All Access (Brothers of Rock #1) (rockstar contemporary romance) (19 page)

BOOK: All Access (Brothers of Rock #1) (rockstar contemporary romance)
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“You can’t.  You don’t have to.”

“Of course I don’t have to,” Johnnie said.  “But I want to.  I have an apartment in the city.  We’ll spend the month there.  As of right now, the band has no drummer.  Rick has to get his cast off and then practice.  There’s plenty of time before anything else happens.  Peter has been on the phone all night, rescheduling the entire tour.  If you start a book tour, then we’ll make it work.  Nothing will keep us apart, Jess, okay?  I swear to you.”

Jess started to shake as she walked to the bed.  She looked at the ring and then at Johnnie.

“It’s a small diamond,” Johnnie said.  “For now.  I bought this ring the night I wrote “Chasing”.  Because I knew that someday I’d meet a woman who would understand the song, the band, and myself.  And I told myself that when I met that woman, she would get to wear this ring.  And that woman, Jess, is you.  Will you...?”

Jess put her hand forward and let Johnnie slide it to her finger.  She never felt so alive and loved in her life.  Somehow, someway, everything had worked out and felt like it would keep working out.

“Now turn the light off and come back to bed.  If you want to see stars... I’ll show them to you.”



Jess stepped out of the bedroom first, surveying the hotel room.  Of all things to look at first, she looked for the television.  It was intact, hung on the wall.  The rest of the room had bodies everywhere.  The band slept wherever they took their last breath awake.

It reminded Jess of a college party.  She was happy that nothing came down to boozing to make it a great night. 

Davey and Danny were on the small couch, opposite sides, notebooks on their laps, two guitars on the floor.  Rick and Chris were on the larger couch, Rick’s cheek against his cast.  There was no way any of the sleeping positions could have been comfortable but something told Jess it wasn’t the first time they all slept like that.

“Makes me think of ten years ago,” Johnnie said as he walked up behind Jess.  He slid his arms around her stomach and pulled her tight.  He kissed her neck and inhaled her. 

“Why’s that?” Jess asked.

“We lived in a garage when we first got together.  Rented it from this old Irish guy that barely spoke English.  We told him we were using it for storage and we lived in it.  No heat.  No bathroom.  Nothing.  But it was the greatest place I ever lived...”

“I bet so,” Jess said.

Johnnie ran his hand along Jess’s and touched the ring.  “I love you, Jess.”

“I love you, Johnnie.”

“I can’t wait to go to New York.”

“I can’t wait to sing on Chasing Cross’s next album.”

Johnnie laughed and then whistled, stirring the sleeping bodies in the hotel room.

A knock came at the door and Johnnie said, “If that’s the police, I’m going to be pissed.”

“Relax,” Chris said with his eyes shut.  “Nobody drank a thing.”

“Maybe that’s why I feel like hell,” Danny said rubbing his face.  “I’m used to waking up with a little headache.”

“You slept sitting up,” Johnnie said as he walked through the hotel room.  “Relax.  We’ll order some breakfast.  Charge it to Peter’s room.”

Johnnie opened the door and froze when he saw a pretty woman standing there.  She had long curly hair and brown eyes.  Her face was serious and Johnnie smiled, wondering if one of the guys had snuck out and had a little fun last night.

“Can I help you?” Johnnie asked.

“Are you Davey?” the woman asked.

“I’m afraid not.”  Johnnie looked over his shoulder.  “Hey Davey!  You’ve got company.”  He looked back at the woman.  “He just woke up.”

“Must be nice,” she said.

Johnnie noticed how angry she looked.  “Hey, is everything okay?”

“It will be...”  The woman pointed and Johnnie looked to his left.  He met eyes with a small child, no more than a year.  He had his hand in a snack cup, and when he saw Johnnie, he smiled.  “Now that my son is going to finally meet his father, everything will be just fine... now, where’s Davey?”

Don’t miss Book 2 in the
Brothers of Rock
Broken Sound


When a stranger claims her son belongs to Davey, his world is turned upside down. 

Could it be possible?

While trying to figure out the timeframe, he must decide how to provide for the baby... and the woman who says she’s in love with him.

It'd be much easier if Davey could stop thinking about a beautiful waitress he met.  However, her eyes speak to him louder than the words of the baby's mother. 

Can he just push his personal emotions aside in order to better the life of the child or will his heart be torn to pieces when secrets are revealed?

Want a little more spice and heat in your reads?


Try these hits…


Serve His Needs (Encounter)

Serve His Needs (Destination)


Falling for the Billionaire (trilogy)

-Change of Passion

-Mask of Desire

-Farewell to Lust


For His Taste


His Needs, Her Curves


Open For Him


Snowed in with the Billionaire (trilogy)

-Cold Innocence

-Dark Desire

-Storm of Love




Don’t miss any of the releases from Karolyn James.

for more information!


Did you know that Karolyn James is the pseudonym for award winning author, Karolyn Patterson?


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to learn more about her thrillers, romances, and romantic suspense books!

This book is a work of fiction.  Any references to historical events, real people, or real locales are used fictitiously.  Other names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


First electronic edition February 2013


Copyright © 2012 by Karolyn James


All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part of any form.



BOOK: All Access (Brothers of Rock #1) (rockstar contemporary romance)
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