All For An Angel (2 page)

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Authors: Jasmine Black

Tags: #romance, #erotic, #erotica, #sex, #sexy, #contemporary, #cop, #sweet, #twins, #indiana, #jasmine black

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He watched as she finished undressing and
lay down on the couch. He stripped his clothes and rolled on a
condom. As he climbed on top of her and slid inside, tears rolled
down her face.

Oh, hell. Close your eyes and pretend
I’m Gabe if you need to, but fuck me back.”

In her mind she saw Gabe’s eyes, looking at
her with longing. She felt his hands on her body and thought about
the quick kiss he’d planted on her lips a little over an hour ago.
She dreamed of him arresting her, cuffing her to his bed and doing
a striptease in his uniform for her.

The thought of Gabe made her wet and hungry
with desire. She bucked and met his thrust, ran her hand down his
muscled back, over his tight butt and squeezed.

He moaned. “Oh yeah. That’s it Amy, fuck
Gabe.” He kissed her neck and sent a tingle to her breasts.

It was wrong. Not to mention disgusting,
with Lou’s beer breath on her skin, but she wanted Gabe. She needed
him to fill her, ached for him.

She wrapped her legs around him, arched her
back and grinded her hips against him.

God you want him, you little vixen.”
He sat up and pulled her with him, his cock deep inside. “Ride his
dick, baby.”

Fuck!” She slammed up and down is
cock, wanting more and bit his neck. Her pussy convulsed around his

He grabbed her hips and pumped her harder.
She couldn’t get enough as if she’d been starved for Gabe’s touch.
“Squeeze my breasts.”

Without hesitation, he complied, tugged on
her nipples, and pinched them. “Oh God, Gabe!” She cried out as she
came and her juices ran down his shaft. Still riding him hard, his
cock twitched inside and he moaned over and over.

She climbed off his lap and started for the

He grabbed her hand. “Damn that was hot. He
really makes you horny. Next time you want him, give me a call. And
when I come over, just fuck me so I don’t have to get nasty with

Repulsed by her actions, she headed for the
shower. When the water was scalding, it still wasn’t hot enough to
wash away her shame and regret. Scrubbing herself until her skin
felt raw, she couldn’t forget what a mess her life was. After
turning off the water, she curled by the toilet, still naked and
vomited. She couldn’t stop the nasty cycle. Lou’s threats and her
desire for Gabe.

She slid on her gown and slipped under the
sheet. Hugging Angel close, she closed her eyes and cried herself
to sleep, hoping it would be a long time before Lou came calling

Chapter 3


Gabe pulled into the parking lot of Amy’s
apartment building at four forty-five on Saturday. The last thing
he wanted to be was late.

He scowled as he glanced around The
Pharmacy, as it was known for the illegal drug dealings. The place
made his skin crawl every time he came around. Lou, that jackass of
a brother, had put her in this spot. Gabe knew for a fact Lou could
pay his child support. He just saw him two months ago with a brand
new Mustang, while Amy’s car broke down every other week.

She should have told me. All she had to do
was slap charges on that jerk, and he would arrest the dead beat
himself. Except, Lou would deny the kid, like always, they’d need a
DNA test and then a court date, on and on. Hell, that little girl
looked just like his brother and himself for that matter.

Four fifty-five. He slid out of his car
holding a bunch of mixed flowers and headed to the door, zigzagging
through broken down cars. A dozen red roses described his feelings
better, but he didn’t want to scare her away. Five years of pining,
of waiting for her to throw him some table scraps, and he wasn’t
about to blow it now.

He smoothed down the mess of curls that had
appeared almost overnight, let out a deep sigh and knocked on the
door. I need a haircut. Why didn’t I get that done? Tonight needs
to be perfect.

The sound of chains rattling came from
inside. How many locks did she have on the door? However many she
had, the place wasn’t safe. Someday, something bad would

The door flew open, and Amy dashed away just
as fast. “Come on in.”

He entered and found Angel running around
with one arm in her shirt and one arm out. One untied shoe on and
the other in Amy’s hand as she chased the laughing speed demon.

Get over here. Uncle Gabe is ready to
take you to Grandma’s house. Don’t you want to go? She gives you
ice cream.”

Uncle Gabe.” Angel ran into his arms,
almost smashing the flowers.

He scooped her up with his right arm and
handed an out-of-breath Amy the bouquet. “Let’s get you dressed,
and then we’ll go for a ride.” Angel allowed him to put on her
shirt and shoes as well as tie them.

Oh, great! Sit still for Uncle Gabe.”
She softened her voice and glanced toward Gabe. “By the way, thanks
for the flowers. They’re beautiful.” She put them in an old jar and
inhaled their aroma.

Shit! I should have gotten her a vase.

You’re welcome, but I got them for my
little angel.” He blew a raspberry on his niece’s belly, making her
laugh. “You might want to grab a change of clothes for her. You
know Mom will have chocolate syrup for that ice cream.”

Good thinking. I’ll be right

As he played with Angel, he couldn’t help
noticing the old appliances and tattered carpet. The drywall was
also cracked and stained with water spots. What was wrong with

After he gave Angel a few more raspberries
and tickles, Amy came back with a small bag. Her light brown hair
hung loose around her shoulders, and she wore her best jeans. The
ones that outlined her curvy ass and gave him a hard-on every time
he saw them. He remembered the feel of her ass in his hands from
the last time he touched it, five years ago. Oh, how he wanted to
touch it again, tonight. The original plan had been dinner and then
shoot some pool, but no way in hell could he go through the torture
of watching her bend over the table.

She dropped a pair of open toed heels to the
floor and wiggled her tiny feet into them. He smiled to himself,
knowing she felt short at five-two standing next to him.

I’m ready.”

Then let’s go.” He helped Angel climb
on him for a piggyback ride.

They climbed down the rickety staircase.

It’s oddly quiet out here. Usually
there’s a bunch of kids hanging out in the parking lot.” Amy nodded
toward broken down chairs and a picnic table.

Yeah, they all scattered when I
pulled in. Most of them I’ve busted two or three times for


He watched Amy the rest of the way until he
had to strap Angel’s car seat in. Then he buckled her up and got in
himself. Amy was already in the front seat, or he would have opened
the door for her. I should have done that first.

A few moments later driving down the road,
Amy’s voice broke through Angel’s excited squeals. “What are you
smiling about?”

I got my A-list girls with me
tonight. That’s enough to make any man smile.” He glanced back at
the four-year-old playing with a rag doll. She was so sweet and
innocent, and he wished she was his. Then he would have his girls
with him every day and night. The dream seemed like it would never
become reality.

He needed Amy like he needed air. She
completed him, knew him inside and out, supported his ideas, listen
to him when things went wrong and cheered for him when thing were
right. And at this very moment, things were oh so right.

He pulled into his parent’s drive. “Stay
here. I’ll be back.” He unbuckled.

I can take her in.” She reached for
her seatbelt clasp.

No, no! You two women will get to
talkin’ and the next thing I know, it’ll be time to take you home.
I want you all to myself tonight. Stay put.”

He ran in with Angel, dropped her off and
came back before five minutes had passed.

That was fast.”

I can be fast or I can be slow.” He
lowered his voice, “I hope you want to explore both avenues.” He
watched in wicked delight as a slow flush spread across her cheeks.
God, her smile drove him crazy with need.

Just dinner, remember?” Her finger
wagged at him like he was a child.

She really needed to get out more.

Yeah, I remember.” He hadn’t promised
her anything, but he promised himself he would touch her ass before
the night was through.

Chapter 4


Feeling relaxed in Gabe’s presence, Amy
chatted away on the ride back to his parents’ house after dinner
and a movie. It seemed like old times when they were teenagers. She
missed hanging out, the two of them, alone. Not a care in the
world. No mouths to feed or bills to pay.

As nice as it sounded, she would never wish
away her little girl. Change her father, yes. But never Angel.

They talked so much, Gabe must have turned
on the wrong street. “This is your house.” She laughed. “Your mom’s
is two streets down.”

He shut off the car engine. “I know.” No
laughter laced his words.

I said no funny business.” He really
needed to get past the fact they were never going to be together
again. Things were different now, and she had a kid by his brother.
A line she wasn’t prepared to cross.

Come in and have some coffee. I’m not
ready for the night to end.” He leaned close and ran a finger down
her cheek, and she felt his warm minty breath on her

She wanted him to kiss her. Make her forget
everything but the moment. Her breasts tingled with anticipation.
What would happen if she went inside? Would she drop her guard and
act on her fantasies about him?

No, she was an adult now. Losing her head
led to trouble. A lesson she had learned the hard way.

She shifted her body and turned toward him.
“It’s almost ten. I really should pick up Angel and get her in

Just one cup, and then if you’re
ready, we’ll get Angel.” He ran his hand through her

Her neck tingled from his touch. Her mind
screamed no, but her body refused to listen. “Okay. One cup, but
then we really need to go.” Another half an hour wouldn’t hurt,
right? Angel was probably sleeping anyway. At least she was in a
safe location, unlike the crime ridden area they called home.

Gabe exited the car and opened her door.
Once inside his house, they walked to the kitchen, and he turned on
the coffee pot.

Did you have a good time tonight?” he
asked as he got two mugs from the cabinet.

I had a great time. No dishes to
clean or mouths to wash. Not to mention, an R rated movie. Thank
you for a nice evening.” She leaned her back against the counter
and looked around the room. The kitchen was about the size of her
dining room, living room and kitchen combined. Stainless steel
appliances sparkled and shined. For a second, she envisioned Angel
wiping a gooey ketchup hand across the refrigerator.

A clang from the mugs brought her back from
dream world, and she noticed Gabe staring at her breasts. He moved
in front of her and rested his hands on the counter, dangerously
close to her waist.

I’ve dreamed of you standing in this
kitchen, making coffee in the morning.” His sky blue eyes gleamed
with mischief. “Everything was picked out with you in

Her muscles tightened as he threatened to
kiss her. She wanted to taste his lips, feel his hands on her
breasts, make love to him and never let him go. But it was too
late. Too many things had happened, and they could never go

I think we should leave before we do
something we’ll regret.” Her hands shook as she placed them on his
chest. She intended to push him back, but she liked the feel of his
muscular pecs under the dress shirt hiding his torso. He’d been a
teen the last time she touched his chest. Tall and skinny. Now, he
stood before her, all grown up, shoulders broadened, lean and

I’ll never regret anything I do with
you.” He leaned down and brushed a kiss over her lips. When she
didn’t object, his hands wrapped around her waist and pulled her
closer. Then one traveled down to cup her butt. “I’ve been wanting
to touch your ass all night.”

He covered her mouth with his. Hunger rose
inside her. She opened for his searching tongue. A low groan
escaped his throat, and his chest quaked beneath her hands.

His fingers dug in her hair, and he deepened
the kiss. Their tongues wrestled while his other hand roamed over
her back and squeezed her butt.

She had to stop this craziness before their
hearts broke all over again, but she wanted one night with him. One
night so she didn’t have to only imagine his cock inside her. One
night so she had a memory and not a fantasy. One night of their
flesh intertwining until they fell asleep from exhaustion.

He started to unbutton her shirt, but
stopped when she took hold of his hands.

Let me fuck you. Let me bury myself
in you and stay there forever.”

Oh, God, how she wanted that. How she wanted
to be his wife, wake up next to him every morning, fuck him every

No. We have to stop. Angel…We have to
pick up Angel.”

He kissed her again. Slow and sweet. “I
asked Mom to keep her overnight. We don’t have to pick her up until
morning.” His lips moved to kiss the curve of her neck.

She should be mad at him, but her mind
turned to mush with his body so close. Angel was safe and cared for
tonight. But Angel wasn’t her only concern. If she slept with Gabe,
he’d never let her go. She couldn’t let things go that far or she’d
lose everything dear to her.

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