Amethyst (30 page)

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Authors: Lauren Royal

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Amethyst
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agreed solemnly. Four nights. Four nights more than she had any right to hope for or deserve.

As though to seal their secret pact, Colin lifted her hand and kissed the back, then, his emerald eyes locked on hers, turned it over and kissed the palm, his lips warm and tender.

His eyes glittered suggestively, and his tongue came out and teased at the sensitive skin. Amy closed her eyes as shimmering tendrils of feeling swept up her arm and danced all through her body.

Colin slipped under the quilt and stretched out beside her. He gathered her into his arms and held her close while his head slowly descended to meet hers.

Amy felt like she floated on a puffy, comforting cloud, lulled by the gentle pressure of his mouth. Her hand slipped beneath his robe and explored across his broad back and down his arm. There was that scar; her fingers traced the mark as though they could heal it, along with all his other childhood hurts.

Enjoying the warm, smooth expanse of skin, she brushed her palm down his side to his hip, then stilled when she realized he wore nothing underneath. Boldly—of its own volition, it seemed—her hand edged around to find him, hard and ready.

Tensing at her intimate touch, he breathed heavily into her mouth. She tasted warmed, rich brandy as his tongue fenced skillfully with hers. His kiss became fiery and possessive, and her breathing quickened to match his.

Somehow her chemise magically disappeared, and for long, sweet minutes he played her body, making her senses careen with the consummate deftness of a master. Every intimate stroke of his fingers, every burning trail of his lips sent currents of desire pulsing through her, imprinting the memory of him so deep in her heart that she knew she'd always carry a part of him with her, though they be parted by a continent and the impossible gulf of lives that had never been meant to cross.

Her breath came in little shuddering gasps, and her hands reached for his hips, wordlessly begging him to come inside her and make her complete.

But he didn't comply with her desperate plea. Instead, he rolled over, bringing her with him, and she lay on top of him, trembling with anticipation as he ran warm, soothing palms over her back and bottom.

When his hands reached down to rearrange her knees, causing her to straddle him in the most strangely intimate manner, Amy's eyes flew open. "Colin?" she whispered, not even knowing what to ask.

"Hush, love," he murmured. "There are many, many ways, and all are exquisite." And he lifted her hips, guiding himself into her.

As she settled around him, a delicious shudder flowed through her body, and a part of her marveled at her ability to accommodate his hard, deep penetration.

With a bit of incitement and direction from his encouraging hands on her hips, she moved experimentally against him. She shifted tentatively at first, then faster as she discovered and reveled in her freedom of mobility.

Her tumbled tresses played over his chest, a whisper of sensuous silk against his straining body. He pulled her down to him, bringing her lips to his for a slow, deep kiss. But she wanted swift, not slow, this time. She felt wild, and her mouth wandered his raspy cheeks, her teeth nipped at his shoulder.

With a throaty laugh, he pushed her away, so that his questing hands had access all over her inflamed body, caressing her tingling breasts and wandering the length of her back, a hot swath of sensation.

Blood pounded through her veins as he drove himself into her and she met his moves again and again. Through unfocused eyes she saw his face, slick and dark in the wavering firelight, a mask of ecstasy that sent her nerves skittering with pleasure. Then she felt him begin pulsing inside her, and her vision blurred as she exploded in uncontrollable, joyous passion. She soared higher and higher, until she felt her heart burst in a fierce combination of love and agony.

His hands slipped up her arms, pulling her close, and she fused her mouth to his and collapsed against him.

Colin kissed her for a long minute, then pressed her cheek to his shoulder. He lay motionless, enjoying her light rose fragrance and listening to her ragged breathing, matched by his own. In the stillness, he could feel her heart thudding,
for him
. And he was seized momentarily by a profound sense of sadness, for what was, and what couldn't be.

At last she lifted her head, raised a languid hand to shove the long, tangled ebony strands from her face, and gazed at him wordlessly. Her eyes were deep purple, brimming over with a complicated blend of passion, disbelief, and pain.

Incredible, incredible pain.

He pushed her head back down to his chest, unwilling to look into those anguished eyes just now. "Hush, love," he whispered into her hair. "Don't think on it. We have three more nights. It's a lifetime."

It's not
, she thought. But it had to be. It was all she would ever have.

Colin moved inside her then, an exquisite promise where their two bodies were still joined.

"Don't think," he repeated, and then he proceeded to make sure she couldn't, with his hands and his mouth and his body and the incredible power he had at his disposal—the power of two souls that were made to be one.


the corridor, Colin cracked open one eye. The full light of day streamed through the window.

Damn, he'd overslept.

Now the staff was up and about, and he'd be hard put to return to his chamber unnoticed, which was imperative if he wished to keep the gossips at bay. The servants' grapevine was well established in London; should he be caught in here with Amy, the news would be common knowledge before the day was out.

He lay still, listening, waiting for the best time to jump out of bed and make a run for it.

. He groaned and rubbed his aching head. Those weren't servants' voices, chatting in passing as they went about their daily chores. The voices were louder and much more familiar. Jason's voice, and Ford's and Kendra's.

Bloody hell

Of all the rotten luck. He'd thought he could spend his days and evenings with Priscilla and his nights with Amy. But it would be harder now, perhaps even impossible, to keep her presence a public secret.

Or maybe…ah, yes. His mind raced as he slowly released the breath he'd held since recognizing the voices. His family liked Amy. They didn't know he'd bedded her at Greystone. They could even act as his cover—
, she'd stayed at Cainewood, after all, and they considered her their friend.

It would work—so long as he wasn't discovered sneaking into her chamber at night. They'd never approve of that.

The voices faded. Colin slipped out of bed and soundlessly into his robe, watching Amy sleep. The witch looked angelic now, her cheeks a delicate pink, her ebony hair a tangled halo around her head.

He leaned down and brushed a gentle kiss across her lips, then padded to the door and pressed his ear against it.

All clear.

He opened the door a crack, pleased that it didn't creak. Poised to run next door to safety, he took a deep breath and flung it open—and was greeted by Kendra's startled face.

He backed up and slammed the door shut.

"Colin?" Kendra's muffled voice came through the wood. "Is that you?"

He cursed at himself. In one split second, he'd made a complete mess of everything. Why the hell hadn't he walked brazenly into the corridor as though nothing were amiss? He could have come up with some plausible excuse for being in Amy's chamber.

Now he looked every bit as guilty as he was, no doubt about it.

Kendra hammered on the door. "Colin? What are you doing in there?"

A hand on the door latch, Colin stood rooted to the spot, his gaze riveted to Amy. She moved restlessly under the covers, fighting her way toward consciousness.

Footsteps approached. "What the devil?"

He sagged against the door. Damn, Jason was there now, too.

"Colin's inside." Hearing Kendra's smug tone, Colin could cheerfully wring her neck. "Hiding. With Amy."

There was nothing for it. With a last, lingering glance at Amy, he opened the door and slipped through. Closing it behind him, he leaned against it protectively. "Shh!"

"What were you doing in there?" Kendra hissed back.

He mustered his most convincing whisper. "Amy was having a nightmare. I was just checking on her."

"Is that so?" Kendra crossed her arms. "Then why did you shut the door when you saw me?"

He wrinkled his brow in what he hoped was a puzzled expression. "Were you there? Amy was calling out again, so I went back inside."

"Poppycock! You think I'd fall for such an old chestnut? I didn't hear a thing. This looks mighty suspicious."

"What business is it of yours?" Colin spat defensively. "I needn't answer to you, little sister!"

"Amy is my friend, and if you've taken advantage of her, it's my duty to see you do right by her, Colin Chase!"

Both of them had long since abandoned whispering. Jason stepped between them and faced Kendra. "If Colin says he was just checking on her, we'll have to take his word for it."

Ah! Some male loyalty. Colin smiled.

Until Jason swung around to confront him. "What is she doing here? I thought you were taking her to Dover."

"She wanted to buy some things before she left. She lost all her clothes in the fire."

"Is that all?"

"Yes, damn it! I spent last evening with Priscilla, at Lady Carson's boring ball." Colin yanked the belt of his robe tighter. "This is ridiculous. I needn't explain myself to you two." He stalked toward his chamber and had his hand on the door latch when Amy's door opened.


He whirled around. Amy was framed in the half-open doorway, dressed in nothing but a sheet, her hair tangled, her lips still rosy and swollen from his kisses, her expression sleepy and confused. She looked adorable.

Colin was horrified at the sight of her.

He gazed at her beseechingly, vainly hoping she'd play along. "Amy! You weren't dreaming again, were you?"

"Dreaming?" Clutching the sheet with one hand, she shoved her hair from her eyes with the other. "What?"

Colin's heart sank as Kendra and Jason exchanged a knowing glance. But he wasn't yet ready to concede defeat. "The nightmare. The reason I came in to check on you."

"The nightmare?" Amy blinked.

When Colin glared at her in exasperation, her sleep-glazed eyes opened wider. "The nightmare. Oh, yes. I mean, no." Her gaze dropped to the floor, and her cheeks turned pink. "It's gone now…thank you for your concern."

Her fists white knuckled, she tightened the sheet around her body and backed up, easing the door shut.

Kendra's hand shot out and stopped it from closing. She gave Jason a long, meaningful look before turning to Amy. "I'm surprised to find you here," she said brightly. "Colin said you needed some clothes?"

"Yes." Amy threw Colin an apologetic glance before turning to his sister. "What are
doing here?"

Kendra took Amy's arm. "We came to London for Christmas shopping. We always do, this time of year," she said, drawing her back into the room. "May I come inside? Let me help you dress, and we'll talk."

The door shut behind them.

Intending to make a quick escape, Colin opened the door to his chamber, but his older brother swung him around by the shoulder and leveled a stare at him. "Well?"

"Well, what?"

"Give up, Colin. You cannot fob me off that easily." Jason's lips thinned beneath his mustache. "We all know what went on in that chamber. In that

"What of it?" It was pointless to pretend any longer. "We're both adults. Give me three days, and I'll have her delivered out of our lives forever. And don't talk to her of it," he warned. "She'd die before she'd admit it, and I won't have you putting her through that kind of hell."

"I'm too much a gentleman to do anything of the kind," Jason assured him coolly. "Unlike you."

"What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

"Only that you should do right by the lady and marry her."

"We've been through this," Colin growled in warning.

"Things were different then. It was naught but a suggestion. Now I insist."

"To the devil with you." Colin paused for a deep, calming breath. "I have other plans. I know you expect the Chase name to be beyond reproach, and I'm sorry to disappoint you. I'll admit made a mistake, but I don't intend to pay for it the rest of my life."

"I take it you won't be continuing to make the same
now that we're here?" Jason asked stiffly.

Colin's fists clenched. "That's none of your concern."

"I'm afraid it is," Jason argued. "She's under my roof, under my protection. And she's no lightskirt. She's a wonderful, gently raised girl who doesn't deserve to be treated like this."

"Treated like
?" Colin exploded. "She's been treated very nicely, I'll have you know. Believe me, she hasn't complained." He dropped his voice, afraid Amy might overhear. "Unlike you, she never expected me to marry her. In case you've forgotten, I'm betrothed—and I've already spent part of Priscilla's dowry, for God's sake. I regret not living up to your standards, but my mind is made up. I hope you'll be able to forgive my besmirching our family."

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