Always You (A Magnolia Falls Novel) (7 page)

BOOK: Always You (A Magnolia Falls Novel)
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She waited until the last guest had left to speak to Liz. They were in the front parlor. Liz had just picked up her volume of Shakespeare and sat down to start reading. Diana shook her head. She didn’t get why Liz always played the dumb blonde, yet she’d read all of Shakespeare’s works multiple times over. She quoted from Shakespeare regularly. Liz was a lot smarter than the impression she gave the world. Diana sat across from her in a blue armchair resting her feet on the matching ottoman between them. “O, Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo? That’s about the only one I know,” Diana said.

Liz marked her place in her book and set it down. “Speaking of Romeo, you and Zack looked pretty close tonight.”

“It was a trick of the sunlight. That ship has sailed.”

“It looked securely anchored to me. He’s never gotten over you.”

“Of course he did. He was married.”

“Listen, there is something I’ve needed to say to you for ten years—”

Diana cut her off with a wave of her hand. “It’s in the past. Water under the bridge. Let’s leave it there.”

“No, I have to explain. It was all me. I threw myself at him. I kissed him. He did not kiss me back. He pushed me away. I was jealous of you and wanted what you had, the love, and affection of everyone in this town. What I did was wrong. I hurt you, and I am so sorry. You don’t know how many times over the last ten years I have wished I could go back to that night and do things differently.”

“Let it go. I did things that night I’m not so proud of either, we were kids. But since we are apologizing, I’m sorry I ruined your scrapbooks. I know they meant a lot to you. It was childish of me.”

Liz waved that off. “I deserved it and more. Besides, like you said, we were little more than children. Eighteen is on the cusp of adulthood, not quite there, yet thinking we know it all. I was such a brat back then.”

“Back then?” Diana lifted a brow. “I hate to tell you this, but bratty Liz reared her head again today.”

“What are you talking about?” She asked, warily.

“You called Logan Collier to cancel.”

“Ah, that.” Liz sat back and crossed her arms. “I don’t need him. I’m doing fine. I’ve already gained five pounds.”

“That’s great. I’m happy to see you eating more, but you still need him.”

Liz’s eyes flared. “I do not need some ridiculous life coach psychoanalyzing me every minute of the day.”

“He is not a life coach. He’s an eating disorder coach.” Diana tried to keep calm.

“Same difference.”

“No, it isn’t. He is a certified therapist and dietician. Your doctor in New York highly recommended him. But you already know this. You read all the research.”

“Do you really want some strange man staying in the house? What if he hurts Jessica? He could be a pedophile, or an axe murderer who will kill us all in our sleep.”

Diana looked at her incredulously. “I’ve done an intensive background check on him. You know this, too. Looks like ten years didn’t do you much good in the growing up department because you are acting childish.” Diana stood to leave, when she reached the door she stopped and turned. Liz was still sitting on the loveseat, arms crossed, with a mutinous expression on her face. “He will be here at ten tomorrow morning. I expect you to be here.” She left the room closing the doors behind her. A loud thump sounded as something hit the door from the other side. She smiled. Looks like Liz had many uses for that book of Shakespeare sonnets.












Zack watched his sister in amazement as she packed for a month and lectured him at the same time. She walked around the room gathering different items, matching them up to make sure they looked good enough for TV. He didn’t understand why she bothered. They would be covered up by her chef’s coat. When he mentioned that, she just glared at him and continued on her rant. He really didn’t want to hear what she was saying, but every time he tried to leave she would pull him back in.

“This is your second chance, so don’t blow it this time. I could never understand why you didn’t date her in high school. Diana was always perfect for you, but being the bull-headed male, you couldn’t see it.”

“I saw it. She was your best friend. I didn’t want a relationship between Diana and me to come between you two,” he said.

“Oh no, you don’t. You will not use me as an excuse.” She threw the article of clothing she had in her hand at his head. Zack was so glad it was a t-shirt and not an undergarment. She had been known to throw plenty of those at him when they were kids. “You were too scared she would turn you down. Then, when you finally got the nerve up to ask her to prom, you blew it. You should have known better than to get within twenty feet of Liz back then.”

Zack rolled his eyes. “That was not my fault. Besides, it was years ago. Ancient history. If Diana was really interested back then, she would have given me a chance to explain.”

“Don’t be a dolt. You know she adored you, but you also know how Liz made her feel. Still does, actually.”

“Liz has changed. She doesn’t treat Diana the way she did when they were kids.” Zack couldn’t believe he was defending Liz. But in her defense, she had made an effort the last few years to endear herself to the town.

“Liz is a perfect sweetheart,
. But she doesn’t have to do anything except stand to make Diana feel inferior.”

“Why would Diana feel inferior? Liz might be a supermodel, but she’s never held a candle to Diana.”

“Maybe you should tell Diana that. You are the only person who can make her believe it.” Jillian sat down next to Zack and blew out a breath. “I am going to miss Cassidy so much. Please take good care of my baby while I’m gone.”

Zack wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close to his side. “I will protect her with my life. Nothing will happen to her on my watch.”

“Thanks, little brother. I’ve never spent a whole month away from her.” She wiped a stray tear that escaped her eye.

“I know. But the time will fly, and you will be back home with her before you know it. With the money to open your very own cupcake shop.”

“I know you’re right. Doesn’t make it any easier.” She stood and continued folding clothes and adding it to her suitcase. “Since you and Diana will be playing mommy and daddy to Cassidy and Jessica it’s a perfect time for you to bond.”

Zack stood up and walked to the window. “I can’t get involved with her.”

“Why not?”

Zack smiled. He could almost see his sister stomping her foot.

“Because of Hannah. I could never give her the love she deserved, and if I get involved with Diana, I know I will love her far more than I did Hannah. It’s not fair.”

“That’s ridiculous. You made Hannah feel loved. She adored you and felt cherished by you. I know she would want you to move on and find love again. She would want you to be happy.”

He shook his head. “You’re right. Hannah was the sweetest person I’ve ever met. She would want me to find happiness, which makes it so much worse. I tried to love her, but I just couldn’t, not the way she deserved. My heart has always belonged to Diana. I never should have married Hannah. She deserved someone with a whole heart to give to her.”

“Zack. You are wrong. Hannah told me you made her deliriously happy. She said she never thought she would find a man like you, and she couldn’t wait to spend the rest of her life with you. She got her wish, even though her life was cut short. She spent that little bit of time happy and secure in the knowledge you loved her, and you would have been an amazing father to the child she carried.”

Zack sucked in a breath. Every time he thought about losing Hannah and their unborn baby he felt his lungs constrict. He had lost his family in one night, at the hands of a drunk driver who would never understand the pain he caused because he died as well on the same night. Some would say it was justice. Zack would have preferred to see him rot in prison for the rest of his very long life.

Jillian’s hand on his back pulled him out of his painful memories. “You deserve to be happy, too, Zack. So does Diana. Without one another, neither of you will ever be happy. Don’t deprive her or yourself of that happiness.”


Later that night, Zack lay in bed thinking about his sister’s words. She was right, Diana was the only woman who could make him happy. He had known since he was a teenager. Now knowing he had managed to make Hannah feel loved helped a little, but the guilt still lingered. She would want him to find someone else and be happy. That was her nature. She wanted everyone to find happiness. Maybe, eventually, he could vanquish the guilt completely and finally step into the life he was meant to live, with Diana.


The following morning Liz was gone by the time Diana got up, and she didn’t bother putting in an appearance the rest of the day. In a town this small it wouldn’t have been difficult to locate her, but Logan suggested she be left alone. She had to go home at some point.

She spent Saturday morning getting him settled in since he would be staying in the house for the duration of the treatment. He went over the types of treatment plans he used on his clients and explained after he got to know Liz a little better, he would decide which plan would be best for her.

Now it was evening. Zack and Cassidy would be there any minute to pick them up, and she felt as nervous as a teenager on her first date, which was silly because this was not a date. They were just taking the girls to the movie in the town square.

“Did you find my ‘Shrek’
blanket?” Jessica asked.

“Yes, it’s right here.” Diana gestured to the green, rolled-up blanket under her arm.

Jessica nodded. “Good. I can’t watch ‘Shrek’
without my blanket,” she said and bounded down the stairs. She was halfway down when the doorbell rang. “They’re here!” she called back to Diana.

“Do not open that door, young lady,” Diana said. She had discovered Jessica had the scary habit of opening the door when the doorbell rang, not bothering to see who it was.

“But it’s Cassidy and her uncle,” Jessica said, crossing her little arms across her chest. She reminded Diana of the young Liz.

“Have you checked to see if it’s them?”

Jessica shook her head, setting her curls to bouncing.

“Do not open the door if you haven’t checked to see who it is. Do you understand?”

“Yes,” she replied quietly. Diana hugged her to take the sting out of her words. Then she opened the door. There stood Zack, looking sinfully handsome in a pair of jeans and a black polo shirt. Cassidy wore jeans and a t-shirt with Shrek and Fiona on it.

“Hey, you two. We are all ready to go,” she said, ushering Jessica out the door.


A soft floral and fruity scent tickled Zack’s nose and flooded his senses. The familiar smell rekindled memories he’d thought were buried. Desires and dreams he’d fought to vanquish were still there. It was a fight he had apparently lost.

Diana represented everything he’d ever wanted in life, things he had tried to want with Hannah, but never quite succeeded. He still couldn’t completely convince himself it was fair for him to have another chance at love and happiness when Hannah didn’t. He just didn’t know if it was a chance he could take, no matter how badly he wanted to.

The girls scampered into the backseat while he opened the door for Diana.

“Thank you,” she said, quietly. Her smile caused a flutter in his chest. He nodded and closed the door. As he got in and fastened his own seatbelt Diana turned and looked at the girls to make sure they were buckled in. As he set the car in gear and drove away he had to force himself not to reach for Diana’s hand. He was glad it was a short drive to town.


The town square was already full of people when they arrived. “This is our spot,” Cassidy said. He looked up at Diana and felt bad he had ignored her as they walked across the square. Perhaps it was better that way. He should keep her at arm’s length. She helped the girls spread out their blankets and sat on the far end of Jessica’s. With the two girls sitting next to each other that left him on the other side of Cassidy. She had managed to put as much space between them as possible.

“Uncle Zack, can you buy us some popcorn?” She pointed to the popcorn vendor coming towards them.

“Absolutely. We can’t watch a movie without popcorn.” He motioned to the vendor. “Four please.”

Diana tried to hand him money as he passed her two boxes of popcorn. He felt his face harden as he shook his head.

“Thanks, Zack. I’ll get the cotton candy later.”

“This is a date, Auntie Diana. The boy always pays on a date.”

“You heard the little lady.” He winked at Diana as he passed around cotton candy next.

“I like it when the boy pays,” Jessica said with a mouthful of cotton candy.

“It looks like I’m outnumbered.” Diana took her cotton candy from him and smiled. He felt like he’d been sucker punched in the gut. Her smile had always had that effect on him.

“The movie’s starting,” the girls said excitedly, in unison. A cheer went up around the square from all the kids.

Zack looked over at Diana, and she rolled her eyes. “I can’t believe they made a Shrek
Three. If they make a fourth one, I absolutely refuse to watch it,” she said.

“You’re kidding me. Shrek
is the bomb. I’d go see a fourth Shrek
film,” he said.

“Me, too,” said Cassidy.

“Me three,” Jessica piped in.

“Hey, squirt, you’re supposed to take my side.” She playfully tugged Jessica’s hair.

“Sorry, Diana, but this is Shrek
we’re talking about.”

Zack laughed. “She is one smart little lady. But to be fair and put you out of your misery, I brought these.” He pulled a deck of cards out of his bag. “I figured you wouldn’t want to sit and watch the whole movie.”

She took the cards and held them to her chest as if they were a favored stuffed animal.

“Aw, Zack, you know me so well. I haven’t had time to play Gin Rummy in years. I could kiss you.” She smiled up at him, and there was the ever faithful punch in the gut.

“It’s no big deal. Kind of hard to forget all those hours you made me play with you.” He shrugged off her comments. The smile slid from her face, and he felt like a world class heel. She set the cards down between them.

“I’m going to get some drinks from the market. Does anyone want something?” Diana asked.

“I’ll take grape juice,” Jessica said.

“Me, too,” said Cassidy

“Zack?” She didn’t look at him, just gathered her purse and stood up. When he didn’t answer she finally looked at him, her brow raised in question. He stood too and gently cupped Diana’s elbow leading her away. “I’ll be right back, girls. Stay put.” They both nodded without looking back.

“We can’t leave them alone.” Diana argued as he guided her towards the empty bench a few feet away.

“This is Magnolia Falls. Look around, we’ve known all these people our whole lives. Besides, we can still see them from here.”

“What are you doing, Zack?”

He knew she meant more than their seating arrangements. He had been sending hot and cold signals. He didn’t blame her for asking. “I’m sorry about earlier. Some of my happiest memories are of us spending hour’s playing cards. I especially liked what we played for.”

“Kisses, the chocolate kind.”

He pushed a strand of hair behind her ear. “I’ll tell you a secret.” He put his arm across the back of the bench, behind her back and leaned towards her. “I always hoped we could play for the real kind.”

Big, green eyes looked back at him. Heart-shaped, pink lips formed a circle as she said, “Oh.” She moved back a couple of inches and stared straight ahead instead of at him.

Darn. Why had he said that to her? Her parents had just died. Liz was anorexic, and she was now responsible for raising a child. “I can’t do this.” She gestured between the two of them. “Us. I’m sorry if I led you to believe there was more.” She ran a hand through her hair. It fell in waves like a waterfall down her back. He watched her hair, and then looked back into her eyes.

“You didn’t.” Her words should make him happy. She was putting distance between them, which was exactly what he wanted. Now, if only he could start believing that.

BOOK: Always You (A Magnolia Falls Novel)
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