All of It (36 page)

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Authors: Kim Holden

BOOK: All of It
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So when I ask him an important question about the wedding a week before the big day he listens contemplatively … and then he answers … and it’s the answer I need to hear. “Yes.”

Life is sometimes … your past and your future.

Chapter 24
Marriage is a beautiful arrangement
To which weddings are mandatory

The big day is here and Dimitri, Sunny, Sebastian, Bob, and I are taking the day to prepare. The wedding isn’t until six-thirty tonight, but there’s a lot to do. The weather couldn’t be better, and there’s not a cloud in the sky. The temperature this evening forecasts seventy-five degrees and no rain, so Sebastian’s setting up the tables and chairs for the reception in the backyard near the waterfall, and Dimitri’s stringing twinkle lights in all the trees. Bob is setting up chairs in the gallery, and Sunny is arranging flowers. And I’m trying to stay out of the way and not freak out.

We break for a late lunch, but I can’t eat. I’m too nervous, so I excuse myself to the backyard to enjoy the weather and take a breather. The good thing is that everything is ready, and all we can do now is wait for the guests to start arriving around six. Three hours to burn, the majority of which I should probably spend showering and getting myself ready (that’s what brides do on their wedding day, right?). I graciously and gratefully refused the fancy spa appointment Sunny tried to set up for me. (I have a one spa visit per lifetime rule. Quite honestly, they still frighten me). Besides, I want some time to myself to reflect on just how lucky I am to have arrived at this day.

Dimitri finds me sitting on a boulder in the backyard by the waterfall. It’s quiet out here. He sits down next to me and hands me a bottle of water. “Hey you.”

I take the water and smile. “Hey.”

He puts his arm around me and kisses the top of my shoulder. “You ready for this?”

I lean my head on his shoulder. “Ready to be married to you, yes. It’s just the wedding itself …” I trail off. “I think maybe I should’ve taken you up on your offer to go to Vegas weeks ago.”

I feel his chest rise as he laughs quietly. He pulls my hair back from my face and tucks it behind my ear. “I can’t promise it won’t be painful … and extravagant. Sunny
involved, after all. But it will all be over in a few hours.”

“We still have time to elope. They’ll all have enchiladas and cupcakes to eat. Pedro’s enchiladas are so freaking amazing, they won’t even miss us.” He’s so easy to joke around with that I feel better already.

“Weddings are all about the food, right? That’s the biggest reason why everyone is coming, anyway. Didn’t you know? The whole wedding ceremony is just a sidebar. A precursor, if you will. They definitely wouldn’t miss us.”

I burst out laughing. This is what I needed: time alone with Dimitri. I raise my head to look at him. “I love you.”

As he leans in to kiss me he whispers, “And that’s a good thing, because you’re stuck with me forever now.”

The kiss is unexpectedly passionate. It’s the best kind of distraction. Several minutes later I stop to catch my breath. He moans and pulls me back. I kiss him once and rest my forehead against his.

“Let’s go upstairs,” he pleads.

I put my hands on his cheeks and hold him, my forehead still resting against his; it takes everything I have to not take him by the hand, run upstairs to his old bedroom and rip his clothes off. “We can’t.”

He runs his hand up under the back of my T-shirt, under my bra strap and back down. It’s hot. “We can.”

“But we shouldn’t.” I run my hand down his cheek to his throat, to his chest, to his stomach, to the waist of his jeans. I curl my fingertips over the inside edge, my thumb hooking through a belt loop.

His voice catches. “Oh, we
should.” He kisses my neck, over and over.

Every inch of my body is buzzing. I thought these sensations were gone forever, but they’ve made a miraculous comeback these past two months.

And then we hear someone clear his throat. “Jesus Christ, save it for the honeymoon already.” We both jump at the sound of his voice. It’s Sebastian. He loves to ruin a moment. He smiles. “D., Mom needs you. She needs help moving the piano or something. I’m going to run Bob home. He forgot his tie.”

Dimitri’s cheeks are red. I don’t know if it’s from the kissing, or the heat, or both. I let go of Dimitri and stand up. I guess we do have a wedding to get to. I can’t resist kissing him one more time as he stands. “I’m going to go shower while you help Sunny.” I wink. “I’ve got this thing, this really important thing, that I need to get ready for.”

He bites his lower lip, smiles and nods. No witty comeback, he just smiles. It’s one of those special moments that hits you like a freight train. For that moment in time, everything is perfect. Not perfect in the true sense of the word, but it’s exactly the way it should be. That’s what this moment is. It’s genuine and lovely. I wish I could wrap it up and tuck it away in a box so I could open it up later, over and over again. When I blink, it’s gone. So, I say, “See you in a few hours, Mr. Glenn.”

And he says, “I’ll be the handsome one in the black suit, standing next to the priest.”

I shower and do my hair and make-up and paint my toe nails in the bathroom in Dimitri’s old bedroom. Sunny stops in a few times to check on me and to see if I need any help. I secretly think she’s just dying to see what I’m wearing because I haven’t told anyone. I want to surprise Dimitri. Not that I’m really into tradition, but that is the tradition, isn’t it? He’s not supposed to know. Just as I slip into my shoes I hear the doorbell ring. It’s 5:57 and the first guests are arriving. All there is left for me to do now is wait.

At 6:20 there’s a knock on the bedroom door. “Miss Veronica, may I come in?” I open the door to Bob’s familiar smile.

“Miss Veronica, you look like a picture.”

I blush. “Thanks, Bob.”

“Place is filling up down there. Are you ready?”

I nod.

“Before we head down, I brought something for you. There’s an old saying that goes along with weddings. I don’t remember all of it, and I may not be remembering it correctly, but I’m fairly certain there’s a line about something borrowed and something blue.”

I nod again. “I think I’ve heard that one.”

He reaches into his suit coat pocket. “Well, I would be honored if you would wear this tonight. I don’t know if it matches your dress—I’m not real good with that sort of thing—,” he looks down, chuckling a bit to himself. “But it is blue.” Lying in the palm of his hand is a delicate gold and sapphire bracelet.

The tears are welling up in my eyes and I take a deep breath in hopes of pushing them back. “Bob, it’s beautiful. I would be proud to wear it.”

I extend my arm and he fastens it around my wrist and then raises my hand and kisses the back of it. “It belonged to Alice. I know that seeing you wear it on this day would make her very happy, Miss Veronica.”

All I can do is smile.

He looks at his pocket watch. “It’s time.” He smiles, eyes glistening, and thrusts his elbow out proudly. I slip my arm through. The polyester fabric of his suit coat is scratchy against my bare arm. Bob and Alice never had any daughters, so when I asked him if he would walk me down the aisle, it was something especially important for him. It’s a big deal for me, too. I can’t do this alone.

When we get down all the flights of stairs, I see Sunny sitting at the piano at the back of the gallery. She’s fidgeting on the bench. She sees us as we approach and smiles sweetly before looking down at her sheet music. The wedding march begins and the priest asks everyone to stand. It’s time.

The room is dimly lit overhead, but there are literally hundreds of candles strategically placed throughout the room. The gallery is absolutely glowing, and it’s breathtaking.

Bob’s pace is slow and steady, which is perfect because I’m about ready to blackout. High heels may have been a bad idea. I decide to focus on the faces around me. The crowd is small, about thirty people. The majority of them are Dimitri’s family and friends, but I spot my guests quickly. Tate and Monica are first. Tate is giving me the thumbs up and Monica is smiling. Her eyes are glistening. John and his mom are next. His mom blows me a kiss and John waves. And then there’s Piper who’s never hard to miss. She’s bouncing in place, practically vibrating with nervous, happy energy. I’m smiling now. I’m glad they’re here. This feels right.

We’re near the end of aisle before I look up. The first thing I see is a wall of pink cascading from the ceiling to the floor. I have no idea how Sunny pulled it off, but it’s extraordinary. She’s a genius with flowers. And then I see the handsome guy, standing next to the priest, in front of the lilies. And all my worries melt away. He’s beautiful. His suit is black, paired with a crisp white shirt. He’s wearing his burgundy tie—the one he wore to dinner when we were in Las Vegas—just as I requested. His eyes are shining, and he’s wearing a faint smile. It’s the kind of smile that originates in the depths of your soul. So deep that by the time it reaches the surface it’s faint, but so emotional it’s almost painful. I know because I’m wearing it too, and I feel it.

Bob and I stop when we reach them. Directly before us is the priest, and to his left is Dimitri, and to his left is Sebastian. Sebastian smiles at Bob and me. The music stops and I hear Sunny’s heels clicking up the aisle behind us as the crowd is seated.

“Who here gives Dimitri and Veronica to marriage?” The priest asks.

Sunny is standing beside me now. She reaches out and gives Dimitri’s hand a squeeze. “I do.” Then she whispers too low for anyone except Dimitri and me to hear. “I love you. Both of you.”

The priest looks to Bob, whose arm is still interlocked with mine. Bob clears his throat. “I do, on behalf of William and Josephine.”

I smile. I didn’t realize he was going to say that. My hand involuntarily clutches the locket I’m wearing around my neck. The locket belonged to my mom, a gift from my dad on their wedding day. I’ve kept it stored away until today. It contains their wedding photo. I wanted them here with me. It seemed the best way.

The priest nods to Sunny and Bob to take their seats. Bob pats my arm before releasing it.

As they’re taking their seats the priest leans forward and whispers to me, “Where is your maid of honor, dear?”

I pat the locket hanging over my heart. “They’re right here.”

He concedes with a nod and begins the ceremony. It all passes in a blur. I can’t focus on anything except those gorgeous gray eyes locked with mine. They’re shining with tears and happiness. I’m not taking in individual moments, just those eyes.

I repeat the priest’s words when I’m asked to, as does Dimitri. And I place the ring on Dimitri’s finger when I’m asked to, as does Dimitri. But when I hear the words, “You may now kiss the bride,” I’m fully alert. All of my senses come back in a rush. I smell lilies and sandalwood. I see Sebastian grinning ear to ear. I hear whistling and cheering from our friends and family. And I feel the warmth of Dimitri’s hands on either side of my face as I breathe in his kiss. His lips are soft and taste like vanilla. It’s heavenly.

The priest looks to our guests and gestures toward us. “I now present to you, Mr. and Mrs. Glenn.”

Dimitri takes my hand. “Shall we, Mrs. Smith-Glenn?”

I smile and nod. I can’t believe I’m married to this precious person. How did this happen? What makes me so special to deserve someone like him?

As we walk down the aisle to the cheers of our family and friends, he leans in and whispers. “I love the dress, though you may have warned me. I was prepared for floor-length white, something concealing and chaste … and virginal. Instead, you look
. Do you think anyone noticed that I had to pick my jaw up off the floor when you walked down the aisle?”

I wink. “It’s your own fault. You picked it out.” I decided to wear the burgundy dress Dimitri gave me in Las Vegas. I realize it’s not standard issue white and it is very revealing, but I’m not a big fan of tradition. I wanted to feel pretty on my wedding day and this is the prettiest dress I’ve ever seen. So, I thought, why not?

We stop outside and he pulls me aside before the crowd follows. “I love that you asked Bob to walk you down the aisle. Well done. He was
proud. Wait until you see the pictures.”

“He’s special. And since my dad couldn’t be here …” I trail off sadly.

He gestures to my locket. “May I?”

I nod.

He opens it gently and smiles knowingly at the image inside. “I knew it.” He snaps it shut and kisses my forehead. “They made it after all.”

We are interrupted by hugs and kisses and photos and more hugs and more kisses and more photos. Then we all proceed outside to enjoy the evening reception. Dinner lives up to its reputation and exceeds my expectations. Everyone finishes up their cupcakes as darkness descends. The twinkle lights act as backdrop for us to circulate the yard and personally thank everyone individually for coming. I am so blessed to have reconnected with Tate, Monica, John, and Piper this summer. Teagan’s death was the unfortunate catalyst, but I am so, so grateful to have them all in my life again. I won’t lose them twice. Tate, Monica, and John are all leaving to go back to various out-of-state colleges next week, and Piper’s moving to Puerto Rico next month, so the wedding’s timing couldn’t have been better.

At ten-thirty, Dimitri reminds me of the time. “We’d better get going or we’ll miss our flight.”

The majority of them have gone home. It is a Monday night after all, and most of them have to be to work in the morning. A few of Dimitri’s relatives from Texas are staying with Sunny for a few days and have moved into the kitchen to talk. We say our goodbyes and give our last hugs.

Sunny hugs us both at once and kisses each of us on the cheek. “I want you to know how much I love you both. Congratulations. Be careful on your trip and have fun. Take lots of pictures.”

Sebastian hugs Dimitri next and says something I can’t hear and then he hugs me, “Welcome to the family, Ronnie. It’s strange to say that, because I’ve always thought of you as family, just like my sister. I love you.”

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