An Education for Amy [Men of Kinsey 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)

BOOK: An Education for Amy [Men of Kinsey 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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Men of Kinsey 3

An Education for Amy

Amy has moved on. She has a great job, good friends, and has more confidence in herself. She thought she’d left her past behind…until it shows up to threaten not only her, but also the three men whose weekly visits to the club make her heart believe in love again.

Adam, Ethan, and Jordon Kinsey only come to the club so often because of Amy. She is the sweetest little thing, and they know that she is perfect for them. But they also know she is scared. She’d been brutalized in the past and is really wary of men, and when her ex-boyfriend calls her and tells her he is coming back for her, they turn to their cousins, Ryder, Dan, and Sam, Amy’s bosses, for some help. The plan they come up with gives Adam, Ethan, and Jordon the opening they need to protect their woman and win her love…

Note: There is no sexual relationship or touching for titillation between or among siblings.

Contemporary, Ménage a Trois/Quatre

40,700 words



Men of Kinsey 3






Debbie Bailey










Siren Publishing, Inc.

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IMPRINT: Ménage Amour




Copyright © 2012 by Debbie Bailey

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First E-book Publication: August 2012


Cover design by Jinger Heaston

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Siren Publishing, Inc.

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An Education for Amy
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This book is dedicated to my late parents Jacki and Roy.

You have always been and will continue to be my inspiration and I wish you were here to enjoy this with me.

I miss you!!!

And to my best buddy for all his help and confidence.


Men of Kinsey 3



Copyright © 2012






Chapter 1


“You’re never going to get away from me, bitch. You’re mine, and I’ll make sure you pay for all the trouble you’ve caused me over the last year. Do you hear me, Amy? You can’t hide from me. I’ll be out in two weeks, and when I get a hold of you, you’re going to wish that I’d killed you.”


* * * *


That was the message that greeted Amy Parker on her answering machine when she got home from work on Friday. Fuck, what the hell was she going to do? Jasper Collier had been her boyfriend for just over two years, two of the worst years of her life.

She’d met him through the BDSM club she worked for and thought he was going to be the perfect Dom for her. But he didn’t want just a bedroom sub. He wanted a twenty-four-seven slave, and when she told him that she wasn’t interested in playing to that extreme, he had beaten the shit out of her. This happened at least a dozen times over the next two years, and each time she reported him, he got away with it because he was the mayor’s son, so she had stayed, afraid that he’d kill her if she ever tried to leave him.

Only the last time he’d gotten sloppy. He had beaten her so badly that she couldn’t hide the bruises. She couldn’t hide a broken arm and a dislocated shoulder from her bosses. When they found out what Jasper had been doing, they were livid and helped her move to a new apartment. They found her a good place to live and even went as far as installing extra security so that she would always feel safe.

Jasper’s membership to the club was revoked, and he became a pariah in the BDSM community. He couldn’t find a sub in any club he went to that would do a scene with him, let alone accept him as her Dom. This infuriated him, and he blamed Amy for everything. Two weeks after she had moved out, he caught her outside of work one night and tried to force her into his car. She fought him with everything she had until Dan Kinsey, one of her bosses, who had heard her scream, came to her rescue. Jasper took off like the coward he was but not before he had stabbed her in the leg.

She’d been rushed to the hospital, and the police had been called. This time something would be done about him. She was sure of it.

When she was told that he wouldn’t be prosecuted, she hadn’t mentioned anything to her bosses. They’d done so much for her already, and she needed to stand on her own two feet.

It wasn’t until two years later, when one of the subs had some trouble with her ex and it came to light just how abysmal the Crown Counsel’s record was for prosecuting spousal abuse cases, that anything was done.

Crown Counsel Roderick Fenton was confronted about his appalling record in prosecuting such cases, and when he finally did something about it, it was too late for Amy to have Jasper charged with anything other than a misdemeanor. Unfortunately, he only got six months in jail. And he only got that because the judge was aware of all the previous incidents. But now he was about to get out, and he was pissed. She had to do something or else he was going to kill her this time.

She knew that giving the taped message to the police was useless. The sheriff was a good friend of the mayor, so he would probably lose the tape if she gave it to him, so she would keep it in her locker at the club in case she needed it.


* * * *


When Adam walked into Club Kinsey on Saturday night, he knew right away that something was wrong.

Adam, Ethan, and Jordon Kinsey had been coming to their cousin’s club every weekend for the past six months. Not so much to play but to see the little receptionist, Amy, whose face had always turned such a pretty pink when they flirted with her. Sure they’d played in a few scenes with other subs, but none of them could fuck another sub. Amy was the one that they wanted as their full-time bedroom sub. She was the most adorable little thing Adam had ever laid eyes on. No more than five foot three, she only came up to mid-chest on any of them. Long, chestnut hair that fell to her cute, round ass, she wasn’t stick thin, and that’s one of the things that had called to him. Amy had curves in all the right places, and she had just the right size breasts to fit nicely into his hands.

Standing six foot eight, Adam was the tallest of the three men, but his brothers stood only an inch shorter.


* * * *


They were big by anyone’s standards, but to Amy, they were huge. Every time she saw them, her heart started racing and her panties got wet. They were walking, talking sex gods. Even though they were related to her bosses, they never asked for special treatment when they were there, and they loved to flirt with her.

They told her a while ago that they owned a ranch just outside of town and that anytime she wanted to come out for a ride on their horses to just give them a call. She didn’t know anything about horses, and horses weren’t what she wanted to ride. But those men weren’t for her. They were wealthy and gorgeous and could have any sub they chose, so her chances were slim to none with them. She wouldn’t know what to do with them, anyway.

She wasn’t tall and thin like most of the subs that frequented Club Kinsey. Oh, she didn’t have a problem with her looks. She wasn’t fugly by any means, but she was tiny compared to most other women. Her last permanent Dom, she shivered at the memory, hadn’t been exactly the man of her dreams. More like her nightmares. Jasper was a nasty piece of work, and he would be free soon. He would come for her, and she’d be waiting. She wasn’t running. She had a good life there, and he wasn’t going to take that away from her.

“Hey, little bit, why the frown?” Ethan asked, as they hung up their coats. They never let her do it for them, even though it was part of her job.

“Good evening, Master Ethan.” Amy smiled, trying to forget about Jasper. “Sorry, just got a few things on my mind, but I’ll take care of him, sir.”

“Take care of whom, sugar?” Adam asked, his arms crossed over his large chest, waiting for her to answer.

Swallowing hard, Amy cleared her throat and tried to distract them. “There seems to be some new subs here tonight, Master Adam. I’m sure you’ll find one of them to please you tonight.”

“I asked you a question, Amy, and I expect an answer, or I’ll turn you over my knee and make that cute ass of yours nice and red.” As Adam walked toward her, Amy took a step back until she found herself in the cloak room.

Fuck, did he have to put that kind of image in her head? Now she’d spend the rest of the night fantasizing about feeling his big hands on her ass.

Quiet laughter came from beside her. “I think she likes that idea, Adam. She suddenly got all flushed.” Jordon was just as gorgeous as his brothers only he had always seemed to shy away from most women. She’d only ever seen him do one or two scenes, and even then, he was always with his brothers. He never took a sub by himself.

BOOK: An Education for Amy [Men of Kinsey 3] (Siren Publishing Ménage and More)
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