Against All Odds - Angel's Story: Against All Odds (Destiny Series Book 4) (8 page)

BOOK: Against All Odds - Angel's Story: Against All Odds (Destiny Series Book 4)
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I hear his zip go down and I whimper. I still can’t believe what a monster he’s turning out to be. With his free hand he shuffles his body around and pulls down his jeans and underwear. Oh god, this is really happening. Why didn’t I listen to my gut when I first arrived at the party?

His hand then moves under my dress. I’m not sure if it’s the lack of oxygen or what he’s about to do, but I suddenly feel like I am going to pass out.

Riley uses one of his knees to forcefully spread my legs apart, while his free hand moves up the inside of my thigh, going straight to my panties. He reefs them to the side. “You’re not even wet,” he says with disgust, as his fingers rub against me. “What are you, frigid or something?”

If he thinks forcing himself on someone is a turn on, then he’s sicker than I thought. He plunges one of his fingers deep inside me. I cry out as pain shoots through me. I’m not turned on in the slightest, so what he’s doing hurts. His touch is so rough and forceful.

It’s nothing like the gentle, loving caresses I got when Chase and I were together. Him walking out on me that day, now seems to pale in comparison to what’s about to happen.

“Oh yes…you’re so tight. I can’t wait to have my cock inside you,” he groans. “I’ve been dying to fuck you since I picked you up tonight.” Bile burns my throat. His words make me sick to the stomach. He shifts his body again so he’s lying in between my legs. He moves his mouth away from mine and he looks down in between us, trying to line himself up with my opening. I take advantage of this and scream out.

“Help…somebody please, help me.” Oh God, I pray that someone can hear me.




When Benson
asked Angel to get him another beer, I couldn’t help myself. I know it’s none of my business, but I was fucking fuming at the way he’d been treating her all night. I was so proud of her when she turned around and told him where to go. About time she put that fuckwit in his place.

The look on his face was priceless. When she stormed out I couldn’t help but laugh, but when he followed after her, everything in me wanted to go after them. I wanted to make sure she was okay. It’s not my place I know, so I decide to wait until he comes back inside with his tail between his legs, and then I’ll give that fucker a piece of my mind.

A good five minutes pass and neither of them return, and it worries me. I’m unaware that my leg is bouncing up and down nervously, until what’s-her-name brings it to my attention.

I stand in irritation from her comment. I start to pace. Why does sweet-cheeks get me so worked up? I hate how she makes me feel. Before she came along I didn’t really give a fuck about other people.

They may have decided to go home, but I decide to go out front and check, just in case. After walking out to the front porch and looking around, I find no sign of them. I jog across the front lawn down towards the street. I have no idea why I’m so worried. Maybe it was the look he gave her as she stormed out of the party. Something just doesn’t sit well with me. She’s in trouble. I can feel it. Don’t ask me how I know, I just do.

When I see his car parked down the street, alarm bells go off in my head. I cross the road and go in the direction of his car, just in case they’re inside. Halfway across the road, I hear her sweet voice call out, “Help…somebody, please help me.” It doesn’t sound sweet though. It sounds scared and panicked.

I swing around, trying to judge where the sound came from. Looking around frantically, I see no sign of her, of either of them. “Angel,” I call out as I walk back to the other side of the street. That’s when I hear him say something.

“Shut the fuck up, bitch, and stop moving around or I’m gonna have to hurt you.” Adrenaline starts to pump through my body. What is he doing to her, and where the hell are they? Technically, she may not be mine, but I’ll be fucked if I’ll let anyone hurt her. No matter what she thinks of me I’ll always be here to protect her if she needs me.

I’m not sure what’s going on between them, but that fucker will be getting another punch in the mouth when I find them, for speaking to her like that.

It’s pitch black out here. I can hardly see a thing. I pull the keys to my bike out of my pocket. There’s a miniature torch on my key ring. I frantically shine it around. Useless piece of shit, I can’t see a damn thing.

I start walking around the area where I think the voices came from, desperately searching and shining my torch as I go. I call out her name again, but I don’t get a response. Eventually I see something white in the distance, on the front lawn of the neighbour’s yard. It is partly obscured by a bush, but when I notice some movement I know it’s her. As I get closer, my heart drops and my blood pressure spikes when I see that he’s on top of her, holding her down.

When the realisation of what he’s doing sets in, I react instantly. My heart is racing so fast as I run towards them, that I can hear it thumping in my ears. Before he even comprehends that I’m beside them, I’m already reaching down, tearing him off her. She starts to whimper as she rolls onto her stomach and starts to crawl away.

Seeing and hearing her like that makes something inside me snap. All I know is I’m gonna kill that fucker. I lunge forward with my hand already raised. Before I know it, my fist is pummelling into his face over and over.





As soon as I heard Chase call out my name, the sheer terror I’d been feeling almost vanished, and a kind of calm settled over me. I knew in my heart he’d save me. Things may not be good between us, but deep down I know he’s a good man. He’d never walk away from someone in need of help. He may not be the person I thought he was, but I know that much.

Thankfully with the fight I’ve put up, Riley was unable to penetrate me. I know the events of tonight though, are going to stay with me for a long time to come. Just because he didn’t actually have sex with me, doesn’t mean I don’t feel violated.

Riley’s hand covered my mouth and nose after I managed to call for help. I was struggling to breathe. My lungs were burning and I was feeling dizzy and lightheaded. I was lucky Chase got to me before I actually passed out.

As soon as he pulled Riley off me, I gasped for air as I scrambled away. Even though I know I’m safe, the need to put some distance between us is overwhelming. I need to be as far away from him as possible.

Small whimpers are coming from me as I crawl across the grass. I can’t seem to control them, as realisation of just how close I came to being sexually assaulted hits me hard. Time stands still around me. My whole body is trembling as the shock of what just happened settles over me. I still can’t believe it.

After a few minutes of deep breathing, I start to pull myself together, and that’s when I hear Chase. “I’m going to kill you, you sick perverted motherfucker.” Shit. That’s the last thing I want. I scramble to my feet and turn to face them.

Chase is straddling Riley’s torso as he continues to hit him repeatedly in the face. Riley’s not moving. Shit. After what he just did to me I don’t care, but I don’t want Chase to get in trouble. He saved me from that monster.

I reach for him. “Please Chase, stop,” I cry. He doesn’t stop though. He continues to hit him. He’s either not hearing me or he’s ignoring me. “Chase please, that’s enough,” I scream in a panic.

After everything that’s happened I feel like I’m on the verge of losing it. I’m trying real hard to hold myself together. 

This time he stops and looks up at me. He’s breathless. I watch his chest rise and fall as he continues to breathe heavy. He looks down at Riley again. He’s still not moving. I think he’s knocked out. Well I hope that is all. I don’t want something like that on my or Chase’s conscience.

I notice his shoulders slump before he looks up at me. He exhales a heavy breath and gets up off the ground. He looks down at Riley one more time. He’s still not moving, but I can see his chest move as he breathes, so I know he’s still alive. Thank god. His face looks pretty messed up though.

I can’t bear to see his face. When my eyes move down his body and I see his pants still down around his thighs, I feel the bile rise to my throat again. I quickly turn away. I have enough horrible images in my mind of tonight. I don’t need that as well.

Chase moves around so he’s standing in front of me. When I look up at him, he’s staring at me. He looks concerned. He runs his hands through his hair. “Are you okay?” he asks with concern. I think he’s in shock like I am.

I think about what he just asked me. Am I okay? I can’t even answer that. I feel my face flush with embarrassment from everything he’s just seen. I’m humiliated. Tears rise to my eyes as I cover my face with my hands.

“Hey, come here,” he says as he closes the distance between us and wraps me in his arms. “I’m sorry he did that to you. I wish I could’ve got to you sooner.” His words touch my heart. When a small sob escapes me, he tightens his embrace.

“You have nothing to be sorry about,” I whisper against his chest. “You saved me…thank you.” I hear him sigh but he continues to hold me. It makes me feel safe. I need safe right now.

“Do you need to go to the hospital or something?”

“No. I just want to go home. That’s where I was heading when Riley…,” I stop talking, not wanting to say the words. Chase hisses loudly through his teeth and I feel his body stiffen. I can tell he’s still angry about what he witnessed. I’ll never be able to thank him enough for what he did for me tonight.

He lets go of me and cups my face in his hands. “You sure you’re okay? Did he hurt you?” he asks as he looks over me. I shrug my shoulders. I’m not sure how to answer.

“Not really. More my ego than anything else.” It’s the best answer I can give him right now. I’m still feeling numb, so I’m not sure if I have any physical injuries. Mental ones? Yes. As to the extent of that, only time will tell. His eyes search my face as I talk. He’s looking for something, I’m not sure what.

Suddenly he pulls me into his arms again. “I’m so fucking glad you’re okay,” is all he says as he holds me tight against him. The tears rise to my eyes again, but I manage to hold them at bay. I don’t want to break down in front of him.

“Come,” he says after holding me for a few minutes. “Let me take you home.” After what happened last time he took me home, I’m not sure it’s a good idea. I’m not going to argue though. I need to get as far away from this place, and Riley, as I can.





My mind is spinning a hundred miles an hour as I lead her towards my bike. I’ve never been more grateful that I listened to my instincts and went looking for her. Fuck knows what would’ve happened to her if I didn’t. The thought makes my insides churn.

I should’ve killed that fucker for what he did. I probably would’ve if she hadn’t stopped me. She’s being so brave considering what she just went through, but I can tell she’s not okay. She’s putting on a front for me. I wish she wouldn’t do that. I suppose she’s lost all trust in me after the way I’ve been with her lately.

Angel is the nicest person I’ve ever met. She wouldn’t harm another soul. Look how bad both Riley and I have treated her. She didn’t deserve any of it. She’s so kind and trusting and both of us took advantage of her. I feel like an arse all over again.

What happened tonight is partly my fault. If I hadn’t treated her so bad to begin with, she never would’ve ended up with him. If I hadn’t have stuck my nose in tonight, she more than likely never would’ve stood up to him like she did, which resulted in her being attacked.

Once we reach my bike, she stops in her tracks. She wraps her arms around herself. It doesn’t go unnoticed how she’s trembling. I remove my leather jacket and wrap it around her. Seeing her like this kills me. I wish more than anything I could redo the past few months, so none of this happened.

I reach for my helmet and place it gently on her head. She gives me a small smile as I buckle it, making sure it’s secure. I make a vow to myself then and there that from now on I’m going to protect her. I can’t bear the thought of anything else happening to her. I’m also going to try my best to make up for the way I’ve been treating her.

I can’t take back what Riley has done to her, but I can sure as hell try and rectify all the fucked up things I’ve done.

Before I hop onto my bike, I ask her again if she’s okay. She nods. “Are you sure you don’t want to go and see a doctor? I’ll feel better if someone checks you out.” She smiles at me again. It’s something I guess. The sadness I see in her eyes though, tells a whole different story.

“No. I’d rather go home if that’s okay?” she whispers.

“Okay.” I’m not happy about her not getting seen to, but I’m not going to push it tonight. She’s just been through a harrowing experience, so if home is what she wants, home is what she’s going to get.

I straddle my bike and reach for her hand and help her on behind me. “Put your feet on the foot rests,” I say, turning my head to look at her. She puts her hands on my waist and lifts up her legs. I’m not sure why, but disappointment is what I feel when she doesn’t wrap her arms around me and snuggle in close, like she did last time.

Why would she though? After what she’s just been through, and the way I’ve been with her, I guess I’m lucky she even trusts me enough to get her home safe.

Before I start the bike I look down at her legs. That’s when I notice both her knees are grazed and bleeding. It makes my blood boil with anger. I want to get off my bike and go give that fucker another serving. Of course, I don’t. Angel is my first priority right now, and she needs to get away from this place to somewhere she’ll feel safe.



We arrive at her place a short time later. I had to drive pretty slowly because of the way she was holding onto me. I was worried she was going to fall off.

As soon as I pull up and shut off the bike, she gets off and removes the helmet before passing it to me. “Thanks for the ride, and for ummm…you know, everything else,” she says as she puts her head down. I can tell she’s embarrassed by what’s happened. She has no reason to be. What happened was totally out of her control.

BOOK: Against All Odds - Angel's Story: Against All Odds (Destiny Series Book 4)
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