Accidentally Yours (Coyote Bluff Series Book 1) (21 page)

BOOK: Accidentally Yours (Coyote Bluff Series Book 1)
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Chapter Twenty-Four


Hot. Cammie was burning up from the inside out. She’d gone from sitting in her own chair to cuddled up in Ian’s arms, against his chest. Once his lips touched hers she was lost. No fear at the quick movements from her shifter lover, no concern over how quickly her heart raced when he touched her. No, her body took over and offered everything in a single caress of her tongue along his lip.

She whimpered when Ian’s hot hands snuck under her shirt and skated lightly up her back. Her skin erupted with goose bumps even as heat flowed languidly to her core. It didn’t matter that they’d just had sex earlier, her body wanted more. Wiggling on his lap got her a slap on the ass. The slight pain felt so good and sent a thrill through her body. She grinned up at him and wiggled again, rubbing her thigh against his obvious arousal.

“Oh, you liked that did you?” He leaned down and nipped her bottom lip with his teeth. His words whispered against her mouth. “I want to undress you and put you over my knee so I can make your beautiful ass all pink from my hand.”

She melted into his embrace. Heat pooled in her pussy. Grasping his head with one hand she pulled him down for a kiss, delving between his parted lips with her tongue. Cammie knew he let her control the kiss, she could feel his restraint in the tight stomach muscles rippling under her palm. Taking the time he gave her, she teased and licked the inside of his mouth. She swept her tongue against his, reveling in the rough texture.

Warm hands settled on her waist. Ian dipped a finger into her jeans, stroking the skin on her lower back. His other hand slid under her shirt again, cupping a breast and tweaking her nipple. Again the slight hint of pain sent a shot of heat to her core.

Whimpering into his mouth was the only way she could convey her need. He understood, rolling her nipple before giving it a slight tug. He brought their kiss to an end, sliding his lips over hers for a moment and humming. “I want to make you come again, Cam. I want you falling apart in my arms.”

She gasped and nodded. He smiled, a look of concentration and adoration flowed through his eyes. The hand on her breast strayed down her belly and, with a twist of his wrist, her jeans popped open. The slide of rough fingertips against her skin had a shiver racing down her spine. The spark of fire that ignited with the first stroke over her clit pulled a moan from her lips. She gave in and dropped her head against his shoulder, spread her legs to give him more room and accepted the pleasure he so readily gave.

It didn’t take long with his whispered words in her ear and talented fingers strumming her nub. The orgasm rushed her, building and exploding within moments. Her sight flashed white, her muscles clenched and a sated sound echoed in her dining room. Air sawed in and out of her lungs, harsh and rough. Warmth radiated as she floated on the endorphins. God, she was going to become addicted to Ian if he could make her come that hard with just his fingers. She pressed her sweaty forehead to his chest, letting reality slowly seep into her mind.

Embarrassment flooded Cammie as she realized she was sprawled, spent and debauched, across Ian’s lap. His cock pressed hard and hot against the zipper of his jeans and into her thigh, evidence of his need. Even as the heat crept up her cheeks she swallowed a moan. She opened her mouth to say something, anything, to explain away her wantonness but nothing came to mind. How do you explain your behavior to someone you sort of know, sort of have fallen in love with, when it was so obviously pleasurable for him too?

“Stop thinking so hard.” Ian pulled her tighter against his body and pressed his lips to her hair before whispering, “Never be embarrassed with me. I think you are absolutely the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.”

She grinned and knew it was one of those lopsided, goofy smiles love-struck people get. But she didn’t care. Ian thought she was sexy.
You are a sap, Cammie, a complete and total twitterpated sap.
For once she actually agreed with her inner monologue and wouldn’t change a thing about it.

Instead of getting up and
blustering around she snuggled deeper into Ian’s embrace, savoring the warmth and quiet comfort they shared. She pressed her lips lightly to his chest. He growled lightly, the sound vibrating her mouth and she grinned. Peeking up found a very sexy shifter staring intently back at her with half-lidded eyes and a sinful smirk.

“Keep that up, babe, and I’ll have you spread out on your table. I’ve lost all control when it comes to you.”

Ian’s deep voice thrummed below her cheek. If she’d been a cat she’d be purring. She burst out laughing.

“What’s so funny?”

She leaned back before answering. “I just thought that if I were a cat I’d be purring, then remembered you’re a do—wolf… and that we wouldn’t get a long quite as well if I actually was a feline.”

He just shook his head and tsked under his breath. “Silly kitten, we’d still be hot for each other, I’d just have deeper gouges on my back from your claws.”

It took her a moment to understand what he was talking about before she smacked his chest. “I didn’t leave any marks.”

Ian’s lip stuck out as he pouted. “I know. It means I wasn’t doing something right.”

Cammie couldn’t help it. She leaned into him, kissed him lightly and whispered, “Maybe next time. I won’t hold back if you want me to mark you.”

Chapter Twenty-Five


Ian’s wolf fed him an image of Cammie’s nail scrapes down his chest, marking him as hers
, and his eyes tingled as they changed. His wolf really liked the idea of being claimed, wearing scars placed by his mate. Rarely did his two halves fight over anything, but he’d spent so much time with Cammie in his wolf form that the animal had already formed a mate-bond with her.

“Don’t tempt us with that promise, Cammie. It’s too close to what we want.” He knew he growled the words but he needed to warn her. He’d finally gotten her to loosen up around him. Showing his animal side shining through probably wasn’t the best way to keep her calm and snuggly. To his amazement she didn’t shy away as she’d done the day before. She scrunched her brows in a cute look of thought.

“Explain the reaction to what I said. You bristled, growled and now you’re sporting Titan’s eyes.”

Sucking in a deep, calming breath helped to center himself before he spoke. “Shifters are more primal than a normal man. We want to claim our mates and show the entire world they’re ours by scent and scars. But we have the desire to be marked by our mates as well
, even if one of us takes a human partner. The thought of you leaving scratches down my chest for everyone to see?” He shivered and again sucked in a calming breath. “Yeah. That would be something we’d love. I’d walk through town without a shirt on for days to show off to everyone that I’m yours.”

The sweet scent of Cammie’s arousal pulled a growl from his chest.
When she wiggled her pelvis ground against his. Grabbing her hips his mind warred with his body. Ian knew the conversation was important, but his dick wanted another go at her tight heat, to mark her again as his with the scent of his cum.

“Cam, babe. You have to stop moving or I’ll have you again. We need to talk. You need to understand and not question my words.”

She stilled on his lap but still looking deeply into his eyes, as if she could dig down to his very soul and judge him by what she found. With a deep breath all he could sense was her sweet arousal and concentration. A thrill of hope burned brightly in his chest. No fear tainted her smell. Was she finally starting to believe?

“I, um…” Cammie sucked in a shaky breath and he fought the urge to pull into his chest and comfort her. Whatever it was sitting on her tongue needed to be said. He could feel it in his bones. Patiently he waited. “I want this magical connection you keep talking about. God knows more than anyone else that I already love you, I think I did before I even knew you were a man. I’m just scared.” She shook her head and held up a finger to stop Ian from speaking. “No. Not really scared, more reluctant? Something close to that. I’ve made so many mistakes in the last year and if I give into my heart on this and you leave me, shit, that will kill me.”

The ache in her voice was too much. Ian leaned forward and kissed her lightly, then pulled her against his chest. He sighed as her head tucked perfectly beneath his chin. “I promise, on my life and my honor within the pack that I will
willingly hurt you. We’ve chosen. You’re it for us. Even if you left me I’d still follow you around and protect you. I love you, Cam. The wolf in me loves you. We want to make you happy, ensure you’re safe and keep you.”

A shiver sent sparks down his spine as Cammie’s tongue licked a lazy pa
th along his collar bone. His wolf howled wildly in his head with the submissive and animal-like move. If they’d been in wolf-form she’d be signaling her acceptance of his thoughts and his claim on her. His mind threw a completely different picture of that wet, warm organ to the front of his mind. It included his cock and Cammie kneeling at his feet.

“Fuck.” He growled. “You’re wicked.”

She chuckled against his skin. “You just taste so good.”

“Before I lose all sense of what we were talking about—
” Ian maneuvered her by lightly grabbing her shoulders and pushing her away from his body. When her eyes found his he wanted to jump for joy at the happiness shining at him. “—I need you to listen carefully. If I mark you, which I’m sure will happen soon if we don’t slow down and cool off, you’re mine. No one will ever be able to touch you again. Every single shifter who comes near you will know that you are a mate. They’ll treat you as such. You’ll no longer be Cammie the human.”

He watched in wonder as she swallowed loudly and nodded. “I understand. Ian, I want us—

The distance sound of car tires and an immediate chorus of coyote yips stopped her words on a gasp. “Fuck. Of course
is when the asshole would show up. Get up quickly.” Ian lifted his soon-to-be-mate off his lap and groaned. He set Cammie on her feet and pointed toward the stairs. “Hurry and bring your gun.”


Wouldn’t you know it? Stupid Ron would have to show up the exact moment her future was about to take a huge step forward. A thrill of excitement raced through Cammie. Ian loved her. She grinned even as she scrambled through her bedroom door, already searching frantically for her weapon and shoes. Ian loved her and wanted to keep her forever. The analytical and pessimistic part of her brain tried to step in but she slapped it down. She wanted—no deserved—her chance at happiness and she was taking it. When this situation with Ron was all over she was going to finish her thought and let Ian know that she wanted what he was offering. She wanted forever together, even if he turned into a big freaking animal.

A nervous giggle bubbled up from her chest as she pulled
her rifle from under her bed. Trying to keep the knowledge that there were shifters running around her house and even now were tracking the approach of her abusive ex-boyfriend from overrunning her mind didn’t seem to be working. “Strong, girlie. You’re stronger than you think.”

The whispered words gave her a dose of reality and helped settle her nerves some. Ron was just a human. Even wielding a gun he was out numbered, out muscled and out brained. Sucking in a deep breath finished her mental preparation.
She dragged out her trusty .22 rifle and, for good measure, grabbed a full box of ammunition. With practiced fingers she loaded five bullets into the gun and chambered one. She checked the safety to ensure it was on before heaving herself to her feet and resolutely walking toward the stairs. Fear wasn’t going to keep her from taking her life back.

The silence that greeted her at the bottom of the steps was eerie but not unexpected. She was fairly sure Ian couldn’t remain in the house with danger approaching. Just to be sure, though, she made a circuit through the house, checking each room and glancing out each window. The sound of an approaching car was clear to her now, which meant she had about a minute before he’d arrive.

Her hands started to shake as the sound of tires on gravel got louder. She entered the empty kitchen just as the sound of a thousand animals voiced their anger in loud yelps and howls. Walking out onto her porch had her amending the number to about fifteen or so coyotes. Her hands twitched with the need to cover her ears, but then she’d have to put her gun down. She’d deal with going deaf instead of putting down her only weapon.

Glancing around had a sense of calm and awe flowing over her. The shifters had arranged themselves around Ian, who stood strong and sexy in the middle of the driveway. He looked like Tarzan or the Beastmaster
, with his bare back gleaming in the morning sun. She bit back a groan. She felt warmth pool in her pussy.
Sure, a great time to get turned on when your maniac of an ex is barreling down the road toward your new boyfriend.
She snickered. The story of her life, reacting inappropriately to situations.

Ian growled something to the closest animals and they nodded. She had no idea what he’d said
but it had every single one of them melting away, sneaking into shadows, under bushes and disappearing from sight. It was amazing to watch. A single creature stole up the steps and tucked itself behind a chair. It looked up at Cammie and tilted its head slightly before flopping its tongue out of a grinning mouth.

She grinned back and chuckled. “Well, hello there. I guess you’re my protector?”

The coyote nodded once and chuffed.

Shaking her head she wondered which of the town’s people was sitting three feet from her all furred up and slobbery. If they’d had time she would have started guessing, but
just then the gleam of Ron’s car came into view between the trees at the end of her driveway.

She’d anticipated the fear, but the shock of fury burning in her gut with the first look of the asshole’s face through the windshield stole her breath. She growled and gripped her gun a little tighter. “Fucker.”

The word slipped from her lips on a snarl and she took a step closer to the stairs.

“Stay up there, Cam.” Ian’s command stopped her in her tracks for a moment. When she went to move
again his next words had her hmphing under her breath. “Please. Stay up there.”

“Fine. But if you get hurt I’m going to be pissed.”

His chuckle soothed and loosened something in her chest. He was having fun with this. She relaxed the hold on the gun and tried to relax a little. They had a whole mess of shifters hiding around her house in case Ron got stupid. They’d be fine. Cammie crossed her fingers anyway. She wouldn’t pass up some extra luck.

The coyote next to her whined quietly and when she turned her gaze to it she found it’d come closer. She placed her hand out and smiled when it scooted close enough that she could dig her fingers into the fur on top of its head. She gave the animal a quick scratch. “Thanks. I’m nervous.”

A wet tongue slopped over her hand. “Eww, thanks, but don’t do that.”

“Christ, Zeke, keep your tongue to yourself. My wolf is ready to kick your ass for being so close to her already.” Ian’s voice carried on the slight breeze.

Cammie glanced down at the still grinning beast at her feet. “Zeke? Figures.” She made a big deal about wiping her hands on her jeans. “Keep your germs to yourself. I have no idea where that tongue has been.”

Ian’s chuckle blended with Zeke’s mock growl. The teasing eased the rest of her unease.

“Everyone ready?” Ian’s question had small yips sounding from the surrounding area.

Cammie opened her mouth to ask him what he meant but she didn’t get the chance. Ron slammed on his brakes and skidded on the loose gravel, stopping inches from Ian’s legs. Before the car had even fully came to rest the driver’s door was thrown open and a crazed Ron jumped out.

! You fucking asshole. You’re the one that stole her from me?
?! She’s mine.” Ron’s angry shouts were nearly unintelligible as he raced toward a statuesque Ian.

When the furious man raised the hand he’d had tucked against his leg Cammie gasped before screaming. “Gun. Ian, he’s got a gun.”

Before she finished her sentence Ian had struck, grabbing the gun and throwing it into the woods. He spun Ron around with a quick shove. Ian’s movements were silent and stealthy. Actually as soon as the gun had come up the entire area had gone eerily quiet. It felt like every living thing, including her, had held its breath.

“What the fuck?” Ron spun back around, nearly falling as he tripped over his own feet.

“I don’t want to hurt you, Ronald.” Ian’s voice was calm, cool, collected. He stepped back into the same stance he’d been in since they’d spied Ron’s car. “You will be stopped, though. I won’t allow you to hurt Cammie. She’s no longer your concern.”

“The fuck she’s not.” Ron ran, fist cocked, at Ian. He launched himself at the shifter.

Cammie tried not to gasp or react, but she still reacted when the man who’d had her death gleaming in his eyes only days earlier was flying through the air with deadly intent spewing from his open mouth.

Ian moved faster than she could track, but the sound of flesh hitting flesh echoed in the silence of the morning. Ron’s body rolled along the ground back toward his car a moment after Ian had blurred.

“I told you, I don’t want to hurt you, but if you continue attacking me I am in full rights to kill you.” Ian wasn’t even breathing hard. He stood exactly as before, feet slightly spread, arms crossed over his thick chest and a bored smirk on his face.

Ron, like a rabid dog, rolled around in the dirt, spitting and snarling. He slowly climbed to his hands and knees. When he raised his head and glared at Cammie she struggled not to take a step back. His face was coated in dust from her driveway
, which gave his skin a sickly shade, but it was the flatness of his stare that caused her nerves to crawl. His lips curled back and drool dripped from the corner of his mouth.

“You’re dead, bitch. No one leaves me. You’re mine and I’ll carve your heart out before I eat it. Just like I’ve done with the others.” His words hung heavy with promise as he launched himself to his feet, clenched fists shook at his sides. He turned his head to the side and spit blood onto the gravel before taking a step toward Cammie.

Before she could move, react, or even scream, coyote-Zeke was standing in front of her feet, growling, and Ian was at her side. The touch of coarse fur against her ankle and heat from Ian’s arm against hers helped settle her nerves. She shook inside but having her friend and lover touching her made it better. She knew they wouldn’t let Ron get to her.

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