Amber: July: Mystic Zodiac, Book 7 (4 page)

BOOK: Amber: July: Mystic Zodiac, Book 7
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Chapter 5
July 4th – 2:00am

mber resisted
the urge to fidget under Andreas’s steady gaze. All night long he’d kept an eye on her and the horny, drunken men crowded around the bar. The evening wasn’t any different than any other night; yet it seemed entirely different. Having Andreas watch her was like having a personal bodyguard; and, while she knew she could take care of herself, it was pretty fucking awesome for someone to have her back if she needed it.

Yeah, the staff at the bar would be available if there were trouble; but Andreas, damn, from the looks he shot anyone who thought to get up-close and personal, he would rip their heads off and cart her away before anyone could stop him. She didn’t know if that was a good thing or not, but it sure as hell lit a fire in her. The Siren inside her wanted to take him right where he sat, riding his cock in full view of everyone, until she screamed in pleasure. Marking him as her own and warning every other woman in the establishment away. She wasn’t opposed to freezing a few or jumping a few to a new location as long as it kept them away from him.

She finished wiping down the bar and took a look around. There were a few customers left, the Dirty Dozen, who tended to close down the place. Frost would take care of them before he had his crew come in and clean. That was one thing she loved about the big bear, he refused to let them slave away even longer after slinging drinks the entire night to a, at times, rowdy crowd. He could afford the crew, and the little town they all lived in could use the business.

She tossed the rag into the bin beneath the bar for the cleaning crew to take care of and grabbed her purse from the safe. Taking a deep breath to calm her raging hormones, she sidled up to Andreas. Sparks of electric heat zipped over her skin when she brushed against him. “Let’s go.”

Andreas stood and slipped his hand into hers. The smooth surface of his palm was at odds with the aggressive protector inside him, but it didn’t quell her hunger for the man. A shiver raced down her spine, as she led him from the bar and to the parking area out back.

It was a damn good thing she had one of those cars where she didn’t need the key to unlock it. As long as the fob was on her, she could open and start it up. It was also a good thing she opted for the big SUV; otherwise, she didn’t think Andreas would have fit.

They came to a stop at the back of her vehicle. She didn’t want to let go of his hand, but she would need to if they ever intended on getting to her place. Andreas backed her up against the rear bumper, pressing her against the cold window and steel. The heat radiating from him was so intense she didn’t feel the slightest nip seeping into her back. He cupped her face with his big hands and dipped his head, dropping a kiss on her lips. The second his firm mouth came down on hers, she got lost in a fog of lust. Her mind went blank and every cell in her body lit on fire. Arousal swirled in her blood, calling the Siren, who bubbled right beneath the surface. Seconds, minutes, hours could have gone by, and she wouldn’t have cared as long as his body stayed pressed to hers and his lips continued to devour every inch of her.

ndreas stepped back
and blatantly adjusted his dick. Amber tasted like heaven on his lips. The rich cinnamon spice rolling from her skin mingled with her sweet arousal. It was a one-two punch to the gut. He didn’t think she realized how easily she surrendered to the wolf in him. He had the idea that if he told her, she would balk and call their evening off.

Given that she didn’t think twice about dragging him out of the bar, and he hoped to her home, he didn’t want to ruin the moment. His need to taste more than her lips burned through his soul.

He grabbed her by the shoulders and spun her away, popping her ass to get her moving. The sharp contact edged his arousal up another notch. At the rate he was going, his dick would burst free of the confines of his jeans in a matter of minutes. “Get in and let’s go.” His voice was deep and rough to his ears. The wolf breaking through a bit.

She shot him a hot look over her shoulder, her eyes flaring with arousal. He made his way to the passenger side and climbed into the, thankfully, roomy SUV when he heard the locks disengage.

They made their way out of the parking lot, hooking a left at the end of the drive. Andreas noted that Theo’s truck was gone, along with the hot little blonde bartender. He was surprised they hadn’t attacked each other the moment they walked out the door together. The man must have learned a bit of restraint during the months they hadn’t gone out together.

“Your friend at the bar, she a Siren too?”

Amber looked his way quickly before focusing on the road ahead. “Yeah. Frost only hires Sirens to bartend. We tend to have better luck selling the liquor and food. We can get you stuffy shirt Mystics out for a good time to spend your hard-earned cash with little effort.”

“And how many do you take home with you?” The wolf in him bristled at the idea of his mate with someone else, but the man wasn’t naive. She was a Siren, a sensual Goddess on the lookout for a good time. It was as natural to her to pick up someone as it was for him to go wolf and run the woods.

“Not as many as you think. Some of you Mystics get it in your head you can tame a girl like me. When that happens, shit blows up at the bar and we lose money. Not a lot, but we like to keep you guys coming back. It’s good for our little town.”

They hadn’t been driving more than ten minutes when she made a hard left, and they were heading down a main street. Small cozy businesses lined each side, all shut down for the night.

“This is town?”

“Yep. Summerset.” Her voice was filled with fondness and pride.

“Born and raised here?”

She chuckled. “No. Like most Sirens, I grew up near the coast. Gotta be near the water to hone our skills. Singing to the men on ships or heading to the lake to practice on boaters, pulling them in to do our bidding. People always think of mermaids when they hear about luring sailors, but those bitches aren’t the only ones who can snag whomever they want with the sound of their voices.

“Just about every Siren, male and female, can read the thoughts of others. Humans are unbelievably easy. No filter or power to stop us from getting in.

“Then there is the individual power. Well, typically you only get one. Saltár
which you should know means jump in Greek. It’s basically teleportation. Pág
ma or freeze is my ability. I can render people completely immobile. They’re aware of what is going on around them, but are unable to do anything. Finally, there is metatopíz
or shift. That’s the one I wish I had. It’s the ability to change the way the environment looks.

“Anyway, I moved out here with a shifter friend of mine. She wanted to be closer to the
wild things,
and I wanted the adventure. She eventually found her mate and moved a couple years back. I decided to stick around. I liked working at the bar and found Summerset pretty damn cozy. I’ve been here just about ten years now.”

Andreas sat quietly and listened to Amber rattle on. He could tell she was nervous. Her pulse beat like butterfly wings in her neck. She barely took a breath between sentences. He didn’t mind it though. Learning about the woman that was his future would never be a waste of time.

ten years
caught his attention. “How old does that make you?” It didn’t matter to him what her age was, unless she was underage, but seeing how she was working at a bar, he didn’t think that was an issue. His curiosity had gotten to him though now that age was mentioned. He also just wanted to keep her talking. The sound of her husky, smooth voice entranced him. And it helped fuel his imagination, and how he thought she would sound crying out his name during orgasm.

“Why, afraid you’ve gotten yourself a cougar?”

He chuckled. “No. I’ll bet I’m older than you.”

She hummed under her breath. “I might just take you up on that. What are your terms, sir?”

“I’m older, I’m in charge in the bedroom, and you do what I say without protest.”

She opened her mouth, her first protest already in the works. He held up his hand. “Within reason, nothing dangerous or life-threatening. Though, I’ll guarantee you’ll love what I have in mind.”

She snorted none-too-delicately. “And if I’m older?”

The corner of his mouth curved into a grin. “I’m happily at your mercy, ma’am.”

Amber turned down into a residential area, whipping past a bunch of two-story cookie-cutter homes. A few turns later, and she pulled into the driveway of the first house at the end of a cul-de-sac.

Andreas unbuckled and ducked down to get a better look at the place through the windshield. Even though it was dark, he could make out the basic structure. It had the typical two-car garage out front, a small path to the front door, and faux brick and siding covering the two-stories. He couldn’t tell what color, but assumed it was the standard light-toned colors meant to appear homey but with no real personality. “This is yours?”

“Sure is and there’s one room in particular I’d loved to show you, but first…”

He turned his head, and she caught him by surprise. Her slim hand wrapped around the back of his neck, and she tugged him forward. Soft, plush lips landed on his, feasting on him like he was her last meal.

Blindly reaching for the side of his seat, he hit the button to shove it back as far as it could go. When it stopped, he grabbed Amber and pulled her over the consol. She went easily, clamoring over until her knees were wedged on either side of his hips. She ground her pussy against his cock, which was still threatening to burst through his jeans.

Lips still fused together; there was a sudden descent of his seat. The back lowered, taking them with it. He didn’t give a shit as long as she kept her lush little body on top of his. He’d let her have this moment of control before he snatched it back and showed her how much of a dominant wolf he was.

He skimmed his lips along her jaw and neck, nipping the delicate skin along the way. “Do we have a bet?” he murmured.

A soft moan escaped her lips after he licked the soft spot where neck and shoulder met. “What?”

He pushed against her shoulders to lift her slightly. He wanted to look into her eyes when they agreed to his terms. There would be no backing out, and his wolf would be able to tell a lie. “The bet. I’m thirty-five.”

Her nostrils flared and she hesitated, licking her lips before speaking. “I’m thirty-six.”

Oh, his mate was a pretty little liar. He tsked and nipped her chin. “Wrong answer. Do you want to try again?”

Her eyes narrowed marginally. “I’m thirty-six.” She put a little more force behind the words. A little more belief in what she was saying, though they both knew it wasn’t true.

“Oh my sweet, sweet mate. I can scent your lie. Your cinnamon turns bitter and burns the nose.”

Her flinch was almost imperceptible. “Don’t call me your mate. I’m not. I’m a Siren. Sirens don’t do that
mate and married for life

Andreas stared at her hard. He didn’t think she really believed that, or it could be that she was trying to convince herself of that. Either way, he had no intention of refraining from calling her his mate. She needed to get used to it because it
going to happen.

“I’ll let it go for now, but this is far from over.” He sat up and tumbled them out of the SUV.

Chapter 6
July 4th – Saturday 2:30am

mber found
herself hoisted into the air, Andreas’s large hands cupping her ass as he carried her to the front door. She didn’t mind the manhandling since it got her off her feet. Mystic or not, standing for most of the day killed a girl’s feet no matter the shoe. Her go-to footwear was a pair of nicely cushioned sneakers. Not the sexiest, but she didn’t give a damn.

“Keys,” he rumbled against her neck, where he sucked the soft skin and nibbled with his sharp teeth. She assumed his wolf was pushing against him, trying to break free.

She shuddered and gasped when he bit down roughly, but not enough to break her skin. “It’s open.” There wasn’t a need to lock the door in her neighborhood. Everyone knew everyone else and looked out for each other. Her closest neighbor, Marge, was probably getting an eyeful at the moment and enjoying the show.

The retired schoolteacher and witch had a wicked sense of humor, and told the raunchiest jokes Amber had ever heard. She also kept an eye out for Amber on the nights she worked; to make sure she got home okay.

Amber peeked around Andreas’s head and, sure enough, Marge stood on her front porch under the light in neon green house slippers and her bright ass pink robe. Amber waved and Marge turned away, shuffling back into her own home.

Andreas looked over his shoulder.

She took advantage while his head was turned and nibbled on his ear. “My neighbor,” she whispered. “She looks out for me. Just signaling all is well.”

He grunted and opened the door, slamming it shut behind them after he maneuvered them inside. “Where to?”

“Straight back. Hook the first right after the stairs.”

Andreas marched them through the house and directly to her bedroom. He didn’t stop moving until he had her on the bed, his big body hovering over her. He bent his head, kissing her quickly on the lips before trailing hot, open-mouthed kisses along her jaw and down her neck. He nipped her flesh, the sharp points of his teeth reminding her the wolf inside of him was close to the surface. The amount of self-control he had to be exerting to keep the beast back, pretty damn impressive.

He skimmed a hand around her hip, then up, his fingers digging under the hem of her shirt. The soft fabric of the tank scraped against her skin as he slid his hand higher, the shirt going with it. The feel of it sending shards of sensation through her chest, her heart pounded and her blood pulsed hot. Finally, he clasped her breast, his entire hand engulfing it, squeezing gently. Fingers pinched and plucked at her nipple. The sharp pain giving way to pleasure. She wondered what it would feel like to have his mouth on her there. To have him raking his teeth over the sensitive nub. A moan broke free unbidden, her fantasy and reality colliding to push her arousal further when he lowered his head, sucking the taut nub into his mouth. Her tank came off with a little help from her and was tossed into the abyss over the side of the bed.

Scooting down her body, Andreas worked in tandem with his lips and his hands. He nibbled and kissed. Licked and sucked. Skimmed and plucked. She writhed beneath him wanting more, her fingers finding purchase in his hair, grabbing on tightly. Her legs moved restlessly against him, coming up around his hips. Before she had a chance to lock her ankles and grind her pussy against the hard ridge in his jeans, he sat up.

“Amber,” he growled, his deep voice dragging her from her lust-induced state.

She licked her dry lips. “Andreas.” Huskiness coated his name as it came out. To her, it sounded desperate and needy. Like the Siren tried to plead with the big man to get on with it.

He smirked. “You lost.”

Pursing her lips, she swallowed down the argument trying to escape. She really wanted to dispute his words because she hated to lose. One might call it a Siren’s flaw, but those idiots were few and far between. No, she kept her mouth shut in hopes he would get on with it. For stressing how big and bad he was, he wasn’t doing a good job of following through.

“I can see by your face you aren’t ready to concede.” His hands landed on her thighs, right above her knees. He dug his thumbs in lightly, and then slowly worked them up toward her pussy. The small circles he massaged into her jeans made her wish those strong, smooth hands were gliding across her bare skin. She could probably come from it. As it was, pulses of pleasure rocketed into her sex.

She smiled, but kept her mouth closed. She knew if she opened it, she’d admit to Queen, Goddess, and Country that she lied in order to win, and beg him to take command of her body.

in charge. We both know you weren’t telling the truth and need to be punished.”

She couldn’t help it. She burned inside with need. Pushing him was the only way her lust-addled brain could think to get him moving again. “If my punishment is you talking this to death, then consider me punished.”

Andreas’s nostrils flared and his eyes narrowed dangerously, flashing a deep gold.

A thrill raced through her chest at the sight. She’d never been with a shifter that intense before. Part of her wary of their tendency to claim first, and ask forgiveness later. The other Sirens in the bar told stories of seeing the eyes of the shifters they’d been with do the same thing when they were highly aroused. When they were skirting the edge between man and beast. They got the fucking of a lifetime, something Amber was totally on board with.

His hands trailed around her pussy, avoiding it altogether. He slid them up her torso, over her shoulders and down her arms. Linking their fingers together, he raised her arms above her head. Pressing them firmly against the mattress.

“These stay here.” He squeezed her hands lightly. “You move them, I stop.” He paused, and she knew he waited for some type of response. “Understood?”

She was torn between saying yes and nodding. Opting to keep her mouth closed, she nodded quickly.

A slow, wicked grin curved one corner of his mouth. “Good.” He raked his short nails down her arms, sending goosebumps skittering across her flesh. She sucked in a harsh breath as tingles spread throughout, hitting every nerve in her body, including the ones in her scalp.

He made quick work of unbuttoning and pulling her jeans and sneakers off, dropping them to the floor. Standing at the foot of the bed, he stared at her, devoured her with his gaze. His visual caress felt entirely too real. Warmth flooded her system, her pussy tingling in response. The man was entirely too lethal and way over dressed. All she had left on were the cute lace bra and satin panties.

As if reading her thoughts, he reached down and pulled his shirt up. Inch by inch of warm olive skin was revealed. The Venus-cut. Six-pack abs. The trail of dark hair, running from his belly button into the top of his jeans. Dark, flat nipples that puckered when the cool air in the room hit them.

Amber swallowed hard at the sight. His shirt fell from his fingers, and then he was reaching for the button on his pants. She held her breath and waited, letting it go in a loud whoosh when he finally popped it.

The zipper sounded loud in the quiet room, as it went down notch by notch. Amber’s gaze bounced from Andreas’s eyes to his pants and back again. Lust and need were stamped across his features. After what felt like an eternity, he hooked his thumbs into the waistband and shoved the material down. His cock sprang free, heavy and wide. He bent and made quick work of getting his jeans off the rest of the way. When he straightened, he wrapped one of his big hands around his shaft and pumped. Moisture pearled on the head, and Amber found herself licking her lips, imagining his taste on her tongue. She had the idea it would be dark and smoky. An earthy spice that warmed and soothed her entire being.

etting go
of his cock after a hard squeeze at the base, Andreas wasn’t sure what he wanted to do next. Amber licked her lips like a predator spotting its next meal. He knew the feel of her hot mouth around his hard-on would bring sweet relief to his aching flesh, as well as pull him to the edge much too soon. At the same time, her arousal wafted to his sensitive nose. Cinnamon and sex blended to form an overwhelming aphrodisiac that had him salivating. He wanted to taste her honeyed pussy and swallow every drop she gave him.

Grabbing his mate by the ankles, he slowly pulled her until her ass was on the edge of the mattress. He hooked his fingers into the waistband of her panties and pulled them down. It took seconds to get them off her completely, yet it felt like an eternity.

Dropping to his knees, he brushed one thick digit against her slit. Her breath caught and hips popped up. He was pleasantly surprised to see her hands stay next to her head. His mate listened…for now.

He brushed over her slit two, three more times, pressing between the soft folds, touching her deeper with each pass. He pulled his finger away and waited until Amber’s eyes opened and focused on him. He sucked the digit into his mouth, licking every creamy drop of her arousal off. A hum broke free of his throat at her taste. It was the sweetest nectar, even better than the ambrosia from the Gods.

Done with the preliminaries, he draped her legs over his shoulders, took her hips into his hands, and tilted them, diving in, eyes locked on hers. She cried out after the first rough swipe with his tongue. Over and over he tasted her flesh, wiggling the tip of his tongue over her clit. Digging it between her wet pussy lips to fuck her.

She bucked and thrashed her head. Her fingers curled into fists. He saw her struggle to keep them where they were. Deciding she’d done well enough for a reward, he slipped a finger into her core. Sliding it in and out. Fucking her as he sucked on her clit. Her legs trembled, ass clenched. A cry flew from her mouth as her body stiffened with the onslaught of her orgasm.

Andreas reached for his pants and pulled a condom out of his wallet. Ripping it open, he sheathed his cock before climbing onto the bed and dragging her up with him. Her legs wrapped around his waist, aligning the tip of his cock with her wet entrance.

“Please, Andreas,” she begged.

He didn’t need to be asked twice. He slammed into her, drawing a ragged cry of surprise from her lips. He thought to stop and wait for her to adjust, until he felt her hands land on his ass, her nails digging in deep. He sat up; cock still lodged inside, and pried her hands off. Falling over her, their fingers laced together, he pulled out and slammed back in.

“I told you,” he gritted out between thrusts, “to keep…your hands…in place.” His rhythm built, pulling out and sliding in again. The slam of his balls bouncing off her ass, and their harsh breathing the only sounds in the room. The scent of the joining, the smell of their sex filled the room, and pulled the wolf from within.

Andreas’s nails extended. His fangs broke through his gums. He knew his eyes would be glowing brightly. He thrust into her three or four more times before he pulled out and flipped her. He spread her thighs wide with his knees and pulled her hips up. He pressed down on the upper part of her back, forcing her into a submissive posture.

Grasping her waist, he plowed back into her, his hips shuttling back and forth. Amber grunted and moaned beneath him.

“Harder,” she said, turning her head to look back at him.

He struggled to hold onto the wolf, to keep him at bay, but the creature was in full rutting mode. His goal to mate and claim the beauty giving herself to them.

Andreas knew he wouldn’t be able to hold him back much longer. Sliding a hand around Amber’s hip, he found her clit and pressed hard. She stiffened. Her back arched. A second later, her body jerked and her pussy locked down on his cock.

“Andreas,” she screamed, clawing at the sheets next to her head.

it was enough to set him free. He slammed into her two more times, and then held himself in deep. A howl rent the air as his seed filled the end of the condom. The beast thoroughly pissed he hadn’t claimed the Siren, but too overwhelmed with pleasure to do anything about it.

Amber collapsed under him and he followed her down. Minutes passed, and he knew he had to get up off of her. Knew he was crushing her, but he was exhausted and beyond satisfied.

Regretfully, he rolled off, and then sat up. His trip to the bathroom took him long enough that Amber was curled up under the sheets, her eyes drooping.

He crawled in next to her, pleased to find she had taken her bra off and hadn’t put anything else on. He wrapped himself around her lax body, letting out a contended sigh.

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