very pretty though, with her trademark bouffant hairdo.

Matt and Adam were shaking hands and exchanging the usual pleasantries as Charlie giggled. 'Can I pop to the loo?'

'Of course. You know where it is,' I said, watching her wiggle to the downstairs bathroom as the doorbell rang again.

Matt immediately headed to open it, and I stood in the kitchen with Adam.

'How are you, Adam?' I asked, pouring myself my first glass of wine. I knew it would probably be the first of many.

'Okay, I think. How are you?' he said trying to search my face to find out the truth.

'You're okay, you think?'

'I think I need a drink,' he said.

'Why don't you help yourself,' I suggested, and he nodded gratefully. He bypassed the lager and wine and went straight to the brandy.

'Are you sure you're okay?' I whispered as I watched him down the first one before pouring a second.

He shook his head, just as Matt began introducing the crowd to each other.

Charlie appeared from the loo and poured herself a glass of orange juice.

'Orange juice?' I laughed. 'That's not like you.'

Then it dawned on me, and I looked from her to Adam and back again.

'You're pregnant?' I whispered.

Charlie squealed and nodded. 'We were going to keep it a secret but now that you've guessed… Well, you all may as well know. We're going to have a baby.' She squealed again.

Adam just stood, clearly mortified, as everyone began passing on their congratulations to the excited blonde.

Matt stood, dumb-founded for a moment, before he turned to Adam. 'Congratulations, mate. Well done,' he said, looking totally shocked. 'I wasn't expecting that,' he muttered.

'Yes, yes, congratulations,' I said, trying to hide the hurt I was feeling inside. A baby? They were going to have a baby? The one thing I could never have myself and she was pregnant. Carrying the baby I wished so badly could have been mine. Mine and Adam's. Yes, mine and Adam’s, that was my first thought. Not mine and Matt's. Oh God.

I turned away from everyone and walked out of the kitchen, up the stairs and into the bedroom, where I sat on the bed and sobbed.

Minutes later, Matt appeared beside me. 'I'm sorry, babe. I know how hard it is every time one of your friends gets pregnant,' he said, putting his arm around my shoulders. 'I thought you'd come to terms with it long ago?' he asked.

He had no idea why I was really crying, so I just nodded, 'I thought so, too. It's hard, knowing I'll never have a baby growing inside me, you know.'

'I know, darling, I know. Shhhhh,' he said, standing up and pulling me up with him.

'Now, come on, pull yourself together. We're having a party. You need to get back into the party mood. Come on, let's go and have a drink. It'll make you feel better.'

I tried to smile and followed him, before I stopped and turned towards the bathroom. 'I'd better just go and freshen up first. I'll be right down.'

He nodded and left me to it.

In the bathroom, I leaned forward to look at myself in the mirror. My eyes were a little bloodshot, and my eyeliner had slid down my cheeks a little, but other than that, nobody would notice. I wiped my cheeks and smiled. It was so fake. I just hoped everyone would be getting too drunk to notice. I forced my shoulders back and shook my head, trying to get the image of Adam and Charlie together out of my imagination. They were married, they could have a baby if they want one. Right?

As I walked downstairs, Adam was cradling another brandy and trying to get my attention. He nodded towards the back door. I shook my head. I didn't want to talk to him. I couldn't. He pleaded with his eyes and I eventually relented. Making sure everyone else was busy partying, I headed outside a few minutes after he disappeared.

He stood beside the bins at the side of the house, out of sight, in the darkness. I gingerly stepped towards him.

'A baby?' I whispered.

He took another gulp of his drink and looked like he wanted to smash the glass against the wall.

'I had no idea,' he said gruffly. 'We haven't,' he looked down. 'We haven't been close since... since.'

'It doesn't matter, Adam. She's your wife. I'm happy for you both.'

He looked up, surprised. 'Really? How could you be?'

'Oh Adam,' I said, leaning against the wall beside him and taking a long swig of my wine. 'Of course I'm not really happy about it. I'm devastated.'

'Oh babe,' he said, trying to pull me towards him.

'No,' I cried. 'Don't. Never again, remember?' I searched his eyes as we both thought back to the swimming pool. 'Especially not now. She's carrying your child. She's your wife, Adam. Not me.'

'I was... I was going to leave her,' he whispered.

A breath caught in my chest and I struggled with my feelings for him.


'I've been trying to do it since... since the manor. Jack...'

'Oh,' was all I could say.

'Jack made me see sense, Eve, and I knew that I couldn't continue this charade with Charlie. It isn’t fair on her to stay when I’m...' he faltered. 'When I’m so deeply in love with another woman,' he said, looking away from me.

I gasped and put my hand to my chest. 'Oh Adam. I...I feel the same way, but things are different, now.'

'I know.' He laughed mirthlessly. 'Now I have to do the right thing for my child.'

'Yes,' I said, standing upright. 'You married her, you must love her, right? You can make it work.' I was saying everything I didn't want to say, but I knew it was the right thing to do. His child was more important than anything. His child was so precious.

He slowly nodded. 'I thought I loved her, Eve, but now I know it's not real love. There's only one real love in my life,' he whispered, stepping away from me. 'I'm sorry. I'm truly sorry,' he said, turning to look at me, before he pushed open the kitchen door and walked inside without looking back again.

Real love? I knew exactly what he meant.






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