Accepting His Terms (9 page)

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Authors: Isabella Kole

Tags: #romance, #Contemporary, #Literature & Fiction

BOOK: Accepting His Terms
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At precisely nine o’clock the next morning Jarrod arrived at Jill’s apartment. As he carried her bags to the car, he remarked, “We’re only going for two weeks, you know.”

“I didn’t know what to pack,” she replied with a grin.

“You really won’t need much in the way of clothes if I get my way,” he teased.

“And you usually do,” she replied saucily as she got into the car and buckled her seat belt.

The drive to Gatlinburg was beautiful. They talked about the honeymoon, and the

things he wanted to show her in Naples and the surrounding area. When they arrived at their hotel, they had just enough time to change and head to the chapel for the ceremony.

As they entered the suite, she looked around. “You reserved the honeymoon suite?”

“No, actually, I didn’t. Here’s a card. Let’s read it.” He laughed as he read the card from his staff and handed it to her.

“Oh, how sweet, I guess they’re okay with this after all,” she said as she read the note. Written in Susie’s handwriting, the card said, “Enjoy the suite, you two, compliments of your staff. P.S. Jill, Make sure you put the boss in a good mood so that when he returns to the office, he’ll be nice.”

“They really think I’m that bad?” he asked after she’d read it.

“You can be a little scary at times,” she replied with a grin.

“Good, let’s keep it that way,” he said with a chuckle as he playfully swatted her ass.

“Later, big boy, I have to make myself beautiful.” She grabbed her dress and makeup bag and headed to the bathroom. When she emerged, she was a vision. But as he stared at her, with his mouth gaping open, she was too busy looking at him to notice.

Noticing how debonair he looked in his sleek, gray suit, the corners of her lips turned up as she drank in the sight of  his jet black hair, styled to perfection, his strong muscular arms, bulging within the jacket sleeves, and his gray-blue eyes sparkling with love. And he was hers, all hers. She loved the way he loosened his tie every time he wore one and started to take it off for her. She envisioned the scene later when he would again loosen the expensive silk tie he was wearing as he walked toward her. She could see him as he unbuttoned his shirt, exposing his muscular six-pack for only her to see. Just as she was about to swoon, he was there, in front of her, leaning his face down to meet hers.

“Kiss me,” he commanded quietly.

She did and as his arms went around her waist, her hand wandered to his groin. He was hard already.

“Damn, woman, wait for that. Let’s go get hitched,” he said as he backed away.

“Just making sure I still turn you on with a kiss before I agree to a lifetime with you,” she teased.

“Your ass is so in trouble for that one,” he said with a wicked grin.

“Bring it on, Mr. Baine.”

“You’ll think bring it on,” he teased as he grabbed his car keys and took her hand.

Chapter Ten

Ready to hit the beach, Jill rummaged through her suitcase, finally pulling out her string bikini.

Jarrod walked in from the bathroom and said, “Oh, no, you’re not wearing that on the beach. That’s for my eyes only.”

 “Too bad, it’s all I have,” she retorted. “And I might add your Speedos don’t leave much to the imagination, either.”

“I bought a pair of trunks to pack. I didn’t think you’d want me to wear the Speedos any more than I want you in that bikini.”

“Oh, so you’re saying I’m not as smart as you,” she said just a bit sarcastically.

“I didn’t say that, but I’d have thought you’d have packed a different suit for the beach.”

She started to strip out of her clothes and as she stepped into the bikini bottoms, openly defying his request for her not to wear them, he covered the space between them in two long strides, and grabbed her wrist. “Jill, I’m warning you.”

“You’re really serious, aren’t you?” she asked, blue eyes flashing.

“I don’t want every guy on the beach ogling my wife,” he replied. “I’ll give you my credit card and you can go downstairs and buy something else.”

“And what if I say no?” she replied, forgetting what might happen if she didn’t cool her temper soon.

“Then you’ll either take what you deserve or not go to the beach.”

“Take what I deserve, all because I want to wear my bikini to the beach?” she asked, not about to back down from this fight. “Or not go to the beach? You can’t be serious, Jarrod.”

“You really want to argue about something like this on our honeymoon?” he asked with a stare as cold as ice. “I’m only asking that you not show off that beautiful body to every guy on the beach. You’re my wife now.”

“I don’t want to fight. I just don’t see what the big deal is.”

He sat down on the bed and pulled her across his knee before she had a chance to say anything else. The bikini bottoms came off and his hand came down on her right ass cheek hard.

“Dammit, Jarrod, this isn’t fair,” she yelled as she squirmed on his lap.

He repeated the action on her left cheek. Both cheeks were red and smarting after several more smacks, but she wasn’t backing down. “I’m still wearing it.”

“Do you have any idea how infuriating you can be?” he asked softly as he smacked her ass again, rubbing it gently between spanks.

“I revel in infuriating you, believe me,” she replied.

“I can tell. You wanted this, you picked a fight so I’d do it, didn’t you?”

“Sure, I like having a red ass.”

He smacked her four more times. By this time, she was whimpering slightly. He pulled her into his arms. “Baby, don’t.”

“I don’t like being told no. I saw nothing wrong with the bikini, Jarrod.”

“I know you don’t like to be told no when you really want something. Your dad and I discussed it. But there are some things you just can’t have your way about, baby.  I should have told you I don’t want you to wear the bikini in public, I assumed you would know that. So are we going shopping for a new suit or are we staying in? Please don’t make this any more of an issue than it already is.”

“I can’t go to the beach with a red ass,” she replied.

He laughed. “I have a better idea, anyway. Let’s stay in and make our own fun. Tomorrow morning, we’ll go shopping and we’ll spend the rest of the day at the beach.”

She didn’t reply as she sniffled.

“Baby?” he asked.

“Okay, you win. But you’re not going to win every argument by spanking my ass, no matter how much you seem to think I need it.”

“I don’t want to win every argument, just some of them.” He kissed her forehead. “Baby, are we good now?”

“We’re good. You should know that by now,” she said as she put her hand on his chest. “You don’t want me to wear the bikini and I should respect your wishes the way you thought you were respecting mine by not wearing the Speedos. I think we should have discussed certain issues though.”

“Come here, baby, I need to love you.” He lay back on the bed pulling her with him.

Once again, she was lost in his kiss, as his expert tongue weaved its way inside the cavern of her mouth, entwining with hers. When her hand found its way to his cock, it was already hard and ready for her.

“Oh, you start that and I’m not going to last. You’ve got me so worked up over the damn bikini,” he murmured.

“If my defying you works you up that much, I’ll have to remember to do it again soon,” she teased as she wound her fingers around his thickness.

“Oh, damn, you’re wicked,” he said as he removed her hand and rolled her over.

She grinned at him and licked her lips.

“Are you as ready as I am or do you need some encouragement?” he asked as his gray-blue eyes met hers.

“I’m always ready for you, although I like encouragement,” she said.

“So what’s it going to be?”

“Just fuck me, for crying out loud,” she said as she ground her hips against him.

“A woman who knows what she wants, yes,” he said as he thrust his cock inside her waiting wetness. He stopped, pulled almost completely out, and slammed into her again.

“Damn,” she said. “Do that again.”

He chuckled. “You’re a witch, you know that? A hot, red-headed, sassy witch and I love it.”

As he thrust into her again and again, his hands cupped her sore ass and she gasped. He caressed her ass cheeks, which brought her even closer to oblivion. As she began to feel the first wave, she cried out.

“Scream as loud as you want. No one’s going to hear you,” he said.

She did as he said, and he soon joined her.

Afterward, she said, “I like that this is our own private beach house. Last night you had to hold your hand over my mouth for fear the people in the next room would hear me. Am I really that loud?”

Grinning, he replied, “Let’s just say, you rock the house, baby.”

“I’m going to have to be very careful about that, aren’t I?”

“Not when we’re alone at home.”

“Maybe we should curb our activities, and only indulge at home.”

He replied calmly in an even voice, “Not on your life. When I want my wife, I want my wife. And I think it’s hot on my desk.”

“Now who’s the wicked one?” she asked.

He grinned. “Let’s order food. I’ve worked up an appetite.”

“I can see how spanking and sex could make you hungry.”

“Baby, you asked for it,” he said. “Are you having second thoughts about this mild form of domestic discipline we agreed upon? We can go another direction anytime. I told you that.”

“No, just giving you a hard time.”

“Just for that, I should warm that sweet ass again, but I won’t.”

“I would tell you to go for it, but I’m a little sore. That was pretty hard.”

“Harder than the first one?” he asked in surprise.

“Maybe,” she said as she stood up. “We’re going to get the hang of it. It’s new for both of us and we might at some point decide we don’t want it. I don’t know, Jarrod. It’s been hot at times and it’s been necessary at times, and it’s been playful at times. We’re experimenting and we’re learning, together.”

“I could always ask your dad for pointers,” he teased.

“Don’t you dare!” she exclaimed.

“Come here, baby.” He pulled her onto his lap and held her close. “Do you know how much I adore you?”




The next day after breakfast, the two newlyweds went shopping and Jill bought two swim suits, a cover up, and a new sundress. After thinking about the events of the day before, she could understand her new husband’s reluctance for her to show off her body on the beach. After all, it was his protective, possessive side coming to the surface. And truth be known, she was glad to know he had thought enough of her feelings to pack something less revealing than his sexy Speedos. They were going to have many disagreements, she imagined, as they found their way.

As they walked to the beach, hand-in-hand, she smiled up at him and said, “This is the life, isn’t it? I can’t believe you don’t want to live here full-time.”

He laughed. “Actually I’ve considered it more than once. But Tennessee is my home and I’ve built the business there. This is a welcome getaway for me and now it will be the same for us, our own little private paradise.”

They found a spot in an area that wasn’t crowded and set their beach chairs down.

“Let me put some lotion on your back so you don’t burn, baby,” he said as he fished for the bottle of sunscreen in the bag she had packed.

She turned around and relaxed as he rubbed the lotion sensuously into her skin. Would there ever be a time his touch wouldn’t awaken every nerve ending in her body, setting them aflame with desire for him? She sighed and closed her eyes, enjoying the feel of his hands on her back and the cool lotion as his touch turned it into a scorching liquid.

When he finished, he handed her the bottle. “My turn,” he said as he turned around.

She took the bottle from him and proceeded to do to him what he had just done to her. As her cool hands rubbed the sunscreen into his skin, she smiled as she saw him shudder at her touch. She leaned over and kissed his shoulder, and whispered, “Maybe we should have picked a more secluded spot.”

He turned and said, “You’re a witch for sure. You have me under your spell.” He leaned over and kissed her before he said, “Now behave yourself and enjoy your day at the beach, Mrs. Baine.”

She giggled as she sat back, picked up a magazine, and began flipping through the pages.

An hour later, he looked up from his book and said, “Race you to the water.”

“You’re on. I need to cool off.” She jumped up, threw down her magazine, and was off.

As he caught up to her at the water’s edge, he scooped her up and carried her out into the salty gulf waters. He playfully threw her into the water and then joined her and wrapped his arms around her.

“I’ll never let you fall, never let you drown. I’ll always be around to pick you up,” he said as he kissed her.

They swam for a while and finally she decided they should find some food. “Do you want to go back to the house?” she asked.

“It’s up to you. If you’ve had enough sun, we can go back up and get dressed. There’s a great seafood place up the road. We can make it a late lunch, early dinner.”

“I think that’s a good idea,” she agreed. “I don’t want to burn my first day out.”

“Fair-skinned redhead, yeah, you’re right, we really should go,” he said as he began gathering their belongings.

They began the trek back to the beach house, stopping to pick up shells along the way. Jill wanted to take some home for her niece and nephew. When they reached their house, he opened the door and let her go in first. He set the chairs on the porch and followed her in.

She walked into the master bedroom, dropping her cover up on the floor as she headed into the adjoining bathroom. Dropping her swimsuit, she hoped he’d take the hint and follow her.

As he walked in and spied the trail she’d left with the cover up and her swimsuit, he shed his trunks and went into the bathroom, just as she’d planned. He silently walked up behind her as she turned the water on. When he nuzzled her neck, she jumped. “Oh, babe, you scared me.”

“Did I now? I thought you left that trail as a hint,” he said with a low chuckle.

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