Along Came Merrie (7 page)

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Authors: Beth D. Carter

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Along Came Merrie
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She hadn’t had the best role model growing up, since her mother often traded sexual favors for her fix. At sixteen, she’d lost her virginity in the back of a car to the football jock, not really caring that it was something precious. In her book, if she didn’t give it away it would be forced from her so why not make it halfway pleasant? Over the years, sex had been more for the man she’d been with than for any personal enjoyment. But with Braden and Leo, she was actually aroused. Excited. Maybe it was because she knew they cared about her. That alone was stimulating enough. There was something sexy about having an emotional tie to someone, although she still wasn’t sure what to think about herself now.

Chapter Seven




A couple of hours later, Leo returned from his house calls. He headed upstairs and a few minutes after, she heard the shower start. When he came back downstairs, his damp hair lay plastered to his skull. Merrie had taken it upon herself to find the sweats he’d mentioned earlier. They were big on her, as was the T-shirt, and she felt slightly self-conscious not wearing a bra. But there was a sense of excitement that she’d soon have clothes that would fit her again. Truly, it was the little things in life.

Braden still hadn’t returned from his meeting with his client, and Leo told her he’d be home after dinner. As Leo drove them away from the ranch, the house faded and a small pang of nervousness gripped Merrie. She was all for getting clothes but hadn’t prepared for the anxiety of leaving the safe confines behind.

“You all right?” Leo asked.

“Not really.”

“You want me to turn back?”

She shook her head. “It’s ridiculous. Right? Letting this linger in my mind.”

“It’s normal, Merrie. Have you ever heard of the Nimerigar?”

She shook her head.

“They are a Shoshone legend, small magical creatures who are aggressive in nature, shooting poisoned arrows into people. The literal translation is people eaters.”

“And this is comforting how?”

He smiled. “It is easy to imagine this Axe person as a Nimerigar…an annoying little creature wreaking havoc with your sense of security.”

“And how does one kill a Nimerigar?”

“Just hit them on the head. They’re tiny, after all.”

His words brought a sense of lightness, easing her mind. She settled back in her seat, looking forward to the shopping trip. He drove to Wal-Mart, simply because that was really the best place to buy everything she needed. She started with clothes, grabbing two pairs of jeans and several shirts, then socks, panties and bras. Leo lingered at the sexier lingerie and she rolled her eyes. Next, she made sure to grab a sweater and jacket, since nights were often chilly. She picked out a pair of sensible sneakers before heading over to the personal hygiene area. She needed a toothbrush, a hairbrush, deodorant and of course, concealer for the faint bruise still lingering on her cheek. Everything else, like soap and toothpaste, she could use whatever the guys had available. The total would be enough that she was going to work her ass off to repay them. However, between helping Leo in the office and doing their housework, she’d already figured it all out and hoped to pay back their kindness.

She pushed the cart to the checkout lane and eyed the items she’d picked out, going through the mental list again.

“I could put back two shirts—”

“Don’t you dare,” Leo warned. “You barely have anything.”

“I have more than enough,” she assured him. “And I will work hard to pay you back.”

“Stop,” he ordered.

“I don’t like to feel beholden.”

He frowned. “Do you think Braden and I are doing this to make you feel

“You’re good people.”

He snorted. “That wasn’t an answer.”

“Of course not,” she admitted.

The woman in front of them finished her sale and left. The cashier began ringing up Merrie’s purchases. With every click of the scanner, Merrie winced and when the total came up, she almost fainted. Leo just smiled at the cashier and swiped his credit card through the holder. A second later, he signed the electric pad then he gathered the bags while her mouth still hung open.

“Come on, Merrie,” he said. “Grab that last bag.”

It was a small one holding her personal items, and she hurried to catch up with him. It wasn’t until she stepped outside that she forgot something very important. She came to a stop and bit her lower lip.

“What’s wrong?” Leo asked.

“I, ah, forgot to pick something up,” she said. “Something important for, um, that time of the month.”

He struggled to contain his grin. He turned and offered his ass to her.

“Grab my wallet and go back in to get them,” he ordered. “I’ll get the truck and wait for you here.”

Merrie tried very hard not to think about the very firm ass cheek that she was touching as she pulled his wallet out. She turned away before he could see the blush on her cheeks and hurried back into the store.

Several minutes later, as she was leaving with her new purchase, she heard the sound of motorcycles and stopped dead in her tracks. Her heart sped up until she thought it would burst through her chest. She dropped her bag and spun around, trying to find the source of the sound. The bikes all pulled up at the intersection stoplight, the riders clearly visible. Panic exploded within her and she scrambled toward the protection of the Wal-Mart, knowing
couldn’t take her with so many witnesses around. Intent on avoiding the bikers, she ran into a tall man and sprawled backward on the sidewalk.

“Are you okay, ma’am?” a deep voice rumbled.

Merrie blinked and stared up at the man, her eyes widening in shock at the cop. A badge hung clipped on his belt and a gun rode the holster on his hip. His caring green eyes crinkled at the corners as he held out his hand to help her up. Fear spiraled through her and she couldn’t do a single thing to help herself escape.

“Ma’am?” the cop asked softly.

He crouched and she scrambled to her feet.

“Are you all right?”

She nodded frantically.

“Merrie?” Leo called.

At his voice, relief flooded her. She groped for the bag she’d dropped then jumped into the passenger seat of Leo’s truck. Leo waved at the cop and then drove off. “What’s wrong?”


“I saw them,” he replied. “Don’t worry. They weren’t the Demon Devils.”

“How can you tell?”

“The way they were dressed.”

That didn’t make a lick of sense to her but she really didn’t care. All that mattered was the fact that the bikers were going one way and she was heading in the complete opposite direction.

They drove for a while but she couldn’t stop shaking. She sensed Leo’s concerned glances and finally he pulled over onto the shoulder of the road. He drew her into his arms, holding her tightly, and the dam on her emotions finally broke. She cried out her fear, cried out the terror that had never left. She’d bottled it all inside, thinking she was over it and what she’d been through, but she’d only been fooling herself.

She’d almost
! There was still a possibility that Axe would find her, hurt her and finish the job he’d started. How could she resume her life with that hanging over her head? No matter how far she ran, it would always be in the back of her mind, and she’d be constantly looking over her shoulder.

Leo rocked her, pressing his lips in soothing kisses along her hairline. After a while, her sobs quieted then eventually died, leaving her feeling emotionally drained. She just wanted to lie down, close her eyes and sleep until tomorrow.

“Are you all right?” Leo asked softly.

“No. Yes.” She sighed. “I guess for now I’m all right. Thank you.”

He tightened his arms around her. “I’m here if you need me, even if it’s just for a shoulder.”

“It feels nice,” she admitted, pulling back to look up at him. “I’ve never had someone let me borrow their shoulder. I’ve only ever had myself.”

“Merrie,” he whispered. “You don’t have to be alone anymore.”

She bit her bottom lip. “What does that mean, Leo? Because I’m starting to feel…something…for you and Braden. And that’s… Shit, that’s so wrong. Isn’t it? I mean, you rescued me. You’ve been so nice. How do I know it’s not just… I don’t know…gratitude?”

“I guess we just take things day by day,” Leo replied. “May I ask something of you, Merrie?”


“May I kiss you?”

Excitement zipped down her spine and butterflies erupted in her stomach. She gave a nod and watched as Leo bent his head toward her. At the last second, she closed her eyes and his lips settled on hers.

Leo moved his lips gently over hers, soft and incredibly hot. He traced her bottom lip with his tongue and she opened her mouth on a surprised sigh. He immediately deepened the kiss, sweeping his tongue in to dance with hers. For several long moments, he kissed her over and over, each time possessing her further and longer. At first, she was content to let him take the lead, but after a while, she grew bolder, twining her arms around his neck and pressing herself closer to him. She loved how he bent her back until she was almost lying on the truck bench, dominating and passionate.

When he finally ended the kiss and straightened, she stared at him through half-lowered lids.

“Wow,” she murmured. “You’re a great kisser, Leo.”

“Yeah? Maybe it’s because I had a wonderful partner.”

She took a deep breath and settled into his side. He tightened his arm around her as he drove the rest of the way to the ranch.


Chapter Eight




The next morning dawned bright and early, and Merrie had a hard time not bouncing around in her excitement to start work. Leo had left before dawn on an emergency call but he was expected back soon to show her around the office. As she was in the kitchen brewing coffee, a knock sounded at the door. Braden told her to stay out of sight and opened the door.

“Hello,” the man said. “I’m Detective Clark Christianson from Cheyenne. I’m looking for Mr. Braden McClintock.”

“That’s me,” Braden answered.

“Hello, Mr. McClintock. I work in organized crimes and my captain brought your report of a biker gang related attack to my attention. May I come in so we can talk?”

“Of course,” Braden said.

Merrie moved into the kitchen archway to look at the man. He didn’t look like a cop. He certainly didn’t look like a cop who could handle the biker, Axe, either. He was of average height and build, balding. Bags drooped under his eyes, giving him a tired look, and the brackets by his mouth hinted that he clenched his teeth a lot.

“It’s okay, Merrie,” Leo gestured for her to come and sit next to him. “He’s from Cheyenne.”

While she and Braden settled on the couch, Detective Christianson sat on the recliner. He pulled out a notebook and pen.

“Why don’t you start from the beginning?” the detective offered.

Braden took her hand in his and gave her an encouraging nod. She took a deep breath.

“I was lost and didn’t have a signal on my cell phone,” she said. “I saw a bar and figured I’d call the police for help, so I circled around back where I found a payphone. When I got out of my car, two men were talking and shaking hands. Then…the man with the goatee, whom the other man called Axe, attacked me. He…hit me. When I told them I was lost and was only going to call the police for help, the other man—the one with a long gray beard—said Axe had to clean up his mess and make sure no one found my body.”

Braden tightened his fingers around hers. When she glanced at him, fury blanketed his face. She used her thumb to sooth the back of his hand.

“Please, go on,” Detective Christianson murmured.

“He punched me and I blacked out. Sometime later, I came to and realized I was in the back of my car, heading somewhere. I got out of my bindings, jumped from the car, and I ran into the woods.”

The detective arched both eyebrows.

“I found her on the dirt road south of here, the one separating my land from the Hamilton’s,” Braden said.

“Are you usually out on that road?”

“Sometimes. The Hamilton’s buy horses from me.”

“Did you go to the hospital, Miss Walden?”

She shook her head. “The man—Axe—said the cops were in his pocket. I didn’t want to chance going to the hospital in case the police were looking for me.”

“So no one knows you’re here? Who put the cast on your wrist?”

“My brother,” Braden answered. “He’s a veterinarian. Hold on. We took photos.”

He got up and headed toward his office then came back out a moment later with his digital camera. He turned it on and brought up the pictures of Merrie. He handed it over for Detective Christianson to look at them.

The detective scrolled through each frame slowly. Occasionally he’d flick his gaze to her as if he were comparing the photo from then to how she looked now. His mouth flattened in to a grim line. When he was done, he turned off the camera and sat it on the coffee table.

“Is it possible to have those pictures?”

“I can email you a copy,” Braden offered.

The detective nodded. “I’d appreciate that. Was Axe driving your car?”

“No. It was some other man. I didn’t get a look at his face but he had a snake tattoo on his right forearm.” She drew in a shaky breath.

Braden slipped his arm around her and she relaxed into his warmth.

“Snake tattoo?” Christianson looked at the two men. “Have you seen a man with a tattoo like that?”

Braden shook his head. “We don’t really associate with that crowd.”

Christianson nodded. “It was a brave thing you did, Miss Walden, jumping out of that car.”

“If I’d stayed in it, I’d be in an unmarked grave right now. Braden and his brother Leo rescued me.”

He leaned forward and looked her straight in the eye. “The way I see it, you rescued yourself. Do you have any clue why they targeted you?”

She shook her head. “None. Although Braden and Leo think it might be some type of initiation to get into their club.”

“The club on Route 18, right? The Demon Devils?”

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