Alien Romance: Rusneon Mates Boxed Set: A Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Romance, Alien Invasion Romance, BBW) (25 page)

BOOK: Alien Romance: Rusneon Mates Boxed Set: A Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Romance, Alien Invasion Romance, BBW)
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Lara did as she was told, relieved to be finally getting the chance to cover up.  The cloak was wonderfully soft and tickled her skin.  “What now?”  She asked, feeling timorous and on edge.

Nax gave her a blank stare and pulled a bell cord hanging nearby.  A few moments later, Granor lumbered into the cavern. 

“Granor, take her to the suite of rooms in the west tower.  See that she is made comfortable.  Stand on guard in front of the door and make sure she doesn’t get into trouble.”

Granor nodded and took Lara by the arm.  “Wait,” Lara said.  “What about my clothes?”

“Never mind your clothes,” Nax said irritably.  “They do nothing for you anyway.  I will supply a more suitable wardrobe for life at court.”  He waved his hand at the Yetoid.  “Take her away.”

Before Lara could argue Granor pulled her across the baths and out through the double doors.  She shot a parting glance to Nax, but he now had his back to her and before she knew it she was out of the cloying heat of the baths and being taken along the chilly corridors to her allotted quarters.

“In here,” Granor said brusquely stopping in front of a wooden door at the end of a long passage.

“This is kidnap, you know,” Lara said plaintively.  “The Earth and Professor Belthazar won’t be pleased when they find out what’s happened to me.”

“Shut up and get inside,” the Yetoid retorted grumpily.  “Just be grateful you’ve not been executed yet.”  Without another word, he opened the door and shoved her into the well-appointed room beyond.  “Earthers,” he muttered, shaking his head and slamming the door on her.

Lara let out a low groan and looked around at her surroundings.  Heavy, dark wood furniture bedecked the stone chamber and a large window showed a panorama of snow covered mountains and wintry blue sky.

For a moment, she stood looking at the view, the memory of Nax in the baths playing in her mind.  Like the scenery outside, he had a rugged beauty that was at once fascinating and brutal.  Though she had resolved to hate him, her pussy still thrummed with desire from watching him pleasure himself. 

No, you can’t be thinking like this!
She berated herself sternly. 
You’re being held here against your will with the threat of death hanging over you and you’re feeling horny?  What the hell is wrong with you!

Her body didn’t seem to understand what her head was saying and the urgency for sexual release was mounting.  Her bra and panties were still damp from being in the pool, and she peeled them off and dropped them on the floor.  Naked, save only for her cloak, she padded over to the four-poster bed and slumped down on it.

The fur cloak felt very sensual against her bare skin and she wrapped herself tightly in it for emotional support.  She closed her eyes and despite her best efforts, kept visualising Nax in all his glory. 

Subconsciously, she took a piece of the cloak and started rubbing it between her legs.  The soft fur triggered shockwaves of pleasure in her pussy and she swelled as she rubbed herself with it, brushing it along her clit and labia.  She bit her lip as she eased a portion of the cloak inside her, using it and her finger to push her over the edge.

Lara gasped and she pictured Nax’s smooth, chiselled body and lustrous blue eyes.  She wanted him inside her, thrusting that amazing manhood into her, making her beg for more. 

“Ah, God!” she moaned, writhing inside the cloak.  “Nax!  Nax!”

Her orgasm tumbled through her, sending liquid quicksilver pumping through her bloodstream.  Her head reeled with sensation and she panted hard, losing her breath from the intensity of her climax.

For countless moments, she laid sprawled on the bed, lost in a haze.  As the fragments of her mind reformed again the cold reality of her situation hit home.  A wave of emotion engulfed her and she started sobbing uncontrollably.








Chapter 3: Warring Emotions



Morose and angry, Nax padded back to his luxurious apartments in the upper levels of the castle.  Reaching the wide antechamber leading to his bedroom and living room, he threw off the fur cloak he was still wearing and hurled it across the room.

“Fuck!  Cunt!  Bollocks!” he roared at the top of his voice.

This venting of emotion made him feel a little better and he drifted into his bedroom and slipped on a white silk tunic and blue leggings then padded barefoot over to the drinks cabinet to pour himself a glass of Dragonspit.

Slumping down in a nearby chair, he slugged the alcohol down his throat, and savoured the searing burn that went through him.  His anger dimmed, but the thought of Lara still remained bright.  He resolved to drink himself into a stupor until he forgot about her completely.

The only problem with that plan was that he didn’t want to forget her.  The moment he’d set eyes on her at the spaceport, he had been hit by an emotion he’d never experienced before. 

She looked so beautiful, standing there on the ramp way of her craft, her eyes glittering with frightened curiosity.  His heart had gone out to her in an instant and he had a deep impulse to reach out and hold her, to protect her from the harsh realities of Nardenstar.

Instead, he had just gawked at her like a simpleton, his tongue turned to stone.  He had no idea how to react and had stood by like a spineless coward as Granor put that filthy collar on her. 

When he’d caused her pain, Nax had to stop himself from leaping on the Yetoid and tearing the control unit from him.  But he just remained in character, cold and remote, not wanting to deal with the confusing whirlwind of emotions stirred up by the female from Earth.

Closing his eyes, he rubbed at the bridge of his nose and replayed in every agonising detail of his horrible behaviour in the throne room and afterwards.  After his initial stunned reaction had faded, his abrasive confidence resurfaced. 

All he wanted to do now was bed her and his heart had almost stopped in his chest when that lecherous old fool of a father ordered her execution.  He had thought that stepping in and saving her life would make Lara so grateful, she would spread her legs for him.

How wrong he had been.  She had been more hostile than the Ice Ogre he’d tussled with that morning.  Her resistance to his charm and physical attributes had been baffling at first, but enjoyable in a strange kind of way.  It made him even keener to take her as his prize. 

He’d thought that once she’d gotten a look at the beast of a dick between his legs, she’d melt like butter.  Instead, she had regarded him as trash and it made him feel ashamed.  He wished now that he hadn’t jerked off to completion, but she had driven him crazy.  She still did and he had no idea what to do about it.

He heard the outer door to his apartments open and someone treaded softly across the floor toward his bedroom.  For one fantastic moment, he thought it was Lara.  She could no longer resist him and needed a good fucking.  Though he’d already come, his dick stirred into life.

Looking up expectantly, his hopes were dashed when Lady Valma sashayed into his bedroom.

“Don’t look too pleased to see me,” the tall attractive Narden woman drawled, reading the sudden look of disappointment in his face when he realised it was not Lara.

“What are you doing here?” he asked sullenly, finishing off his drink.

“Why I’ve come to see my betrothed, of course,” Lady Valma replied in a tone of mock hurt.  “You promised to lunch with me today, or had you forgotten?”

“I’m not hungry,” Nax retorted, scowling at his glass, “and we’re not betrothed.  Just because I fuck you more than once a week doesn’t make it official.”

Lady Valma smiled coldly.  “Your father and my family might disagree with you.  They are very eager for us to get married.  It will make an excellent match if our bloodlines were mingled.  Think of the magnificent line of kings we would sire.”

“You and your grasping family are only interested in the wealth and prestige marrying me will bring, and that paranoid old bastard of a father of mine would probably strangle any male children that we have, in case they rise up and overthrow him.  You know he plans to become a cyborg when his body starts to give out.  The only reason he hasn’t tried to have me killed is because if he fails, he knows I’ll rip off his balls and push them down his throat.”

Valma chuckled.  “My lord is very cynical today,” she drawled.  “What is wrong?  That sweating heifer from Earth you saved try and mount you?”

Anger knotted in Nax’s stomach at the way she spoke about Lara, but he would have expected no less from her.  Valma was a sneering bitch through and through.

“I’m just bored of the continual power games the Narden play,” he replied.  “I’m bored with the Narden and this contemptible little world altogether.”

“You are in an ill-humour today,” Valma said blithely.  “I think you need to relax a little, relieve the tension, here, allow me help you.”

She stood in front of him and slowly turned round.  Bending slightly, she hitched up her gown until her tight, peachy butt was revealed, bare and in all its glory.  Nax felt a stirring again between his legs.  He reached forward and slowly squeezed and fondled her perfectly shaped buttocks.

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BOOK: Alien Romance: Rusneon Mates Boxed Set: A Scifi Alien Abduction Romance (Alien Romance, Alien Invasion Romance, BBW)
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