All of Me (The Billionaire Next Door Book 7) (4 page)

BOOK: All of Me (The Billionaire Next Door Book 7)
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Jason pushed my skirt up and pulled my panties
off. The soft sensation sent a shiver through me. Having my legs spread to
compensate Jason’s size made me yearn for him harder, wishing he would stop
waiting and ravish me like I knew he was going to.

In the glow of the fire, I watched Jason unzip
his pants and pull them off, revealing his strong, muscled thighs. I reached
down and touched him, feeling his softness, his hardness, and everything in
between. I ran my fingers through his hair and he moaned in my ear. Every time
my hand stroked over him another moan of pleasure escaped his lips, louder and
looser each time.
“Sophia, yes, yes. I like that.”
That’s when I knew he
was mine.

I played with him until he was rock hard,
making him moan mercilessly. Unable to wait any longer, he pushed my hand away
and positioned himself between my legs. His blunt head poked around my thighs,
causing me to tremble and squirm in pleasure and anticipation. I let out a
quiet gasp as I felt him at my slippery entrance. Looking down into my eyes, he
maintained searing, steady eye contact as he pushed into me. His size
overwhelmed me as he slipped inside and I shuddered all over. My muscles
trembled and Jason lowered his weight onto me. His pressure felt oddly
satisfying and comforting.

The fire reflected in his eyes burned wildly,
just as it was burning inside me.

My lips parted and I gasped out loud.

There was nobody around to hear us.

It was just us and the mountains.

I whispered. I loved that sound.
I said again, louder
this time.
I could say it over and over again without getting
sick of it.

I love
It was barely a whisper.

As if I had said a secret word, Jason pushed
more forcefully into me. He wrapped my legs around him and held my body
securely against his, caressing my hair with one hand and my back with the
other. He held me like he adored me, like he waited a thousand days thinking of
doing only this, and now that he had me in his arms, he wouldn’t let go.

Digging my heels into the bed, I pushed up
into him, wanting him to go deeper. I wanted to be more a part of him than I
ever was before. I wanted all of him. Though my tired and bruised muscles ached
from my skiing adventure earlier, I didn’t care. My body sang with passion and
euphoria as I wrapped my legs tighter around his hard body.

Jason thrust again and again as my muscles
pulsed wildly. I grabbed hard onto his designer sweater, gripping tightly.

I said through clenched teeth.

Jason grabbed a handful of my hair and plunged
deep inside me unapologetically, hard and purposely. His whole body stiffened
as he thrust inside me, emptying into me. Holding this position for a few
seconds, we collectively softened and melted into the sheets like snowflakes in
the sun.

Looking into each other’s dizzy eyes, we
stared at each other in the hazy orange glow of the fire. Though it was cold
outside, we were both misted with sweat.

Jason let go of me and pulled off his sweater
and helped me sit up so that he could pull off my dress, leaving it in a pile
on the ground.

Now that we were both naked, he pulled my body
back close and spooned me against his large body, making sure I wouldn’t get
cold again. His skin rubbing against mine was the most addictive sensation I
had ever felt. My skin tingled with excitement and I was alive - more alive now
than I was rushing down the hill earlier with reckless abandon. Sex with Jason
was more exhilarating than a triple black diamond, though I didn’t want to try
the latter to test my theory. In my heart, I knew it to be true.

Jason moved his hand down my shoulder, along
my arm until he reached my hand, which he clasped perfectly in his. Our fingers
interlocked as we drifted to sleep. The fire crackled dimly in the corner while
our gourmet dinner grew cold on the table. The fat snowflakes piled up outside,
but I didn’t care. I was safe, warm, and loved, wrapped in Jason’s arms.


~Chapter 6~

The next morning when we got dressed to leave,
we found that the snow had really come down. Just pushing the front door open
was a struggle.

“Where’s the snowmobile?” I asked, pulling my coat
a bit tighter around my body. “I thought we left it right here.” The area where
the snowmobile used was now a big white lump.

“It was,” Jason said, more to himself. He took
a few giant steps in the snow towards the spot, sinking deeper into the snow
with each step. He pulled his sleeve over his hand and wiped away the snowy
lump with his arm, revealing a shining black piece of plastic. “There it is.”

“The snow buried it?” The surprise was evident
in my voice.

“It seems so. Here, come help me start
digging.” He handed me a shovel and we both began digging up the snowmobile as
if we were digging up a priceless relic. “What if we don’t get it out?” I

“Then I guess this is our new home. We wanted
something with some green space for Destroyer, didn’t we?” He smirked up at me.

“I don’t see much green space. And we’d
Destroyer for that plan to work.”

“Do we?” Jason joked.
I threw some snow
at him and he returned the favor, making me squeal as snow trickled down the back
of my shirt.

“Jason!” I protested, throwing one last
snowball at him. Jason laughed.

“You know, I wouldn’t mind staying out here
with you for a couple more nights.” Jason’s sly smile was simply irresistible.
did he have to be so damn cute?

“Don’t say that, I might just take you up on

“You say that like it’s a bad thing.” Jason
smiled again as he shoveled another pile of snow over his shoulder.

A strange padded noise approached us from a

“What’s that?” I asked. Jason looked up. We
both squinted into the blinding snow, which reflected the sun with full force.

“You folks need some help?”

Jason and I both saw him at the same time - an
older man on a sled pulled by six large Huskies.

“Oh my!” I did my best to run towards the
dogs, but the snow made sure to make my effort look ridiculous. It was like
running in waist deep water!

After struggling, I finally reached the
white-gray Husky closest to me and I ran my fingers through its soft, wet fur. The
dog closed its eyes and smiled in glee.

The old man looked at the half-buried
snowmobile and whistled. “Over thirty inches last night alone. Biggest snowfall
of the season so far, I reckon.”

“What are the roads like?” Jason asked.

“Non-existent.” The man squinted, trying to
see what it was we were trying to dig out. “That snowmobile will do nothing for
you - unless you want to bury yourselves in a snowy grave.”

I cringed at the thought. Already my legs were
starting to go numb as I was nearly waist deep in snow. The Huskies were now
taking a rest, each lying down on the soft snow in an effort to take a break.

“Where you folks headed?” The jolly older man

“Out to the Thompson place.”

“Oh, the large chalet about a mile up?”

“That’s the one.”

“Yeah, you ain’t getting up there in that
thing, let me tell ya.”

Jason pulled off his glove and ran his hand
through his hair. I could tell he was concerned that this whole scenario would
reflect bad on him, as he wasn’t used to things going wrong (especially in
front of a lady). I tried not to notice this and instead focus my attention on
the two Huskies in front of me which were both vying for my attention, squinting
in the blinding sunlight.

“Well how about I take you folks up there.”

“Are you sure?” Jason asked. “Do you think
they can handle the weight?”

The man looked at the dogs. “These guys?
They’re champions! They’ve pulled far heavier, trust me.” The older man looked
at me with a twinkle in his eye. I smiled at him.

After a bit of a struggle, Jason helped me
climb onto the back of the sled. Jason stretched his legs out on either side of
me and wrapped his arms around me tightly.

“By the way, my name is Craig.”

“Nice to meet you Craig, this is Sophia, and
I’m Jason.”

“It’s a pleasure, now - HYA!” He snapped the
reigns and the sled jerked forward. Instinctively I grabbed onto the sled to
steady myself. Jason tightened his grip around me.

“I won’t let you fall,” he whispered deep and
sexy in my ear.

“I know.”

The dogs moved with incredible speed and
agility over the snow, and for a while it almost felt like we were floating
over the packed snow. The jingling of the bells around the dogs’ collars
provided a wonderful festive addition to this winter wonderland.

Since we were in the back, Jason and I had the
opportunity to look at the beautiful snow-covered trees, glistening in the
sunshine. As the dogs veered left and turned around a bank, my breath was
nearly taken away as I saw the many snow-capped mountains in the distance.

“It’s beautiful.”

Jason hugged me tighter against him. The dogs
ran on and the cool wind blew against our exposed cheeks.

In no time, we were back at the large chalet.

“There you go folks. See? Not a problem for
these guys.” Craig leaned forward and gave one of the dogs a pat on the head.
“Right, Sparky?” The dog let out a little yap. Craig pulled a handful of carrot
sticks out from his pocket and threw them in the snow near the dogs who happily
sniffed and ate them up, crunching loudly with each bite.

Jason pulled out his wallet and started
fishing for some bills but Craig put out his hand.

“Not necessary - I was just helping out some
folks in trouble, like anyone should. Have a good day, folks.” He snapped the
reigns again. “HYA!” And he was gone, leaving behind sled marks and hundreds of
dog prints in the snow.

Jason gave me a wide grin.

“How’s that for adventure?” He put his arm
around me as we entered the chalet.

Once inside, we were greeted with four worried

“Jason, old boy. You survived!” Simon took
Jason’s hand and shook it.

“A man with some huskies pulled us out of the
snow.” Jason said, reclaiming his hand and pulling off his scarf. I did the
same - pulling off my boots and dropping a pile of snow onto the floor, which
promptly began melting into a puddle.

“How romantic!” Ellie wailed from inside the
cabin. She was in her bikini, sitting on the edge of the hot tub.

“We’re just glad you’re safe, buddy,” Ty said.

“Hey.” Jason furrowed his brow. “Why are you
guys all bundled up?”

As Jason asked the question, I noticed both Ty
and Simon were in their snow pants and parkas.

“Well, we won’t be leaving today like we
thought we would. But with all this fresh snow we decided to hit the slopes
again. We’re going on the double black diamond.”

Right away I saw Jason’s eyes widen with
delight. He looked at me.

I nodded. “Go ahead, I’ll stay back with the

“You sure?”

“Yes, now get out of here.”

Jason gave me a kiss on the cheek. “I love

“I love you too, now go have fun.”

He wrapped his scarf back around his neck and
headed out with the guys, leaving me in the cabin with Ellie and Julia.

“Romantic night with the man?” Julia asked
nonchalantly. She walked out from behind the bar with a drink in her hand.

“Very romantic.” I smiled.

Julia sipped on her cocktail as she sauntered
over to the hot tub. I walked over and joined them.

“I envy you. I wish I could have that kind of
romance in my life.”

“What?” Ellie asked sharply. “You’re the
romance queen!”

It was true, Julia Stein had been the romantic
lead in ten year’s worth of romantic comedies and dramas.

“I know, I know.” She waved her
beautifully-manicured hand. “I guess I’m a good actress because I’ve never
experienced that kind of romance in real life.”

I furrowed my brow. “Why not?”

Julia shrugged as she took a long sip of her
cocktail. “I’m always working, I guess.”

“What about Simon?”

She laughed. “He lives in New
York and I live in Hollywood.
Even then, I wouldn’t call it living. I’m always in Tunisia
or London or Rome doing one shoot or another.”

“How terrible,” Ellie exaggerated as she
rolled her eyes.

Julia sighed. “I know, I know. Fancy movie
star globe-trotting around the world, but it gets tired after a while. I want a
simple life. Is that so bad? A house that I can stay in for longer than a few
days at a time, a husband, a family. Sometimes I wonder if I’ll ever get that.”

I nodded, knowing exactly what Julia was
talking about. It was exactly what I wanted for my own relationship. It was
exactly what I had.

“Look at the flip side,” Ellie said, splashing
her feet in the steaming water. “There are millions of people out there who
envy the hell out of you.”

Julia gave her an unconvincing smile and
downed the rest of her cocktail. “I guess so.” She put the empty glass down.
“If you excuse me, I’m going to go put on my bikini so I can cook myself in
that water.” She turned around and disappeared up the stairs.

Ellie and I exchanged concerned glances.

“I never would have expected that,” I said.

“I would.” Ellie slipped into the water. “I
like where I am. Look at us.” She put her arms out. “We get to enjoy all the
perks while still remaining somewhat anonymous, enjoying the fruits of both the
simple life and the extravagant.”

I smiled. This sure was different from what
she said the other night, and I was glad.

“You know what? I’m going to go slip into my
bikini and join you in the hot tub too.”

Ellie squealed. “Yay!” Her eyes flashed to the
bar. “And when you come back, can you bring some of that spiked eggnog?”

I laughed. “Whatever you say, Queen Ellie.”

Ellie grinned widely as she sunk deeper into
the hot tub.

As I went upstairs I heard sobbing. Julia’s
door was ajar. I knocked quietly on it, causing it to open further.


“Oh.” Julia wiped her tears away and looked at
me with a forced smile, as if everything was fine.

“Are you okay?”

“Just peachy.”

“Listen, if you want to talk-”

Julia shook her head. “I’m just realizing that
I don’t have what you and Jason have. I could have, but I don’t. And I’m not
getting any younger - the tabloids make sure to remind me of that every fucking

“Oh, Julia.” I took her in my arms and she
began sobbing uncontrollably onto my shoulder. I patted her softly on the back.
“It’s never too late to make a big change.”

“You think so?” Hope crept back into her

“I know so!”

“It’s just - so many people expect so many
things from me.”

“But they’re not you. You can’t expect to live
your life for someone else, can you?”

Julia wiped her eyes and looked at me with a
dazed expression. She shook her head. “No.” She sniffled. “Thanks for talking
to me. Jason was right - you’re really nice.”

I smiled.

“Hey!” Her outburst startled me. “You know a
lot about dogs, right?”


“In my new movie I’m supposed to be a dog
trainer, do you think you can give me some pointers?”

I laughed. “Let’s get you cleaned up and
changed, and then yes, I can give you some pointers.”

“Oh my - thank you!” Julia gave me a tight
hug, and in that moment I couldn’t believe that a Hollywood starlet needed help
from me, a lowly vet from Jacksonville.
“You know, Jason’s really lucky.”

I smiled. “Come on, Ellie will freak if she
doesn’t get her boozy eggnog any time soon.”

Julia laughed. “Alright. Let’s just hope she
doesn’t get to it before we do.”


Julia, Ellie and I spent the afternoon soaking
in the hot tub and laughing over drinks. I showed Julia different ways of
handling dogs. According to her, her career was so hectic that she never had
time for a pet and, for some reason, that made me sad.

Using Ellie as an example, I showed Julia how
to pet a dog without startling it. Ellie was a willing but difficult subject
considering she was about halfway through the carton of eggnog and rum.

Julia kept us entertained with factoids about
different male actors she had costarred with. Though Ellie seemed to know
everything Julia said, I was quite surprised at most of what I heard.

A few hours later, the guys showed up, cheeks
pink and hair askew, with the news that the roads had been cleared.

BOOK: All of Me (The Billionaire Next Door Book 7)
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