Read All I Want for Christmas Online

Authors: Linda Reilly

Tags: #m/m romance

All I Want for Christmas (5 page)

BOOK: All I Want for Christmas
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“No! No, I’m gay, way gay.” I rolled my eyes. “Okay, that sounded stupid. What I mean is, I’m sure. And you fucking me is not a problem at all.”

“Good,” he said with a wink, and then he proceeded to devour me right where he left off.

Chapter Four


I watched
him across the room. When I first came here I thought there were walls separating the rooms, but there weren’t. It was like a huge loft with a few dividing screens placed strategically to create the effect of separate rooms. I liked that. It made it easier for me to remain in his nice comfortable bed and still watch him make something for me to eat.
God, he’s beautiful.
I know I keep saying that, but it’s true.

That whole assumption about all vampires being beautiful had to be correct, at least as far as I knew, because he was. Eternally young, sleek, not an ounce of fat on him, graceful, and I could keep going with the adjectives. Nicholai was beautiful. Even his black eyes didn’t scare me. They were abnormally dark, but I noticed, whenever he was looking at me, a flash of silver swirled across them. It made his otherworldly appearance even more… well, otherworldly.

I can’t believe I’m here with him… on Christmas.
. David Allen Gilden; the most unlikely Jew in my neighborhood to have a boyfriend—
girlfriend—was here in New York’s Upper West Side lying naked in an alien vampire’s bed.
Oh, God!
I flopped on my back and stared at the high ceiling as I rubbed my temples. This was just weird. Joey would never believe me.
Hell, I barely believe me.
But it was true. And I was happy.

I grabbed his pillow and pulled it over my face. It smelled like him. It was cologne I recognized but couldn’t name off the top of my head. Expensive though, I knew that. I removed the pillow and the image of him above me flashed through my mind’s eye. The things we’d just done. It was so good.

This time I was on my back when we made love. I had my legs wrapped around his hips, and I could look into his eyes as he moved in and out of me. And the look on his face when he came… oh, man… just thinking about his total euphoria had me hard again. He looked drunk when he was done, looking down at me, and then he leaned in the rest of the way to kiss me. I didn’t want him to pull out. I wanted to stay like that, frozen in time and physically connected to the man I loved.

My phone rang again.
I should turn the thing off. Leave it to Joey to disturb me just before we had sex and then soon after when I was looping the replay in my head.

“Jooeeeey….” I deliberately sounded exasperated.

“Sorry, dude, but my mom made me call. She wants to make sure you’re all right. She’s worried. I told her you were with a girl, and that just made it worse. She doesn’t think you should spend Christmas with strangers.”

“Dude, I’m fine. More than fine. This isn’t
holiday anyway. You’re the Catholic. Although….” I could
get my mind off what I said to Nicholai earlier. This was the best day ever, and it was Christmas. I had to admit the holiday would forever be changed in my book. It was miraculous. Maybe I wasn’t ready to buy all the hoopla over Jesus being the Son of God, but I was going to admit to liking Christmas. Hell, I liked it before. I liked the lights and the presents and spending time with my friends and family. It’s just now, after meeting Nicholai and waking up in his arms on Christmas morning, that I knew there was a real heaven and therefore there had to be a real God too.

Joey’s voice rang out. “What? David?”

I think my pause was a little long. He sounded agitated. “Nothin’. Um, Joey, I got something to tell you, but I don’t think today is the best day. I mean, it
a great day, I love Christmas now, but it has to do with something else.” I knew I had to come clean about being gay, but I was not going to do that in front of his family.

“Why? What is it?”

“Um, I just… there’s somethin’ I’ve been meaning to tell you for a while now, but only last night did I realize what I was feeling.” I really didn’t want to tell him over the phone.

“Davey, is it that you’re gay?” His question almost made me choke on my own saliva.

I sat up quickly and cleared my throat. Nicholai noticed and strolled over to the bed. He sat next to my legs and placed his hand on my thigh. I only briefly met his gaze before I answered my lifelong friend. “What?” My voice came out shrill. I coughed again. “What?” I repeated. “How did you…?”

“David, we all know. It’s taken
long enough to figure it out.” His matter-of-fact tone soothed my nerves. My shocking news wasn’t so shocking and my best friend was accepting me for who I am.
a Christmas miracle!

“If you knew, how come you didn’t say?”

“Because, Davey, if you weren’t ready to admit it, I wasn’t gonna push. But after hearing you moan ‘Nicholai’ from my bedroom, I kinda figured you were working it all out.”

I knew my face was growing red, and if Joey were in the room, he’d make fun of my sudden embarrassment. “Does my mom know?” I asked.

“No,” he said, “I don’t think so. She’s not as up on current events like my mom. You may even have to explain how you two have sex.”

“Oh, fuck! Like hell I’m gonna do that!” Joey’s joking about it made me relax even more. Nicholai must have sensed that too, because he got up and went back to the kitchen. “Joey?”


I took a deep breath. “Thanks.”

“No prob, bro. Just… don’t forget your friends now that you have a ‘significant other’.”

“Ha, ha. I won’t. I may even bring him by later, that is, if you think your family won’t mind.”

“No. Feel free. Only… can you tell me how you met him? I don’t remember you talking about meeting anybody the last time you were up here?”

I smirked. I ran my hand over my tussled hair as I revealed the cold, hard truth. “Joey, would you believe it’s the speed dial guy from that phone you found?”

“No shit!” he exclaimed. I could practically see him throwing the phone down and jumping back a step. His face would be priceless at this moment.
A Kodak moment.
I really should have waited to tell him that in person.

“No, really. Nicholai is amazing. I felt it as soon as he kissed me.” Nicholai’s eyes locked with mine when I said that. I know Joey was saying something, but I continued on, dreamlike, going over every detail about this man as we stared at one another across the room. “I knew when he touched my face, I’d never want anyone else to touch me like that. I knew when he undressed me and gazed upon my naked body, that I’d never allow anyone to look at me but Nicholai. And when he sunk deep into the recesses of my core, I knew no other man could have me as completely as I gave myself to him.”

By now, Nicholai was undressing in front of me. He apparently abandoned the idea of food in exchange for the lustful tones of my voice. I heard a beep on my phone. A text from Joey:

Jeez. Like I was going to keep listening to THAT!

I chuckled and tossed the phone aside. I had other things in mind. I grabbed Nicholai around the ribs and pulled him to me. Flipping him to the side, I pinned him to the bed. He grinned at me with his constant, devilish half-smile that was just slight enough to hide his teeth. “What?” I asked knowingly, sipping his lips and nipping his chin.

“I like your aggressiveness. It shows me that you are not afraid.”

“Why would I be?” I kissed his neck and made my way down his taut chest.

He chuckled. “Because I am Vampaerii, that certainly tops the list.”

“Ehh, overrated.” I blew it off casually because I knew exactly what he meant and knew exactly how to counter his arguments.

“You doubt I am dangerous?” The roughness in his voice, I expected.

I kept kissing. I dipped my tongue in his navel. He jumped.
Ticklish, hmmm.
“I don’t doubt you’re dangerous, I only doubt you have to strength to do anything to harm
when I can do this.” I proved my point by taking him into my mouth. (This time without marveling over his uncircumcisedness.) I sucked hard, and he lost the ability to make any kind of argument to the contrary. I was right. He knew it. I could do anything I wanted.

I decided to finish what I started earlier in the kitchen. I got interrupted then, and I really wanted to give him the same pleasure he bestowed on me. I took his cock to the back of my throat, and this time I didn’t gag. I worked my hands as well as my mouth, up and down. I rubbed his balls and slid my fingers over his crack. His legs spread wider, inviting me in. I let the building globs of spit coat my fingers, and then I placed one over his opening. I rubbed and he groaned. I pushed that first digit in. His moan was louder.

Damn, he’s tight! If I thought fucking myself in the shower the other day was hard and tight, that was nothing. His ass gives a vise-grip a whole new meaning.

I took my mouth from his pulsing appendage long enough to ask, “Have you ever been fucked?” I went right back to licking and sucking.

“No,” he gasped. I don’t think having my finger sliding in and out of his ass was making it easy for him to think.

I worked my finger slowly and then decided to add another. That was more difficult. I really didn’t think he would relax enough for me to get another finger in. I needed lube. Magically, it was flung at my head. “Thanks,” I mumbled with my mouth full. Lube was much better than saliva, but it still didn’t make him any easier to get into. I worked two fingers until my knuckles began to protest the mounting pressure squeezing them together. We’d definitely need to work more on this if he was going to open up for
any time soon.

Wow, me fucking Nicholai.
The very thought had me pulsing and oozing pre-cum.

I abandoned my stroking of his asshole and worked more fervently on his cock. He was close. I could tell. The way he arched his back and gasped my name had orgasm spelled all over it. Sure enough, a few more head bobs, and I felt hot liquid hit my larynx. I gagged. Not a shocker. But at least I didn’t choke so hard that I had to stop. I kept going as he shook until he had nothing left to spurt. Cum didn’t taste bad, kind of sour and salty and easily swallowed. Add in some tequila and you could have a margarita.

(I am so glad he can’t really read my mind. That sounded so dumb!)

He gave a heaving sigh and tried to get me to come up to him, pulling on my arm.
I think I wore him out.
I acquiesced, moving on all fours I clambered up the bed and over his spent body. “Yes?” I asked smugly.

“That… felt… wonderful.”

His sleepy eyes made me beam with the pleasure I knew I’d given him, my Vampaerii, my Nicholai, my partner.

Okay, we never actually discussed exclusivity, but so far he hadn’t used a condom (he was an alien; did I even need to worry?) and both of us had swallowed each other’s load. I am pretty sure I’m safe in assuming he wasn’t planning on fucking other guys. I sure wasn’t. He was it!


*  *  *

I watched
him fall asleep. I showered. And then I waited until he woke up to tell him we were going to my friend Joey’s for dinner. The news didn’t shock him. I bet he was listening in to my conversation on the phone. Anyway, this was the best Christmas I ever had.


*  *  *

I hated
to leave. It was the worst part about coming to New York. Every time I rode up here since Joey’s family moved, I had to travel back home to my regularly scheduled life. I liked the surreal version better. Only this time it was way worse. I was leaving Nicholai. We said we’d call. I knew he’d call. But I had my life in Maryland, and he had his life in New York. It would take some figuring out. Time. I hated
. It would be more practical for him to move because I was just starting med school. I could probably transfer. He could get a different job.
Gosh, the complications just keep mounting in my head.

When would I see him again? I didn’t know. I hated not knowing. It made me sick to think about being away from him for any length of time. I felt the bus move.

“Megabus,” I whispered to myself. It pulled away from the curb and followed the flow of traffic.

“Excuse me? Is anyone sitting here?”

I knew the voice before I looked up. Those piercing black eyes never looked more inviting, and his slight smirk sent relief rippling through my limbs. I answered him by promptly removing my backpack from the seat next to me and placing it on the floor. Nicholai filled the empty seat and stared at me. I could only guess what he was thinking, because he didn’t say a word, he only reached over and took my hand in his, lacing our fingers together.

 I felt so elated I wanted to shout it to all the passengers on the bus!

He was here, next to me, my Nicholai, and I wanted nothing more than to climb into his lap and kiss him with every bit of passion I possessed. I didn’t. I’m not that bold. I settled for a silly grin just before my eyes darted out the window.

I heard his low chuckle.

Hmmm, a trip to Maryland to meet my family… this should be interesting.

“Merry Christmas,” he whispered in my ear, and then he snuggled against my shoulder for the three-hour ride we had ahead of us.

If I were a fourteen-year-old girl, I would have cried.

Mistletoe Madness

BOOK: All I Want for Christmas
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