All Through the Night (21 page)

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Authors: Suzanne Forster,Thea Devine,Lori Foster,Shannon McKenna

Tags: #Contemporary, #Fiction, #Romance, #General, #Man-Woman Relationships, #Love Stories, #Love Stories; American, #Women, #American, #Erotica, #Erotic Stories; American, #Erotic Stories, #American Fiction, #American Fiction - Women Authors

BOOK: All Through the Night
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… as his hand slid down toward her buttocks…


… as he slipped between her legs…

—her body jolting as his fingers pressed against her fully clothed vulva…

and this
—as she canted her hips to feel it, feel him, harder, tighter—her body creaming, yearning, reaching—
Oh, God, what was she doing?
… come and get me

He had. So easily, too quickly—
! NO! She wrenched away, out of his kiss, out of his reach, her body heaving with the force of her arousal.
“We’re finished for today.”
“We’re not finished,” Bobby said, his eyes glittering. He was breathing hard, too, and he didn’t feel equal to taking no for answer. He was too hot, too hard, too fired up and too long without Regan except in his dreams.
Regan froze. There it was, that certainty, that presumption. You kiss your ex-wife, and she’s yours, and seven barren years and everything bad just vanished into the ether somehow, and nothing else needed to be said.
“You can take me back to the office.”
“I’m taking you home.”
“I’m not going anyplace with you but back to the office. Or I’ll walk.”
He knew that expression on her face. She would walk. Some things hadn’t changed despite the differences. His gut knew it, he had to accept it—she was in strict control where her emotions were concerned.
Except just now. Just now had nothing to do with her strength and her firewalls, and everything to do with the things she wouldn’t admit she was feeling.
“We’re not finished,” he said.
“We haven’t begun.”
“Oh, what just happened says we’ve begun, Regan. I think we’re miles beyond
. I think we’re exactly where we left off seven years ago.”
“Right—with you leaving, and me picking up the pieces.”
“You’re scared.”
“Nothing scares me,” Regan said. “Not even you.”
But that was a lie. The torrent of need he’d aroused scared her to death, and the only way to cope was to run.
Catch me if you can

… And he had…
“Umm?” She looked up from a contract she was scanning, but her eyes weren’t focused, and Tony didn’t like that one bit. She hadn’t been back an hour, and she was thinking about Bobby instead of business, damn it, why else would there be that unfocused look in her eyes?
Shit. Taking Bobby on as a client was the worst mistake he’d made in all his years in business.
Still in love with him. He knew it in his bones…
It just drove him to the wall, imagining them together again. Imagining Regan, soft, open, wanting. Wanting Bobby. It just jacked him off that Regan was still in love with the bastard, knowing Tony wanted her too.
There hadn’t been a day in all the years he’d known her, that he didn’t make it clear one way or another that he wanted to get in and get off with her.
That look in her eyes… soft, heated… suppressing her feelings, her needs—knowing
could fill them, and never ever offering him the opportunity. He could have taken her on the desk, against the wall, on the chair—how long did a man have to endure before the woman he wanted even noticed his hard-on?
She never did. Or she pretended not to. After all these years, he couldn’t tell. The only thing he knew was that she was the most carnal woman he’d ever met, that she was utterly unaware of it, and she was tearing herself up when he was right there for her, all the time.
She stared at him. There it was again: the pitch of his voice, the way he said her name, the bulge between his legs.
“Yeah, listen.” She rattled the paper to get his attention off of her. “Cargill’s office faxed me: they’re interested in setting up his offices here. So clever of you to invite him to my party. That’s why he thought of it.”
Tony knew when he was licked. And it was not the way he would have preferred to be licked either. “Did you set up a meeting?”
“I’m about to.”
“Good. This is the beginning. Especially”—and now he was torturing himself—“especially if Bobby bites.”
Her eyes flashed.
He knew it—something had happened this afternoon. Damn, damn, damn.
“Bobby doesn’t bite; Bobby gnaws,” Regan said. “Bobby nips. Bobby sucks. We can’t wait for Bobby to make a decision about anything. I’ll just tell Cargill he’s impressed by the numbers and is seriously considering space under the el.”
“Nice strategy.”
She picked up the phone. Was that a strategy? She couldn’t devise a strategy to save her life right now. God, speaking to
Cargill was the last thing she wanted to do at the moment. She hated Tony for bringing her back to reality. His reality. His need that she never could see a way to handle. It was easier keeping him at arm’s length, because he would never have been satisfied with crumbs.
He would have been worse than Bobby, come to that, even more possessive and more demanding. And Bobby’s return had only made it worse. The fact she was sitting and fantasizing about Bobby, and that kiss, was proof enough her whole carefully constructed life was going to hell.
Tony knew her too well.
She spoke to Cargill’s secretary. They could meet tomorrow morning—at the Inn, if she’d prefer. That was fine. That was the way you did business in the Heights.
And business was business. And fantasy was…
Fantasy was the stuff that made you crazy.
“Going out,” she called out to Tony.
“Hey, wait—I’ll go with you. We’ll get a drink.” And he didn’t give her a chance to say no.
It was the only way he knew to make sure she wasn’t going to be with Bobby.

Chapter Five


She had calmed down, finally. And all it had taken was an hour with Tony over a glass of wine at Gus’s. Tony knew just when to pull back and be a friend. He always had. And now that she could look at the situation with an objective eye, she decided she had overreacted to everything, including what had happened this afternoon.
She could handle Bobby.
She shouldn’t have bought those damned sandals, she thought with a trace of humor. All this had started because she’d let out that one little piece of herself that she normally hid away. It was true: there was nothing like a pair of Mascolos to drive everyone nuts, including the person wearing them.
Even Angie had gone off the deep end over them.
And then—that kiss. She should never have given in to that heat between them. Never should have let him within ten feet of her. Never should have agreed to be his sales rep altogether.
It just wasn’t good business.
And she shouldn’t have to change her life just because of that kiss and that sensual grope.
Oh, yeah? Define your life.
Good job, good friends, good money, good times.
An occasional fucking.
More secrets.
It was laughable. Angie thought she was a wanton; Tony thought she was a nun. Not hardly. And to preserve everyone’s illusions, she went out of town to spend a rare night with a date, where neither of her best friends could find out about it.
Catch me if you can…
She felt heat swamping her body. She should have known better than to challenge Bobby like that.
Catch me
… Drive him crazy, drive him away.
Drive into me… it had been so long

No. Yes.
Why not?
The intercom buzzed. Angie, probably, when she wasn’t up for girl gossip tonight. She pressed the callback button. “Ang?”
The phone rang. “Regan?”
The intercom: “I’m coming up.”
Bobby. And you didn’t argue with that tone, either.
Damn. “Ang? Hey, can I call you back?”
“What’s up?”
Angie was checking up on her again. The lie came straight and fast. “Just got out of the shower. Give me twenty minutes.”
“Okay.” Angie hung up the phone just as the doorbell rang.
Thank heaven. Angie would have wanted to know who that was. Angie had sonar when it came to ferreting out things Regan didn’t want to tell her, especially anything about Bobby.
She flung open the door. And there was Bobby at his bad boy best. The worn jeans, the chambray shirt, the beaten-up leather jacket.
“Oh, you’re good,” she murmured. “You’re really good.”

good,” Bobby corrected her. “Really, really good.”
“Really nice to see you too, Bobby. Just why did you barge in here?”
He wasn’t exactly sure himself. And ascending to the twentieth floor of the newest condo apartment building in the Heights, the one with
two residences
per floor, hadn’t cemented his resolve either.
Rather, it had made him feel just a little disoriented.
This was a far cry from the docks where Regan grew up. Light years from the Regan of seven years ago. And a million miles from anything they’d shared together in their Roman rocket of a marriage.
Yet she looked exactly the way she had all that time ago. She looked twenty again, in jeans, tee shirt clinging to her full breasts, no makeup, hair in a ponytail.
And she was even more beautiful like that.
“You could really invite me in.”
“Guess I could. But maybe it works like vampires—you can’t come in unless you’re invited.”
“Not too civilized, Regan.”
“I’m not feeling too civil right now, Bobby. And I think you’re here for your pound of flesh, so the vampire analogy seems pretty apt to me.”
“Let me in, Regan.”
He meant it, on so many levels.
She threw up her hands. He would suck her dry with words, if nothing else. She motioned him in, and he strode into the entrance hallway with its soft lights and length that led every guest straight toward the bank of floor to ceiling windows in the living room that framed the view across the river.
The palette was neutral against jewel tones, in the oriental rugs, in the sofas and chairs, in the rich wood of antique furniture played against ivory-colored walls and curtainless windows, and the glow of uplights everywhere.
She watched him prowl the living room, picking up objects and looking at them, making his way around the room until he came back to where she stood with her hands on her hips in the entry hall.
He felt a little off balance, as if he couldn’t assimilate that the Regan in jeans and tee was the same woman who inhabited this sophisticated apartment.
“Want some coffee?”
“I want you.”
“No, you don’t. You want sex.”
He flinched. “Right. You’re every man’s damned wet dream. Or at least those men you know. My purpose hasn’t changed, Regan.”
“What was that again? No. I don’t want you to say anything. Or do anything.”
“Yes, you do. We both know you do.”
“This afternoon didn’t change anything.”
“No, not a thing. Just showed how obvious it is you’re running away.”
“Nonsense. What from?”
“Oh, yeah, I’ve just been running my life around your timetable, Bobby, you know, the one where you leave for seven years.”
“How about, you’ve been running in place for seven years?”
Regan turned away. This was a conflagration, already out of control. She couldn’t put out this fire, not with words, or deeds, or even a cold shower.
He had cornered her well and truly. It would be easier to surrender than to fight. “What do
want?” she asked finally.
“Nothing’s changed. I want you back.”
She made a sound. What did “back” mean exactly? Oh, she knew; he’d said it already in twenty different ways.
It was all about sex.
“Tell me what you want,” Bobby said.
She stared at him. In her most flagrantly wishful dreams, she had never imagined Bobby standing in her living room, handing the power over to her. Never imagined she would still feel anything for him after all this time. Or that she wouldn’t have all the answers when this longed-for moment finally came, and he was saying things any woman would want to hear.

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