Read All of You Online

Authors: Gina Sorelle

Tags: #Fiction

All of You (35 page)

BOOK: All of You
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Danny would have felt guilty about such poor staging, but he was pretty sure Kat didn’t give a rat’s ass about any of that shit, anyway. In fact, he was pretty sure had he thrown on some cheesy music and lit candles, Kat would have rolled her eyes faster than Danny could have pulled out the bottle of lube.

As he scrolled down, an article about best positions to lose your virginity in caught his eye. A small smile tugged at his lips as he remembered Kat’s
plan of attack.

Fucking dollface.

He typed in “comfort after losing virginity” and found a few helpful articles. Danny gathered the supplies and jogged back upstairs to find Kat still in the same position. He set the Motrin bottle, washcloth, and two-year-old pouch of frozen margarita mix on the top of his dresser.

Danny walked around the bed, planning to stretch out next to her until she woke up and he could enact his fucked-up nurse care plan. But when he was finally standing in front of her, Danny saw that Kat wasn’t sleeping. She was silently weeping, the pillowcase beneath her head dark grey from her fallen tears.

Danny’s stomach dropped, a cold sweat broke out across his forehead, and his chest tightened. “Kat…what’s wrong? Why are you crying?”

Maybe because you slammed into her like a Mack truck without dimming the lights, playing romantic music, lighting candles, and using shit-tons of lube, Casanova.

Kat shook her head, sniffling. When a tear leaked out of the corner of her eye and splashed onto the big, damp spot on the pillowcase, Danny’s heart felt like it had been twisted in a vise.

He sat down next to her, careful to keep his distance and not crowd her. Because if this was what he thought it was, Kat probably wouldn’t be looking for him to touch her any time soon.

If ever again.

“Talk to me, Kat,” he pushed out of his tightened throat. “Tell me what’s wrong.”

She opened her mouth, but nothing came out. Kat shook her head again, more tears spilling over.

“Watching you cry is tearing me to shreds inside, Kat,” he said quietly. Tightly. “If you don’t tell me what’s wrong, I’m going to lose my shit.” When she didn’t answer, Danny’s eyes latched onto the pillowcase beside her. “Are you regretting what happened?”

He saw her shake her head out of the corner of his eye and it gave him the courage to meet her eyes.

Danny unclenched his jaw far enough to ask, “Are you in pain?” Kat shook her head again and Danny exhaled a long breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding. “Then what, Kat?” When she just shook her head again, tears still flowing, Danny’s instincts took over.

He leaned over and pulled her into his arms, across his lap. Kat wound her arms around his neck, pressed her damp face into his chest, and leaned her weight into him.

Thank. God.

Danny held her as tightly as he could without crushing her and kissed the top of her head. “
Tell me what’s wrong, Kat…
” he whispered against her hair. “
Please. Before I go fucking insane

Kat exhaled a shuddering breath. “I don’t know.” She nuzzled her face into his chest and Danny’s arms automatically tightened around her. “I’ve never felt like this before. Like my emotions are going crazy. I’m feeling so many things all at once and my brain isn’t working quickly or efficiently enough to process them.” Kat’s voice caught on a sob. “I feel like I’m losing mind and it’s scaring me to death.”

The tensed-up muscles in Danny’s back relaxed with her words.

She didn’t regret what they’d done. She still wanted him. She was just feeling exactly what he was feeling.

“You and me both, sweetheart,” Danny said, moving his head when Kat suddenly lifted hers to meet his eyes. “What just happened between us…that’s not normal, or at least it’s not for me.” He unwound an arm so he could brush back some wild strands of hair off her face before cupping her cheek and running his thumb along her jaw line. “And it was your first time, too. I think it’s perfectly normal to feel…

Kat was crying and spooked and Danny was right there with her…

But, damn, if a huge part of him wasn’t dying to beat his fists against his chest about that little factoid.

I’m the only man who has ever touched her that way.

I’m the only man who has ever made her come.

I’m the only man who has ever made love to her.

And I’m gonna make damn sure I’m the
man who ever does.

Danny dropped the Tarzan bullshit long enough to consider what might be really bothering Kat.

would have been worried about, if he was her.

“You know I meant what I said, Kat? That I wasn’t lying?”

Kat’s brows dropped. “About what?”

“About, uh…well, loving you and all that shit.”

Kat scoffed. “Of course I know you weren’t lying about that, Danny.” She studied him for a few seconds before a tiny smile tugged at her lips. “If you were going to lie to get a woman into bed – which I don’t see you doing, anyway – I’m pretty sure it wouldn’t be an awkward, weeping virgin.”

“You’re not a virgin anymore,” Danny said softly. His gaze lowered to her bare chest, then moved even lower to her thighs…and the amazing sweetness he knew was nestled right there between them.

Kat dropped her head back to his chest and tightened her hold. “I’m so glad it was you, Danny. Although, I never even considered doing it with anyone else until I met you…so I guess it was meant to be you all along. No matter what.”

Danny pressed his lips to the top of her head and inhaled her scent.

And I’ve been waiting for you my entire life. I just didn’t know it until I met you.

Danny held her
in his lap for a long time. So long, Kat very nearly fell asleep.

“Hey, Kat?”

She nuzzled against him harder. “Hmmm-hmmm?”

“I, uh, grabbed some stuff that might help with…” Danny paused. “You know…things. Down there.”

Kat’s eyelids popped open and she lifted her head. “What kind of stuff?”

“Motrin. A washcloth, so we can, uh, put a warm compress…” Danny eyed the juncture between her legs. “I don’t know…someplace. If it’s sore. And a pouch of frozen Margarita mix.” When Kat’s brows quirked, Danny shrugged. “It said cold might feel better than warm, but I don’t have any bags of frozen vegetables, so I just grabbed that.”

“What said that?”

Danny flushed. “Oh, I, uh, looked up how to take care of someone after they lose their virginity.”

If Kat hadn’t been all cried out, she would have started weeping again.

The man was just too damn sweet.

Instead, she smiled wryly. “See, I told you, we’re learning. Together.” Kat kissed his chest before nestling back against him. She closed her eyes and yawned. “With help from our friends at Google, of course.”

Danny cleared his throat. “So do you need any of that stuff? Or I thought maybe a bath might feel good.”

Kat shook her head. “I’m good. Just hold me.”

Because being in your arms like this is the safest, happiest, and most peaceful I have ever felt.

“I can do that,” Danny answered hoarsely.

A long time passed as Kat drifted in and out of sleep in Danny’s arms.

“I’m gonna lay you down, Kat,” he finally whispered, pulling her out of her half-sleep. “’Cause I’m afraid I’m going to fall asleep and drop you.”

Kat nodded, Danny loosened his arms, and she dropped back onto the bed.

Danny nestled in behind her and pulled the comforter over them both. One arm slipped between her head and pillow, while the other wrapped around her mid-section, pulling her right up against the front of his body.

“We should probably talk about how we’re going to handle Sunday dinner,” Kat mumbled sleepily against his bicep. “I’m thinking maybe you should sit this one out and let me handle it.”

“The hell I will.” He brushed his lips against the top of her head. “After what happened at the club last night, shit’s gonna hit the fan. And I’m not gonna let you face that alone.”

“You sure?” Kat replied, yawning again. “I can manage.”

“Yeah, I know you can, but I’m not going to let you. We’ll figure out how to deal with everyone when we wake up.”

Danny pressed his nose against her hair and inhaled deeply. He dropped his head and pressed soft kisses at the hairline behind her ear, causing Kat to sigh and squirm against his body.

Danny inhaled sharply when her movements brought her butt against a surprising (at least to Kat) erection.

“You want to do it again, Danny?” she asked drowsily, already moving against him. His hand found her hip and squeezed, pulling her back harder against his body. Danny pushed up, Kat pushed down, and pretty soon they were grinding hard on each other.

“Mmmm…that feels so good,” she whispered.

Danny reached around and slid a big, warm hand between her thighs, gently lifting her leg up far enough for him to slide his erection between them. Kat gasped as he slowly, rhythmically, began rubbing his erection against her labia from behind.

“God, you feel amazing,” Danny breathed into her ear, continuing to work Kat into a fevered frenzy with his thrusting. He licked up her neck and nuzzled the space behind her ear. “So fucking wet…” When he opened her up farther and pushed harder, making contact with her clitoris, Kat moaned loudly.

She fisted her hands into the sheets and pushed back against him, making Danny groaned.

“Put it in this way, Danny,” she breathed out, suddenly desperate to feel him inside of her again. “I’m ready.”

“No, not tonight, sweetheart. I’m dying to, but you’re gonna be sore enough as it is…” Danny continued thrusting against her and Kat exhaled a frustrated groan. “But I can make you come this way. Without pain.” He pressed his hand into the middle of her back, bending her forward slightly, as he kept up the rhythmic sliding of his erection against her core.

Every time it slid against her clitoris, Kat got louder, until the sound of her moans filled the room.

“Does that feel good, sweetheart?” he asked thickly.

Oh, God, yes, Danny

” Danny buried his face in her neck and panted against her damp flesh, still sliding himself against her over and over and over. “I want to fuck you so bad right now, Kat…as hard as you can take…”

“Oh, yes…do it…
…” Kat reached down between her legs to stroke him as he moved against her and he groaned.

“I can’t…but let me make you come…” Danny gripped her hipbone, increasing his rhythm and thrusting harder.

A few more strokes had Kat on the precipice. “

Kat fisted her hands in the sheet, Danny thrust one more time, brushing against her clitoris, and she broke apart. Loud, inarticulate noises filled the space her moans had occupied as she rode out her orgasm, still rubbing herself against Danny’s erection again and again.

“That’s right…” he whispered into her ear, increasing the pressure and pace of his thrusts. “Yeah, keep using me, sweetheart…ride it like that…‘cause I wanna make you feel so good…”


Kat suddenly felt dangerously close to having another orgasm. One more thrust – one more second of dirty talk – and she was going be done for.

“I’m gonna give you some time to heal up…” Danny continued thrusting against her, his hand coming up to fist in her hair. He gently pulled her head the side and nipped at her neck. “Then I am going to start fucking you and not stop for a long, long while, Kat…and I want you thinking about that, my dick buried as deep as you can take, fucking you over and over, until–”

Aaaaaand, there she went.

” she gasped out as another orgasm rocked her body. More inarticulate noises joined the litany of his name whispered again and again, as Kat slowly floated back down from the orgasmic heaven he’d just thrust her into.


Three times, if you counted the kitchen table.

Every muscle in her body relaxed all at once and Kat fell back, boneless, against Danny’s torso. “For God’s sake…” she began, voice hoarse from all her panting and yelling. With a contented sigh, she scooted back farther, until they were flush against one another. “You’ve gotta reign in that dirty talk a little, Danny. Otherwise I’ll just keep orgasming over and over and–”

Danny scoffed. “
gotta reign shit in?”

The edge of affront in his voice had her glancing over her shoulder, brow quirked. “What?”

“Could you be any fucking sexier?” Danny shook his head, brows low as he studied her.


Danny huffed. “Yeah, you. You’re driving me out of my fucking mind. And you’ve only had sex once. A whole hour ago.”

Kat grinned. “Well, I’ve always been a fast learner.”

“You don’t say.” Danny scoffed, astonishment all over his face. “I can’t even imagine the hell on earth you’re gonna give me with a little experience under your belt.”

Kat turned all the way around to face him, grin tugging at her lips. “You sound afraid, Danny.”

“Hell, yeah, I’m afraid!”

Kat’s grin got just a tiny bit wider. “Good. You kinda should be.”

Danny paused, his expression blanking out as he cleared his throat with a shrug. “Also, just so you know, that first time will be the last time I ever come before you, so don’t worry about that.”

Kat reared back. “What are you talking about?”

“I tried holding out earlier, but it just felt too damn good being inside of you. But it won’t happen again, Kat. I promise you that.”

“You tried holding out for what?”

Danny’s eyes filled with some concern Kat just
was nonsense. “It was your first time and I couldn’t even hold out long enough to make you come.”

what’s bothering you?”

“Fuck, yeah, it is,” he shot back, hand running over his shaking head. “It’s my job to make sure you come first, Kat. Every time. I just couldn’t hold out that time. I’m sorry. Won’t happen again.”

BOOK: All of You
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