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Authors: Abbie St. Claire

Ace's Key: Book 1 (3 page)

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Chapter Five



“I’m glad you didn’t leave.” He stood there, still wearing his
suit from work and a gorgeous smile. This time, he held a couple of wine
glasses and a bottle of wine with one hand. When I approached him, he leaned
forward and placed a soft kiss on my cheek before putting his free hand at the
small of my back. “Come with me,” he guided.

This time, instead of going downstairs, he took me through the
roped off area to the side of the staircase. There, slightly hidden in a stone
alcove, was an elevator that took us up what seemed like a couple of floors.

When the doors opened, I felt myself being immersed in a small
replica of an old-world castle. “This is breathtaking. Yours?”


“You’re the owner of the bar, aren’t you?”


“You’re Lucas Giordano, aren’t you?”

“I see you’ve done your homework.”

“It’s public data, darlin’.”

He winked. Then he gave me a tour of the place, and I found it
exquisite. Every detail had been covered with more stone, marble, and carvings.
Dark wood and decorative treatments in red and brown completed the look of the
finest luxuries.

Google had provided a detailed account of the design and
building of the whole place. There were photographs of Ace and his family,
explaining that he was a third generation wine-bar owner/restaurateur. Further
research documented the family’s wealth and stature in Italy. It also mentioned
that Lucas Giordano had a wife, Niccola.

“You live here alone?” I asked as we walked around the


“No wife or children?” Okay, so I went for it. I didn’t want
the evening to go any further without knowing everything.

“I was married for a short time. My wife, Niccola, passed away
a couple of years ago from leukemia. I came here on business and stayed. I
rarely go back to Italy. My home is here now.”

“This is your home?” I asked, while extending my arm.

“One of them. Come with me. I want to show you something.” He
escorted me to a lovely archway with a granite bar and pulled out a stool for
me, then took his place beside me. He uncorked the wine and poured us both a

“You have a discerning taste for Chardonnay. I know this
because of the bottle you ordered tonight. I’ve poured us a glass of
Screaming Eagle Cabernet,
as some refer to it. Have you
ever tasted this wine before?”

“No. Tell me about it.”

“It’s a small cult wine, producing about five hundred cases.
They only distribute locally in the Sonoma area. I bought a couple of bottles
while there and brought them back. The best way to find them is through auction,
and the price is premium, but the flavor unbeatable. Tell me what you think.”

I consumed a fair amount before I gave him my answer. “It’s
delicious. How many bottles do you have?”

“This was my last one and no one better to share it with than
you.” He slowly placed his hand on my neck; with his thumb, he caressed my
lips. His eyes asked for permission first. “I want to taste it on your lips,”
he uttered through a breathy whisper.

His kiss was delectable. Before I could react, he had me in his
arms, and I felt the heat of his hands as they searched for the opening of my
blouse with hungry intent. With his lips on mine, he pulled my blouse from my
skirt and slid his hand up to my breast. The feeling elicited by his thumb
caressing my taut nipples sent tingling currents through my body and short
circuited my ability to breathe, leaving me panting and craving more.

I wanted to say “No, stop”, but I couldn’t because I craved him
to continue, my body defying me. I needed to be with him. When he lifted my
blouse over my head, I felt drunk, but not on wine…from arousal. I pulled at
his jacket until it finally gave and fell to the floor. Two seconds until his
tie followed. We were kissing and doing the clothes dance, until I stood in my
red lace underwear and heels.

He studied me with dark and mysterious eyes. “You’re even more
beautiful than I’d imagined.”

“I’d like to see more of you, too,” I replied without being
Where on earth has my courage come from all of a sudden?
never been aggressive in sex. With only one other partner besides Connor, I
didn’t know much. I had no doubt Ace was about to show me a world I’d only read

He closed the gap between us and took my face in his hands,
kissing me passionately. He mapped out the contours of my mouth, bit at my lips,
and trailed kisses down my neck while fisting his hands in my hair. He alternated
from soft and sensual to rough and aggressive.

He broke the kiss but kept his hands on either side of my face.
“I want to spend the rest of the night pleasuring you.”

“Please,” was all I could answer.

He scooped me into his arms and carried me to his bed. When he
undressed in front of me, I saw a massive body of solid, lean muscle covered by
deep olive skin. Without realizing it, I allowed my eyes to fall to his groin,
marked by one very large and erect cock. I licked my lips.

I looked back up to meet his beautiful brown eyes. The arousal
on his face finished undoing me; I was his for the taking. With strong arms, he
pulled me up to meet him with a slow, heated kiss. I didn’t want slow. I needed
him to give me the release my body hungered for.

With a flick of his fingers, I felt my bra release and slip
from my shoulders. He lowered his head and took my nipple between his teeth. He
wasn’t gentle. Then he trailed kisses up to my mouth. “Pain with pleasure,” he
whispered against my neck.

“Yes,” I cried out.

He lowered me to the bed and slid my panties off in the same
motion. Through the lamplight, I watched as he gazed up and down my body before
giving me a scorching smile. When he nipped and bit his way down my stomach, I
ran my fingers through the long layers of his dark hair. He left my skin
stinging seductively with the small bites along the way.

The first slip of his tongue against my cleft left me moaning
out in pleasure. Ohmygod, how delicious it felt. I’d never experienced anything
like it. I sensed my sex tighten and knew I was close to orgasm. His lips
surrounded my clit. As he sucked, he slid his finger into my heat and rubbed
the walls slowly before adding another finger.

My orgasm was riveting and unlike anything I’d ever known
before. Silky moisture flooded me…and him, as he slowly pulled his fingers out
and brought them to his lips, tasting me.

Watching him do that was scorching hot.

Lowering himself over me to a close hover, he slowly gave me a
beautiful smile of satisfaction.

“That was incredible,” I uttered with a moan.

“The way you were pulling my hair I thought you might’ve
intended me to stop,” he uttered with a low growl.

“No, please don’t stop.”

“Well then, I’ve only begun.” He opened the bedside table and
removed a foil packet. Ripping it open with his teeth, he slid the condom over
his hard length. He put his arm underneath my left thigh, positioning himself
at my opening. With his eyes locked on mine, he gripped my hip with his other
hand and slowly penetrated me, sliding further and further into my slick heat.
Each thrust opened me up more and filled me in places I’d never experienced.

He released my thigh to lean forward and prop on his elbows
beside my shoulders. His body was massive and powerful, leaving me feeling
delicate underneath him. I wrapped my legs around his waist, which pulled him
in tighter to me.

“Easy baby,” he said softly. “You’re so fucking tight I don’t
want to hurt you.”

His lips were ruby red in the lamplight, full from aggressively
kissing me. His brown eyes sparkled with bits of glittery anticipation and
arousal. He sucked and bit at my sensitive nipples, just enough pain to cause
more pleasure.

With the movement of his hips, he drove his hard length deeper
into me. It was pain, pleasure, anticipation, and desire all rolled into one
thing…crazy sex with a hot, hard stranger.

With each thrust, I thirsted more for my pending climax. He
raised his body and pulled my legs over his shoulders. When his thumb drew
circles on my clit, I waited no longer. An orgasm rocked me to my core, taking
my breath away.

Ace paused, allowing me time to recover, then lifted my ass in
his hands and drove hard and fast into me until he reached his own climax. When
I felt the thunderous pulsing of his hard cock inside my heat, I closed my eyes
to bask in the ever-growing sensitivity… Delectable.

A beautiful moan of satisfaction slipped from his lips. Then he
lowered himself to me without pulling out. “You’re beautiful. Insatiable. I
don’t want to stop.”

“Then don’t.”

“Come with me.” He slipped out of me and carried me in his arms
to the bathroom. I watched as he slipped the condom off and disposed of it.
Every move he made was sexy.

The huge marble tub in the corner had room for four people and
had three faucets to fill it. While the water ran, he pulled me close to him
and kissed the top of my head while large hands slid up and down my body. The
room was chilly with all the stone, but he turned on heat lamps in the ceiling,
which warmed me quickly, or maybe it was the heat radiating from his body.
Either way, I felt like a warm, gooey marshmallow…with the stone walls around
my heart melting from the inside out.

“I’ll return,” he mumbled before disappearing.

When he returned with our wine and more of that special bread,
I laughed. “Perfect.”

The hot water felt amazing to my sensitive flesh. Sex like I’d
just experienced took some getting used to, I knew soreness was looming around
the bend, but the hot water helped. I’d never had a man bathe me. In fact, I’d
never even showered with one before.

“You’re so mysterious and secretive. Is that part of your
seduction routine?” I asked.

“I like my privacy. I don’t want you to do anything you don’t
want to.”

“I’m here, aren’t I?”

“There’s so much more I want to show you. Do with you. But only
if you want.”

“So, you like to have sexual playmates?”

“I like to have sex without complication between two people.
I’m not looking for another wife.”

“I’m not looking for anything. I caught my boyfriend of three
years bangin’ his assistant in our apartment last week. It’s too early to even
call it a rebound.”

“That’s about him, not you. Don’t let him put that on you. Turn

I didn’t mind his commands or his control, so I turned around
to face him. He pulled me onto his lap as water splashed over the walls of the
tub. He kissed me passionately, reaching deep within the contours of my mouth
with his tongue. The way he kissed left me breathless.

Left my lips stinging with fire for more.

Left me limp.

Left me dreamy.

I wanted him again.

“You don’t have to worry about birth control. I’m on the pill.”

“Not a risk I take.” He gave me a stern look and then kissed me

Skilled fingers found their way to the perfect spot in my
channel. With his arm behind me, I felt my hips lift and soon found myself
sitting on the tall ledge beside the tub, a frosted glass window behind me.

“Can anyone see me?” I wasn’t a roster member of the exhibitionist

“Just the shadow of your body. It’s exquisite, don’t hide it.”

I was so heated I didn’t care at that moment who watched. I
craved him again. “Please,” I begged.

“Please, what?” he teased with a smirk on his face.

“Fill me. Make me come.”

He stepped out of the tub and retrieved a condom from the
drawer, dried his cock off with a towel, and skillfully applied the latex
cover. The ledge was the perfect height for us. He spread my thighs and slid
into my opening, slick and ready to be filled.




Chapter Six



I woke to strong arms holding me with my cheek propped on a
defined chest and deep brown eyes staring at me.

“Good morning,” he said with a sinful smile.

“Hi. Um, what time is it?”

“Ten o’clock.”

“Oh no, I have to go. I have a baby shower to be at in an
hour.” Quickly sliding off the tall bed, I looked around the room for my
clothes and remembered my skirt and blouse were in the kitchen. While slipping
on my underwear, I noticed he watched me with attentive eyes and upturned lips.

“You like to watch a woman dress?” I prodded.

“I do, but I prefer to watch them undress,” he answered coyly.

“Last night was…amazing.”

“Hmmm, even more delicious than the wine,” he answered

Unschooled on how to properly thank someone for great sex, I
felt awkward in the moment. There was no discussion about seeing each other
again, no “I’ll call you” routine. He stayed in bed and watched me leave.

I sat in my car for a few dreamy moments before I started
over-analyzing the situation. It was great sex, make that
amazing sex
but not the start a relationship—he more than said so.

I could still smell his scent on my skin, picture the stir of
arousal in his eyes flashing in my mind like a movie project and feel the
emptiness in my core, where he was no longer. My heart clenched and skipped a
few beats.

Instantly I knew, seeing him again would only hurt me deeper.
Casual was something I couldn’t do. That was Claire’s forte.


Claire was going to be at the baby shower and full of a million

* * *

The baby shower for Elisabeth, one of my friends through
Connor, had already started by the time I arrived. Thankful I was only fifteen
minutes late, I hoped to blame my tardiness on traffic.

“You having a relapse?” Claire asked.

“No. Why?”

“Your skin is all flushed like you have a fever.”

Oh, I had a fever all right. A sex-filled, hungering fever.
“Just finished a workout,” I mumbled, trying to pass off the start of her
inquisition. It wasn’t a lie. Steamy sex with Ace was definitely a workout. I
couldn’t count high enough for the calories burned!

Claire didn’t press the questions during the shower, which left
me grateful, but we were meeting Ashley later for some holiday shopping, and I
was certain the firing squad would be lining up.

The questions that did come up with Elisabeth and some of the
other girlfriends I expected. Connor had gotten to them first with his side of
the story. I could not have cared less about who was right or wrong in our
relationship, and I clearly professed I was happy to be done with him… End of

After Ace, there was no going back to Connor, ever.

* * *

“Where’s your list?” Ashley asked, with her hand extended and
open in front of me. We’d met up at the mall with a gazillion other holiday

“I don’t have a list. All I need is shoes for the work party

“You’re still going? I thought Claire said you’d changed your

“No, I never changed my mind. I changed my ‘plus one’.”


“Tell me about it. I don’t have anyone to keep my attention,
making me free game for Jim and his less-than-mediocre conversation about how
great he is. What’s taking Claire so long? I’ll call her.”

“No need. She’s over there at Starbucks having more than coffee
with a cute guy.” Ashley pointed to the other side of the food court.

“Typical Claire.” I laughed.

I sent Claire a text, letting her know we’d meet her at
Nordstrom’s shoe department. I hated shopping at the holidays. The mall was

We’d already bought shoes, a bag, and other trinkets by the
time Claire finally emerged.

“Who’s the hottie?” I prodded.

“You don’t recognize him? That’s Mason Taylor. The guy that
works in your condo-building’s sales department.”

“Geez, he looks different unshaven, tat showing, and—a beenie.
He looks…um, hot!”

“We’re going out tonight.” Claire sputtered after a sip of

“Good for you. What’s left on our to-do list?” I asked, while
paying for my earrings, then the realization of what she said hit me. “Wait,
you mean you and Mason are going out tonight?”

“Yes, but before that, me and Ash are coming to your place, and
you can tell us all about your night with Mr. Wonderful, while you get ready
for your party. Then I’m going to meet up with Mason.”

I swirled around to witness the stubborn streak possessed by
both Claire and Ashley. Claire was looking over her glasses and down her nose
at me, while Ashley had her arms crossed on her chest and had that “Dare You”
stance. There was no getting past them.

We caravanned to my apartment, and on the way, I performed a role
play in my brain. I had no intentions of spilling the goods about my evening
with Ace. Things we did were private and too steamy to share.

At my place, I tossed my purchases on the bed and started the
shower. With a little over an hour to get ready, I’d hoped to avoid the

Ashley and Claire camped out on my bed while I primped for the

“So, what’s he like?” Ashley asked.

“Who?” I tried to stall.

“You know who. Ace,” Claire screeched.

“You don’t have to shout. I can hear you normal.”

“I’m shouting because you’re pulling the blonde card. Now,
cover up that skinny ass and get out here and tell us about last night. We know
you didn’t come home last night. Ashley saw you getting into the elevator this
morning still wearing last night’s clothes. That’s why you were late to the
shower. Why did you lie about a workout?”

Shit. Sometimes my best friends were worse than nosey
neighbors. “Okay, fine. I’ll be out in a second.”

It wasn’t the way I’d planned, but sticking to the lies wasn’t
going to be any easier. I slipped on an old t-shirt and yoga pants and prepared
for the interrogation.

With my hands up in surrender, I opened the bathroom door all
the way. While I put on my makeup, I told them about the card Ace had slipped
me. Then I proceeded to tell them how he waited until I exited the bathroom and
nabbed me for the dance, saying he wanted to see me later. I described his
place and the wine.

“That’s all great stuff, but what about the sex part? He’s got
the whole package doesn’t he, big one and all?” Claire said, extending her
hands out a foot or more.

“Claire, get a filter.” I tossed my hairbrush at her,
playfully. “Okay, fine. I slept with him, and it was amazing. But he doesn’t
believe in relationships. He’s a one-nighter. It helped me realize I have to
move past Connor, but I won’t be going to Ace’s again…and I don’t need any
trouble out of you two about it. Please respect my decision.”

“One-night stand, huh?” Claire gave me her best pouty face.

“He said it. He was very clear about it. So let’s move on,
shall we.”

“Was he an amazing, attentive lover?” Ashley asked.

“Ashley? You’re coming out your shell.” I laughed. “Yes, umm…as
a matter of fact, he was the best. Enough. I have to finish getting ready for
the party.”

* * *

I’d always found work parties to be boring and dreaded them.
Nothing excited me about everyone drinking too much and telling too many old
stories. If I was asked about Connor once, I was asked about him at least fifty
times. “My relationship with Connor ran its course,” I would say, trying to
avoid recalling the cheating details.

At least with Ace, I knew what I was getting into…or out of. My
gut clinched tightly at the thought of him. I could still feel the touch of his
skin on mine, the way his lips felt on my flesh, how it felt to be under his
body and in his control. It was easy to recall his scent, possibly imbedded in
my nose for posterity. I even remembered the way his hair grew in a circle
behind his left ear and the mole on his left thigh, storing everything about
him to permanent memory.

When my phone beeped with a text from Ace, I shuddered at the
words on the screen.

Come with me

What did he mean by “Come with me?” I mumbled to myself.

Come with him in the physical, sexual sense?

Go with him somewhere?

So many questions raced through my mind. The mystery was so
much part of his attraction, and his timing was a distraction, but I knew I
couldn’t see him again. I couldn’t do fuck-buddies. I wanted a real
relationship, marriage, and babies someday. Not wanting the text to haunt me, I
deleted it and excused myself from the party. Deleting it only solved the
visual; the memory would have to fade, if possible, over time.

In my mind, I nicknamed him Mr. Unmentionable.

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