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Authors: Lisa Fox


BOOK: AMatterofLust
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A Matter of Lust

Lisa Fox


Trask is a lust demon on the hunt for a playmate, a human
exceptional enough to sate some of his ravenous hunger. When he finds Rena, he
knows she’s the one. He makes it his business to seduce her.

Rena could easily fall for the dangerously sexy bad boy who
makes her scream through every orgasm, but the problem with bad boys is that
they really are
. They break hearts, and Rena’s has been broken too
many times already.

What’s a demon to do when lust isn’t enough? To claim Rena
for his own, Trask will have to earn her trust.


A Matter of Lust

Lisa Fox


Chapter One


The deep, melodic trance music vibrated through Trask’s body
as he prowled the crowded dance floor. He was hungry, so very, very hungry, and
the time had come for him to find a willing partner for the night. Any one of
the mortals undulating around him would have sufficed, but so far none of them
appealed to him. The need gnawed at his insides, but he waited, searching for
the one. Over his long years among the humans, he’d learned that it always paid
to be a little bit discriminating. It made the feast so much more gratifying.

He sidestepped around a young woman, his shoulder
accidentally brushing against hers. He felt her body temperature rise as he
passed, the lust that had been simmering just below the surface swelling to a
fevered pitch within her. She grabbed her companion and kissed him ferociously,
shamelessly rubbing herself against him. She wasn’t the only one affected by
his presence either. Potent waves of raw sexual energy radiated from him,
infecting the air around him, threatening to turn the club into one giant orgy.
Trask smiled at the thought.

He cruised the dance floor, reveling in the exquisite thrill
of his hunt. Human lust was such a decadent treat, so very different from the
desperate lust of the damned in hell, and it filled this ordinarily dull world
with brilliant light and added depth to the darkest shadows. He could feel it
oozing from the dancers, the men and the women, sweating and panting, touching
and grinding, their bodies writhing in time with the music. Tension built in
his groin and he welcomed the pure, straining delight.

He stopped suddenly, the prickling at the base of his spine
alerting him to the presence of another demon nearby. Not a lust demon like
himself, but something similar. Pride maybe, or perhaps wrath? He couldn’t
quite get a fix on it. He waited, wondering if it was going to make contact.
Often other demons haunting and hunting the human realm wanted to meet, to plot
and plan and scheme, to “raise some hell” or whatever, but he got the
impression that it was occupied with something else entirely. Which was just
fine with him. He’d never been the social sort.

The music changed and a thumping bass beat poured out of the
speakers. Trask shook off the psychic residue of the other and worked his way
toward the bar. He ordered a bourbon on the rocks and leaned back, happily
absorbing the intoxicating atmosphere while scanning the crowd for his
potential playmate.

His gaze fell upon a woman on the edge of the dance floor in
a short, black dress that hugged every curve of her luscious body. Her
violently dyed red hair was piled high on her head and sexy tendrils escaped to
frame her heart-shaped face. There was a hint of rosy flush on her smooth,
round cheeks and the way her hips swayed to the music made his cock stir.

Trask placed his drink aside and unconsciously ran his
tongue over his teeth as he glided toward her. She was tall, probably close to
six feet in her heels, but he still had to lean down to whisper close to her
ear. “Hello,” he purred, breathing in her clean scent of shampoo and roses and

She turned slowly toward him, her gaze roaming over his
face, his body, and he got the distinct impression that she was mentally
undressing him. He certainly hoped she was. She obviously liked what she saw
because a smile blossomed on her glossy, pink lips. “Hi.”

The instant, piercing sexual tension between them made his
blood surge. He reached out with a fine strand of psychic energy and lightly
dipped into her primal core. Trask hissed as desire coiled in his groin. She
was sweet ambrosia, a succulent feast just waiting to happen and his cock ached
to sink inside her, to make her come again and again while he fed on all that
glorious lust. “You are very beautiful,” he said, savoring the tiny taste of
her fire.

“Uh-huh,” she said, mischief and humor making her eyes
sparkle. “Tell me something I don’t know.”

Trask laughed. He liked this woman. “I think I might be in
love with you,” he said, beginning the game. It was a line that had worked many
times before—the humans always seemed enchanted and amused by the concept, but
it was a hollow sentiment, something meant to elicit a grin and nothing more.
But as the words left his mouth, they felt different this time, almost as if
they had…weight.

“Are you sure it’s love you feel?” she asked, a smile
dancing along the corners of her mouth. Her eyes flicked down to his crotch. “Or
something else entirely?”

“Now I know I’m in love,” he replied, the lust coursing
through his veins. She was perfect. Fun. Bold. Smoking hot. And she was going
to be his. All night long. He reached out and traced the curve of her cheek
with his index finger. Her skin was flawless, warm and silky. “What’s your

She paused and an odd little smile formed on her lips. “Does
it matter?”

Normally it wouldn’t matter—in fact, there was no reason why
it should matter, but for some reason it did matter. It mattered a lot. “Yes.”

Her smile changed, softened, and Trask was awestruck by just
how simply beautiful she was. “Rena. My name is Rena.”

“Rena.” He liked the way it rolled off his tongue.

“And what about you?” she asked, leaning closer to him. He
looked straight down into her very ample cleavage and took his time enjoying
that magnificent view. His fingers itched to caress that soft skin, to feel the
weight of her full, round breasts in his hands. “Do you have a name? Or should
I just call you the sexy Darkman of my dreams?”

“I do like the sound of that.” He wondered if his presence
was affecting her, making her more daring than she’d normally be or if this was
just her nature. He had the power to inspire humans to say and do outrageous
things simply by standing beside them. His gaze touched on her flamboyant red
hair and he thought—hoped—that it was her and not a consequence of his
influence. “But Trask is so much shorter and to the point.”

“Trask,” she said, and he had to admit, he liked the way his
name sounded on her lips. He couldn’t wait to hear her scream it. Her eyes
trailed over him, her gaze a provocative caress that sent hot, tingling ripples
down his spine. “So, now that you’ve declared your love, what happens next?”

“Oh, you know, the usual.” He caught hold of a loose strand
of her hair and twined it around his fingers. The tension between them rocketed
up a few notches and he inhaled the essence of her arousal, breathing it deep
into his body, relishing the flavor of her. “A whirlwind romance, storybook
marriage, honeymoon in Paris.”

“Followed swiftly by a quickie divorce in Mexico, right?”

Her voice was tinged with unmistakable venom and the
bitterness sliced through the hazy, plush cloud of their lust. Startled by the
mental slap in the face, Trask dropped his hand back to his side. Darkness
deepened around him as anger settled in. He did not like this turn of events at
all. “What makes you think I’d do anything quick with you?”

“I see,” she said, and he watched her features soften as her
mood shifted. Humans were so extraordinarily complex. He didn’t think he’d ever
understand their ability to feel so much, so quickly and thoroughly, even when
those emotions were completely contradictory. Demons were defined by their
desires, embodiments of the thing they hungered after. There was never a reason
for a demon to feel anything more than his driving need. Everything else just
got in the way of the goal.

Her bitterness ebbed away, gone almost as quickly as it had
come, and she favored him with a dazzling, flirtatious smile. “You’re a
slow-and-steady kind of guy then?”

“Oh yes,” he said, returning her grin. “And I always win in
the end.”

She laughed, a lovely, musical sound that tugged at his
insides. She leaned into him, a whisper of space between them and he could feel
the heat of her body on his skin. “Hmm,” she said, and bit down on her lower
lip. Her fingers flitted over his collarbone. “I do like confidence.”

He caught her hand and brought it to his lips. “Then you’re
definitely going to like me.” He pressed a kiss to the inside of her wrist and
her excited pulse fluttered beneath his lips.

She moved against him and his arm automatically went around
her waist, drawing her closer. She fit snugly in his arms, a soft, solid weight
that was all woman. His eyes flicked to her plump lips. He needed a taste. Just
one, tiny taste. He touched his mouth to hers lightly at first, but the
delicate press of her lips, the mingled heat of their breath, snapped something
within him and he rocketed straight into the red zone. With a low growl, he
parted her lips with his tongue and plunged into her warm, wet depths. He lost
himself in the taste of her and his hands moved over her body, sliding down to
cup her ass. His cock swelled, hard and painful, and he shifted her hips,
letting her feel how much he wanted her. She squirmed in his arms and he
deepened the kiss, his tongue caressing hers with fiery intensity. She let out
a little moan when his hand dipped briefly between her thighs and his cock
jerked in response. Every cell in his body screamed for her. There was no more
waiting. He had to have her now. He broke this kiss, licked a path along her
jaw, his teeth scraping over her skin. “Let’s go.”

“You want to leave already?” she asked impishly. Her fingers
tangled in his hair and she bit down on his earlobe. The fresh wave of heat
that washed over him almost unhinged his knees. “Aren’t we having a good time
right here?”

“I can think of better ways to spend my time with you.” He
kissed her again, nipping her lips while backing her up against the nearest
wall. Her breasts pressed against his chest and he could feel the pounding of
her heart between them. His own heart was pounding just as hard.

“Oh?” she asked, separating her mouth from his. “And what
ways might those be?” She shifted in his arms, allowing him to settle between
her thighs. He pressed into her, his cock aching to fill her. She rocked her
hips against him and Trask’s eyes nearly rolled back into his head.

Her scent made him dizzy, drove the need roaring through his
veins. He could taste her lust for him, feel it in the marrow of his bones and
the desire swelled in his groin. He traced his tongue over the outline of her
ear. “Like inside you. Hearing you scream.” He nuzzled her throat, his lips
ghosting over her soft skin. “Making you come.”

She pulled back from him, smiling all the while. “All right,
I’m convinced.” She reached down between them, placed her hand over his cock
and squeezed.

All the blood in his body rushed straight to his cock,
leaving him lightheaded. Unable to help himself, he gripped her hand and pushed
his hips forward. “You know, I don’t have any problem with taking you right
here, if that’s what you want.”

Her smile widened and she removed her hand from his cock to
lace her fingers through his. “Now, now,” she said, and turned to lead him
across the dance floor. “We wouldn’t want to make a scene.”

He followed behind her, hypnotized by the sway of her hips.
His vision narrowed to a tunnel, focused entirely on her gorgeous ass. He hoped
she lived close because he didn’t know how much longer he could keep himself
from ripping off her clothes and plunging into her. She wove through the crowd
and Trask frowned, wondering why it was taking so long to get out of the club.
He looked up, expecting to the find the exit right there in front of him and it
took him a full minute to figure out why he wasn’t seeing it. “Wait,” he said,
tugging on her hand to stop her. “Where are we going? The exit is the other

“Yes, I know,” she said with a sexy smile. She tilted her
head toward the back of the club. “We’re going upstairs.”

“Upstairs?” he asked, hopelessly confused. It was hard to
think with her scent in the air around him, the voracious lust clawing at his

“Yes,” she said, typing on a security keypad to unlock a
door in the far back corner of the club. “To my office.”

“Your office?” He knew he probably sounded like a bit of an
idiot, repeating everything she said, but the words had a hard time penetrating
through the cloud of his hunger. He needed her naked, writhing beneath him, his
mouth on her breast, his cock hard and deep inside her. He couldn’t quite
comprehend how not leaving the club was going to allow him to achieve these

“Yes, my office,” she said, laughing as she led him up the
stairs. “This is my place. I own Lucid.”

She opened a door at the end of the hallway and ushered him
inside a darkened room. He heard the sound of the lock snap shut behind him and
her words finally clicked into place. He smiled. Everything was going to be all


Rena led her mysterious Darkman inside her private suite and
shut the door behind them. Fucking him in her office was probably not the best
idea—it probably set all kinds of bad examples for the staff and whatnot, but
she didn’t care. She wanted him. And she intended to have him. Immediately. And
with great enthusiasm.

She locked the door and the breath caught in her throat when
she turned and met his eyes across the room. He was beautiful in the low light,
the moonlight playing on the hard edges and plains of his handsome face. He was
the sexy Darkman of her fantasies, the anonymous star of her late-night sweaty
dreams. It wasn’t just that he was tall, dark-haired and all in black. It was
in the way he moved, the way he spoke, the way his touch sent shooting sparks
of electrifying lust all along her nerve endings. His scent inspired visions of
raunchy sex and rough hands, being taken hard and fast, over and over again.

A shiver went down her spine and she let out a long breath.
His presence was so deeply overpowering, so overtly sexual, is was impossible
not to look at him and think marvelously dirty thoughts. He’d barely touched
her and her panties were already drenched. Every instinct she possessed told
her that sex with this man was going to be amazing, awe-inspiring, the stuff of

BOOK: AMatterofLust
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