Acquiring Hearts (8 page)

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Authors: S. Donahue

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Women's Fiction, #Contemporary Women, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Fiction, #New Adult & College

BOOK: Acquiring Hearts
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Brad didn’t need to be told twice. He scooped her up into his arms and carried her up the stairs to her bedroom. They made hot passionate love all night long. Brad spent the night and held Gia securely in his arms. He was surprised to discover that he was really going to miss her while he was gone.


How am I going to survive these next two months?








Chapter Seven


The rest of the week flew by. Gia spoke with Brad several times throughout the week. He advised her that his mother and stepfather were going to stop by for breakfast on Saturday. He wanted to make sure she was alright with that. Gia was panicked at the prospect of meeting his mother, but excited that he wanted it to happen.


When Gary picked her up on Saturday morning, her nerves started to get the best of her. Gia really didn’t care what people thought of her, but meeting Brad’s mother was different. She just wasn’t someone off the streets.


When the car pulled up to the front door, she was greeted by Brad, his mother Joanna and Patrick, his stepfather. Brad kissed her on the cheek and he then introduced her to them. She gave them a hug and said hello because that was how she was raised.


They went inside and proceeded to the dining room. Bradley wanted a more informal setting for this occasion. He didn’t want Gia to be uncomfortable.


Gia could see the resemblance between Brad and his mother. They shared the same rich green eyes. Joanna Morganthau was a beautiful woman. She was a petite little blonde with a fit body.


Brad must have gotten his height from his father because he is 6’3.


Joanna warmly asked, “How did you two meet?”


Gia was feeling a little anxious. “We met in a book store. My sister is Brad’s secretary, Rachel, and I was with her when we ran into Brad.”


Oh dear God, I hope Rachel made a good impression or else I’m done.


“Oh yes, Bradley did tell me that. Rachel is a lovely woman. We’ve met and spoke on the phone several times.”


Joanna looked like she wanted to say something else but was unsure.


“I want to apologize for Sheila’s behavior. I didn’t want to bring it up but I had no idea that she was going to show up at the restaurant like that.”


She really did mean well, Gia could tell by her expression, but Brad didn’t look too happy about it.


“There’s no need to bring it up, Mom.”


“Well, you were very upset and I didn’t want Gia to think it was intentional. I spoke with Sheila and told her it was uncalled for.”


“Thanks. Can we move on?”


“So, Brad told me you’re a doctor. What kind of doctor are you?”


“I’m a surgeon. It’s my passion. I absolutely love it. Patrick is as well, that’s how we met.”


“She’s my life.” Patrick reached over and touched her hand.


“Ah, that is so sweet.” Gia could tell they were happily in love and she hoped that she would have that kind of love someday. She looked over and noticed that Brad was uncomfortable and stiff. She reached over, patted his leg and smiled at him. He smiled back and blew her a kiss.


Why did he have such animosity toward his mother? She would remember to ask him later.


Breakfast was fantastic. Brad’s cook, Mena, made all Gia’s favorite foods courtesy of Brad’s request on her behalf.


After breakfast, they retreated to the patio deck with their coffee to enjoy the morning air. It was a beautiful day. The sky was a clear shade of blue.


“Bradley, do you want to take a look at the boat for a few minutes, while I’m here”, Patrick asked nonchalantly.


“Sure” He turned to Gia, “Will you be ok?”


“Yes, I’ll just sit here and talk with your mother. Maybe she’ll let me in on some secrets.”


Brad’s face turned completely serious, like he was afraid of what his mother was going to say.


“I’m just kidding. You need to lighten up a little bit.” Brad smiled and left with Patrick.


Joanna was shaking her head. “Bradley is always so serious. I can see that he’s different around you. You make him happy.”


Where is she going with this?


“The night you went on the date and Sheila showed up, he called me. He was furious with me. I had no idea that Sheila would behave like that.


“It wasn’t your fault. The way she is, she would’ve probably found him anyway.”


I’m tired of Sheila, already.


“He was so unhappy with her. Sheila’s mother, who’s my best friend, practically forced her on Bradley. He basically tolerated her because of me. I never wanted to see him unhappy. When he told me he was going to break up with her, I told him it was his decision and that he shouldn’t stay with her for the wrong reasons. With you, he has a different look in his eye.”


“I’m telling you this because I want you to know that I think there is something special between you two. When he called he told me he met someone.” A look of sadness came over her as she continued to speak. “Bradley has never gotten over his father’s death. You can help him heal, I know in my heart.”


They gave each other an understanding smile.


Just then Brad and Patrick walked into the room. “We didn’t want to keep you waiting”, Brad firmly stated. He reached over and kissed Gia on the cheek. “I missed you.”


“We better get going.” Joanna didn’t need to see anything further. Gia had her blessings. She knew that Gia was perfect for Brad and Joanna could tell that he had feelings for Gia.


“You don’t have to leave yet!” Gia exclaimed.


“Yes, we do. Sorry. I have to go to the hospital and check on my patients. Joanna turned to Gia. “It was really great meeting you. When Bradley comes back, you both need to come over for dinner so we can catch up.


“That sounds great. Thank you for the invite.”


“You’re welcome.”


Bradley and Gia walked them to the door and said their goodbyes.


Once they were gone Brad pulled her into his arms and gave her a long kiss. “Thank you so much for being a good sport about meeting them.” He knew how his mother could be sometimes and he didn’t want Gia to ever feel overwhelmed.


“I had a great time. Your mother is really nice. She seems to care about you a lot.”


Bradley rolled his eyes. “More about her own self that’s for sure. Don’t let her fool you.”


Did he just roll his eyes at me?


“I know it’s none of my business, but, why were you so tense during breakfast?


“I guess I was just nervous about you meeting my mom.”


“You seemed different.”


“Sometimes it’s weird to see my mom with someone else. Patrick is a great guy and he treats my mom wonderfully but she married him after just a year after dad’s death. I wonder if she ever grieved his death. Brad looked so sad, he obviously needed to get it off his chest.


“Everybody grieves differently. That doesn’t mean that she loved your dad any less. Maybe she didn’t want to be alone anymore. She seems very happy. It’s possible she felt she needed to just go on.”


“I know. She’s been married for almost six years now but I still wish she would have waited.”


He doesn’t want to talk about this anymore. It’s time to change the subject.


“So, what do you want to do today, Honey?” She didn’t care what they did as long as they were spending time together.


“It’s completely up to you. Whatever you want to do is fine by me.”


“Let’s take a drive down to Atlantic City today. Then we can go out to dinner or something while we are down there.”


Gia loved AC. Her family used to go there every summer when she was a kid. They would walk the boardwalk and go on amusement rides. Over the years, new attractions were added including an outdoor mall. She was looking forward to checking out the new shops.


“Yeah, that sounds like a great idea.”


“I’ll call and book a reservation at the Borgata. I’ll be right back.


He’s going to steal my heart.


“I’ll be out on the patio,” Gia called to Brad as she went. She wanted to call Maria, who had been calling her all morning. Brad kissed her and walked away.


Maria answered on the first ring.


“What’s going on that’s so important?” Gia asked with attitude in her voice.


“Where are you?”


“Brad’s house. I had breakfast with him and his parents. Why?”


“Carson told me some crazy shit today about Tom.”


“What are you talking about?”


“You know Carson’s friend, Mason?”




“He told Carson that Tom has been saying that he’s going to do whatever it takes to make you his girlfriend and that you want him badly. He said that you wanted to have sex with him the night he dropped you off, but he had to turn you down because he didn’t want to take advantage of you.”


Gia was in total shock. She couldn’t believe what Maria was telling her. “Is he fucking crazy? I’m going to ring that little twerp’s neck!” She yelled in anger.


“Mason said to tell you to be careful because Tom’s not wrapped too tight.”


Great!!! I have a psychotic nut and my boyfriend’s ex on my hands. I’m very popular lately.


“First off, I can’t tell Brad because he’ll delay his trip and this means too much to him. Plus, he’ll crush Tom with his one hand.” Gia decided she would just deal with this on Monday if the subject came up. If not, then she knew people wouldn’t believe some craziness Tom was saying.


Apparently Maria didn’t feel the same way. “I’d take Mason seriously.”


“You’re so dramatic. I’m going to the Borgata tonight with Brad. He’ll keep me safe, if that’s what you’re worried about. I’ll call you tomorrow when I get home. I promise.”


“Ok, don’t forget. Talk to you tomorrow.” Gia sat down on the lounge chair after she hung up the phone.


I don’t think Tom would do anything to me. He seemed ok when I went out with him. I probably don’t have anything to worry about. I hope.


Gia heard the door open and Brad came out onto the patio deck.


“Is everything ok? I waited for you to hang up with your call. I didn’t want to disturb you,” Brad said respectfully.


“Yeah, I’m ok. That was just Maria talking about office drama.”


He sat down next to her on the lounge chair. Her heart started racing. “If you need anything let me know. I’m here for you.”


He had a really big heart, and she knew he meant what he was saying.


“We’re all set for tonight.”


Gia was hoping that tonight was magical because they weren’t going to see each other for a while.


He looked into her eyes. “I’d do anything for you, baby. I want you to know that I’m really going to miss you. Somehow even though we haven’t known each other that long, I feel like we’re destined to be together.”

She knew in her heart that she was going to miss Brad a lot. She was getting attached to him. “I’m going to miss you too, Honey. They say absence makes the heart grow fonder, we’ll see.”

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