Read Against All Odds Online

Authors: Angie McKeon

Tags: #Contemporary

Against All Odds (48 page)

BOOK: Against All Odds
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To my daughters… this book is for you. You can’t read it yet but one day you will and I want you to know that mommy never thought she was capable of actually articulating a full story but I DID! I did because I decided that I had NOTHING to lose. When you live life you have to take chances. Sometimes they don’t go as planned but if you TRY you can do ANYTHING! I love you girls with every ounce of my being.

To my husband… THANK YOU for putting up with my craziness. You are my EVERYTHING. My night and day. My moon and stars. You make my world turn. You make my days bright. You give me hope. You love me. There is nothing in this world that compares to the love in my heart that I have for you. Thank you for supporting me and loving me unconditionally. Thank you for being my husband. I’m one lucky girl.

To the readers… **wipes tears** I hope you enjoyed the book. I hope you got the message behind the dysfunction. There is ALWAYS hope. Even in your darkest moment, there’s hope. I want you to know that you can always choose happiness. Even when you feel low, beaten down, and demolished you can fight for your tomorrow. Life has ups and downs. They’re unavoidable. Sometimes they drown us but have HOPE that tomorrow there’ll be a spark of life. FIGHT for your dreams and desires. I love you guys. Thank you for taking a chance and reading my debut. It means EVERYTHING to me.




A multi-tasker from birth—and now proudly able to add ‘writer’ to my resume—I’m a mother, wife and blogger. I love to read, write and drink copious amounts of iced coffee.

All three aforementioned addictions are detrimental to my sanity.

I have a voracious appetite for dark, painful and twisted reads. I’m enamored with the concept of love and heart break. I believe life is a journey, a tale in its own for each of us. The road to happiness is sometimes paved with stones from hell, or glitters of satisfaction graced from the heavens above.

In my debut novel,
Against All Odds
, I strive to make you feel. I believe any emotion—whether painful or happy—is good. To me, the key to living is to go through life feeling its ups and downs. Love is dark and it can be painful but, at the end of the day, it can save the most lost of souls and the most broken of hearts



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BOOK: Against All Odds
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