Amorous (The Lincoln Series Book 1) (13 page)

BOOK: Amorous (The Lincoln Series Book 1)
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He slid a hand into her hair and she dropped her head back with a moan. He took immediate advantage and claimed her mouth with the force of a savage warrior. Without breaking the kiss he scooped her up and headed for his office. He set her down and shut the door, then reached behind him to lock it.

With a look of sheer lust, his gaze caressed her body from head to toe.

“Get naked and kneel on my desk.”

“I’ll get fired if we get caught. Warren, I can’t lose this job. I—“

“Do it!”

He stepped closer to her.

“Dr. Carrington said—”

“I don’t care what AJ said, he’s gone for the day. I heard him tell you that. Now bare that beautiful pussy and get on my desk.”

She took a step back. “You’re not listening.”

“Neither are you.” He closed the gap between them and caressed her arm with the backs of his fingers. “You know you want this. It’s going to happen because neither one of us is strong enough to stop it.”

“I have to. I need this job.” Marie knew she was losing this battle because despite what was at stake, she wanted Warren to win.

He stepped around her and pressed his body against hers. One slow step at time he backed her to the door.

“Warren,” she whispered, “please.”

“My pleasure.” He spun her toward the door and held her hands above her head with one hand. He nipped her neck and unbuttoned the back of her skirt. “I know what you like, baby.”

“What am I doing? I need to…” She shook her head and tried to think clearly but a fantasy was taking shape in her mind. She wanted him to force her into submission.

“You’re letting me give you what you want, Marie.” He ran his open mouth along her neck to her ear and whispered. “You want me to win this argument.”


He slowly pulled the zipper down and her skirt fell to the floor to pool at her feet. “I can feel your heart racing. You like this way too much to stop.”

Marie shook her head and tried to fight her desires but he did know exactly what she liked. And she wanted more. “We need to stop.”

“But if I stop then you’re going to miss this.”

Warren snaked his hand between her body and the door and slid his fingers between her lips.

“Oh, God,” she moaned and tilted her head back to rest on his chest.

He circled her clit and slowly buried his finger inside her. He pulled it out and circled her clit again.

She bit her lip and tried to smother her moan.

“I told you I know what you like.” He spun her again to face him and pressed his body into hers. He let go of her hands and began unbuttoning her blouse.

Marie left her hands above her head and imagined he was still restraining her. Her breath was coming in short pants and her need for him to touch her lips again was spiking.

He pulled her blouse apart and yanked her bra down below her breasts. He roughly massaged her flesh and kissed her hard.

She managed to shift her hips enough so she could press his thigh against her mound. She rocked her body and let the pressure soothe her need.

He broke the kiss. “I need to taste you.”

He picked her up and wrapped her legs around his waist. He carried her to his desk and set her on her knees in front of his chair. He ripped her lace thong from her body then thrust two fingers into her passage.

She arched her back as he wrapped an arm around her hips to support her. She unclasped the front closure on her bra and let her breasts bounce free.

“Oh, yes.” Warren sucked a nipple hard into his hot mouth. He flicked his tongue rapidly over her nipple and her pussy responded with a twitch matching his rhythm.

He increased the speed of his tongue and she felt the muscles in her legs spasm. She felt him smile against her breast.

“I found something else you like, didn’t I, Marie?”

“Uh-huh.” She wasn’t sure what he meant by that, there wasn’t anything he did to her she didn’t like. But she didn’t care as long as he didn’t stop touching her.

He gave her nipple one last flick and a rush of arousal pushed from her body. She realized what he meant and pushed her hips against him. He lowered his mouth to her mound.

“God, I love your bare pussy.”

He groaned and licked the outside of her lips before trailing the tip of his tongue through her slit.

She trembled at the sensations invading her body. She knew they shouldn’t be doing this in his office but the excitement was too much to resist.

His tongue was warm and soft as he unerringly found her clit. He sucked her inner lips into his mouth and flicked her clit with his tongue. He pumped his fingers hard into her body and she screamed his name.

She tangled her fingers in his hair and pulled his mouth closer to her. She was burning alive. Her muscles tightened when he fucked her with furious, forceful strokes. She was so close to the edge and she was desperate to climax.

Slowly he drug his finger from her wet pussy to her forbidden pucker, his masterful tongue never left her clit. Her gasp of surprise was cut off by a tidal wave of delicious sensations when he gently breached her anus.

Her orgasm shot through her body at lightning speed. She had never imagined it would feel this fantastic. Her legs vibrated with ecstasy.

He tightened his hold to steady her as the waves of her orgasm pulsed through her body. She screamed his name again and he greedily consumed the sweet juices flowing from her.


When the tremors in her legs subsided Warren trailed his open mouth up her torso giving each breast a reverent kiss before wrapping his arms around her. He held her there for a moment etching the feel of her body next to his in his memory.

She sat back on her heels, curled her arms around his sides and pressed her cheek against his chest.

“Wow. That was unexpected.” Her voice was barely a whisper as she struggled to catch her breath.

He lifted her from his desk and dropped back into his chair, holding her tight to his chest.

“Was that to your satisfaction, your majesty?” He whispered in her ear as she lay sleepily against him.

“Mmm hmm. I just need a quick nap. I have to finish that report before I go.”

She snuggled closer and yawned.

“Sleep well, my queen. For I shall guard you while you rest.”

He kissed the top of her head and felt her smile against his chest. He gently stroked his hand through her hair and rested his cheek on her head.


Burying his face in her hair he listened to her breathing take on a slumberous rhythm. When her body went slack and he knew she was asleep he whispered into her hair.

“I think I love you, Marie. You are my angel.”

Chapter 14


Marie let her mind wander as she finished filing the last of the paperwork she’d been working on for Dr. Carrington’s next lecture. He had left for New York two days ago and had only called her once to say he’d decided to fly home on Sunday afternoon instead of Monday morning. He was obviously not impressed by the attendees of the conference and had decided to skip the last social event on Sunday evening. She had changed his flight and emailed him the information.

Since then she’d had the office to herself. Warren had been at the hospital all week training the nurses responsible for assessing patients for involuntary commitments. Dr. Jameson had given him orders to reduce the amount of money being spent on overtime when one of Warren’s doctors was called in to evaluate a patient in crisis.

Warren seemed eager to fix the problem since he was short on psychologists and that meant he was one of the doctors being called in every weekend. He’d spent long hours working with each shift making sure he met with each nurse personally.

Today was the first day he’d come back to his office before five. He winked at her as he walked to his office and talked on his cell phone. It wasn’t much but it was enough to get her heart racing. Marie had always looked forward to the end of the day, and with Warren in her life it was downright exciting to watch the clock strike five.

“Okay, baby. Pencils down, time’s up. It’s five o’clock and you are all mine for the next sixty-three hours.”

Marie turned around to see him closing his office door. His suit coat was draped over his arm and his tie was loosened with the top button of his shirt open. He looked sexy as hell.

“Why sixty-three hours?”

“Because AJ will be back from New York by Monday morning and I will unfortunately have to relinquish my claim on you by eight AM.”

“What’s on the agenda?” She locked the file cabinet and shut down her computer.

“It’s a surprise. I think you’re going to like it.”

Warren held her coat as she put it on. He spun her around and kissed her.

She loved the feel of his arms around her. She loved him, too. Marie hadn’t said the words yet and she couldn’t seem to muster the strength to do it.

The last time she spoke to Janet the realization that she loved Warren came to her slowly, like a cool summer breeze. The thought warmed her heart and as she remembered special moments with him the heat spread through her body until she was completely content.

Janet was convinced Warren was in love with her and Marie couldn’t find a valid argument to dispute Janet’s claim, but still a small part of her was hiding from him waiting for him to speak the words,
I love you.
Those three little words would seal the deal for her. Those three little words would wash away the last of her insecurities.




Warren was a little nervous about this weekend. He’d made plans for what he was hoping would be the most romantic time of Marie’s life. He’d spoken to his sister, Liz, to get some ideas. He even smiled when she teased him about being in love. He knew he wasn’t in love yet, it was too soon, but somehow Marie had become as vital to him as breathing.

Dinner had gone better than he had hoped. Marie loved the place. It was a new Italian restaurant with an intimate dining atmosphere, complete with violin players roaming between the tables adding to the romance with soft music.

Next was the tour through downtown. The horse drawn carriage was white with plush red velvet seats inside and a plaid blanket to keep the cool fall air at bay. The outside was decorated with garland made with fall leaves of bright orange, gold, and crimson.

The scenery would be beautiful. The streets of Lincoln were lined with lights all year long to attract the tourists to the carriage rides, and every other corner had live music to entertain the restaurant patrons who chose to dine on the terraces along the Lakota River. He couldn’t wait to see her expression, he was sure she’d love it.

Warren helped Marie into the carriage and pulled her close to him. When she laid her head on his shoulder he felt complete, like the last piece to the puzzle was in place. They sat in silence for a long while and listened to the rhythmic clicking of the horses’ hooves.

He felt like she was the other half of his soul. It was as if he’d known her all his life, yet he knew nothing about her. His other relationships all started with getting to know each other first, but his desire for Marie was so intense his sense of what should come first got lost in the chaos of his primal urges. He laughed at the thought.

“What’s so funny?” She snuggled closer.

“Well, I just realized I don’t know much about you other than you squeal like a school girl when I do this.” He reached under her sweater and tickled her ribs.

She flinched and giggled. “Stop it.”

“Told ya.”

She cuddled back against him. “So, what do you want to know?”

“Everything. Like where did you grow up? Do you have any family? What’s your favorite color? Things like that.”

“Willshire Heights, one sister, one brother, my mother and father, and orange. So what about you?”

“Smartass.” He tickled her again.

“Stop it.” She swatted his hand. “Answer my question.”

“Okay. Lincoln, one older sister, five younger brothers, my parents are gone, and red.”

She sat up and looked at him. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize.”

“Don’t be.” He kissed the back of her hand. “I wouldn’t have expected you to know.”

“Was it very long ago?”

He tucked her hair behind her ear. “They passed away in March of my Junior year in high school.”

“What happened?”

“They were on their way home from my sister’s place. She had an apartment on the north end of town. They were hit head on when a pickup crossed the center line. My parents and the driver of the pickup were killed.”

“Was the driver of the truck drunk?”

“No, actually, the autopsy showed the other driver was dead before the collision. He’d had a massive heart attack.”

“That must have been hard to lose your parents so suddenly. And you were so young.”

“It was and because it wasn’t anyone’s fault I had no one to blame.” He threaded his fingers with hers. “I became very angry at the world and God. I started getting into trouble at school. I was picking a lot of fights and since I was bigger than most of the other kids, not much was discouraging me from changing my attitude. Liz started calling me Wild Child.”

“I can’t picture you as a bully.”

He looked out at the scenery. “Yeah, I did some things I’m not proud of.” He paused then looked back at her. “Anyway, Liz started picking me up after school every day to keep me from fighting and that’s when the depression set in. I stopped caring about everything. My grades dropped and I almost failed my junior year.”

“So what happened?”

“Liz made a deal with the school that if they let me move on to my senior year she’d send me to summer school and get me into therapy.”

“How did she get you to agree to that?”

“She didn’t. The first time I went to see the psychologist Liz had to call the cops and I was taken there in the back of the squad car.” He smiled. “That was enough to tame my attitude. Those cops scared the shit out of me. They told me if I didn’t go see the doctor I was going to jail. Of course I agreed, but I still had no intention of participating beyond what was necessary to keep my sorry ass out of jail.”

“I take it he was able to help you.”

“Yeah. He was amazing. He was able to get through all the pain and anger I was drowning in. He helped me see things from a different perspective.” He hugged her tight. “Then one day I realized I wasn’t angry anymore. My life got so much easier after that and I decided I wanted to do the same thing for other people. So, I got my degree in psychology and specialized in treating people suffering from trauma.”

“Well, you’re obviously very good at it because all the nurses talk about how wonderful you are.” She poked him in the ribs. “Then again, maybe they’re blinded by your charm and good looks.”

“Thanks…I think… So what made you want to do all the crap work you do?”

She poked him again, hard. “Hey, what do you mean ‘crap work’?”

He grabbed her hands with his and wrapped them around his waist. “I mean you seem to enjoy doing all the tedious, boring,
yet necessary
, work of running an office. Seriously, if I had to do it, it would never get done. I wasn’t made for repetition. That’s why I like trauma. It’s something different with every client.”

“I just like making sure everything gets done. I’ve never been patient enough to wait for someone else to do it because I’m always waiting for chaos to break out. And I hate chaos. I enjoy dispelling it by making sure everything is where it should be or by completing a task quickly that needed to be done ten minutes ago. It makes me feel good when I can keep things running smoothly.”

“You do a fantastic job. You’ve got AJ so spoiled he doesn’t even have to lift a finger.”

“Well, that’s my job. His job is to be in the spotlight.”

“He wouldn’t be in that spotlight if it wasn’t for you and he knows it. He knows his research but he couldn’t organize his way out of a paper bag.”

Marie giggled. “I know. But that’s why he needs someone he can count on to do it for him. His work is very important.” She looked up at him and smiled. “So is yours.”

“I hope HR can find me someone like you, because that’s what I need. A secretary to keep my life organized for me.”

“You make me sound like some miracle worker. My job isn’t that difficult.”

“It’s more difficult than you think. It takes a strong person to stand in the shadows. Most people have a hard time doing all the work while someone else stands in the spotlight.”

“It’s not hard for me. I really have no desire to be in the spotlight. I was always in my sister’s shadow. She was the pretty one who got all the attention. Sometimes I resented her for it and sometimes I felt sorry for her. She had to work so hard to keep everyone else happy that I don’t think she knew how to make herself happy. So, I learned that settling for hand-me-downs was worth doing what I wanted.”

“What do you mean hand-me-downs?”

“She had all the good looking guys chasing her and I got the ones she rejected.”

“Marie, you have to understand something about the male species. We’re all stupid and lazy when we’re young. We let our penises think for us. Then we grow up and realize women like your sister aren’t really what we want. When they get everything handed to them they become dependent on others to do things for them. They’re too high maintenance. What we really want is a woman like you, a woman who’s beautiful and strong. Finding a woman like you is like finding the Hope Diamond in the pocket of an old jacket you bought at a yard sale.”

“But I still get the hand-me-downs.”

“So, am I a hand-me-down?”

“No. Of course not.”

“Then you’re not getting them anymore.” He kissed her passionately. “You’re too beautiful for that, inside and out.”

She smiled and laid her head on his shoulder again.

He entwined his fingers with hers and kissed her knuckles. “Did you have any pets when you were growing up?”

“A dog. Duke was a German Shepherd. I found him one day when I was chasing a butterfly. The butterfly was so beautiful I wanted to take it home to live in my room with me.” She laughed. “I was so determined to catch it I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going and I got lost.”

“You were lost? How far did you chase it?”

“Back then it seemed like miles but I was only seven years old. I think it was only about fifty yards into the woods behind my house. Anyway, my parents were furious with me for wandering off.”

“How did you get home?”

“Duke. He kept nudging me to go toward this line of bushes. Every time I would turn he would nudge me again.”

“Were you afraid of him?”

“No. It was the weirdest thing. I felt completely safe with him, even after I realized I was lost.”

“They’re pretty smart dogs. Is that why your parents let you keep him?”

She laughed again. “No, actually, they were terrified when they saw him follow me out of the trees and thought he was going to attack me. They chased him off but he kept coming back every day and following me to school. So, eventually they let me keep him.”

Warren stroked her hair and kissed the top of her head. Now he knew what to get her for Christmas. It would be her dog but he’d have to keep it at his house. He smiled. Then she’d have to come over every day to see him.

Marie raised her head and kissed his neck. “This has been a lovely evening. I hate to say I’m surprised, but I am.”

He squeezed her tighter and laughed. “Me, too. I don’t know the last time I planned something like this. I usually let someone else do all the work and I just go along for the ride.”

“It’s been perfect.”

He pulled her onto his lap to face him and wrapped her arms around his neck. He slid his hands under her coat and sweater. “You’re perfect.” He gently squeezed her silk covered breasts and kissed her.

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