All Jacked Up (5 page)

Read All Jacked Up Online

Authors: Lorelei James

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Adult, #Western, #Red Hots!, #Contemporary Romance

BOOK: All Jacked Up
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“For fuck’s sake. Justin is an idiot.”

“You didn’t say any of that shit to him?”

“What I said was he should know you weren’t the woman for him because it didn’t bother him to watch his buddy fucking you. I said if Justin loved you, he should’ve thrown Logan out the goddamn hotel window for daring to put his hands on you.” Jack remembered being extremely pissed off because his brother had Keely McKay in his bed and wasn’t man enough to keep her satisfied, nor was he man enough to call the shots.

Comprehension dawned in her eyes. “You’re serious.”

“Completely. That dumbass took it totally out of context and you blame me.”

“Not entirely. I mostly blamed Justin.”

“Good. He couldn’t handle you anyway, could he?”

“Nope.” She gifted him with a flirty grin that made his balls tighten. “You think he’ll be upset by our engagement?”

“Probably. But he won’t freak out as much as your brother.”

“Which brother?”



All Jacked Up

Keely snorted. “Carter is a pussycat. You oughta be worried about Cam; he’s always armed. Plus, he knows we had an…incident at Colt and India’s wedding reception.”

No wonder the guy always glared at him. “Did you tell him what happened?”

“Are you kiddin’? I haven’t told anyone the embarrassing truth. All Cam knows is that I was unhappy and it was your fault.”

“Fantastic.” Jack jammed his hands through his hair again. “We really have to call everyone tonight, don’t we?”

“Yep. And since your folks didn’t reproduce like rabbits, your list is considerably smaller than mine.”

“My mom and dad always wanted more kids. It’d be easier on her now if she had more family around…” Guilt popped up. Again. Followed quickly by sorrow. Again.

She smoothed her hand up his forearm. “I’m sorry about your dad, Jack. Marvin was very sweet to me the couple of times I met him.”

A hollow emptiness expanded in his chest whenever his dad’s name was mentioned. “Thanks.”

“As long as I’m apologizing… I’m really sorry I was such a jerk two years ago at my family picnic.

When I saw you moping around, I thought it was because I refused to talk to you. I had no idea it was because your dad had died. After Macie chewed my ass, I went looking for you to express my condolences, but you were already gone.”

“It’s okay. Maybe you can run interference for me with Macie when she finds out I own the Sandstone Building. I imagine she’ll rip me a new one.”

“Deal.” She gestured to his phone. “Get crackin’. I’ll hang out until you’re done.”

His mother was beside herself he’d snatched up that “fine young woman” Keely McKay for his wife.

She spent more time chatting with Keely than with him. Maybe because Keely snapped a picture of her engagement ring with her cell phone and sent it to her. Maybe because Keely begged her to help Carolyn plan the engagement party. But Jack couldn’t accuse Keely of pandering, because she genuinely liked his mother. He felt his first twinge of guilt about this charade; it’d hurt his mother when he and Keely called off the engagement.

A sexy trill of laughter caught Jack’s attention and he watched Keely’s lips curve into a smile.

“Honestly, we didn’t tell anyone, so your boy isn’t keeping you out of the loop, Doro. I promise. Yes. I’ll tell him.”

“Tell me what?”

Keely clicked the off button. “Your mom says your dad would be proud of you.”

More guilt.

“Who’s next on your list?”

“Can’t we just send everyone else a text message with that picture of your engagement ring?” Hell.

That actually sounded whiny. What the fuck was happening to him?


Lorelei James

“That’s a great idea but let’s take a picture of us. The light is all golden and glowy right now.” She yanked on the door handle. Four times in rapid succession. “Let me out.”

“Patience isn’t your strong suit, is it?”

“Better learn that early on.” After Jack skirted the front end of the car, Keely positioned him against the passenger side and took over. He allowed it. For now. But the cowgirl was sorely mistaken if she thought he was malleable like the men she usually dated.

“Put your hand here. No, here. Now pull me close. Angle your head into mine. Hang on. I wanna get the ring in the pic too.” She settled her left hand prominently in the center of his chest. “Okay. Hold that beautiful smile on the count of three. One. Two…”

At the last second, Jack turned and kissed her cheek.

“Dammit, Jack.” She jumped away from him. “That was uncalled for.”

“Told you payback was a bitch. So let’s see it.”

“No.” Keely lifted the camera out of his reach. “You don’t get to—”

“Yes I do.” Jack snatched the phone, clicking to the last picture. He grinned. The light reflected off Keely’s glossy black hair, creating a halo effect. She smiled prettily as he lovingly smooched her cheek. He flipped it around so she could see the screen.

“It’s okay, but I think—”

“Anyone looking at this will think we’re happy, and that’s the point, right?” He pushed a few buttons and sent the picture to everyone in her phone book with the message,
Jack Donohue and I are engaged!

Love, Keely.
“There. It’s a done deal. Now everyone knows.”

“What?” Keely swiped the phone and scrolled down. “No, no, no, no! You sent this to everyone?

Including… Omigod, Casey and Renner and Kent?”

“Who are Casey and Renner and Kent?”

“Some guys I’ve been—”

Jack boxed her against her the car with his body, forcing her undivided attention. “You will not fuck around on me,
, understand? No calling other guys. No flirting with other guys. No kissing other guys.

No touching other guys. As far as the world is concerned, we are engaged for real, and you will not embarrass me, or yourself, by acting any way other than wildly in love with me, got it?”

Her gaze slid to his mouth and she licked her lips.

Fuck. He’d spent way too many hours thinking about what he’d do if that tempting mouth of hers was ever close to his again. If he lowered his head he could taste the juicy sweetness of those full red lips as he swallowed her surprised moan…

The phone in his hand buzzed with a text message.

Dammit all to hell. “I said got it?”

“Uh-huh.” She kept peering at him with those enormous midnight blue eyes.


All Jacked Up

“Nothing to say?” he prompted.

“Just one thing.”


“Possessive much?”

You don’t know the half of it.
Jack permitted a feral smile. “Better learn that early on.” He pushed back and tucked the phone in her front shirt pocket. “Go upstairs and make your calls. I’ll be right up.”

Keely sauntered away.

Jack dug his cell phone out and brought up the engagement picture he’d forwarded to himself. It exemplified a couple who looked wildly in love. He reworded the text message and hit
send all

No going back now.

Three hours later, Jack punched his lace pillow for the millionth time. He could not get comfortable in this stupid, lumpy, midget-sized bed.

You can’t get comfortable because you’ve got a hard-on the size of a Louisville Slugger.

He stared at the rows of stuffed animals lining the bookshelves. Creepy damn things. Then he gazed at the ceiling, wide-awake.

He’d spent the last two hours trying not to gawk at Keely’s legs. Or her ass. Or her tits. Or the little slice of her belly that teased where her booty shorts gapped in the front. Or where the bottom curve of her butt cheeks peeked out in the back.

What kind of man got hard from a pair of flannel shorts?

He did, evidently. She hadn’t been deliberately teasing him either. If Keely had slunk out of her bedroom in a skimpy Victoria’s Secret getup, he wouldn’t have reacted.

Right. Keely McKay could wear sackcloth and ashes and he’d be lusting after her.

She’d all but ignored him as she cleaned up the kitchen. Tidied up the living room. She’d handed him the remote to an older model TV. Talk about horrified—no big screen/flat screen and no cable. That’d change first thing tomorrow.

Then Keely bid him goodnight. At ten-thirty. Jack didn’t know what to do with himself. He could crack open his laptop, but work didn’t appeal to him. Wandering down to the local bar alone didn’t sound like fun. Watching TV was out. He set up his coffeemaker. Then he’d gone to bed.

And there he lay with his dick as rigid as rebar.

Every time he thought of something nonsexual, such as his conversation with Carter—which was little more than profanity laced threats. Or his conversation with Justin—which was little more than the accusation Jack had fucked up Justin’s relationship with Keely just so Jack could have her—the throbbing in his groin abated somewhat.


Lorelei James


But then Keely, the sexy, sassy, sultry, sweet-smelling cowgirl from hell would float into his mind’s eye again and he’d be back to square one. Hard, horny. Hating he had no outlet.

Wrong. There’s no shame in beating off. No different than any other night in your pathetic sex life.

True. So Jack closed his eyes, spread his legs and took himself in hand. He imagined Keely easing that yellow tank top up, revealing the creamy expanse of her taut belly. In his fantasy, her belly button was pierced and a little silver cowbell jangled with every twitch of her curvy hips.

He stroked his cock from root to tip.

She tossed the tank top and cupped her tits. They were on the small side, but Jack wasn’t a tit man anyway. Her thumbs drew circles around the rosy nipples, brushing the tips until they puckered. She moaned and slid her palms down her belly, beneath the waistband of the flannel shorts, swinging her hips with gusto. Her long black hair whipped from side to side as she shimmied the shorts off. Her pussy was shaved except for a tiny strip of black hair. She traced the line of her slit with a slender finger, parting the delicate pink lips.

Oh fuck yeah. His hand on his cock moved faster.

The phantom image of Keely drifted forward, her come-hither stare locked on the movement of his fist as he beat off. She placed her left foot on the footboard, giving him an unobstructed view of her glistening sex. She thrust her middle finger into her cunt and moaned softly as she pumped it in and out.

Showing him the wetness, biting her lip as she pleasured herself in front of him.

When she started grinding the heel of her hand into her clit and pinching her nipple, the
slap slap slap
of Jack working his cock became louder. Keely pulled her fingers from her juicy sex and sucked them into her wicked mouth.

Jack lost it, furiously pulling on his cock until his release spurted out and coated his hand.

After he’d caught his breath, he opened his eyes. Alone in his room, whacking off to an illusion again.

But damn, what an illusion.

What if it weren’t? Once the news of their engagement spread, everyone would assume they were sleeping together. What if he could have Keely as his sexual playmate for a little while?

Right. Keely would totally go for that. Never mind the fact they couldn’t stand each other. And at least in his delusion Keely hadn’t spoken and ruined it, like he was sure she would in real life.

No. It was better to have the fantasy in this case.

Mind made up, Jack finally relaxed enough to drift toward sleep.

At seven o’clock an unfamiliar screeching whir woke Keely. She jumped out of bed in her underwear and a camisole and raced into the kitchen, figuring an appliance had exploded. But the noise was from 32

All Jacked Up

some fancy-ass coffee pot. Beans were grinding, steam billowed, water hissed and popped. A loud click and the aroma of hot, fresh coffee rolled out.

Keely’s mouth watered.

“A thing of beauty, isn’t it?”

Jack’s deep, scratchy morning voice sent a pleasant tingle down her spine.

“It’s awful damn noisy. Does it bake muffins too?”

“Doesn’t need to. It makes the best coffee in the world and you’ll forget all about muffins once you get a taste. If you ask me real nice I might even let you have a cup.”

“If you ask me real nice, I might even let you
a cup.”

“This one—” he plucked a mug from the dish rack, “—will be just fine.”

She ripped her favorite cup out of his grasp. “Huh-uh. Find another one and keep your paws off this one.”

“You always this cranky in the morning?”

“Yes. Get used to it.”

“Maybe you should go back to bed.”

“Fine.” Keely spun on her heel and slammed her bedroom door. She set her favorite UWYO mug on the nightstand and threw herself on the bed.

Dammit. She did not want to share her apartment or anything in it with Jack. Not coffee. Not small talk. She would never survive this fake engagement. Never. She might as well march right back out there and give him back the ostentatious ring along with a really nasty piece of her mind.


She lifted her head and glared at him. “What?”

“I was kidding about sending you back to bed. Did you want coffee?”

What the heck? Why was Jack being nice to her?

Just go with it.

Keely inhaled a slow, deep breath. “Sure. Just let me throw something on.”

Jack’s gaze systematically inched up her body. When their eyes met, the heat and interest she saw floored her. “No need to get dressed on my account. In fact, all you really need is your special cup, cowgirl.”

“You suggesting a clothing optional coffee klatch?”

His answering smile was decidedly wicked. “Works for me.”

The man was succeeding at keeping her off balance.

She detoured to the bathroom and brushed her teeth, but didn’t attempt to fix her bedhead. In the kitchen area, she sat across from Jack at the small dinette set.

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