An Extremely Kinky Affair (12 page)

Read An Extremely Kinky Affair Online

Authors: Derek Price

Tags: #romance, #lesbian, #threesome, #anal, #bdsm, #femdom, #rough sex, #graphic sex, #alpha male, #hardcore erotica

BOOK: An Extremely Kinky Affair
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She pushes his arms back near his head,
holding them down on the couch, one on either side of his head,
while she continues to ride him like an insane cowgirl.

Because she’s holding his wrists up near his
head, Brandi is now leaning over Tyler, giving her even more
leverage to hammer away on his cock. She’s holding nothing back
now, lifting her entire body up and then dropping it down onto him,
giving him her full weight with every thrust, impaling herself on
his stiff cock.

Her hair is flying everywhere, covering her
face so he can barely see her eyes bearing down on him. She’s
scowling, no doubt exorcising some demons as she pleasures herself.
Although this frightens Tyler a little it also excites him in ways
he can’t rationalize. In fact, more than anything else, it’s the
way that she’s looking at him that finally puts him over the

Holy fucking shit,” he
says under his breath.

You’re going to cum
already, aren’t you?” Brandi says, her tone harsh, which (as she
probably well knows) doesn’t do a damn thing to quench his

Tyler nods.

Then cum already,” she
says, not slowing down one bit. “Come on you piece of shit, shoot
your pathetic load inside me and get it over with.”

Tyler obliges, blasting his seed up into
Brandi, bucking and shimmying beneath her as she continues to ride
his cock. She doesn’t let up, even after he’s expelled all his
seed, continuing to bounce up and down on him as though oblivious
to the fact that he’s done.

He allows her to do her thing, assuming
she’s going to climb off him any second now. But a good half-minute
later she’s still showing no signs of letting up. She’s staring
down at him, taking pleasure of his discomfort, seeing how far
he’ll let her take it.

A full minute later he’s done. His boner is
all but gone and she’s starting to rub him raw. No longer willing
to play the submissive, Tyler lifts Brandi off him with ease and
tosses her down onto the other side of the couch. She’s laughing,
her face full of good humor.

So what did you think?”
Brandi says.

I liked it,” Tyler
replies. “Loved it, actually.”

She smiles. “I told you.”

You certainly did. I
can’t believe you were right. But you were.”

It’s a natural extension
of things,” Brandi says. “Those who like to dominate also like to
be dominated. Most of them will never admit to it, but it’s true in
almost every case. It’s the same basic compulsion, just a different
side of the coin. You almost never see one without the

I didn’t know that,”
Tyler says.

I know you didn’t,” she
says, leaning forward to plant a little kiss on his lips. “Which is
exactly why I had to teach you.”

Thanks for

My pleasure,” Brandi says
as she stands up and starts gathering her things. “So you’ll want
to go this route again some time, I suppose?”

Hell yes,” Tyler says.
“Next week. If I can wait that long.”

Cool. But I have to warn
you; next time I won’t take it so easy on you.”

He raises his eyebrows. “You call what you
just did to me taking it easy?”

Brandi pauses in her efforts to redress and
flashes him a look of disdain. “Think of all the things you’ve done
to me and think about what I did to you tonight.”

Tyler purses his lips and nods his head.
Brandi is right, of course. She didn’t do to him a fraction of the
things he’d done to her in the past. “I see your point.”

I’m glad that you do,”
she says as she puts the finishing touches on her shoes. “But don’t
worry, the more extreme I get with you the more you’ll like it. I

How can you be so

Because that’s how these
things work,” Brandi says. She grabs her bag and heads for the

I don’t know . . .” Tyler
says, only half-serious.

Yes you do,” she says,
arriving at the door. She turns the handle, opens the door, and
glances back one last time before leaving. “You know damn well that
you’ll like.”

Laughing under his breath, he says, “You’re

Of course I am,” she
says, flashing him a smile. “I always am.”

And with that she steps outside and closes
the door behind her.

Tyler shakes his head and drops to the
couch. He’s already looking forward to the next time. “I’m a sick
man,” he says aloud. He grabs the remote and flips on the
television. “A sick, sick man.”






Tyler Walker is halfway through his third
bottle of wine when there’s a knock on the door of his suite.

He takes one last swig directly from the
bottle then sets it on the table and heads over to answer the door,
the room wavering just a bit from the effects of the wine.

Normally he goes
into these sessions relatively sober but tonight he has a different
plan; to consume as much alcohol as possible before the session
starts. Because even though he’s come a long way in the last couple
of months, Tyler still has some inhibitions. He’s just wired that
way. He’s hoping that if he drinks enough he’ll be able to push
past them. He’s not sure it will work out like he’s planning, but
he figures it won’t hurt to try.

He comes to the door and peeks out the
spyhole. Standing there is a short, fully-stacked, raven-haired
beauty wearing blue jeans and an unzipped black leather jacket with
only a lacy bra underneath, showing off her huge, glorious breasts
without absolutely no shame. With her hair cut in a sharp, edgy
style and her face caked with makeup, Tina plays up her sluttiness
to the max, which is exactly what Tyler is looking for tonight. A
straight-up slut to run roughshod over.

Tyler has been through a really tough couple
of weeks and he wants to take out his anger on someone. Not too
long ago, that would have meant a phone call to Brandi. But he’s
spent so much time with her lately that he’s starting to develop
feelings for her, which makes it harder and harder to debase her
like he used to. That’s not to say that they haven’t got freakier
with each other as time has gone on, but it their nights together
are no longer rooted in anger. Which, ultimately, is a good

But not tonight. Tonight Tyler is pissed
off. And he wants to take his rage out on someone. Which is why he
called Tina a couple of hours ago instead of Brandi.

He’s been with Tina once before, when she
tagged along with Brandi for one of their sessions, so he knows
what he’s getting. But because he doesn’t have any feelings towards
her, it’s easier to see her as just a fucktoy, which means he won’t
have to worry about conflicting emotions when he’s treating her
like shit.

Tina knows exactly what she’s getting into
tonight. Tyler made that quite clear to her on the phone. And she’s
fine with it. Looking forward to it, actually. Or so she says,
which is good enough for Tyler.

He opens the door and lets Tina in and
closes the door behind her.

I wasn’t expecting to
hear from you again,” Tina says as she crosses the room towards the
table with the bottle of wine sitting on it. “I figured you’d give
Brandi a call whenever you wanted a night like this.”

Normally I would,” Tyler
says. “But I was in the mood for something different

Don’t get me wrong,” Tina
says, “It’s fine with me. I was just surprised, that’s all.” She
picks up the bottle of wine. “Do you mind if I have

Be my guest. I’ll get you
a glass.”

Don’t bother,” Tina says.
“I don’t need one.”

She proceeds to take a long swig straight
from the bottle before pulling it from her lips and holding it out
towards Tyler.

Smiling, he grabs the bottle from her. “That
wasn’t a very polite thing to do,” he says before proceeding to do
the exact same thing.

Nobody’s ever accused me
of being polite before,” Brandi replies, matching his

Which is exactly why
you’re here tonight instead of Brandi,” Tyler says.

Fair enough,” Tina says.
“She says hi, by the way.”

Who? Brandi?”

Tina nods.

You told her you were
coming to see me?” Tyler asks.

Of course,” Tina
says. “We talk all the time.”

Is she upset?” Tyler

Tina laughs and shakes her head. “No. Not at
all. She understands.”


Yep. She’s flattered,

Is that

It sure is,” Tina says.
“Personally, I think it’s kind of pathetic, but that’s just

Pathetic, huh?” Tyler
says, smiling ruefully. He’s not sure if Tina means what she’s
saying or just playing a role, and he doesn’t really care. Either
way she’s helping him get in the right mood for the

Yeah. I mean, we
escorts, in case you
didn’t remember,” Tina continues. “It’s not like she’s your
girlfriend or something.”

Maybe not,” Tyler says,
undoing his belt and slipping it off his waist. He grips the buckle
in his fist and rolls the belt over his hand until only six inches
are still sticking out. “But I do have feelings for her. Which
means I’d probably subconsciously take it easy on her. But you I
hardly even know. So I won’t have those same issues.”

He slaps the belt on the palm of his hand.
The sound fills the room like a gunshot but Tina doesn’t even
flinch. Apparently she’s used to this sort of thing. Tyler smiles,
his excitement overflowing already.

Are you ready to get
started?” Tyler asks, slapping the belt against his hand again,
hard enough to leave a red mark this time.

Whenever you are,” Tina

In lieu of a reply Tyler smacks her across
the ass with his belt.

Tina yelps in surprise and takes a small
step forward to maintain her balance. She flashes him a dirty

Surprised you a bit
there, didn’t I?” Tyler says, his mouth turned up in a wicked

A little,” she

He smacks her across the ass again, a little
more forcefully. But Tina was expecting it and bites down on her
bottom lip instead of making any sound. She glares at him with
defiance in her eyes.

You’ve got a little bit
of an edge to you, don’t you?” Tyler says, laughing softly. He’s
thoroughly enjoying this.

Tina doesn’t bother with a response. She
just continues glaring at him.

That’s good,” he says.
“It’ll make it more gratifying when I break you.”

Tina scoffs. “Break me? You?” She shakes her
head. “It’s never going to happen.”

We’ll see,” Tyler says.
He smacks her ass again, even harder.

A flash of pain crosses Tina’s features for
a moment and she makes a little gasping sound. Fortunately her
breath is quickening and her face is starting to flush too, which
means that the pain brings her some pleasure along with it. Which
is exactly what Tyler is shooting for.

That one stung a bit,
didn’t it?” he says.

Nothing I haven’t felt
before,” she replies, her mouth turned up in a sneer.

So it’s not too much for

Not even

That’s what I like to
hear,” Tyler says. “Because we’ve got a lot further to

Bring it on,” Tina

Oh, I intend to,” he

He unrolls the belt from his fist and runs
the tail through the buckle, creating a loop. Standing face-to-face
with her, he slips the loop over Tina’s neck and tightens it. Not
so much that it’s choking her but not loosely either.

Take your jacket off,”
Tyler says.

Tina does as she’s told. If she’s at all
alarmed by the belt around her neck she isn’t showing it.

Now your bra,” he

She slips it off, revealing her huge tits.
Firm but not overly so, floppy but not droopy, they are glorious
and just begging to be played with. He can’t

Using the belt as a leash, Tyler leads her
over to the nearest wall. Once there, he pushes her up against it,
back first.

Open your mouth,” Tyler

She does.

Tyler puts the tail of the belt between her
teeth, lengthwise, the flat side parallel to the ground.

Bite down,” he

Tina bites down on
the leather.

Don’t drop that belt, no
matter what,” Tyler says. “Understand?”

Tina nods.

Good,” Tyler says. Then
he starts working her tits with his hands, groping and cupping and
squeezing them before starting in on her nipples, rubbing and
playing with her them until they’re hard.

Once they are both sticking out he grabs
them between his forefinger and thumb, one nipple for each hand. He
starts off by rubbing them between his fingers, gently at first but
gradually increasing the pressure and intensity.

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