ACV's 1 Operation Black Gold (32 page)

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Authors: J Murison,Jeannie Michaud

BOOK: ACV's 1 Operation Black Gold
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‘That’s great, I’m sure I’ll look good in it, but tell me, are you supposed to wear jewellery in bed or not.  I’ve always wondered about that,’ I added in a falsetto voice.

‘You mean, but I can’t.’

I placed a finger on those lovely lips to hush her.  ‘Samantha, never in my wildest dreams did I ever imagine I would receive the attention I am tonight, from a woman as beautiful as you.  So for the rest of this evening I’m going to pretend you’re in love with me and every smile and every touch I’m going to recount in a thousand dreams.  Your beauty and grace has filled a hole in me I never even knew existed.  I could never buy that Samantha, so you keep them and cherish them as I’ll cherish this memory.’

Her eyes glistened.  ‘So help me God, Lady Samantha Bryce, if you start crying, I’ll kiss you right here and now in front of all these people and embarrass the hell out of you.’

She swayed towards me and everything slowed, she put both arms around my neck and pulled my face down to hers, a thrill raced from my lips to my toes, as her body melted into mine, my fingers tingled as they ran down her flank.  ‘Embarrass me.’



‘What the fuck was that!’ I broke away dazzled.  For a moment I thought she’d boxed my ear for feeling her arse, but she was blinking rapidly too.  It was the sharp-faced reporter with the bloody camera.

‘Lady Bryce, are you going to introduce me to you new man.’

With a sick smile, she introduced us.  ‘Jim, this is Gail Summers from Society Weekly, Gail this is Lt James Murison, Gail is our own self-styled conscience.’

Gail held her hand out, but I’d just had one of the most magical moments of my life spoiled by this woman so I ignored it.  She let it drop after a moment.  A notebook appeared.  ‘So how do you spell your name?’


‘I take it you have no objections to seeing your name in print?’

‘I most certainly do.’

She folded the notebook over the pen.  ‘I presume you have no objections to reading newspapers though.’

‘I’ll have to admit to picking up half a dozen or so in my life, but I’ve never been able to get farther than the first few pages, if I ever do it will probably be because I’ve just had a frontal lobotomy.’

‘You can’t be serious?’


‘He is, Jim doesn’t read papers,’ Sam jumped in trying to avoid a confrontation.

‘I believe your social chapter states that you may not print the name of any private individual without their express permission, correct?’

‘Well that’s what it says, but no one takes any real heed of it.’

‘Well I’m telling you now; I don’t want my name to appear in print.’

‘That’s ridiculous,’ she snapped, losing the rag a little, ‘People literally fight to get their names in print.’

‘Really, how very small of them.’

Naked rage crossed her face.  ‘How dare you?’  She hissed.

‘Very easily, actually, I somehow feel I am not making myself understood here so let me put it another way.  I am going to break the habit of a lifetime and have a little flick through this rag of yours and if I so much as find an initial of mine in it, I’ll have your tits on a platter.  Now did you understand that?’

‘Yes I think I’ve got it.’

‘Excellent, Miss, Eh whatever, good evening.’


I let Sam drag me away.  ‘You promised she whispered fiercely.’

‘I know, I’m sorry she just caught me at a rather inopportune moment, shall we say.’

The smile came back to her face.  ‘I know what you mean,’ she brushed some imaginary fluff from my lapels.  ‘She caught me off guard too.’


‘Sammy!’  Frills and thrills suddenly engulfed me.  Sylvia and Amanda had finally arrived.

‘You sly bitch,’ Amanda accused, ‘we were waiting for you.  Oh my god you’re gorgeous, what have you been doing.’  I was pushed to the sidelines while her squealing friends; their anger dissolved by their thirst for information, interrogated her.  ‘No wonder you forgot to phone,’ Amanda turned and rolled her eyes at me.  ‘Oh hello again.’  Sylvia’s eyes locked on to me too.

‘Oh shit!’  I thought as I was surrounded.  It looked like I was going to have my hands full for a while.


Gail Summers knuckles turned as white as the porcelain sink she clung too.  Another spasm hit her.  ‘Bastard, bastard, bastard,’ she screamed at the mirror in an attempt to settle the nausea she was experiencing.  It worked a little.

‘What the fuck happened in there, what’s wrong with me,’ she asked herself again for the umpteenth time.  ‘You’ve eaten bastards like that for breakfast; get a grip.’  Again, the image of those ruthless eyes flashed in her mind and the nausea returned.  She realised for the first time in her life she felt real fear.  ‘No man does this to me, no man.  You’ll pay for this you fucking shit,’ she promised herself.


We sat down to dinner at last.  I was starving.  The old Colonel wasn’t so old and somehow he had managed to seat himself beside Samantha.  I saw Lady Flora’s face flush with anger as we sat down.  Sam had told me his name and I’d sneaked off and checked the settings.  Sam and I had been placed together, but his name was nowhere to be seen yet here he was.  There was one seat empty though.


‘Has anyone seen that dashed son of mine,’ he enquired.

But I’d already dealt with him.  Until now, I’d been able to ward off the father with a look.  The son however, had been an entirely different kettle of fish.  I’d caught sight of him before Sam was able to point him out, flouncing round with his cronies hassling people.  Pinching men’s arses was his specialty.  I watched the way he worked it for a while.  Eventually he spotted us and his eyes flew wide with delight, a new chick to pluck.


‘Oh no,’ breathed Sam.

‘Do you fancy a good laugh at this sod,’ I asked.  She searched my face for a moment then nodded.  ‘Good just play along OK.’



He ponced past and as he turned, I did to.  ‘Come on then,’ I said to Samantha as I stomped hard onto his right foot and body checked him into the wall.  I then managed to accidentally stand on the offending hand as I made a fuss over picking him up.  We sent him packing, profuse in our apologies, back to his cronies who helped him limp away.  Amanda and Sylvia, who’d been off to recharge their drinks came back squealing with delight, they’d caught the whole floorshow.

Amanda seemed especially delighted.  ‘That’ll teach the cruel little shit.’  The tone of her voice spoke volumes to me.

‘He’s not gay is he Amanda?’  I caught her flat footed.

‘Well I, I don’t really know, he could be that as well.’

‘Like to play with his little cane does he.’  I’d felt it strapped to his wrist as I’d helped him to his feet.


Her friends instinctively knew something was wrong and fussed round.  Their genuine concern was all it took to break her down.  The tears flowed freely as the story came pouring out.  I dragged Sam off to the side.  ‘Would you like me to do something about this?’

‘Yes please Jim.’

It was the first time I ever saw steel reflected in those beautiful eyes.  So while Sylvia dragged Amanda off to fix her war paint, we set the bastard up.  It didn’t take a lot of doing.  We placed ourselves in full view and smirked in his direction a few times, by the time I went to the toilets, he’d built up a fair head of steam.  The toilet had certainly been built with functions in mind and the long galvanized trough held possibilities


Four of them came in; his three friends blocked the door while he came over to deal with me.  I stood at the trough pretending to pee ignoring them.  Now, there’s an old street saying, catch a guy in the toilets with his dick out and he’ll do everything in his power to put it away before he’ll fight back.  Trouble was I’d already heard that one.  I heard the cane come out and whirled.  I caught him by the throat; straight-armed and lifted him, driving with my legs, slamming him hard against the wall.  ‘If any of you three move I’ll snap his neck like a fucking twig,’ I threatened and they backed off.  I calmly put my dick away with one hand while I hung him with the other.

‘I can see you’re one of these arse-holes who can’t recognise a gentle warning when he receives one.  So I’ll make this one a little clearer,’ I slammed him off the wall a few times changing my grip to his collar before I choked him to death.  ‘Getting any clearer.’  His head bobbed back and forth as I slammed him again.  ‘Oh good, keep away from me and anyone associated with me.’  I heaved him over into the piss trough.  ‘One more thing,’ I picked up the cane where he’d dropped it and used a foot to force his head into the corner to muffle his screams.  ‘If I ever hear of you taking this thing to another woman, they’ll be digging you out of a peat bog in about a thousand years from now.’

I thrashed him over the back and buttocks with it until it snapped.  Lucky for him I used both hands and it didn’t last long.  ‘Any of you pieces of shit want the same,’ I offered his cronies.  There were no takers.

‘Good get him out of here and gone.’  I left them trying to get him out of the trough where he lay sobbing and puking.


‘What’s the matter?’  Sam asked.

‘Fish can make me sick; aye projectile like.’  I answered fighting down the nausea I felt from the aroma of the white fish in a butter sauce that lay before me.  The second course wasn’t any better.  The meat was half cooked and the concentrated stock exploded as it hit my stomach.

‘What’s the matter now?’  She hissed.

‘I can’t eat this,’ I explained my dilemma.  What ensued was the age-old argument between the rich and the poor.

‘Sam I canna even cut my lip, it feels like we swallowed a lead weight.’

‘But you’re starving.’

‘Aye and the smell’s making me dizzy, but my stomach is too sensitive for this rich food, it will put me a hurt locker for days.’

‘What are you going to do?’

‘Pray the puddings eatable.’


The ice cream arrived, I eyed it warily, but someone else had noticed my reluctance to eat.  ‘Isn’t the food to your taste Lt Murison?’

‘The food is lovely Lady Macdonald is this ice-cream locally manufactured?’  I asked innocently.

‘No it’s an imported blend of ice cream.’

I had a fair idea of the brand she was talking about and gave it a wide berth too.


‘Why is your glass empty?’ asked Andrew.

‘I’m driving.’

‘Do you like wine?’

‘I do actually.’

‘Take a little taste of this then, you don’t have to swallow it.’

A hand was waved and a tipple poured.  I spat it back into the glass almost as fast as I’d sipped it.

‘What do you think?’

‘It isn’t to my taste, I’m afraid.’

‘Really do you know what it is?’  He sounded a little miffed and received a dig in the ribs from Lady Flora.

‘Probably French about £20.00 a bottle.’

‘Ah yes that is fairly accurate.’


It was just after that, that Samantha jumped about a foot in the air.  There was an air of stillness about the Colonel and his eyes bulged a little.  I leaned across Samantha pretending to listen to a piece of conversation, but underneath the table, I was slowly running a finger over the back of his hand.  As I covered it and slid it towards her crotch, he started sweating profusely and trembling with excitement.

I began to squeeze.  He tried to pull it away, but I held firm squeezing harder and slowly harder.  ‘What do you think you’re doing?’  He whispered furiously at me.

‘If you ever touch Samantha again, I won’t only kill you, I will eradicate every trace of your perverted seed from the face of this earth.’  Bones snapped and I let go.  A smile had never left my face the whole time; to a casual observer we could have been chatting.

Samantha’s hand slid onto my lap the other grasped my arm.  I covered them as she leaned against me. 


We watched the Colonel stagger to his feet clutching his hand; the excruciating pain had rendered him breathless, unable to scream out in agony.

‘Are you alright, old boy?’  Andrew asked concerned.

‘Don’t feel very well, have to leave.’  He eventually managed to stammer.

He stumbled and one of his sons cronies got up to help the white faced trembling man.  Andrew got up to assist as well.  I caught Lady Flora’s eye for a moment, she raised an eyebrow, enquiringly, but I looked away.


‘Don’t they make a lovely couple?’  I heard an elderly woman quip.  Samantha looked into my eyes and smiled, I felt my heart lift.  Our mutual admiration society was broken by the arrival of the coffee and the return of Andrew.  I could see by the look in his eyes that I was in for it later.


The dinner ended and everyone drifted back into the large hall where a small band had been set up.  At the other end, a small bar had opened and the drink started to flow.  I was having problems.  My body had taken some severe punishment over the last few weeks and needed fuel badly.  I found myself on the receiving end of acid attacks and stomach cramps.  Sneaking off I grabbed a seat in the hallway and was trying to catch my breath.

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