Read Alicia's Misfortune Online

Authors: S. Silver

Alicia's Misfortune (21 page)

BOOK: Alicia's Misfortune
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Chapter Eight

Courtney slapped the table. “Oh, I almost forgot.” She
dashed for the gift bag. “Your present!”

She took the cell phone out of the bag. He knew what it was
but he was confused just the same.

“It’s a telephone. You don’t have to remember my telephone
number. We can text each other any time we want to,” she said. “Here is my
telephone number.”

Courtney unraveled the charger and set it up so the phone
would be ready if he ever used it. She explained that he could walk around with
it if he wanted and he could charge it while he slept.

She showed him pictures.

“See?” she grinned, levering her eyebrow. “Nice, huh?”

He was speechless. He held the phone and stared. She dragged
her thumb across the screen and showed him each one again. He was so
overwhelmed that she decided to turn the tables on him and began tickling

“I know your feet are not ticklish, but let’s see if anywhere
else is,” she said

Everywhere she probed was hard as a rock. There was not an
ounce of fat on him. He was solid muscle.

“I have something you can find,” he said, rising up from the
chair with her in his arms.

He gently tossed her onto the bed, shoved up the hem of the
night shirt and bared her to him. He lowered his mouth to the lantern-lit plane
of her stomach. His tongue swirled her naval, torturously tickling her once

This time the teasing made her breath hitch. Christian had
her moaning. He drifted lower, finding the damp folds between her legs. He very
commandingly explored each crevice with a searching tongue. He licked her very
thoroughly before penetrating her center, pressing the wet spongy flesh as he

Tears formed in her eyes over his amazing skill. Courtney
fisted the long strands of his white-blond hair. He paused, rising up to pull
the shirt from his body before lowering again. He lifted her legs over each of
his shoulders as his fingers were added into the lovemaking. 

He worked her clit with his tongue as he pressed the
sensitive path between both of her openings. He would not let up. Blindly, he
reached for her hand and encouraged her to make herself come.

“I want to taste you as you find your pleasure,” he

Courtney did as she was told. She worked herself, completely
enthralled by the action of his tongue. It was an orgasm like no other. She was
pretty sure she saw stars as her climax surged through her. 

She moaned his name. She pleaded his name as she endured the
incredible rapture. He rose again, bracing himself on his forearms as he
plunged inside her. It was blissful punishment. Every move he made felt that
much better because she was so alive from the orgasm that overtook her.

He showed her no mercy. He drove into her, steadily at first
and then with all the power in his body, he rocketed in and out of her until he
too cried out for relief.

Courtney thought that when Christian climaxed, it was the
sexiest thing in the world. He was so male. So powerful. He was so honest in
bed. The thought that came to her mind was that he came like a total man. It
was so deeply satisfying to watch him.

They both lay back and studied the ceiling. Courtney had a
dopey smile on her face. She felt so utterly relaxed. Christian looked at her
and laughed.

“What?” she asked.

“The tea,” he said.

“What about the tea?” she asked.

“It makes everything pleasant for you,” he said.

“What do you mean ‘makes everything pleasant’ for me?” she

“Takes pain away. Takes worry away,” he said and then
reiterated. “Makes everything pleasant for you.”

Courtney raised her eyebrows and propped up on her elbows.
“Mr. Hostetler, did get me high?”

He knitted his brows. “I don’t understand,” he said.

“I think you understand perfectly,” she said. 

Courtney didn’t feel high but she did feel, just as he said,
pleasant. She kissed him and snuggled in the crook of his arm. He stroked her.
She noticed he was not going to sleep.

“You are wired for sound. You better get some shut eye or
you will be a wreck for tomorrow.”

Chapter Nine

There was a palpable shift in the atmosphere. It was almost
like a thunderstorm was about to hit.

“Sweet,” he said. “I am afraid you will have to put your
clothes on. You cannot stay. I must walk you back to your automobile.”

Courtney could not believe what she was hearing. She knew
what she heard but she shook her head to make sure she was not dreaming. 

“Excuse me?” she said.

The expression on his face said it all. She almost didn’t
have the heart to shame him. But she did not like the turn of events. Whether
she slept and left before the crack of dawn, it still wouldn’t feel any

“I had hoped we would spend the day together tomorrow,” she
said. “Like we did before.”

“I would like nothing better. But tomorrow, it is not
possible. I will spend the day visiting after I attend worship,” he said.

Courtney flew out of bed. While she tried to listen to the
rational voice in her that reminded her, she knew there was a major barrier
between them. She knew tomorrow was Sunday and that anyone who lived anywhere
near Amish communities had some knowledge that that was a really big day for
them. But she was not liking having to drive at a late hour back into town to
her apartment. 

She did not like that she had to part with him again.

She packed up the phone and put it back into the bag.

He gripped her wrist and stared at her. It grounded her
instantly. He did not let go of her wrist even when she simmered down.

“What are you doing?” he asked her softly.

“I am taking back the phone,” she said, her voice trembling
from stilted emotions. “It was a stupid thing to give you. You can’t use a

“I am sorry, sweet. You may not take it. It belongs to me.
You gave it to me,” he said.

“You really want it?” she asked.

“I would not part with it,” he said, his hold on her more
tender and gentle.

She turned away from him, trying hold back the tears. With a
finger, he turned her chin back towards him. 

“I would not ask you to go,” he said, looking at how shaken
she was.

“I understand,” she said.

“You will be all right?” he asked.

“Yes, I will. It was nice seeing you again,” she said,
trying to distance herself from him, emotionally. “Walk me to the car?”

“Courtney,” he said taking her by the shoulders. “You will
come see me again. We don’t have to do anything but have dinner and visit. I
want to see you. Spend time with you.”

“I can’t keep having my heart broken,” she said. “I know we
have met in an unusual way. But I have strong feelings for you. And we have too
many differences between us.”

“But we have all the important sameness,” he touched her
warmly. “Do we not? I believe our passion is rare.”

“I can confirm that,” she said with a sad laugh. “I am not
going to experience anything like what you and I have shared. Not ever.”

“I don’t want you to. That may be selfish of me and I am not
made to be selfish, but that is my truth.”

Chapter Ten

Christian silently walked Courtney to the car. He stroked
the roof. 

“It is made of fabric,” he remarked aimlessly.

“Yeah, it comes down,” she said half-heartedly. “Like on a
night like this, the whole thing folds back and it makes it super fun to ride

She pressed the button on her key and unlocked the

Just as she was about to get into the car, he said, “Show

“Show you what?” she asked.

“Show me how fun it is to ride with the top down. Take me
for a ride,” he said. 

She searched him, slightly confused. “You want to go for a
ride with the top down. What just down the road and back?”

“All night, if you will have me,” he said.

“But you have church and stuff tomorrow,” she said.

“I will be tired but I will be happy. It’s all I can offer
you and I know, much too much to ask,” he said humbly.

“No it isn’t,” she said. She lifted to the balls of her feet
and kissed him. 

Then she got an inspired idea. “Christian, we don’t need all
night. How about we go on a very special ride? I bring you back and then we
work on the rest?”

He nodded. Courtney opened the door for him, adjusted the
seat so that he could fit in. She got in the car herself.

“I think since this makes some noise,” she said, “I should
drive up a ways.”

She regarded him.

“Poor thing. I better hurry. You barely fit in the car.”

Courtney drove about a half of a mile to pull over. She
unlatched the roof and pushed the ‘open’ button. The windows magically lowered,
the roof lifted off of the frame of the car and folded back into an
automatically opening truck. Courtney kept the button pressed down until it

Christian laughed heartily. Courtney reached over and gave
his seat belt a tug. His look was smoldering. He held her head and kissed her.
He held her bottom lip in his teeth. 

“Handsome, if we don’t stop, I going to be giving you a ride
of a different kind. As it is, I plan to rock your world,” she said.

“May I ask to show you one place before you ‘rock my

Courtney was thinking there was very little she would refuse
him. He directed her quietly to a covered bridge. It was a little
ominous-looking in the dark. But the moon was fairly bright and the sound of
the river running underneath it was irresistible. Christian took her by the
hand and they strolled to the bridge. Though it was sheltered, they could see
over the walls to the water below. The setting was very moving. She really
liked sharing it with him.

They held hands, gazing at the beauty. Courtney’s shoulder
grazed his rock hard triceps. The electricity that flowed between them even
when they were just innocently admiring nature put thoughts in Courtney’s mind.
She turned to him to let him know that if he were feeling the same way, she was
opened to him.

He must have been thinking the same thing. He swept the hair
from her face and kissed her. He broke apart from the kiss to murmur against
her lips. “You know this is where we sometimes come to be alone.”

“‘We?’” she asked.

“People in my community. To be alone with each other,” he
said with a wicked glint in this eye.

“Have you just taken me to Amish Lovers’ Lane?” she

They kissed intensely for a long time. “I have another
present for you,” she murmured. “One that you can carry around with you. I am
about to give you a memory you will never forget.”

Chapter Eleven

They climbed in the car, buckled up, and Courtney drove just
fast enough for it to be thrilling for the both of them. She looked over to him
to make sure that he was enjoying the sensation of speeding in a little sports

As luck would have it, the forest-lined, meandering rural
highway opened up. They came upon a bright, moonlit field split by a long,
winding drive. Courtney turned on the drive, just enough until they were safely
off of the main road.

“You can’t ride in a car like this, on a night like this,”
she said. “And not experience this.”

From the backseat, she pulled a folded up cotton blanket she
kept for warmth and picnics. This made for a good occasion to have it on hand.
She reached between his legs and released a lever to move his seat back. Her
hand slid up to the apex of his legs as she took his mouth. She very deftly
worked to unfasten the waist of his pants. Christian caught on immediately and
lifted up to slide his garments down.

Courtney pulled over at the side of the road. He was hard
for her already. His cock was perfect in every way. She took him into her firm
grip and lowered her mouth. She worked up a good amount of saliva, making sure
the walls of her cheeks and her tongue were super good and wet as she drew down
on him. 

She made a tight seal around him as she flicked her tongue
atop the soft surface of the head. After torturing him sweetly, delving lightly
into the little crevice, licking up every nuance of the cap, she glided her
tongue down the length of the generous shaft.

He was so hard but his skin so soft. She gave heat all the
way down, dragging her tongue on the spongy flesh of his testicles before
returning to the tip. Courtney took as much of Christian into her mouth as she
could, guiding him to hit the walls of her cheeks for sensual pleasure. 

She made sure to keep everything tight and wet for him as
she gently worked her hand up and down on the shaft. Christian seemed to
fumble, gripping the sides of his seat then her hair as his hips gently rocked
upward into her mouth. She was torturing him in the best possible way. 

She was unrelenting, bobbing up and down, delivering round
after round of pleasure. Just as she believed he was about to come, she turned
her head so that she could look up to him. They made searing eye contact which
pushed him into complete erotic bliss.

She quickly licked the palms of her hand and pleasured him
to completion manually, catching his seed with the soft corner of the blanket.
Christian let the back of the car seat cradle him as he was possessed by an
intense climax. She lightly kneaded his testicles and flicked the head of his
cock with her tongue until he went completely limp.

She let him wallow in pleasure for a moment before starting
the engine. With mirrors and looking over her shoulder, she slowly backed out
of the drive that had led into the field, as Christian adjusted his clothing.
Once she got to the main road, she reached over to fasten his seat belt.

He whispered in her ear. “I think I love you,” he said.

She liked the sentiment but she could not resist teasing
him. “I think many men say that after an experience like this.”

BOOK: Alicia's Misfortune
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