An Unexpected Love (Complicated Love Series #2) (2 page)

BOOK: An Unexpected Love (Complicated Love Series #2)
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Leading Tracy up the stairs, we make our way to my room at the end of the hall. Looking over my shoulder, I notice Tracy biting her bottom lip. She’s looking really nervous and to me, she looks like a deer caught in headlights. She’s not a virgin, so it makes me happy that she’s on edge about having sex with me.

I’d been watching Tracy from the minute we were introduced at the church this morning. She was flirty, straight talking, and I was amused by her. When I stood alongside Joshua, waiting for the blushing bride to grace us with her presence, everything fell away when Tracy started walking down the aisle. She was breathtakingly gorgeous in her pale blue gown that just kissed the floor, and a pair of silver heels could be seen peeking out as she walked. Her blonde hair was piled on top of her head, with a pale blue flower sitting behind her ear. She looked so exotic. I wanted her from that moment, but I wasn’t able to speak to her much. The morning went whizzing by and at the reception, I sat at the top table beside Joshua while Tracy was seated down the line next to Annabelle.

After the meal and the speeches had been done, I thought I’d have a chance to dance with her but I got lumbered with Annabelle’s Auntie. Okay, she is really nice, but she was keeping me from Tracy. Annabelle roped me into looking after her Aunt Sylvia while she and Joshua mingled with their guests. I danced with Aunt Sylvia a lot, but I couldn’t stop glancing around to see what Tracy was doing. Toward the end of the night, after I helped Aunt Sylvia into a cab, Tracy was propping up the bar so this was my opportunity to speak to her. She is absolutely stunning, and she looked so depressed and slightly tipsy. I had to check if she was okay, and see if she could be cheered up. We’re heading up to my room now and I’m going to show her how much she is wanted by me.

Stopping at my door, I turn the handle and lead her in before shutting the door and pulling her to me, her eyes dilate and she licks her lips seductively. I crash my lips to hers and wrap my arms around her waist bringing her as close to me as possible. She’s so compliant, and when I nudge my tongue against her lips to demand entry, she obligingly opens, giving me an opportunity to devour her mouth. She tastes delicious, I can taste the champagne on her tongue. She glides her hands up my chest and wraps her arms around my neck and plays with my hair. She moans into my mouth and I’m finding it hard not to just strip her naked right here and bang her hard against the wall. I untie the bow at the back of her halter neck dress and the gown falls and pools around her feet. She’s left standing in front of me in just a pale blue thong. Taking a step back, I look at this gorgeous woman in front of me.

“You are so beautiful.” I caress her cheek and she blushes. Her pale skin takes on a rosy glow and in this moment an ache develops in my chest. I can’t quite work out what’s happening. She shakily moves her hand to my shirt and clumsily tries to undo my buttons. Closing my hands over hers, we work together to undo them. She stands there gazing at me while I remove my suit jacket and shirt with pure lust in her eyes, and it takes all my control not to lunge at her.

“Get on the bed, on your back.” She sits on the edge and shoots up until she’s laid on her back, in the center of the bed. My eyes are locked on hers while removing my suit trousers, shoes, and socks. Tracy licks her lips as she looks me up and down. Removing my boxers, I stand before her naked. She tries to look anywhere but at my cock which is very amusing. I crawl up the bed until I’m over her. She opens her legs so I can position myself between them. Raining feather like kisses on her jaw and collarbone, Tracy arches at my touch. Grinding against her, she whimpers and moans.

“Oh, baby, you’re driving me crazy, beautiful.” I massage her breasts and take both nipples in my fingers and give them a tug. She moans again as she writhes beneath me.

“Karl…oh my!”

I chuckle and skim my hands down toward her thong.

“This thin barrier is not my friend right now.” I pull them off briskly and she gasps while I dangle and swing it around my fingers. She laughs hard and it’s a beautiful melody that I wish I could hear again. Her thong ends up on the floor and I spread her legs wider.

“Ah, much better.” I massage her knee and make my way up to her center and gently rub her clit and swallow her moans. I love the way her body responds to me and her moans are music to my ears. She whimpers and wriggles under me, telling me that she’s close. Her breaths are harsher and as she grips my shoulders with more pressure, I trace her lips with my tongue.

“That’s it, baby, come for me.” I apply more pressure to her clit and she goes off like a firework.

“Karl! Yes!” Hearing my name out of her mouth, all breathless and sexy, is fucking amazing. I gently stroke her clit while she comes down from the high of her orgasm. Leaning my forehead against hers, her eyes glaze over and she looks flushed but absolutely beautiful.

“You are gorgeous, Tracy.” I take a strand of her hair and tuck it behind her ear, then give her a gentle kiss on the cheek.

“W…wow...” she stutters out.

I’m so happy that she doesn’t seem to be able to form a coherent sentence after the high of her orgasm.

“It’s not over yet,” I smirk.

Tracy spreads her legs and I settle in between them. She reaches down and grabs my cock and starts pumping her hand up and down. Groaning at her touch, I lean forward to kiss her. This kiss is so different to the rest. It’s intense and it doesn’t take long for it to heat up. I’m losing control fast. Removing her hand from my cock, I position myself with my tip at her entrance and with one long thrust, I fill her up.

“God, you feel good.” With each thrust, I go deeper and deeper until finding that particular spot that has Tracy withering beneath me. I look into her eyes while continuing my strong measured strokes. Her eyes are ablaze with desire and something starts happening in my chest.

What is this feeling I’m experiencing?

I can’t describe it and it’s certainly something I’ve never felt before. This feeling scares me for some reason.


Our bodies are slick with sweat. I pick up my speed and I’m close, very close. She grips me around the waist and starts kissing my chest.

“Oh God, Tracy!” Moaning out loud, I come deep inside her. She milks every last drop from me while I’m riding the wave of euphoria. It’s silent with only the sounds of our heavy panting filling the air. Gently I pull out and roll to the side.

“I’ll be back in a minute.” Smiling, I hop off the bed, disposing of the condom in the bin and put on my boxers and suit trousers. Why the hell did this happen? Regretting it after is a shitty thing to do but these feelings are weighing me down. Tracy is silent, and I’m not sure why. I look over and see her sitting on the edge of the bed pulling on her thong and dress. My heart is aching and I have this tight knot in my stomach.

What is going on with me?

Looking over at Tracy, my heart starts fluttering with excitement. She’s so gorgeous and sexy. I’ve never had these types of feelings toward someone before and I’m beginning to shit myself. Do I want a relationship? I’ve never had one, and I’m not ready for one. I love women, and my life is great the way it is. Tracy is a stranger to me really. This is the first time I’ve met her and I’m feeling something?
How can that be?

I’m so confused right now and I’m not sure what to do. I have to get out of this room and get as far away from these feelings as possible. Pulling on my shirt, I quickly button it up.

“I’m going to…uh…go.” Looking over at her, I see that Tracy is dressed and looking at me with a frown on her face.

“But this is your room?”

I can’t look her in the eyes as I’m afraid of what I’ll see.

“Uh…yeah, I know. But I…uh, need to get back to the reception.”

“Okay,” she whispers. As I walk to the door, I don’t look back. “I will see you down there?” Grabbing the door handle, I quickly glance back over my shoulder. She looks so vulnerable and small while she waits for me to reply.

“Uh…yeah…sure.” I open the door and disappear down the hall feeling shitty for leaving her like that, but I can’t control this incredible need to be with her and protect her. My heart is aching to be near her. Feeling this way after having a one night stand with her, is extremely strange. And yeah, it’s unbelievable and the way she reacted to me, it was like she was made for me and only me, but I’m not what she needs, wants or what she deserves.

Making my way back to the wedding marquee, I spot Joshua and Annabelle dancing. I ignore everyone else and walk straight up to the bar. Parking myself on a bar stool and ordering a Jack Daniels, I’m planning on spending the rest of the night getting trashed and trying not to think about the beautiful, smart, sexy woman, I’ve just ditched in my bedroom.


He left? I can’t believe he just left. We’re not in love or in a relationship or anything, but how could he be so cold. I’ve had many hookups in my time, I’ve been to some crazy parties and slept with countless men, some I never even knew their names, but I’ve never had this happen.

Growing up as an only child, my parents were very hard on me and only wanted what was best for me. I was required to always dress in a certain way. My mother would always make sure that I was wearing the appropriate clothing for the function we were attending and I was never allowed to go parties or anything like that. Actually tell a lie, I did used to go for afternoon tea with a few of my private school
They weren’t exactly proper friends, and my mom was the one that introduced them to me, but they were the only people my mom approved of and was happy for me to socialize with.

My father was a smart businessman and was always away on business trips. I’m not very close to him because he was never there, and it’s hard to be close to someone that’s in and out of my life so much.

When I left home for college, I was glad to get away from them and meeting Annabelle was a highlight. We were best friends from the minute we met. Annabelle was my roommate, and we had so many great times. Going to college was my way of finally being free to do what I wanted. I rebelled a bit with the amount of partying and drinking I was doing. Surprisingly moving to Los Angeles and working for QD Fashion has made me incredibly busy, and I don’t have the time to party as much as I used to. I’m beginning to think that it’s a good thing.

QD Fashion is a big company in Los Angeles and one that my old employer worked closely with. Having the opportunity to work out there for a month was amazing and it’s so different to London. Being in a different country, away from my mother and father, was another benefit but I hated leaving Annabelle. Especially after her accident and unfortunate miscarriage. She was really supportive and made me leave even when she was recovering, but she had her Aunt Sylvia looking after her. Even though Joshua and Annabelle went through a lot, receiving their wedding invitation was brilliant and I was thrilled for them, and even more ecstatic when Annabelle asked me to be her Maid of Honor.

The first time Karl and I met was at the church and oh my, he was hot and incredibly sexy. His wavy blond hair and piercing blue eyes capture you and promise many things just with his look alone. Every time I glanced over at him, his stare was fixated on me and it gave me a thrill. There was a spark between us from the moment our eyes first met. Seeing Annabelle and Joshua get married started making me feeling like there’s more to life. Meeting that special someone and building a future together seems like a great idea, but I’m scared that I’m going to end up in a loveless marriage like my parents.

Annabelle has told me countless stories about Karl and his womanizing ways. I should have stayed away from him, but the more the night went on the drunker I got, and I just wanted to feel close to someone. I’m beginning to think it was a mistake on my part because now I’m sitting in the guest bedroom where he’s sleeping tonight. I intended to go back to the party, but now I really don’t feel like it. I need to make an effort for Annabelle, so I’m chewing on my lip while contemplating what to do.

I need to freshen up before heading out there again, so I head to my room, get undressed and have a shower before touching up my makeup. Slipping back into my dress, I look in the mirror and surprisingly I’m looking good, so after taking a deep breath, I’m on my way back downstairs to make another appearance. I don’t know what Karl is going to be like with me and I’m angry that he left like that. I’m feeling used and I’m so annoyed at myself that I allowed it to happen. The music is really loud,
‘I Need You Now’
by Lady Antebellum is playing. Smiling to myself as I enter the marquee, I see Annabelle talking to a group of women, but as soon as she spots me she heads over.

“There you are! I wondered where you were.” She hugs me and staggers a bit on her heels. Apparently, she’s been enjoying the night a little too much, but it’s her wedding day after all, so she’s entitled to have some fun.

“Yeah, I uh…wasn’t feeling well, so I went and had a bit of a rest, but I’m feeling better now.” I give a tight-lipped smile.

“Oh no, Tracy!” She gives me another hug. “If you’re feeling better, come and have a dance with me!” Before I even have time to reply she’s dragging me toward the dance floor. It’s packed and Annabelle and I get lost in the sea of people dancing. Swaying my hips, I close my eyes and get lost in the music. My stomach is in knots over Karl, and I don’t understand these feelings that are washing over me. I’ve only just met him, and we haven’t even had a proper conversation.

We had sex, that’s all!

I certainly wasn’t thinking straight when we went upstairs. It was a huge mistake, I see that now, but these feelings just won’t go away. Annabelle told me about Karl’s womanizing, he’s a complete playboy. He doesn’t do commitment and lives in the here and now. She said this before I’d even met him today, but I was still curious about this rippling muscles, sexy, gorgeous man that walked up to me at the church and introduced himself. His striking blue eyes that looked like the ocean, and the way they sparkled was incredible. His long blond wavy hair made him so rugged, but oh so gorgeous. I jerk out of my daydreaming when a hand touches my arm. Annabelle looks at me with a goofy grin and leans in so she can shout to me over the music.

“Where did you go? You were here, but not here, if that make sense.” She giggles.

“Nowhere. Just getting lost in this song, I really like it.” I want to dance and not think about him, but that’s all I’ve ended up doing. Annabelle wraps her arms around me and we continue to dance into the early hours.



My feet are killing me in these heels. We’ve been dancing for ages, and Annabelle looks like she’s about ready to collapse here and now on the dance floor.

“Come on, Missy, I think you’ve had enough.” I wrap my arm around her neck and walk off the dance floor. I’m looking around for Joshua, but I can’t see him anywhere. Annabelle and Joshua are flying out to Jamaica for their honeymoon tomorrow night, so getting Annabelle to bed to sleep it off is the best thing to do. There aren't a lot of guests left now, but there are a few people still milling around. Sitting Annabelle on a chair, I move to head off looking for Joshua.

“Oh, it’s my wedding and I’m having fun,” she slurs as she slumps over leaning on the chair back.

“Annabelle, you’ve had a lot to drink and I can’t carry you all the way upstairs. I’m going to find Joshua.”

“I love Joshua. I do…he’s mine, you know…my husband…I love him, I really do. He’s so gorgeous…he’s very sexy…he’s incredible in bed…so dreamy, he is…”

“Okay, Annabelle, just wait here and I’ll go and find him.” I walk off before she has a chance to say anymore while shaking my head and chuckling. She really has enjoyed herself tonight. Looking around the marquee, I don’t spot Joshua anywhere. I make my way to the entrance of the marquee and peer outside. It's pitch black, apart from the red carpet leading up to the house. It has beautiful freestanding lanterns strategically placed all along the red carpet. Hearing giggling coming from my right, I turn around. I can’t see anyone, so I proceed down the carpet toward the house. I’m sure Joshua has probably gone inside by now. I hear the giggling again, and this time an all too familiar male voice.

“Come on beautiful…let’s go back inside for a nightcap.”

“I would rather go to your room…get more comfortable if you know what I mean.” More giggling.

“All in good time, baby. I promise it’ll be worth the wait.” Turning around, my stomach churns as I see Karl pulling a giggling gorgeous looking woman behind him. The woman is a real knock-out and I’m feeling pathetic standing here watching them disappear inside the marquee. I’m still standing there even after they’ve already disappeared, kind of in shock. Karl never saw me, and I’m glad because that would’ve been weird. Seeing Karl already with someone else on the same night as we were intimate, is making me feel physically sick. He didn’t even wait, and he knows that I’m staying here. I knew what he was like and, to be honest, I was very similar to him before I left for Los Angeles. When I moved out there, I became a new woman and drinking, partying and sleeping with any man I found attractive became a thing of the past.

Considering I was just like him, why does this feel so bad?

It was stupid to sleep with him, and even more stupid for feeling something while he stared into my eyes. I just have to see it for what it was, and to him it was meaningless sex.

“Tracy, what are you doing standing out here on your own?” Joshua is walking from the house toward me.

“Joshua…I was looking for you.” Trying to compose myself he stops right in front of me.

“Are you all right?” He looks concerned.

“Of course…I’m fine!” I try and smile to show him that I am, in fact, fine. He would think I was stupid for sleeping with Karl and he’d be right. Even though Joshua is Karl’s best friend, he knows what he’s like and I know he’ll be angry that Karl went for me. “Listen, Annabelle is pretty drunk and she needs to get upstairs to bed. Can you help me?”

He looks pissed, but I don’t understand why. When we get back inside the marquee, Annabelle is fast asleep on the chair. Her hair is all over her face and her mouth is wide open while she drools on her arm where she has her head rested.
Very classy.

“Don’t worry, I’ve got her.” He scoops her up and she doesn’t even wake up from being moved. “See you in the morning, Tracy.” He walks out of the marquee and leaves me on my own. Looking around, I notice that there are a few people at the bar watching the bartender do some fancy tricks with a cocktail mixer. They’re all laughing at his antics, and he seems rather pleased with himself. Hearing that annoying giggling again, I know it’s that woman cackling. I turn around and see her with her arms draped around Karl dancing on the dance floor. They sway together in perfect sync and they look impeccable together. She giggles again as Karl kisses and nuzzle into her neck.

I feel sick watching this display of affection.

I’m angry that Karl doesn’t even have enough respect to not pick someone else up the same night he slept with me. It’s kind of disgusting how men can do that. Watching as he glides his hand down to her bottom, he gives it a squeeze. The women giggles again, and it’s beginning to get rather irritating.
I’m jealous.
If I stand here any longer, steam is going to start erupting from my ears. As I go to turn around, Karl glances at me and catches my eyes. His blue eyes are so mesmerizing and he looks a bit shocked that I’m standing here watching him. He drops his gaze and starts nuzzling the woman’s neck again. I’m not watching for another second, so I make my way out of the marquee and back inside the house. All I want to do is get some sleep. I’m glad I’m feeling sober now, I’m only going to get a few hours’ sleep before I have to head to the airport tonight for my flight back to Los Angeles.

BOOK: An Unexpected Love (Complicated Love Series #2)
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