Alphas of Red Moon Ranch Complete Series (27 page)

BOOK: Alphas of Red Moon Ranch Complete Series
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Chapter 75

There was little more dangerous than carrying an open beer through Red Moon Ranch. Lilah, the newest honeypot with soft blond hair and skin not yet damaged by the harsh Californian sun, learned this the hard way. Despite having been on the ranch for almost a week now, she still refused to walk in anything but heels and they jabbed little divots into the soft ground as she walked, balancing the Black Horn beer precariously on a platter.

“Aw, darling, you shouldn’t have,” Brent said as he swiped the beer from her.

“I didn’t,” she said, though she smiled. “It’s not for you, Mr. Brent.”

“Well, maybe I can ask for something later.” He winked at her.

Cassidy turned up beside him and scoffed. “You ain’t James Bond, Brent. Leave the pretty girl alone so she can do her job.” And she whapped him over the back of the head. Then she took the beer from his hands and lifted it to her lips.

“I’m afraid it’s not for you either, ma’am,” Lilah said quickly, before she could take a single swallow.

Cassidy shot the young girl a look and then said, “Well, ain’t you a tease.”

With that, she set the beer back down on the platter.

Lilah pursed her lips, amused, and swiveled her hips as she walked away.

It wasn’t long before her beer was swept up again. The blond-headed boy took it from the tray as though he simply expected everything belonged to him. Before Lilah could open her mouth, however, she heard the shout, “Cayden! No!”

Chastised like a dog, he scowled and dropped the beer heavily back on the platter.

“Not while we’re babysitting!” The bear-girl came up to him, a small bundle tucked in her arms.

“The baby can have one too,” he protested.

The young woman shrugged. “I’d really appreciate it if you helped me. I’ll make it worth it.” They exchanged wicked smiles before the two dashed off.

The path once more clear, beer yet unharmed, Lilah soldiered on. She could see the end in sight, the porch to matron Mama Mae’s house so close now.

Her heel clung to an especially soft patch of ground, pulling her back, and she squeaked as she nearly fell backwards, beer teetering. Strong hands caught her, and the beer, and she blinked up at her savior. He wore a thick beard and unkempt hair, all streaked with silver, and he had a wild edge that frightened her, but kind eyes that crinkled around the edges.

“Thank you, Mr. Westmore,” she whispered, embarrassed.

“Those shoes will kill you,” he growled, his voice raspy, like he hadn’t used it in a while. The old man righted her and handed her drink back to her.

Lilah brushed herself off and moved to the porch. She could see him fully now, Jacob Westmore, in all his glory. Dressed casually in worn denim pants and a plaid shirt, loose enough at the top that a smattering of dark curls could poke through. Strong, all man, with a dangerous edge of Beast that glowed in his eyes from time to time—he was the epitome of an Alpha.

Lilah took in a deep breath, composing herself, and then held her head high with purpose and crossed the threshold onto the porch—

“I’ve got it.” Before she could get hardly two feet onto the porch, Holly had somehow appeared out of nowhere. She smiled easily at the stunned honeypot as she gingerly plucked the bottle of Black Horn beer from her tray.

“I can…do that for you,” Lilah fumbled.

Again, that soft smile, eyebrows knit almost sympathetically. “You’re new, aren’t you?”

“Yes, ma’am.”

“You’re very sweet. Thank you, dear. But nothing touches my husband’s lips that doesn’t come through me first.”

The honeypot stood there briefly, mouth agape, but then dropped her eyes respectfully to the Alpha’s mate, muttered an apology, and scattered.

Chapter 76

Holly watched with amusement as the girl scurried off, then turned to make her way back to the table. She’d learn her place soon enough. Holly stepped behind Jacob, wrapped her arm around his chest and then held his beer out for him. He took it, pleased, and tilted his head back to say, “Thank you.”

“You’re welcome.” He gave her a small kiss before Holly unwound herself from him and moved to her place beside him at the round porch table. Her eyes caught Cassidy’s in the distance, who smirked at her and gave her a wink of approval. Satisfied, Holly simply settled in beside her man.

“I just can’t believe it,” Alice was saying, apparently midthought.

“Can’t believe what?” Holly asked and glanced at Jacob as he took a swallow from his beer bottle. What had he told Alice while she was gone…?

,” Alice said, gesturing to it dramatically. “It’s like some kind of dream ranch.” Holly’s nerves settled back into her skin. Ever since Alice had stepped off the plane yesterday to pay Holly a visit and see the new addition, she hadn’t been able to stop taking about the ranch.

“Been in the family for generations,” Jacob said.

“It’s something else, right?” Holly said, falling into easy girl talk with her best friend. “I think I fell in love with the ranch before I fell for Jacob.”

Alice broke into laughter and Holly couldn’t help but join in, even when Jacob shot her that dark
You’re in trouble, missy
look. The look that usually landed her over his knees with a blushing bottom.

“Is that right?” he said, amused.

Holly shrugged coyly. She liked pushing his buttons, but she didn’t want to get into too much trouble. She knew just how talented he was at making it impossible for her to sit still.

The sound of screeching broke through her thoughts. “Holly, I think Jane wants you.” Trish appeared behind Holly suddenly, holding a squirming bundle in her arms.

“Oooh, let me see her,” Holly cooed, easing the baby into her arms. Jane, tiny, pink, with her daddy’s dark eyes and Holly’s inquisitive stare, settled down into her mother’s arms, blinking big eyes back up at her. “What’s wrong, princess?” Holly asked as she cupped the baby’s face, brushing away tiny tears, soothing her.

Jacob leaned over, gave an animal growl, and nibbled her tiny toes. Jane suddenly burst into shrieks of laughter, little legs kicking. Just when Holly thought she couldn’t fit any more love inside of her, her heart swelled another size.

“I think she’s just tired,” Holly said, glancing up at Trish. “Maybe put her down if you can, when you get a chance.”

“Sure. I’ve got her crib all set up in my room.”

“God, she’s so precious,” Alice cooed, reaching out to touch the soft hair on top of her head. “I could just eat her up.”

Jane, who was used to large crowds of people and her big, affectionate clan and family, kept her big eyes trained on her mother. Holly leaned down and pressed a kiss to her soft head as Jane’s eyes grew heavy. “I love you,” she murmured.

Jacob, too, leaned over to kiss his girl goodnight. “I love you, acorn.”

Trish scooped little Jane back up in her arms and murmured, “C’mon, little cub,” as she carried her off.

Jacob lifted his eyebrows to Holly and nodded in Trish’s direction. “What’s that about?”

“Trish said she’d babysit Jane tonight.”

“Pro bono?”

Holly shrugged. “Someone’s got to put that girl through college. Elmswood isn’t cheap.”

“You guys working on another yet?” Alice asked, ever nosey.

Holly shrugged, but her smile gave her away. “We’re not…
working in it.”

“So, the sex is pretty mind-blowing, huh?”

“Alice!” Holly laughed, hand over her mouth.

But then her eyes caught on Jacob and her laughter quieted and died. He was looking straight at her, light grin playing on his lips, when he said simply, “Best I’ve ever had.”

Holly felt a warm, crimson blush crawl up her neck and bloom in her cheeks. She hoped the dying sunlight might hide it, but then she saw that look in Jacob’s eyes, animal and predatory. For half a second, she feared he might launch himself at her, pin her down to the porch, and put a second child in her right then and there. She squeezed her thighs together and felt her panties already grow damp. She feared she might let him.

“That’s a good man,” Alice said, breaking Holly out of her daze. “You know, to this day, Brad still swears his best sex was some floozy he went to prom with. Love that man to pieces, but sometimes he can be so thick. Like,
, wife here.”

“Alice,” Holly said, squeezing her friend’s hand, “I hate to do this, but I’m exhausted from teaching all day…I have to hit the sack.”

“Fine,” Alice sighed. “Abandon me. I get it.”

Holly got up and squeezed the other woman tight. “This is amazing,” Alice whispered in her ear. “I’m so proud of you.”

“Thank you,” Holly said and squeezed her friend tighter. “I couldn’t have done it without you.”

“Oh, you could,” Alice said when they pulled back. “You just needed a little push. Did Holly ever tell you how I was the one who set you two up?” Alice turned her attention back to Jacob.

“No,” Jacob said and shook his head.

Holly could feel a long story coming on. She leaned over and brushed her lips against the scruff of Jacob’s jaw. “I’ll see you in bed,” she whispered.

He took her by her jaw and kissed her, fully, on the mouth. She could taste his longing and it just made her soak her panties further. She knew he could smell that, too, and that both humiliated and secretly thrilled her.

“I won’t be long,” he said, his voice deep, eyes hungry.

Holly shrugged and stood. “Take your time,” she said with a smile. “Finish your beer.”

She was grinning when she turned to head for their house. There was something deliciously devious about leaving her Alpha of a man burning. Something she wouldn’t have been able to do a year ago when she’d been too eager to please, too desperate for love.

Now, she could take as freely as she gave. And that felt good. It made the act of
all the more meaningful.

And Holly wanted to give him something special tonight.

She got home, peeled off her muddy boots, and went to take a shower. She had to sidestep the hazard zone of children’s toys that littered the floor to make her way upstairs. Holly took her time showering, knowing that Alice was a long-winded storyteller and Jacob wouldn’t be able to politely extract himself from the conversation for at least another twenty minutes. Then Holly dried off, dug into the depths of her closet, and pulled out something special to wear to bed.

Eventually, she heard the door open and shudder closed. She heard his heavy footfalls as he shook off his boots—uneven steps; he still favored one leg over the other ever since that night on the cliffs. She heard him stub his toe on a toy and swear as it burst into song. And when everything went quiet again and Jacob’s footfalls worked their way up to the bedroom, she heard his belt buckle clinking as he opened it. Finally, Holly heard the small, pleasantly surprised intake of breath when he stopped in the doorway and saw Holly spread out in bed, wearing her wedding dress.

“I think it’s time to renew our wedding vows,” she said and couldn’t hide the smile on her lips. “Don’t you?”

“Yes,” he said, though his eyes told her he was thinking about shoving the dress up her hips and taking her then and there, just as he’d done the first time they made love on their wedding night.
Not that she could blame him.
Jane kept them busy most nights and, well, it’d
a while. “I’d like that.”

“We’ve changed so much.”

“Not everything’s changed,” he said as he unbuttoned his shirt, revealing that strong, hairy chest underneath that made her weak.


“I loved you the moment I first laid eyes on you,” he said, his eyes never leaving hers. “I just didn’t realize how much.”

She swallowed hard at that, her eyes unexpectedly brimming with tears. “You did?” she asked. Normally, she’d feel self-conscious about how weak she sounded, suddenly, but with Jacob, she just felt safe.

“Yes,” he said as he crawled over on top of her. “I did. And I do.”

He kissed her, firmly, and she lost herself in his lips, the brush of his stubble against her chin. She let out a small whimper against his mouth and grabbed his face, holding him in tightly, kissing him back hard. Just needing him, him,
, all of him,
every inch
of him. She heard him grunt against her lips and one of her knees crooked up and eased between his legs, where she felt his erection bulge stubbornly through his pants. That drew another whimper from her, wanting it inside of her so badly, but them she caught herself and pulled back, breathlessly. “Wait…wait. I also have something to say.”

Even rock hard and short of breath, his eyes were patient when they looked down at her and he nodded once, encouraging.

She felt a laugh bubble at her lips—an amazed,
how did I get so lucky
laugh—and emotion welled up inside of her again, burning the backs of her eyes. Jacob cupped the side of her face with his hand and brushed away tears that dropped from the corners of her eyes when she said, voice shaking, “I gave up on love before I met you. I really did. I thought I’d had my one chance and I’d blown it. But you’ve given me…more than love.” She looked up at him now and blinked away her blurry vision, wanting to see him. Jacob. Those soft eyes, that strong jaw, expression radiating adoration for her. “You gave me a second chance to find myself,” she said, her voice coming out in a whisper.

“I love you, Holly,” he said firmly. “And everything that you are.”

“I love you too,” she said, meaning it, meaning every letter in those three words more than she had ever meant them, and she grabbed a handful of his thick hair and pulled him in for another kiss. His mouth lingered, tongue tasting her, as she needed to be close to him now, impossibly close, needed him inside of her, all over her.

“Am I sexy when I cry?” she laughed against his mouth, the release of tears making her giddy.

“Very,” he grinned and she laughed louder this time and he joined in.

“You’re perfect, Mrs. Holly Westmore,” he said as he bunched her dress around her hips.

“Take it off,” she said. Even though she’d liked the initial reaction, she realized now that making new memories were better than rehashing old ones and she felt suddenly like there were too many clothes between them. “I want to feel your skin on mine.”

He obliged eagerly and murmured, “Turn around.”

She couldn’t help but grin. “You remembered.”

“I listen better than you think,” he told her as she shifted onto her stomach to give him access to the zipper in the back. She folded her arms under her head, tucking into them like a pillow and she felt his fingers draw the zipper down slowly. Her skin tingled as his lips ghosted over the bare patch, nibbling his way down her body. She gasped and lifted so he could roll her straps over her shoulders and draw the dress down her body. He rolled it away, slowly exposing her back and then her bare ass and her legs, all the way down until she was completely naked, breasts pressed against the mattress, ass on full display. She knew all too well that he was a self-proclaimed ass man and she bit back a grin when she felt him spring off the bed to stand up and admire it. She heard his own clothes rustled as they dropped, shirt, pants, all falling to the floor. She itched to turn around and see him, but instead, she pressed her ass back and said, “Are you going to look or are you going to touch?”

“I’m going to look,” he said. There was no rush in his voice—
stubborn Alpha
—and she supposed this was punishment for leaving him burning back on the porch. She shifted her face on the mattress to look back and saw him naked, in full glory, standing at the foot of the bed and drinking her in with his eyes. She could map out the lines of his muscles with her eyes, lines that ran into scars, old and new, some cuts from the cougar’s claws that had healed jaggedly. He was never ashamed of his scars, it seemed, and wore them like marks of battle, which just made her feel more pride for her protective Alpha.

Down, his hips melded at the perfect V of his abdomen, and his strong cock stood proudly. So hard for her, all for her, and he tugged on it absently as he took in the curves of her figure with his eyes. The sight made her mouth water, suddenly incredibly jealous that
hands got to feel him, and she wanted to wrap
fingers around that thick cock. She wanted to feel it twitch and hear him moan under her tongue, but instead she waited obediently. Her hips squirmed longingly and, if she shifted the right way, she could feel her clit hit the soft fabric of the mattress. Holly heard herself whimper and she found herself humping the sheets pathetically.

“Do you want me inside of you?” he said, his voice low and dark, sending shivers over her.

“Yes,” she murmured. “Please. I need you.”

He didn’t need any more encouragement. She heard the bed groan as his knees planted between her legs and then he lifted her hips so she was raised as well. She felt her inner core tremble with need as his thick fingers carefully parted her lips, spreading the wetness between her thighs, and then he murmured reverently, “You’re beautiful, Holly.”

BOOK: Alphas of Red Moon Ranch Complete Series
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