AlphavsAlpha (2 page)

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Authors: Francesca Hawley

BOOK: AlphavsAlpha
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Chapter Two


Damien looked down at the hot alpha female in his arms while
he took a deep breath to imprint her scent in his olfactory glands, but those
weren’t the only glands on which she was imprinting herself. Why the hell
hadn’t that idiot beta psychology profiler for this place matched him with
female? She couldn’t fit him better, physically or mentally. He couldn’t stand
a female who cringed around him. That little doll behind the desk had set his
teeth on edge from the minute he’d entered the room. If he’d said
she would have asked
How high?
Not this one. She would have told him to
take a flying leap. Hell, she just had.

He ran his palms up her thighs and under her skirt. They
both whimpered when he hit bare skin at the top of her stockings. When was the
last time that he’d dated a woman who didn’t wear pantyhose? He couldn’t
remember right now. He couldn’t even think. All he could do was feel—feel that
taut, round ass. He cupped it in his large hands and lifted her harder onto
him. Her arms snaked around his neck and her fingers stabbed into his hair,
tugging his head back so she could sniff and lick his neck. He almost came,
then and there. He brushed his cheek against hers, enjoying the pain in his scalp
as she fought his move.

“I’m gonna fuck you hard and deep, she-wolf, and you’ll beg
me to come. Maybe if you beg long enough, I’ll even let you,” he whispered into
her ear.

When she moaned and rocked her hips against him, he lowered
his mouth to hers. He was tempted to lay siege to her lips, but he knew she
expected it. So he went with a different strategy. He teased, knowing she’d
melt for him. And she did.

He nipped at her full lips and lightly licked her. She
opened her mouth to him and tugged at his hair. The little growling noises she
made had his cock twitching with the need to fill her. Damien sealed her mouth
with his and started the pleasurable task of memorizing her taste.

Meanwhile, his hands kept exploring. He found silk panties
hiding under that boring gray business skirt she was wearing. He’d bet money
the silk was black or red. He ripped the panties out from under her skirt and
looked. Sure enough, black silk. He grinned as he looked down into her fevered
green eyes. She had to have on a matching bra beneath the gray business jacket.
He reached for it to find out.

“I’m sorry, sir. But we can’t have this sort of thing
happening in the reception offices of our business.”

It was a smoky and seductive voice, but it did absolutely
nothing for him but piss him off. He turned his head and looked at the sleek
redhead in the skintight sweaterdress and snarled. His wasn’t the only snarl.

“Fuck off, Lea, he’s mine. You can try him out when I’m
I don’t kill him in the process.” He burst into surprised
laughter, but his hot little Alpha turned to frown at him. “You’re going to
finish what you started, wolfman. If you run off now, I am going to hunt you
down like the dog you are.”

He hid his wince at the insult she blithely tossed his way.
He knew she’d said it just to taunt him. Most wolves loathed the whole werewolf
thing, and he was no exception.

“Fear not, my fine bitch. I have
left a female
in heat to be mounted by another male, and I don’t intend to start now.”

“You’re in heat? For God’s sake, Serena, what were you
thinking? You
we agreed to never come in here at that time of the
month.” The redhead crossed her arms over her chest and tapped her foot in

“I am
in heat.” Serena glowered at him. “I’m not
due for a week at least.”

“If you aren’t in heat at this minute, you’re damn close.”
Damien taunted her. He marveled at himself. He couldn’t remember finding this
kind of volatility attractive in a female before, but every time the female
shot sparks at him, he caught fire.

“Whether you’re in heat or not, Serena, fucking a client in
the reception area is just
good business practice.”

“You just want him for yourself.”

“Well, really!” Lea’s face turned red but she continued to
tap her foot, but now added fingers drumming on her arms to the ensemble.

She was broadcasting not only irritation but sexual
frustration. He could smell it, but the cat left him totally unmoved. Not like
this curvy wolf bitch in his arms. It was funny, but unlike some of his
cousins, slender women didn’t get his cock hard. If he could see a female’s
ribs, it completely turned him off. Maybe it was those years working in Africa
as a Peace Corp volunteer when he was just out of college that had done it, but
even in his teens he’d wanted a woman with some junk in the trunk, and Serena
had the sweetest ass he’d held in a good long time, and tits to die for.

“Lea, I was
going to fuck him out here.”

Smothered laughter from across the room met her patently
obvious lie. Damien looked over and saw the beta who’d set him up with the
psychobitch from hell. He pointed at the young male.

“You! You’re the idiot who set me up with Joyce Blackwolf.”

Suddenly, Serena went still in his arms. “He set you up with

“Joyce Blackwolf.”

Serena’s legs dropped to the floor and she stepped away from
him. He felt a sense of loss as she moved away. Rage rolled off her as she
turned and hunted the male across the room. Damien’s muscles tightened for a
fight when she cornered the other male. If she started to fuck that one, he was
going to get violent. She belonged to

“Quillen Goldwolf, are you trying to sabotage this company?
We dropped her for a
!” Serena screeched, her voice reaching the
upper registers. Damien winced as did most of the others present. Quillen
appeared to be cowering before her wrath, and with good reason.

“I’m sorry, Serena. I thought it would be funny. He’s such a

“I don’t care if he’s the biggest prick on the planet! No
one deserves to have a run-in with a sociopath who is in desperate need of
intensive psychological therapy!”

“But, Serena…”

“Wasn’t it bad enough she almost killed your brother? Jeez,
Quillen. You are
fired. Pack your shit and get out.
Before I rip you a new asshole!”

She strode away from him and only then did everyone else in
the room take a breath. Damn, but she was magnificent, Damien grinned to
himself, and he had to have her.

Chapter Three


Serena took a deep breath of dismay. No wonder the hunk on
the other side of the room had been so irate. She would have been too. Six
months ago, Joyce had applied via the website for an exclusive and rather
expensive psych profile to find the perfect Mate. Not just some male to bed,
but rather a male for life. The profile had been so contradictory that locating
a good match had been difficult. Not only that, but Joyce’s shopping list for a
Mate included good-looking, wealthy and demonstrably fertile, as well as

Not many males were willing to provide a sperm sample for
that particular test. Only Serena’s cousin, Quinn Goldwolf, had fit Joyce’s
very specific criteria. He’d been going through a ticking of his biological
clock at the time—ready to find a Mate and start his pack. Serena still
suspected that Joyce had targeted Quinn and hacked into their system, coming here
with the intent of being matched with Quinn. Ultimately, Joyce had kidnapped
him and held him hostage. Her cousin refused to confide in anyone about the
attack and wouldn’t seek therapy to deal with it.

Serena couldn’t believe Quillen had committed such a heinous
act as to set up some unsuspecting male with
. Now she had to go
over to the arrogant bastard and grovel. She crossed the room and stood before
the hottest, most arrogant SOB she’d ever met. She swallowed, looking up into
his black eyes and tried to speak.

Nothing came out. She cleared her throat and began again.
Her voice began rusty, as if she hadn’t just been yelling at the top of her

“Mr. Blackwolf,” she cleared her throat, her voice coming
more clearly, “I most heartily apologize for the damage done by one of my
employees. I can assure you he will never darken our door again, no matter how
much he pleads.”

The man crossed his arms over his chest and raised a brow at
her. She wanted to smack him. It was hard enough to have to apologize, but his
pleased arrogance was
helping matters.

“What can we do to make amends?” She finally choked out. As
soon as he smiled, she knew she should
have asked that question. His
smile widened to a wolfish grin. No male should be that damn gorgeous or that

“There’s only one thing that will do. I want the Mate I
have been paired with when I walked through that door.” His deep voice made her
cunt start to weep again.

“Of course. I will have our best psych profiler provide you
with the appropriate partner.” She swallowed down acid. “At no charge, of

“Serena!” Lea hissed.

Serena turned to glare at her. “Do you have a better

Lea studied the wolf then smiled her best feline smile at
him because she knew she was the best profiler they had on staff. “No. I

Serena inhaled slowly and counted to ten so she wouldn’t be
tempted to commit murder for the second time that day. Blackwolf was looking
for a Mate, with a capital M, which meant he wanted pups. To get pups, he
needed a she-wolf, not a she-cat. Lea would be out of luck. Of course, with her
ample curves, Serena knew that she would as well. He might tumble her if she
in heat, which she wasn’t, but she had far too much
experience with this type of male to think she would appeal to him in any other
way. She turned back to him and waited.

“I don’t want just any Mate,

Serena grimaced. “I am aware of that, Mr. Blackwolf. We will
provide you exclusive service to find the proper female for you. has a guarantee of satisfaction.”

His grin widened farther and he leaned toward her. “Good.
Because I definitely want…

He all but purred in her ear and she could feel her juices
start to seep onto her thighs. She realized in consternation that he still held
her black silk panties in his right hand. He lifted them to his nose, inhaled
and licked his lips. Serena whimpered before biting her lip to silence herself.
He took a step closer.

The warmth of his body radiated toward her, and suddenly,
she experienced flashover. Her clothes felt uncomfortable. Her body felt
fevered. Damn it to hell…he was right. She was on the brink of heat. This
couldn’t be right. She was painfully regular and she knew she wasn’t due for at
least a week. Yet this heat was coming…setting her on fire. And it would be a
heat more intense than any she’d ever experienced before.

The only other time in her entire life she had felt anything
like this was when she’d come into heat the very first time, just shortly after
her eighteenth birthday. An unrelated alpha in her pack had initiated her and
it had been the most amazing sex she’d ever had. She just knew that if Damien
Blackwolf mounted her while she was in heat, it would make her first experience
pale in comparison.

“I’m sure we can satisfy your needs. My partner Lea Redcat
will assist you, she’s the best we have.” Serena turned to walk away from him,
hoping to preserve her sanity but froze when he caught her arm. He closed the
distance between them and she could feel the burn of him against her back. Oh
God, she wanted to bend over so he could mount her. It took every ounce of
willpower she had not to do it.

“I don’t need a profiler to find me a Mate. I managed that
on my own. I’m just surprised someone on your staff didn’t figure it out

Serena stiffened. Who? Who was he talking about? She looked
at the other females panting for him and wondered which of them he wanted. She
turned and looked up into his dark eyes. “Who did you have in mind?”


“Me?” She blinked in complete shock and turned completely
around to face him.

He nodded. “I want

“You want me for your mate.”

“No, I want you for my

Serena’s lips dropped open, forming an O. He lifted his left
hand, the one not holding her panties, and with his forefinger, gently closed
her mouth. He cupped her cheek and lightly began to caress her lips with the
tip of his thumb. Her eyelids fluttered closed and her nipples tightened under
her jacket. If he kept that up for long, she was going to come—just from having
her lips stroked. She moaned softly.

“I want you, Serena Goldwolf. I require the best. I won’t
settle for second rate.”

Serena’s eyes popped open and she frowned, growling when he
put her panties in his pocket. “I’m not trophy-bitch material.”

“If I wanted a trophy bitch, I wouldn’t have come here to
look for a proper Mate. I can get that kind of female companionship any day of
the week.”

She just bet he could, the conceited wolf. Serena wished he
would quit rubbing her lips. She couldn’t think when he did that. She tried to
step back but he followed. He slid an arm around her and pulled her tight
against him. Her hands came up to settle on his chest. She looked back into his
fathomless eyes and saw determination there. He was certain, that much she
could tell. Damn.

“I’m not in the dating pool of this service, Mr. Blackwolf.”

He frowned. “Why? Are you already Mated? If so, I don’t
think much of how he cares for you. No bitch of mine would be running around in
public without protection this close to her heat cycle.”

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