All Through the Night (43 page)

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Authors: Suzanne Forster,Thea Devine,Lori Foster,Shannon McKenna

Tags: #Contemporary, #Fiction, #Romance, #General, #Man-Woman Relationships, #Love Stories, #Love Stories; American, #Women, #American, #Erotica, #Erotic Stories; American, #Erotic Stories, #American Fiction, #American Fiction - Women Authors

BOOK: All Through the Night
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“No!” she yelled, frustrated beyond endurance. “Christ, Jacob, I’m sorry, already! I’m sorry for everything! I’m sorry for the hot spring, I’m sorry I was rude, I’m sorry I
was ungracious when you tried to help me, I’m sorry six ways from Sunday! OK? Are you satisfied?“
“Not yet.” His eyes glittered dangerously. “A lame-ass apology is not going to cut it.”
She jerked her torn blouse together over her breasts. “So just what would cut it?” she demanded, her voice defiant.
He was silent. A gleam of speculation entered his eyes, and his gaze dropped, raking her body hungrily.
She took a step away from him, unnerved by the dark purpose in his eyes. “Oh, no,” she whispered. “Not like that.”
“Yes,” he said, advancing on her. “Exactly like that.”
“I don’t want to,” she said, wrapping her arms defensively around herself. “Not if you’re angry.”
He regarded her coldly for a long moment, and shrugged carelessly. “Whatever. I’m out of here, Annie. Have a nice life.”
Rain dripped off the end of her nose as she watched him pull the cover off his bike. He flapped it vigorously to get the rain off and folded it with methodical precision, as if she no longer existed.
She wrestled with herself out of sheer habit, but she knew from the start that the battle was already lost. She couldn’t let him go again. Not now. She would dissolve into the rain, evaporate into the mist, sink into the dead leaves as if she had never been. She couldn’t face the night alone, no matter how much self-respect it might cost her.
Jacob put on his helmet, and panic clutched at her stomach. She stumbled forward as the engine roared to life. “Jacob,” she called.
He cocked a questioning eyebrow, revving the engine. She tried to speak, but her throat was closed. She swallowed hard and tried again. “I’m really sorry,” she called, over the sound of the motor.
Jacob cut the motor and waited, silent and impassive.
She took a deep breath, and slowly spread open her wet shirt, offering herself to him. “All right,” she said in a tiny voice.
He pulled off his helmet and smoothed his tangled dark hair off his forehead, staring hungrily at her naked breasts. “All right, what?”
She closed her eyes, hoping he wasn’t going to make her beg. “Don’t leave me alone tonight. I’ll… do whatever you want.”
Jacob got off the bike without a word. He covered it and came toward her, his face implacable. If she’d hoped that her surrender would soften him, she had hoped in vain. A tiny muscle twitched in his jaw as he stared at her body, the only sign of emotion she could detect. Rain beaded on her pale breasts. He cupped them in his big hands, rolling the tight, puckered buds of her nipples between his fingers. He made a harsh, wordless sound deep in his throat and his hands grasped her shoulders, forcing her to her knees. Her face was level with the fierce bulge in his jeans. He wound her hair around his fingers and unbuckled his belt.
She gasped. “Here?”
“Right here.”
“But anybody could just walk by—”
“You’re just going to have to hope nobody walks by, if that bothers you.” He tore open the buttons of his jeans, and his heavy, swollen penis sprang free. It was flushed a deep angry red, veins bulging on the stiff hard shaft.
“Suck me, Annie,” he demanded, staring down into her eyes.
Hunger radiated from him, as powerful as a blast furnace. She stared up at him, considering the fierce challenge he was throwing out to her and sensing the subtle pleading in his fingers as they tightened in her hair, urging her to take him in her mouth. Her pride recoiled at his brutal power game, but still she craved his vigor and energy, understanding on a deep animal level that his was a heat that would not fizzle out, leaving her chilled and lonesome. At least this was for real. No matter how much he infuriated her, he was for real.
It was that silent understanding that seduced her at last, pulling her into his dark, seductive vortex. She brushed his hot, hard male flesh against her cool, rain-wet cheek and then grasped the pulsing shaft in both hands, savoring the sinuous energy that was uncoiling inside her. He was burning, his hard flesh warming her cold hands instantly. She stroked him, and his fist tightened in her hair.
“Don’t tease, Annie,” he warned. “I’m not in the mood.”
“I know exactly how much you need this, Jacob,” she said in a soft, taunting voice. “Don’t even try to bully me.”
“Oh yeah?” He covered her hands with his own and dragged them hard up and down the length of his penis, forcing her to pleasure him. “You said you were sorry, Annie. Show me how sorry you are. Suck me.”
His mocking tone angered her. She twisted away, but her hair was trapped tightly in his powerful hand. She suddenly hated the submissive posture she was in. “You’re poison mean, Jacob.”
“I learned it from you, sweetheart,” he said, as he thrust himself roughly into her mouth.
It wasn’t like last night, when he’d lain back and gratefully appreciated the attention of her lips and tongue. This time he gripped her head and set the rhythm himself. She gave a choked cry of protest, and he slowed down. “Take more of me,” he urged. “Come on, Annie.”
Anger and confusion and a crazy burst of excitement; the volatile mix
through her body, making her impervious to the cool rain. Guided by his big hands, she found a way to give him the rhythm he wanted, relaxing instinctively and swallowing him whole. Even in this arrogant, masterful stance, he was desperate for her to lavish the sweet swirl and glide of her tongue on him. She pleasured him, loving the harsh gasps and groans that vibrated through the steely tension of his body. She was barely conscious of putting her hand between her legs and pressing her thighs together tightly, trying in vain to ease the pulsing agony of arousal that was driving her half mad.
She looked up, dazed, when he suddenly pulled her away from himself. He was still hugely erect and vibrating with excitement, but he tilted her head back, staring into her eyes with a look of discovery. “I’ll be damned. Who would have thought,” he murmured. “This vibe really works for you, Annie.”
Annie shrank back at the predatory look on his face. She saw her hand between her thighs and snatched it away with a gasp, as if she’d let an enemy glimpse a secret weakness she hadn’t even known she possessed. “Don’t,” she whispered.
“Don’t what?”
“Don’t look at me like that!” she cried out wildly. “Don’t get any ideas. Tonight is… an unusual situation. The rules are different.”
“What rules?” he asked softly. “There are no rules. It’s just you and me, all alone.”
She pulled away from his hand and scrambled to her feet, eyeing him warily and backing away. “You’re scaring me, Jacob.”
He followed her. “No, I’m not,” he retorted, seizing her hand. “And even if I am, you’re loving it.” He forced it down and curled it around his swollen penis, trapping it inside his own big hand. His velvety skin was wet, from her mouth, from the rain, and her hand slid easily over his rock-hard shaft. He pushed her onto her knees again and grasped his penis, milking it roughly until a drop of gleaming moisture pearled at the tip. He urged her mouth closer to his hungry shaft. “Lick it off,” he commanded. “Taste me.”
Her body betrayed her even as her mind rebelled at his arrogant presumption. She opened her mouth and obeyed him, licking away the salty, silky drop of fluid. A shudder of unwilling excitement rocked her body. “Don’t do this to me, Jacob,” she whispered.
“I can’t stop,” he said in a rasping voice. “Not now that I know how much it turns you on.” He pulled her up onto her feet and kissed her, his tongue thrusting into her mouth, his hands greedily cupping her breasts. “Whatever I want, right? Isn’t that what you said?”
She stiffened. “Yes, but—”
“This is what I want, Annie. This is how it has to be tonight.
at me, damn it.” He jerked her face up to his, letting her glimpse for an instant the seething conflict in his eyes. He grabbed her arm, dragging her over to the picnic table and pushing her in front of him against it, reaching around from behind to deftly unbutton her jeans. He jerked her jeans and panties down over her hips until they were at her knees, baring her from the waist down and hobbling her at the same moment. She reached down to retrieve them, but he caught her hands behind her back and pressed her against the table, fitting himself against her so she could feel the hot brand of his penis against her cool, shivering backside. “Bend over,” he ordered, his voice a husky rasp.
Her knees went weak. “Oh, for God’s sake, Jacob,” she whispered. “Can’t we go in the tent?”
“Too dark,” he muttered. “I want to see you, all spread out and open to me. Anything I wanted, Annie. You promised. Bend over.”
She was frozen for a timeless, agonized instant, and then the dark tide of desire engulfed her and she bent over, arching her back and parting her legs for him as much as the wet jeans wrapped around her knees would allow. She was so aroused she wanted to claw at the rough wooden boards beneath her hands; the soft, sultry ache between her thighs pulsed and throbbed, and still he loomed behind her, a dark, burning presence, making her wait and wait and wait. Rain pelted down, running in little rivulets down the cleft of her bottom, trickling delicately over the moist, tender folds of her sex, now completely exposed to his sight. He made a harsh, incoherent sound. “God, Annie. You are perfect,” he said, his voice a ragged groan.
His big hands fastened on her hips. She braced herself, expecting him to thrust himself inside her, but he sank down to his knees behind her, pinning her against the table. His hot breath fanned her thighs as he nuzzled her tenderly from behind. “I love this view of you,” he said huskily. “I love all the colors and textures, the way those beautiful blonde ringlets get all dark and wet and glistening. I like how you’re so cool and pale, like a pearl, here”—he caressed her trembling buttocks—“and so pink and crimson and hot in here.” His tongue slid up and down the surface of her vulva and then dipped teasingly inside, licking and lapping ravenously at the moist, dewy folds and furrows of her sex. “I love it that you can’t hide from me,” he muttered, his tongue thrusting deeper, harder.
Annie squeezed her eyes shut, her knees rubbery and weak, gasping at the outrageous intimacy. His tongue teased with rapacious skill, thrusting deep and then flicking delicately across her swollen clitoris. She writhed against the rough, wet wood of the table, pushing herself back against his greedy mouth with a helpless, pleading moan.
“No, Annie,” he said softly, holding her trembling hips still. “I’m not going to make you come like this. Tonight you’ll wait until I’m inside you.” He rose to his feet, his hands still cupping her backside, and leaned his scorching hot body against her. His breath heaved, and his erection prodded her buttocks. “You liked that, didn’t you?” he asked, his voice husky and breathless. “You loved it.”
“You never asked me what I wanted,” she snapped. “Don’t you project your teenage porno fantasies onto me, you macho jerk.”
He laughed softly, and his hand slid between her legs, feathering across her hair and delving boldly inside her soft cleft, testing her silky moisture. “Tell me the truth,” he demanded. “Your body already has, so you might as well.” He thrust a long finger deep inside her, sliding slowly in and out, and she clenched his finger tightly inside the quivering muscles of her vagina. “You’re so wet, Annie,” he murmured. “You can’t wait. You’re aching for me to give it to you. Aren’t you?”
She was stubbornly silent, not wanting to give him the satisfaction, but it was a losing battle and they both knew it. He lifted his hands for a moment, and she heard a little ripping sound. He tossed the condom wrapper on the table and his strong, skillful hands swiftly resumed their agonizing teasing. “Tell me how much you want it,” he demanded. “Tell me how you want me inside you. I need to hear it.”
She gave up the struggle. It was that or lose her mind completely. “I want you,” she gasped out.
“How much?” He slid two fingers inside her, and moved his thumb around her clitoris in a slow, pulsing circle.
“Please, Jacob—”
“You’re begging me? Is that what you’re doing?” He finally touched her with just the tip of his penis, shallow thrusts that barely penetrated her slick, eager flesh. She pushed herself back to take more of him, but he evaded her. “Beg me,” he demanded, rubbing himself in small, wet circles around the bud of her clitoris. “Come on, Annie. I need to hear it. I need to know how much you want me.”
The harsh, hungry rasp of need in his words was the key she needed to unlock the maddening puzzle of pride and desire. As long as he was vulnerable to her, she could yield to him and endure her own vulnerability. Tears of frustration spilled out onto her cheeks. “OK, I’m begging,” she said in a ragged voice. “Are you happy now?”
His strong fingers dug almost painfully into her hips. “Yes,” he muttered as he shoved himself inside her.
The rhythm he set was swift and savage. Annie wanted to kick off the clinging jeans that held her knees together, to spread her legs still wider, welcome him even deeper, but stopping was not a possibility, and soon even the vague impulse was swept from her mind. She stuck her hands in front of her face to protect it from being abraded by the rough table. Her body softened in quivering eagerness for him, welcoming his strength, craving the vigorous slide and plunge of his thick shaft. She had thought that their love-making in her tent had been passionate, but now she sensed that he had been leashing in nine-tenths of the passion that was his to give, hers to take. The sheer mass of him ramming into her from behind was violently arousing. Her doubts, fears, her anger and pride, all fragmented in the force of their joining, and the jagged shards spun in her mind, disconnected and brilliant. It was a kaleidoscope that pulsed and shimmered, pulling her toward a climax so intense she cried out loud, and lost consciousness.

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